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Aujourd’hui — 28 mai 2024Flux principal

GPT-5 arrive bientôt : OpenAI entraîne un « modèle de nouvelle génération »

28 mai 2024 à 12:17

Dans un billet de blog dédié à la formation d'un conseil de sécurité, OpenAI officialise l'existence d'un nouveau modèle de langage conçu pour remplacer GPT-4. L'annonce de GPT-5, que certains imaginent planifée pour le mois de juin, se rapproche.

Hier — 27 mai 2024Flux principal

Qui a envie que Scarlett Johansson lui soupire à l’oreille ?

25 mai 2024 à 08:15

OpenAI a doté son nouvel assistant vocal d'une voix très proche de celle de Scarlett Johansson (malgré le refus de l'article d'être la voix du logiciel). À qui profiterait vraiment un futur ressemblant au film Her ? C'est le thème de la newsletter Règle 30 cette semaine.

À partir d’avant-hierFlux principal

Comment empêcher Facebook et Instagram de piquer vos données pour entraîner leurs IA

24 mai 2024 à 10:22

Meta AI

Facebook a bien l'intention d'entraîner son IA avec vos contenus sur le réseau social, et Instagram aussi. Cette nouvelle politique doit être lancée à partir du 26 juin 2024. Cependant, les internautes peuvent s'opposer à ce traitement de leurs données personnelles. Avec, toutefois, certaines limites.

Le patron de Microsoft désavoue les délires d’OpenAI sur la voix de Scarlett Johansson

23 mai 2024 à 15:25


Le patron de Microsoft, Satya Nadella, n'aime pas trop la tendance de l'IA à aller vers l'anthropomorphisation. La récente trajectoire prise par OpenAI, un très proche partenaire, est indirectement critiquée.

OpenAI accusé de pratiquer de « l’esclavage moderne » pour entrainer ChatGPT

Par : Aurore Gayte
23 mai 2024 à 11:48

ChatGPT OpenAI chatbot

Des travailleurs kényans ont écrit une lettre ouverte à Joe Biden, en l'exhortant d'améliorer leurs conditions de travail. Dans leur lettre, ils expliquent être victimes des pratiques des entreprises des nouvelles technologies américaines, qui réservent leurs emplois les plus durs et les moins bien payés à des travailleurs africains.

Une « cyberattaque d’une force inédite » : la Nouvelle-Calédonie ciblée avant l’arrivée de Macron

22 mai 2024 à 10:22

ddos deni de service

La Nouvelle-Calédonie a été victime d'une attaque informatique qui a touché son principal fournisseur d'accès à Internet. Une opération qui a consisté à envoyer de nombreux mails pour saturer le réseau, et qui a eu lieu alors que le président de la République Emmanuel Macron se rend sur place.

Une « cyberattaque d’une force inédite » : la Nouvelle-Calédonie ciblée avant l’arrivée de Macron

22 mai 2024 à 10:22

ddos deni de service

La Nouvelle-Calédonie a été victime d'une attaque informatique qui a touché son principal fournisseur d'accès à Internet. Une opération qui a consisté à envoyer de nombreux mails pour saturer le réseau, et qui a eu lieu alors que le président de la République Emmanuel Macron se rend sur place.

Scarlett Johansson n’est pas la voix de l’assistant vocal d’OpenAI

Par : Aurore Gayte
20 mai 2024 à 16:32

L'entreprise a dévoilé un assistant vocal, au comportement très humain, qui a immédiatement fait penser au film Her. L'une des voix féminines proposées par OpenAI a été retirée, a annoncé l'entreprise, car elle ressemblait trop à celle de l'actrice Scarlett Johansson.

ChatGPT va pouvoir puiser sans limites dans les publications Reddit

17 mai 2024 à 13:09


OpenAI et Reddit ont signé un deal pour que le premier puisse accéder au contenu en temps réel de l'API de données du second. Cela offre à ChatGPT l'opportunité de puiser dans les discussions du site web communautaire.

Une visite guidée impressionnante des locaux de !

Par : Korben
16 mai 2024 à 01:52

Malgré l’heure tardive, j’espère que vous êtes bien réveillé parce que je vous emmène dans une visite incroyable au cœur des coulisses d’une entreprise que j’aime beaucoup : ! Les esprits brillants qui travaillent là bas, on eu la gentillesse d’ouvrir grand les portes de leurs bureaux à San Diego dans un live Youtube aujourd’hui, et croyez-moi, ça en vaut la peine !

Alors, pour ceux qui sont à la masse, c’est une startup fondée par George Hotz, qui carbure à l’innovation et qui s’attaque à rien de moins qu’au défi de la voiture autonome ! Et malgré ce qu’on pourrait penser quand on regarde les médias grands publics, on n’est pas du tout dans du vaporware puisque ça fonctionne très bien… D’ailleurs bien mieux que ce qu’il y a sur Tesla.

Avec ses algorithmes avancés d’apprentissage automatique et une intégration hardware plutôt sophistiquée et robuste, ce boitier transforme n’importe quelle voiture compatible en un véhicule semi-autonome (niveau 2 voire 2 et demi). D’ailleurs, leur produit est déjà opérationnel sur le terrain et utilisé par des milliers de personnes dont les retours sont très positif.

Mais ce qui fait la particularité de cette entreprise, c’est que leurs ingénieurs développent leur produit de A à Z, du hardware au logiciel en passant par les modèles IA…etc. C’est ce qu’on appelle une véritable boîte tech !

Et ne se contente pas de rêver, ils réalisent et ils livrent. Leur approche, qui allie matériel ouvert et logiciels libres, permet à une communauté mondiale de contributeurs d’améliorer leurs systèmes en continu. De plus, la transparence et la collaboration sont au cœur de leurs valeurs, ce qui permet de rendre les véhicules plus « intelligents », la conduite plus « chill » et les routes plus sûres.

Et si vous aimez les défis techniques, la conception, l’IA…etc et que vous êtes super bon, peu importe vos diplômes, sachez que Comma recrute à fond en ce moment… Je dis ça, je dis rien.

Et justement dans cette vidéo, vous allez découvrir leur fameux produit, le Comma 3, en pleine fabrication. Les gars nous font visiter leur « Comma Factory », là où la magie opère et où chaque élément est conçu avec une précision méticuleuse, de la conception des cartes à leur assemblage final. Vous aurez ainsi un aperçu unique de l’environnement de développement, mais également des défis techniques rencontrés et des innovations mises en place.

Enfin, si la sécurité en ligne vous intéresse, sachez qu’ils mettent un point d’honneur à protéger les informations de leurs utilisateurs et chaque ligne de code est scrutée à la loupe pour garantir une robustesse maximale contre les attaques potentielles.

Bref, retenez bien le nom de cette société car grâce à cette bande de geeks, le futur des voitures autonomes… c’est déjà le présent.

« Qu’ont-ils vu ? » : deux dirigeants d’OpenAI partent, les rumeurs reprennent

Par : Aurore Gayte
15 mai 2024 à 12:31

Le départ de deux dirigeants d'OpenAI intrigue, et soulève à nouveau des questions sur sa gestion. Quelques mois après le départ et le retour tumultueux de Sam Altman à la tête de l'entreprise, certains y voient même le signe qu'OpenAI ne maîtrise pas sa technologie.

