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Hier — 17 juin 2024Flux principal

What is HexOS? A Truly User-Friendly TrueNAS Scale NAS Based Option?

Par : Rob Andrews
17 juin 2024 à 16:15

HexOS – Trying to Make NAS and BYO NAS More User-Friendly

Most people under the age of 60 have a decent level of computer experience – that’s pretty much a stone-cold fact, thanks to the growing dependence of society on digital devices. Break that down a little further and chances are that most people under the age of 50 use a fairly powerful piece of computer equipment daily, and further still you will probably find that plenty of people in their 40s and younger are ‘the IT guy’ in their family or social circle. Yet, when it comes to that most niche’st of the Niche areas of technology ‘Data Storage and Networking’, the average user’s level of experience and know-how massively declines! I have said before on the YouTube channel before, but if people that like ”I.T’ are the ones who got bullied at school – the ones who like ‘networking and storage’ were the ones the bullied BULLIED! Sure, you know how to set up an Amazon FireTV, plug in a printer and even install windows – but can you open up ports on a router, configure a firewall, or arrange the right cache and redundancy on your server???

It’s a really complex area of the tech industry and although so, SO many other areas of the tech software (and hardware) experience have been blissfully simplified and streamlined, network attached storage (NAS) is an area that is still yet to see the same level of ‘idiot proofing’. To date, the NAS software industry has a lot of ‘potential’ NAS OS’ to choose from in your server, but the bulk of them are either hardware-locked (Synology DSM, QNAP QTS/QuTS, etc), have a steep learning curve (TrueNAS) or straddle somewhere between easier than the latter, but still harder than the former (UnRAID, CasaOS, OMV). Now THIS is where HexOS comes in – created by two former UnRAID/Lime Technology staffers (Jonathan Panozzo and Eric Schultz, under the new company Eshtek Inc.), this has been a NAS software that has been discussed over on LTT and Reddit for the better part of a year, and we have bee following here on our video and megathread on NASCompares HERE.

In brief, it is reported to be a truly user-friendly and beginner-friendly alternative to the existing range of NAS software OS and appliances currently offered to NAS users who want to repurpose old unused tech as a server, or want to build their own from the ground up. With a beta version proposed for later in 2024 and details about the software being gradually dropped, let’s discuss what HexOS is, why the buzz, what we know, what we don’t and (hopefully) help you decide whether it’s worth holding out for this software for your long term simplified storage needs.

Why is there such a buzz about HexOS?

Although the desire for a very user-friendly alternative to the existing range of NAS software in the market has always been very high (and we will dig into that more later on), it has be be highlighted that they are NOT the first company to try and challenge the current range of NAS appliances on the market. There are already largely open source offerings from brands such as IceWhale with their CasaOS/ZimaOS software, then you have OpenMediaVault which scales things up somewhat, then you have the current industry-recommended but paid ‘easy mode’ UnRAID. In short – it could be argued that HexOS is not the first to try this? So why the buzz? Well, many would point at the sizable investment of $250,000 made by a huge industry personality Linus, of LinusTechTips. In isolation, not an enormous figure in the running costs and salaries of multiple Devs on an annual paycheck, and almost certainly multiple equity/loan sums have been made by investors outside of this, but nonetheless this made waves. Linus’ has been one of many voices in the creative sphere that has commented on the high learning curve that is baked into the bulk of existing NAS software offerings right now – leading to (at best) inconvenient ongoing support of novice users over time, and (at worst) users setting their primary storage backup system in a poor way that is inefficient, riddled in attack vectors and is unfit for purpose. It is worth making clear that this is NOT a LTT/Linus-owned or developed NAS software platform, he is serving as an angel investor (and almost certainly in an additional advisory capacity). From there things have slowly snowballs, as small pieces of information about the software, rumours about the state of the development, the shape it will take and the building blocks fo the platform have emerged. Alot of software (not just NAS software of course) will launch and then have to fight the constant balance of stability vs customization vs security vs support – and more often than not, these can be what kills