Project Astra : Google répond à ChatGPT-4o avec un assistant capable de parler et de voir

14 mai 2024 à 19:33

Développé par Google DeepMind, « Project Astra » est une démonstration du futur des assistants intelligents. L'objectif de Google est de concevoir un outil multimodal capable d'écrire, de parler et de voir. Certaines fonctions seront intégrées à l'app Gemini.

GPT2-chatbot – Une IA mystère qui serait la prochaine évolution d’OpenAI (GPT-4.5 / GPT-5) ?

Par : Korben
30 avril 2024 à 09:51

Vous avez entendu parler de GPT2-chatbot ?

C’est un modèle de langage un peu mystérieux, accessible uniquement sur le site, qui semble avoir des super pouvoirs dignes de ChatGPT. Mais attention, suspense… Personne ne sait d’où il sort ! Ce chatbot anonyme fait tourner les têtes cette semaine après être devenu disponible sur un important site de référence pour les grands modèles de langage, LMSYS Org. Beaucoup considèrent qu’il a à peu près les mêmes capacités que GPT-4 d’OpenAI, ce qui le place dans une rare catégorie de modèles d’IA que seule une poignée de développeurs dans le monde a pu atteindre.

Quand on lui pose la question, ce petit malin de GPT2-chatbot clame haut et fort qu’il est basé sur l’archi de GPT-4 sauf que voilà, ça colle pas vraiment avec son blaze GPT-2…

Les communautés d’IA en ligne se sont emballées au sujet de l’anonyme gpt2-chatbot. Un utilisateur de X affirme que gpt2-chatbot a presque codé un clone parfait du jeu mobile Flappy Bird. Un autre utilisateur de X dit qu’il a résolu un problème de l’Olympiade internationale de mathématiques en un seul coup. Sur de longs fils Reddit, les utilisateurs spéculent sauvagement sur les origines de gpt2-chatbot et se disputent pour savoir s’il provient d’OpenAI, de Google ou d’Anthropic. Il n’y a aucune preuve de ces affirmations, mais les tweets de Sam Altman, PDG d’OpenAI, et d’autres cadres n’ont fait que jeter de l’huile sur le feu.

Mise à jour : De nouvelles informations importantes sont apparues concernant GPT2-chatbot :

  • Il est extrêmement probable que GPT2-chatbot fonctionne sur un serveur géré par OpenAI ou associé à OpenAI, comme le révèle la comparaison de messages d’erreur d’API spécifiques.
  • GPT2-chatbot a été rendu indisponible sur depuis le 30 avril vers 18h UTC. LMSYS a également mis à jour de façon opportune sa politique d’évaluation des modèles hier.
  • GPT2-chatbot utilise le même tokenizer « tiktoken » qu’OpenAI et présente les mêmes vulnérabilités et résistances aux injections de prompts malicieux que les modèles d’OpenAI.
  • Lorsqu’on lui demande les coordonnées de son fournisseur, il donne des informations de contact très détaillées d’OpenAI.

Tout cela va clairement dans le sens de l’hypothèse selon laquelle GPT2-chatbot serait bien un nouveau modèle GPT d’OpenAI, probablement une version préliminaire de GPT-4.5. Les performances sont en effet un cran au-dessus de GPT-4 tout en restant dans la même lignée.

L’accès à GPT2-chatbot est actuellement limité à 8 messages par jour et par utilisateur en mode « tchatche directe ». Pour continuer après, il faut passer en mode « Battle ». Les restrictions plus importantes que pour GPT-4 suggèrent que le modèle a un coût de calcul plus élevé.

Malheureusement, suite à un trafic trop important, LMSYS a dû temporairement désactiver l’accès à GPT2-chatbot. Affaire à suivre donc pour découvrir l’identité réelle de ce mystérieux modèle et les plans d’OpenAI à son sujet. Une version plus large sera-t-elle bientôt diffusée ? Réponse dans les prochaines semaines !

Prêt à tester les talents cachés de GPT2-chatbot ?

Si un jour, ça remarche, direction, sélectionnez « gpt2-chatbot », cliquez sur « Chat » et c’est parti mon kiki !

Vous aurez le droit à 8 messages gratos en mode « tchatche directe » et après, faut passer en mode « Battle » pour continuer à jouer. Un petit conseil : pensez à repartir d’une page blanche en cliquant sur « New Round » à chaque fois que vous changez de sujet, sinon il risque de perdre le fil.

On verra bien dans quelques semaines quelle théorie sortira gagnante de ces discussions. Il y a très peu d’informations disponibles sur gpt2-chatbot pour l’instant mais il semble clair qu’un acteur majeur est derrière ce modèle IA.


Perplexity on 4sysops: New AI model with integrated online search

3 avril 2024 à 14:46
I wanted to let you know that we have added a new model to 4sysops AI called Perplexity PPLX 70B Online. What sets this model apart is that it conducts an online search for every query and summarizes the content from the first few result pages. This approach has the advantage of providing access to timely information.

UGREEN NAS Software – The UGOS Beta Review

Par : Rob Andrews
3 avril 2024 à 18:00

UGREEN NASync NAS Storage Software Early Beta Review

Many of you might have already heard about the NAS solution (the NASync DXP series) coming from UGREEN soon. Arriving initially on Kickstarter on the 26th March, this product will hopefully be rolling out to backers in mid-summer 2024, with it no doubt arriving at traditional retail after then. As good as the hardware all sounds on the DXP2800, DXP4800, DXP6800, DXP8800 and DXP480T), what about the software? UGREEN NAS devices arrive with the UGOS software (alongside some client toosl for PC, Mac, Android and iOS) and many users want to know if it is any good, what state the current beta is in, and ultimately how good is this inclusive software. So, today I am going through the UGREEN UGOS NAS software (at the time of writing, version, discussing what I like, what I don’t and indications of where UGREEN seems to be headed with this Debian-based platform

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software (Beta) Review – The TL:DR

In a rush? let’s get to the point! Here is what I think of the UGREEN NAS software for desktop and NAS:

What I liked About the UGREEN UGOS Software Beta What I did not like about the UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta
  • The Mobile Application is exceptionally good, for an ‘in development’ system
  • The building blocks for future apps and services are there
  • All the RAID, Caching, Maintenance and Sharing protocols are in place (BTRFS too)
  • Storage Manager is intuitive and clear
  • Very good help/assistance services
  • Search functionality and File Management tools are smooth, responsive and user-friendly
  • AI services in photo tools are good and diverse
  • Quick Repair for on RAID drive blocks is nice extra
  • The Manual Deduplication tool is also a nice extra touch
  • System power, controls, schedules and operation management is all very user-friendly
  • All the system options, UX and placement are exactly where they should be
  • File Service controls, Firewall Controls and Network management controls are clear and fully featured (for the most part, MTU was fixed)
  • Lack of 2FA/OTP Authentication
  • Inconsistencies in fonts and design at points
  • Lack of WORM and Encryption at key points vs others in the market
  • A rigid/fixed Photo Album is inflexible
  • Multimedia applications are few and far between currently
  • Currently no VM/Container tool
  • 3rd Party OS support invalidates hardware warranty
  • Further drive performance optimization is needed (getting better with each update, but still not ‘there’ yet)
  • File transfer notifications not prominent enough
  • Security Manager priorities are poor and do not factor in system insecurities (i.e anti-ransomware protocols) and instead prioritize virus’ and malware
  • Backup and Sync Tools are still very early days and do not support Cloud services
  • Desktop Client tool feels unfinished ATM

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Mobile Application

Although I will get onto the PC/Mac desktop user experience in a while, I wanted to start this software review with the mobile application as 1) It will likely be the most frequently used means for new/novice users to interact with the UGREEN NAS, and 2) because it is arguably further along in terms of development and polish than the browser GUI. The mobile application is available for iOS and Android and is genuinely exceptionally well presented. The main application dashboard allows you to manage multiple UGREEN NAS devices on the LAN/Network, or remotely via the UGREEN account relay services. Upon logging in, you are presented with a single mobile dashboard to manage..well… everything. In my testing and evaluation, I only found 2-3 things that are not possible in the mobile app that were possible via the desktop. The UX is smooth, clear and was responsive the entire time. ALL of the testing )(and screenshots below) were conducted with the app connecting with the NAS remotely over 5G/4G SIM (cellular) mobile services and not network/WiFi.

Rather than providing multiple tailored apps for photos, videos, system management, etc, UGREEN have instead opted for a Swiss army knife ‘1 app’ approach. All applications running on the NASync system are accessible and usable via the app (with the exception of the management of the Sync and Backup target tools – more on that later). In most cases the apps run in a tailored GUI (eg the photo apps is more thumbnail-focused with native tools to hand via overlay buttons, whereas config controls are more ‘textual’ and rigid). This also extends to the ‘Control Panel’ of the system, which has practically all system controls to hand and is usable to the same degree at the desktop via a browser. Really impressed with the work that has gone into the design and UX here.

Pretty much all the system information is accessible (supporting copy/paste click tools too) and further live hardware information is readily available (something often undercut or inaccessible in many NAS mobile apps, in efforts to ‘keep it simple’).

Interestingly, the hardware power controls via the mobile app are also pretty extensive. I expected ‘Power On and Off’ and maybe a Wake On LAN option sure, but I was not expecting fan controls, LED controls, scheduled power scheduling customization, drive hibernation controls and system file service actions. These are rarely all available in NAS mobile apps (for fear of overcomplicating mobile tools). It’s ALOT to take in, but overall I think it’s a good thing. Novice users might disagree.

File management services (ie a File/Folder’ explorer) is also built into the app that gives FULL access and control of the files on the NAS. There the basic ‘copy, paste, cut’ options and ‘upload from phone’ options, but it also then expands towards uploading specific file types (unusual), shared folder creation on the fly, changing access rights and permission to existing shared storage areas – it’s a lot of control to include in the swiss army knife single app, when they could have likely got away with a basic file manage option included with the system manager tool. Colour me impressed.

This level of control and management also extends to the main storage manager (i.e Pools, Volumes, etc). You can action complete Storage Pool creation (i.e RAID building), Volume creation, SSD cache options, manage permissions and even action RAID rebuilding when needed. Really impressed with the presentation and depth of control in this mobile tool.

The task manager tool in the mobile GUI is handled like any other application, with its own design and layout, but (much like the desktop experience i will discuss later) lacks historical analytics on the system hardware – something I hope UGREEN resolve later. Media Server services can be managed via the app, as well as accessing and pushing of links/3D barcodes and files to the download manager for HTTP/BT downloads.

The Photos tool is quick slick and responsive but is perhaps still in needs of a little more optimization, as although the thumbnail generation was quick snappy, the layout always felt quite ‘squished’. That said, all the photography options and control of the AI categorization services were present here. The Map view (using scraped metadata from mobile photos) worked great and all facial recognition tags that were actioned on the NAS Desktop GUI were carried over smoothly. As were sharing links that were created, that could be managed and customized with ease too.

Mobile synchronization was 50% good news and 50% bad news. The good news was that photo backups from your phone are smooth and can be tailored quite well to your network/storage needs (even including some useful destination sorting options). However there was NOT an option to arrange scheduled or automatic backups of the REST of my phone storage – just the photos. That is a shame, as I cannot be the only user who would quite like to automatically backup my WHOLE phone storage periodically on a schedule (maybe 1AM whilst I sleep?). Unfortunately, you are currently forced to manually upload files and folders to the File manager application. Hopefully UGREEN will roll out a ‘whole phone storage’ backup option down the line in future updates.

On the whole, I am really impressed with the mobile application for managing your UGREEN NAS and it feels like this has been a priority for the brand in the software development for this soon-to-land-on-kickstarter NAS. Let’s move over to the desktop and go through the system management of your UGREEN NAS on your web browser.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Browser GUI Presentation

The UGREEN NAS OS is accessible via the web browser, either over the local area network or remotely via the use of UGREEN’s online services with the use of a free account. This is pretty much the same as other turnkey NAS brands, but we have yet to see how well it will handle multiple users using this service on mass. Neverthless, if you only plan on local network access, this will work fine. The web based GUI (at least, in version that I used) was very responsive and did not require any internet access.

As you might expect, the user account that you create during initialization can be customized once you login (the super user admin account is disabled by default). The range of customization to the account is a little limited in the beta. You can change your user avatar, change your password, view your activity, check your storage quota and connect it with a UGREEN account. There is a lack of 2-step authentication in the beta (2FA/OTP etc) which I was a little disappointed by, but aside from that, this is all what I would have expected.

Changing the browser GUI is fairly normal and the range of changes (wallpaper, languages, time etc) are present, but that’s about it. Again, all standard stuff that is good to see, but not going to blow you away.

clicking the grid of menu dots at the top right shows you the app control deck that shows the tools and services you have installed. These can also be dragged onto the actual GUI desktop much like you would find on your local OS desktop from Windows, Mac or Chrome. I will add thought that the font of the text does seem quite dated.

Ther is a support option on the desktop and App list that opens up into a dedicated support portal. I tested this with the internet services disconnected and can confirm that all of the ‘App Guide’ options are locally accessible (i.e offline accessible), whereas the Information center requires internet access to open up and get further support.

The search functionality of the App Guide also works fast and it has pretty much everything you would need to get the basics/fundamental assistance you might need on the first phase of owning the device.

Eg, the network settings option below gave a decent amount of advice and information for IPV4/IPV6 gateways. There was certainly something of a conflict in the fonts and presentation again, but this is a beta.

The ‘Contact us’ tab of the support section provided numerous tools for getting in touch with UGREEN. There was the usual contact number, online messaging/IM platform and support portals, but what really stood out was the online remote access support option that could allow UGREEN to access your system for maintenance or support. This is not unusual (lots of NAS brands do it), but I am glad to see it present here and controllable from the user end. When my system was updated between versions, I encounter an issue (related to my system not being on a whitelist of approved beta OS devices) and I used this system to allow UGREEN in. I was able to monitor the access comfortably. I would nevertheless feel better if I knew I could lock this behind a unique 1 use key everytime though.

The main GUI also has a search functionality built into the top bar that was responsive and allowed me to quick search for filesacross the system, as well as utilize the ‘Universal Search’ function to search deeper and use tailored filters.

The Universal search function broke down searches quite well and even provided further image and file information as I searched – something generally not included in search tools at the surface level on a NAS, due to the indexing of the metadata being something of a pain at this level (though widely accessible in a file manager). Overall, I was happy with the zippy responsiveness of the search functionality. It will be interesting to see how much offline AI search functionality could be added here down the line.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Storage Manager

The storage manager is very well presented and showed me all the information that I wanted/expected. A graphical display of the populated bays, drive temp, suggestions of further actions I could/should perform and the additional context options were intuitively on the left-hand side.

A nice extra touch that I liked was the fact you can add storage widgets to the primary storage manager page. This means you can add specific monitoring for your needs.

For the more analytically minded, there is a much more text-rich breakdown of the storage in the control panel:

You can break down the storage manager view to the individual disks (which will depend on the UGREEN system being used) and from here you can view drive health (SMART), run performance tests individually, run scheduled checksum, check temps and more.

In a previous version of the UGOS UGREEN NAS software, when I ran the performance test on the Gen 4×4 slots of the DXP4800 Plus, I got quite poor speeds (around 1.5GB/s, instead of the expected 5-6GB/s at the very least). So, I was looking forward to retesting.

I am pleased to confirm that in this newer OS version, the 4×4 slot for this Gen4 NVMe was able to hit a comfortable 5.1GB/s Read or 5.5GB/s Write. Still not the 6GB+ I would have liked to have seen, but I appreciate that they are still optimizing this. Also, I would like to see further clarification on the actual test (block/file size for the test, something a little more analytical). Additionally, despite me running 3-4 different SSD performance tests, the layout of the GUI only allows me to see the first one (with no means to display the results of the later tests). Still, at least there is improvement here.

Alongside drive health and performance tests, there is also an option to directly wipe an HDD or SSD inside the UGREEN NAS. However, there was no clarification on the method/scale of this wipe (eg is this a secure wipe, writing out each block, or a casual format that just deleted the index). It would be nice to know more about the depth of this Data Wiping.

The Storage Management tab showed more information on the individual pools an volumes. I had a RAID 5 and BASIC pool in one UGREEN NAS system and RAID 0 and RAID 1 in another one.

You can choose to use EXT4 or BRTRFS as the file system of choice for the volumes, though there was no support of Write Once, Read Many (WORM) – which in 2024, is a bit of a pain!

There IS however, support of RAID resync priority options and even a Quick Repair option (whereby the system will prioritize only the areas of a disk during a RAID rebuild that would have data, then zero’s out the rest in order to vastly speed up the RAID rebuild of partially full Storage pools).

Creating Storage Pools and volumes feels easy and intuitive. They have kept it simply, which is going to be great for movies (but experts might find it limiting). There is support of the usual RAID configurations of RAID 0, 1, 5, 6 10, but no flexible RAID system (like Synology Hybrid RAID – SHR or TRAID).

You can apply schedule drive health tests (not uncommon on NAS devices).

Additionally, there are options present to control the USB drive via the storage manager to prohibit access generally or completely.

Overall, the storage management is a little sparse BUT it is definitely ease to use, intuitive and provides the majority of base-level functionality a new NAS user is going to need. I am disappointed at the lack of more prosumer options such as WORM (though I will forgive the lack of a flexible RAID system like SHR, as that is not exactly common in the world of NAS anyway). UGREEN are clearly focusing on the fundamentals here (perhaps looking at Synology and DSM for…inspiration?). I hope to see further optimization and explanation around the performance benchmarking tools, but apart from that I am happy. Let’s discuss the object file/folder access in the Web Browser GUI and the quality of the UGREEN File Browser.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – File Manager

Much like turnkey solutions currently in the market from Synology and QNAP (with DSM and QuTS respectively), the UGREEN NAS software includes a browser-based File Manager. This allows you to see and interact with data on your NAS in a much more native way, as well as take advantage of traditional copy, paste, archive, uncompress and deletion tools. The File Browser also integrates native ‘right click’ context options whilst in use in your web browser. Again, as mentioned earlier, non of this is ‘new’ to the industry, but it is still good that this new NAS software in the market is nailing the fundamentals.

Folders can be created in the file manager that can be standard breadcrumb, personal folders that are related to an individual user, or shared folders that can be used by network-connected client devices or applications. Control and access (i.e Read/Write Rules) can be set to individual users and groups. There was no option to apply any encryption or write once rules to these shared folders however.

The context menus of the file manager also allow users to share files/folders easily, with support of sharing with other UGREEN NAS users or via a unique link. Rules for it’s use (date of expiry, number of access sessions, password protection, etc) can be applied during their creation.

Additionally, files can be directly shared from the Universal Search tool (discussed earlier) with similar share rule controls in place.

The overall/global settings of the file manager are all fairly standard, but more interestingly there are also a few extra options in the management tab. These include controls for your user personal folder, a management portal for existing shared links, a private collection folder option (to add specific files as needed on the fly), recycle bin management (date of true deletion, where it is applicable etc) and more interestingly, a File deduplication option.

The File Deduplication option (unlike backend deduplication which works automatically and, in the case of ZFS, in line) allows you to manually select folder directories and action the system to scan for duplicate files (so, photos, music, docs, etc) and then it will allow you to action space-saving measures. This feature felt a little unfinished and poorly optimized, but does show promise and is definitely positive feature!

I can also confirm that playback of video files, via the File Manager was smooth. It definitely required compression/license support on your respective browser/os, but files played and there was options to downgrade video quality, minimize in the corner of the screen and navigate playback easily. I would still much, MUCH rather a native video playback application (as I assume 3rd party client devices such as Amazon Fire TV, Roku, PS5, etc are going to rely on 3rd party network players), but this is still a positive development. On the other side, no Plex Media Server application in this current version of the beta, and no container application to create a custom deployment. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon.

When it came to checking photo viewing i nthe file manager, I can confirm that it i s supported and a Picture Preview service is included. Later on we will discuss the standalone AI powered photo application.

Unfortunately, audio playback was not possible and any attempts to playback .MP3, .WMA or .WAV all resulted in just a download prompt and no playback i nthe browser. Not a big deal, but without an audio player tool in place, it does make checking/previewing audio data rather clunky.

Copy/Paste/Cut actions on files generate a File Copy task in the notifications panel at the top right of the screen. This is all good and was dynamic/animated, however there was no clear indication that this was taking place (eg the notification appearing upon actioning the copy/paste) and no indication in the file manager. Not a massive deal, but it left me wondering if the action was actually happening. I should not need to actively check the task center to know that my ‘write action’ is occuring.

The File Manager is a robust tool that, although not currently as feature-rich as the one found in QNAP QTS or Synology DSM, it gives you pretty much everything you are going to need for basic/day-to-day file management in the web browser. It definitely still needs tweaks and optimization, but it’s in a very good state currently and even has a few options like manual deduplication and ‘collection options that are being presented uniquely in their platform. Let’s discuss system management via the Control Panel.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Control Panel

The control panel is pretty much exactly as you might expect, pretty clear UI and although I would appreciate an ‘advanced’ tab (as compressing all the system controls into 12 icons seems quite strict), it is definitely not an intimidating presentation here. To go through ALL of the settings would effectively quadruple the length of this UGREEN UGOS Beta review, but I will cover elements that stood out for me (both good and bad).

I like that the system is arriving (even in this beta) with a completely customizable and user-friendly scheduled On/Off organizer. Those of you who want to ensure the system is only in operation during peak/necessary periods (for reasons of noise, power consumption or security) will appreciate how fleshed out this section is.

Likewise, the system software already has fan controls in place (I tested on both the DXP4800 PLUS and DXP480T, both responded immediately).

There was also an option to reset all your network connections to default (setting all static IPs, subnets, etc back to dynamic and default), as well as the option to factory reset the system. I think the wording of the later needs to be improved, as it is not hugely clear about the implications of this choice.

Finally, there was the support of LED controls. This is something I hoped for, as the LEDs of the 3.5″ SATA UGREEN models are exceptionally bright (white) and alongside the option to dim them, there was even a scheduled option that allows you to set a plan to lower them during specific periods of the hour (and day/weel). It’s a small option, but I do appreciate it!

Alongside the network management options (that we will cover more later on in the article) there is also established support for bonding/trunking of the ports. Again, not ‘new’, but a welcome addition to this launch beta software.

There are established management and controls for the remote access via the UGREENLink service (As well as creating a dynamic domain name for the system for remote access). I did not explore this during my time with the beta, as I want to hold off till closer to the established product for a more realistic expectations vs experience on this one!

When it comes to terminal/backend access, the option for Telnet was disabled, but the option for SSH was ‘enabled’. I have mixed feelings about this, as although I did use SSH and Putty to access the system to verify the PCI layout and some disk testing for the system reviews, I KNOW it would be much better to have this disabled by default. As this is a Beta software package, there is a good chance that this will be disabled in the full software release (only enabled here for troubleshooting, debugging and maintenance), but nonetheless, I would like to see this ‘off’ by default in the full release.

The system task manager was fairly standard, showing plenty of system service and process information. There was no option to ‘kill/Hibernate’ services (as you might find in your Windows Task Manager), but that is not unusual in NAS software, for fear of corrupting the system services.

The graphical system resource display of the task manager was very detailed, clear and intuitive. It covered pretty much EVERYTHING and was very responsive. My only real complaint here would be that there was no option to record the task manager analytical information. i.e going into it showed you the current system resource use from that moment, nothing from the past. Adding an option to allow the system to maintain a record (even as a check box option, as featured in Synology DSM) would allow much, MUCH better long-term analytical benefits for this 24×7 system.

Regarding software updates, the system has configurable options to allow the system OS updates to be actioned automatically or manually, with the system periodically pinging the UGREEN update server to check it’s status (which can be disabled). I will add that during my early time with the UGREEN DXP4800 PLUS and DXP480T, I had difficulty upgrading my software to the newer version for this beta review and it turned out to be related to my address/serial requiring adding to a white list. I am sure this is not going to be an issue when the software and hardware fully rolls out, but those reading this wondering why their beta software is not showing the same version as them might find this is the issue.

Also, the UGREEN NAS systems arrive with UPS support to allow automatic pinging in the event of a power cut/brown-out and the system safely power itself down safely straight away, or maintain operation for a given period. This is a small thing and relatively common in NAS circles, but nonetheless nice to see in their software out the gate!

As mentioned, I could probably go through everything in the control panel and make this article a few thousand words longer… but I won’t! There are user/group controls, time and language controls (the later of which seemed to still present Chinese text periodically, but this IS a beta) and lots of system information options. Overall, it’s a decent control panel and backend, but maybe adding a few tips/guidance in places and perhaps an Easy/Advanced tab in a ver.2 of the software down the line might be appealing. Let’s discuss system security maintenance.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Security

Now, let’s be a bit neutral here for a sec! We are talking about a BETA of the UGREEN NAS software, so I understand that this is an in development product and therefore the potential for vulnerabilities, fixed default credentials and loose ends are going to be high. However, I DO think we need to use this UGOS beta for a good indication of what UGREEN are layout the tracks down for (both good and bad!). The system arrives with a Security Manager tool that allows you to action ad-hoc/scheduled system scanning. This generates logs and also allows you to select actions for files deemed suspicious or compromised.

I will say though, that it wasn’t hugely clear on what exactly was being actioned in this tool. It might well be a question of an ‘in development’ GUI overlaying the tool, but I assumed that a security manager on the UGREEN NAS would work through a list of pre-defined security parameters (eg weak passwords, SSH left enabled, default ports, firewall usage, etc).

This Security Manager seemed to be prioritizing the search for Malware/Exploitative Files/Virus’ etc – which is actually comparatively rare as an attack vector in modern in NAS circles compared to RANSOMWARE attacks – which only require a path INTO the NAS to inject code and get the system to lock up the data, which is then used to blackmail users into exchanging bitcoin for the key. This security manager didn’t give me a vibe that it was addressing this. Still, it IS a beta and I will 100% welcome being corrected on this.

The majority of the File services (except SMB) were disabled by default (and SSH was enabled, but again this might be Beta related).

The system also arrives with Firewall management services (disabled by default, but easy to enable).

I would say though that these controls do need a little more explanation for beginners (I say this to most NAS brands really) as a lot of users will blanketly enable this service, or worse play with their port services, without understanding the significance of the action. This does need a little more tips/explanation I think (there is a single ‘?’ tip, and that’s it).

There is also a log center that keeps track of the activity on the system. It’s all clear, if a little basic and reports can be exported logs from this GUI.

Alternatively, there is a notification configuration in the Log center to ensure that events and alerts are delivered to important system users as needed. The configuration and filtering of this is a bit sparse, but the structure is there to work upwards from.

Network management is also present and alongside the usual traffic controls (i.e MB/s limits to specific physical connections and even user network quota in other sections) are present, there is also fairly standard network configuration options. These include the jumbo frames / MTU, adapting the IP to fixed/dynamic, bonding the connections (mentioned earlier) and prioritizing connections. There is no options for virtual networks and management here (understandably not a priority as the physical connections are only 2x tops and there is no container/VM manager to necessitate this kind of service), and although an earlier version of the beta provided spotty network and SMB services, this has now been resolved in this software version.

The system’s default ports (for both encrypted and non-encrypted non-certificate access) can be adjusted at anytime via the control panel, as well as the option to apply custom certificates when needed too. Standard stuff, but positive to see it here on the outset.

With regard to security, what we find here in the UGOS beta is a lot of the entry-level stuff and fundamental building blocks, but still not quite enough for me to think this beta software is as watertight as TrueNAS or Synology DSM (understandable, given the beta status and maturity). The structure is there, it just needed building on and hopefully, this is what we will see as the software develops towards delivery. The security Manager tool needs to be better displayed, a deeper focus on system integrity checks in these scans, integration of 2FA/OTP services, etc. Until I see these features getting added (alongside assurances that SSH will indeed be ‘off’ be default), I would not be too cosy making this beta software internet-connected. Let’s discuss the individual applications that are included with this Beta of UGREEN UGOS currently.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – App Center

At the time of writing and in the current beta version, the Application center has approx 15 applications (5-6 of which I would consider base-line / default). I fully expect more to appear when the software is more polished and closer to launch, as well as hopefully support of popular 3rd party applications to be adapted to the UGOS ANS system (Plex, Emby, TailScale, etc), but right now it is a little sparse (understandable for a beta – I KNOW I keep saying that!).

There is also the option to manually install applications, but these still need to be installed in the UGOS format.

Updates to the individual applications can be actioned manually, or set to automatically apply when the system is aware of a patch/update. These do NOT require the system to reboot, but will require the application or service to restart. All perfectly normal in a NAS.

Individual applications are displayed in a familiar format (name, version, description, images, etc) but also have the option to ‘stop’ when needed or restart. Again, all is fairly par of the course for NAS systems in 2024. Additionally, when installing applications to choose which storage volume you want to application to run from. This is less of a concern currently, but if the previously promised/discussed VM/Container tools arrive in time for full OS launch, these will certainly benefit from living on a faster media volume!

The Application center is all pretty much what you would expect. It’s nailed down all the framework and structure, it’s responsive (though you cannot install multiple apps at once, currently it is 1 at a time – optimization needed no doubt) and I cannot really fault the GUI of it. It’s just a little empty right now and until a better arrangement of tools and services are included, I will hold off any further judgement.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Multimedia

How the system handles your multimedia is going to be pretty important to a lot of users. In the beta version I was provided with, there was only a small handful of 1st party media applications to use, something that will no doubt change as time goes on (in particular, the support of 3rd party applications, thanks to the Debian base of the operating system). The main media apps that were included in my version of the OS was the Photos application and a DLNA Media Server app.

The Photos application boasts the support of AI recognition (something that is available from several of the established NAS brands and their OS right now), as well as easy file sharing, private/public photography areas, smart filters and metadata scraping for custom album creation. The thumbnail generation was very prompt and I was left impressed by it.

Additionally, you can switch between the full-screen display mode and the folder view at the touch of a button, which is nice. But that brings me to the whole ‘folder limit thing’…

One thing I was less impressed about however, was the fact the photo application requires a fixed directory for it’s media library. So, you currently cannot point the application at any custom folder to crawl for your media, but instead, it needs to be in a specific user folder. This is similar to what you find in the Synology Photos application, and many users (myself included ) weren’t huge fans of it then either!

Now, one of the reasons for this MIGHT be because the Photos application has an impressive range of AI core services available (scene/object recognition, faces, pets, offensive, duplicate and locational data scraping) that I imagine requires a lot of pre-set locations to run at their most efficient/effective.

The facial recognition is a little basic at the moment, but DOES work. It crawled the 5 sample albums that I uploaded quickly and it was roughly as successful as other NAS brand’s efforts in this area.

Merging user’s faces was quick and easy, though I did not find it especially good at searching for group users based on their names (eg text searching for photos with those 2 users tagged via facial recognition), but using the smart filters on the main page, right side, worked fine.

Likewise, the system did a good job of scraping the geolocational data from the photos, and then displaying them in a map format. It was a little temperamental (always starting in China), but you would be surprised how many NAS brands get this map view wrong, or not even provide it at all.

Additionally, the OCR/AI Text crawling that occurred during the indexing periods was very good and any photo that had text was immediately pre-crawled for words that would be displayed when clicking the relevant icon in the preview window.

Not to give the AI/Software too much credit, as a lot of the information is kept in the metadata of the images. Nevertheless, it was good that the system was able to take advantage of this so quickly and factor it into some intelligent searches and categorization. That said, the ‘object recognition was virtually zero and I assume this is something still WiP – annoying, but ok.

The duplication removal tool was also integrated here into the photo applications, as well as the management of the file sharing that you might be actioning. The blurred photo removal tool was a little hit and miss, but then again these 5 albums were already pre-curated and therefore there was;t much smudge/blur photography for it to get its feet into.

Image sharing provided pretty much all the configuration and security precautions we say previously (password, validity period, download #s, etc). There weren’t any restrictions for HTTPS, or encrypted transfers though. There was also an option to restrict to registered NAS system users only.

As mentioned, the only other media application that I was able to see in the beta software I used was the DLNA media server application.

This was super basic and only provided an on/off switch, then the option to choose which directories could be accessible for multimedia sharing on the local area network:

1st party multimedia playback support is probably one of the weakest areas of the UGREEN NAS UGOS software in this beta and I sincerely hope it gets addressed closer to launch. Additionally, the option to conveniently install 3rd party multimedia applications via a verified app center section that includes Plex, Jellyfin, Emby etc would make things significantly better!

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Backups and Synchronization

Much like the multimedia support of the UGREEN UGOS NAS services, the backup and synchronization tools afforded to the OS are still ‘in progress’ in this beta. There are a few services in place and clear indications of things to come, but its still not a complete backup package yet at this time of writing. The Sync and Backup tool allows backing up of data from 3rd party and UGREEN NAS servers to sync with your NAS over RSync.

This works in either direction of course, but the range of supported targets ends there. There isn’t currently a desktop client backup/sync tool in place (hopefully this is something that might well get integrated into the UGREEN PC Client in time) and supported Sync/Backup platforms still does not include cloud services (Google Drive, DropBox, etc).

There are a few ‘coming soon’ options greyed out and the option to manually select a connected USB drive via the ‘local folder’ option is available,

But it still feels like it needs more time in the oven. There general structure is in place, but the scope of what yo can do with it in the desktop browser GUI is still in its early beta stages clearly.

Backups and Sync jobs DO at least have versioning supported, which does mean that wether you are syncing a local folder or remote system, the roll back option is still available.

Indeed, the system configuration backup is also available, but only the system backend – not the whole system data as an image backup. This configuration backup can be sent to a local folder (inc connected USB) or to your UGREEN account.


The backup and synchronization tools definitely need more time in development and although I am really pleased to see them here, I do think they are a good way away from completion to a stable and satisfactory degree for your 3-2-1 backup routines right now.

UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review – Desktop Client Tool

At the time of writing this review, UGREEN rolled out a range of client tools for PC, Mac, iOS and Android. Although the Mobile application review and write up is still in progress (but TLDR, it is VERY polished in comparison to the desktop browser GUI), the desktop client tool was available and although it works, the scope of what you can do with it is a little limited. You can use it to scan your local area network for a UGREEN NAS, or enter remote UGREEN account login credentials and sign in.. and.. that’s about it!

The UGREEN NAS Desktop client then opens up a faux browser window (akin to a remote desktop) to view the GUI of the NAS. That is really it. It’s not much different from the browser and is not a big difference in resource consumption on your local system either. I was hoping to see ‘mapping network drive’ options, remote system setting configuration, local folder sync or even a terminal input. But no, just allowing a browserless access portal.

This written review of the UGREEN UGOS NAS software is still very much ‘in progress’ and I will be adding further details later on, as well as detailing the mobile application.

What I liked About the UGREEN UGOS Software Beta What I did not like about the UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta
  • The Mobile Application is exceptionally good, for an ‘in development’ system
  • The building blocks for future apps and services are there
  • All the RAID, Caching, Maintenance and Sharing protocols are in place (BTRFS too)
  • Storage Manager is intuitive and clear
  • Very good help/assistance services
  • Search functionality and File Management tools are smooth, responsive and user-friendly
  • AI services in photo tools are good and diverse
  • Quick Repair for on RAID drive blocks is nice extra
  • The Manual Deduplication tool is also a nice extra touch
  • System power, controls, schedules and operation management is all very user-friendly
  • All the system options, UX and placement are exactly where they should be
  • File Service controls, Firewall Controls and Network management controls are clear and fully featured (for the most part, MTU was fixed)
  • Lack of 2FA/OTP Authentication
  • Inconsistencies in fonts and design at points
  • Lack of WORM and Encryption at key points vs others in the market
  • A rigid/fixed Photo Album is inflexible
  • Multimedia applications are few and far between currently
  • Currently no VM/Container tool
  • 3rd Party OS support invalidates hardware warranty
  • Further drive performance optimization is needed (getting better with each update, but still not ‘there’ yet)
  • File transfer notifications not prominent enough
  • Security Manager priorities are poor and do not factor in system insecurities (i.e anti-ransomware protocols) and instead prioritize virus’ and malware
  • Backup and Sync Tools are still very early days and do not support Cloud services
  • Desktop Client tool feels unfinished ATM

Click the Link Below to find out more about the UGREEN NASync NAS Series on the brand’s official Site:

In the meantime, you can use the video below for the FULL software overview of the UGREEN NAS software:

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UGREEN NAS Drive – Should You Buy?

Par : Rob Andrews
27 mars 2024 à 18:00

The UGREEN NAS Drives – Should You Back This Kickstarter?

The UGreen NAS series has recently been launched on Kickstarter, presenting an exciting opportunity for enthusiasts and potential users to engage with what the product promises. However, as with any product, especially those launched via crowdfunding platforms, it’s crucial to approach with a balanced perspective, recognizing both its strengths and potential limitations. In this context, the commentary highlights five appealing aspects of the UGreen NASync series and acknowledges five areas of concern or aspects that might be disappointing to some users. This nuanced approach is essential, especially when considering a product in its crowdfunding stage, distinct from a traditional retail purchase. Crowdfunding offers a unique set of risks and rewards, necessitating a careful approach from backers. For a comprehensive understanding, including detailed insights and analysis, it’s recommended to view the extensive one-hour review on YouTube and read the accompanying article for in-depth coverage of the UGreen NASync DXP4800 PLUS.

Important Links

  • The UGREEN NASync Kickstarter Page – HERE
  • UGREEN NASync DXP4800 PLUS NAS Review (Video) HERE  (Written Review)HERE
  • UGREEN NASync DXP4800 PLUS NAS Review (Should You Buy Video, Shorter) – HERE
  • UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Review – (Video) HERE – (Written Review) HERE

Reasons I LIKE the UGREEN NAS Drives

First, let’s discuss the really positive and impressive things about the UGREEN NASync series of devices.

The UGREEN NAS Have GREAT Hardware

You really can’t find fault, especially given the price, with the variety of hardware across the six versions of the UGreen NASync series. From an efficient and affordable N100 processor to a robust Pentium and a 10-core i5, the hardware range is impressive. Additionally, these systems come with 2.5G and 10G network connectivity, and some even offer Thunderbolt connectivity.

It’s the finer details that stand out: 8GB of DDR5 memory across the board, SD card slots in several models, and a compact Gen 4 SSD flash model featuring Wi-Fi 6E. The hardware spectrum UGreen offers in their debut series is truly remarkable.

UGREEN NAS Are Arriving With Good Design and Quality Build

The early prototypes of the DXP 4800 Plus and DXP480T showcase impressive build quality and construction. UGreen is evidently investing significantly in this new branch of their tech portfolio, a fact that is palpable in the devices’ build. With unique branding and a robust, predominantly metal construction, these systems feel sturdy. All internal components, including the motherboard and chip arrangement, are UGreen branded, featuring a custom UGreen kernel for the motherboard BIOS. This attention to detail ensures the system feels far from cheap, marking a strong entry into the NAS world with a product that seems exceptionally established.

The UGREEN Mobile Application is very, VERY Good!

You may have heard various opinions about the UGreen UGOS NAS software, which is currently in beta, coinciding with the launch of its crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. While actual product fulfillment might not occur until later in summer 2024, it’s worth delving into the mobile application aspect of their software. UGreen has prioritized the development of their mobile application, making it a comprehensive NAS management tool that stands out in terms of usability. Unlike many NAS software solutions that struggle to adapt desktop functionalities into a mobile format, resulting in a compromised user experience, the UGreen NAS Sync mobile app for Android and iOS is exceptionally well-crafted. It offers extensive control over system features without overwhelming users with complexity. This approach marks a significant departure from merely offering a web portal API in a less reliable mobile app form. UGreen’s investment in developing a potent and user-friendly mobile tool showcases their commitment to enhancing user experience, positioning it highly even when compared to industry leaders like Synology.

UGREEN is an Established Brand, NOT an Unknown or Startup

Unlike many startup and crowdfunded network-attached storage (NAS) solutions I’ve discussed on this channel (check out my history of NAS Kickstarter and Indiegogo articles), UGreen is an established brand in the tech sector. Having been around for nearly 14 years and already known for peripherals, this marks their first foray into network-attached storage. It’s important to recognize that UGreen brings existing brand recognition, a well-developed supply chain, support network, and production experience accustomed to worldwide distribution. A major challenge for many crowdfunded products, not just NAS, is that even great ideas can falter due to production and distribution issues. Having an established brand behind a product can often mitigate these risks, providing a level of assurance seldom seen with traditional indie startups.

The UGREEN NAS Range Are Very Affordable

I’ve already mentioned this, but it’s worth reiterating the exceptionally competitive price point across all six devices in the UGreen NASync portfolio. This pricing strategy is noteworthy both for early crowdfunding backers and for the retail recommended price (RRP) once these devices hit traditional retail channels. The brand’s own website even offers a staggering 40% discount, suggesting these products might be positioned as loss leaders to make a significant impact in the NAS market or that their profit margins are remarkably high. This pricing strategy makes the UGreen NASync series hard to overlook compared to other solutions. While not the cheapest, the pricing is balanced enough to cover production and distribution costs without deterring potential buyers who might consider more established market alternatives.

Specification DXP2800


DXP4800 Plus

DXP6800 Pro

DXP8800 Plus

DXP480T Plus

Kickstarter Launch $239.99 $359.99 $419.99 $599.99 $899.99 $479.99
MSRP $399 $559 $699 $999 $1499 $779
Operating System UGOS Pro UGOS Pro UGOS Pro UGOS Pro UGOS Pro UGOS Pro
CPU Model N100 N100 8505 1235u 1235u 1235u
CPU Brand Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel
CPU Architecture X86 12th Gen N Series X86 12th Gen N Series X86 12th Gen Intel Pentium Gold X86 12th Gen Intel Core i5 X86 12th Gen Intel Core i5 X86 12th Gen Intel Core i5
Cores/Threads 4/4 4/4 5/6 10/12 10/12 10/12
ODECC Support Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Expandable RAM (max) 16GB 16GB 64GB 64GB 64GB 64GB
Flash Memory (System Disk) eMMC 32GB eMMC 32GB SSD 128GB SSD 128GB SSD 128GB SSD 128GB
SATA Drive Bays 2 4 4 6 8 0
M.2 SSD Drive Slots 2 2 2 2 2 4

Things About the UGREEN NAS Drives That I DO NOT Like

While the five positive aspects of the UGreen NAS product are commendable, it’s essential to approach with a balanced view. In the spirit of thorough evaluation, attention must be turned to aspects of the UGreen NAS product that may not meet expectations or could be considered drawbacks. This critical examination helps ensure a well-rounded perspective before making an informed decision about the product.

The UGREEN NAS are ONLY Available in Germany and the United States

Why on earth is this product only being initially provided in Germany and the United States? I can appreciate that it takes a lot of work to provide a product globally at launch, and even the biggest brands in the tech world may, from time to time, stagger their release schedule and geographical release strategy – resulting in different regions getting their products earlier or later than others. However, UGreen already has an established product availability in numerous other regions. Additionally, this is a crowdfunded product, and one could argue that they want to get as many bums on seats as possible! Limiting the scope of availability for this product at launch to just these two regions has definitely annoyed a lot of users in the UK, France, Australia, Canada… the list goes on and on! Additionally, remember that 40% discount I mentioned earlier for the early crowdfunding backers? Imagine hearing good things about a product and finding out you can get it at a comparatively low price compared to established solutions in the market, but then find out that you are living in one of the regions that isn’t supported and when you eventually can get hold of the product, chances are you are getting it much closer to the RRP! How annoying is that! With Germany just a hop, skip, and a jump away from many other neighbouring countries in Europe, this is a bitter pill to swallow!

3rd Party NAS OS Support is COMPLICATED

The installation of third-party operating systems on the UGreen NAS is a complex topic. Recently, a NASCompares Q&A highlighted users’ concerns about the warranty when installing systems like TrueNAS or UnRAID. UGreen initially stated that installing a third-party OS would void the 2-year warranty, frustrating many. However, discussions at UGreen may lead to a policy allowing third-party OS installations under certain conditions without voiding the warranty. Yet, this has not been finalized. Additionally, installing a third-party OS is challenging due to the custom UGreen BIOS, and attempts to install alternative operating systems have faced significant hurdles, including system reboots, suggesting potential hardware or software safeguards against such modifications. This uncertainty and technical complexity have left many users concerned about the feasibility and warranty implications of using third-party operating systems on UGreen’s NAS systems.

26/03/24 – Update on the use of 3rd Party OS’ on UGREEN NAS with hardware, with regard to warranty*: “The Ugreen team confirms that whatever is promised in their warranty policy will not change, which only covers the hardware. They also mention that there is a risk of damage if you install a third-party OS, including data loss and compatibility issues, etc.” – Ugreen Representative, 26/3/24

NOTE – If you want to hear more about how it went installing a 3rd party OS on the UGREEN NASync DXP4800 PLUS NAS, Watch the video HERE, or in the embedded video below (it’s been set to the correct section):

The UGOS UGREEN NAS Software is Still in BETA and Not Finished

I’ve already mentioned this, but it’s worth reiterating. Currently, the UGreen NAS software isn’t ‘finished’. During my one-month review period, UGreen pushed numerous software updates that improved performance and stability. Yet, key software features are missing, such as two-factor authentication, encrypted volumes support, WORM support, container or virtualization apps, and Plex or Emby applications. While the software is still in beta and not officially launching for many months, allowing room for improvements, it’s somewhat frustrating, especially when the mobile app appears polished in contrast to the desktop experience’s inconsistencies.

10GbE Performance was not as great – Subject to Change Later in Development (I Hope)

This is something that will hopefully be addressed as the product undergoes further development through crowdfunding, but it needs highlighting. The prototype I received offered moderate performance over external 10GBE, and while internal performance of the M.2 NVMe drives improved with updates, optimal performance was achieved using SSH rather than native file transmission. Tweaks to enhance network connectivity, like adjusting the jumbo frame/MTU, are unavailable in the current software beta, contributing to an inconsistent experience.


Additionally, power consumption was about 15 to 20% higher than anticipated, a significant figure considering the system’s robust specifications and storage media.

Not Clear WHY UGREEN Opted for Crowdfunding via Kickstarter

This is probably the biggest problem that users have with UGreen and its NAS system being launched the way it is – why on earth is an established brand launching on crowdfunding? Kickstarter is predominantly targeted towards indie startup companies and those that are trying to launch a new product into a market to gauge interest and find an audience. There is an argument that UGreen, an Eastern company who have yet to formally release a network-attached storage solution, could definitely see the benefit in utilizing both the tools and the relative financial safety afforded to crowdfunding to gauge the interest of a product at launch and ensure financial efficiency. However, to use crowdfunding, but also launch six different SKUs, for a brand that’s been in the tech world for more than a decade is super weird! I get it, most of their prior technological experience has been more in accessories and adapters, so there is an argument that they don’t want to risk too much on a new venture. But I personally would have recommended that they launch just two SKUs via traditional retail purchasing, then launch the rest of the series as a phase 2, if interest in the initial two products is good enough. The 4-bay desktop DXP4800 Plus and DXP480T would have made great options as the market is still crying out for solid 4-bay NAS systems and 2023/2024 has already seen several prominent NVMe flash NAS systems arriving for home and prosumer use – the demand is already clearly there!

Conclusion – Should You Buy/Back the UGREEN NAS?

BOTTOM LINE – The UGREEN NASYnc DXP4800 Plus does not feel ‘finished’ yet and still needs more time in the over, but UGREEN have been very clear with me that this product is not intended for release and fulfilment till summer 2024 and improvements, optimization and product completion is still in progress. Judging the UGREEN NAS systems, when what we have is a pre-release and pre-crowdfunding sample, was always going to be tough. The DXP4800 PLUS is a very well put-together NAS solution, arriving with a fantastic launching price point (arguably even at its RRP for the hardware on offer). UGREEN has clearly made efforts here to carve out their own style, adding their own aesthetic to the traditional 4-bay server box design that plagues NAS boxes at this scale. Equally, although they are not the first brand to consider Kickstarter/Crowdfunding for launching a new product in the NAS/personal-cloud sector, this is easily one of the most confident entries I have seen yet. The fact that this system arrives on the market primarily as a crowdfunded solution (though almost certainly, if successful, will roll out at traditional retail) is definitely going to give users some pause for thought. Equally, the UGREEN NAS software, still in beta at the time of writing, although very responsive and nailing down the basics, still feels like it needs more work to compete with the bigger boys at Synology and QNAP. Hardware architecture, scalability, and performance are all pretty impressive, though the performance of the Gen 4×4 M.2 NVMe slots didn’t seem to hit the numbers I was expecting. Perhaps a question of PCIe bottlenecking internally, or a need for further tweaking and optimization as the system continues development. Bottom line, with expected software updates to roll out closer to launch and fulfillment, such as an expanded App center and mobile client, the UGREEN DXP4800 Plus is definitely a device worth keeping an eye on in the growing Turnkey and semi-DIY NAS market. As an alternative to public cloud services, this is a no-brainer and worth the entry price point. As an alternative to established Turnkey NAS Solutions, we will hold off judgment till it is publicly released.

PRICE - 9/10
VALUE - 8/10

👍🏻Exceptional Hardware for the Price
👍🏻4 HDDs + 2x Gen 4x4 M.2 in 1 box under $400
👍🏻Good Balanced CPU choice in the Pentium Gold 8505
👍🏻10GbE and 2.5GbE as standard
👍🏻An SD Card Slot (wielrd rare!)
👍🏻10/10 Build Quality
👍🏻Great Scalability
👍🏻Fantastic Mobile Application (even vs Synology and QNAP etc)
👍🏻Desktop/Browser GUI shows promise
👍🏻Established Brand entering the NAS Market
👍🏻Not too noisy (comparatively)
👍🏻Very Appealing retail package+accessories
👎🏻10GbE Performance was underwhelming
👎🏻Crowdfunding choice is confusing
👎🏻Software (still in Beta) is still far from ready 22/3/24
👎🏻non-UGREEN PSU is unexpected

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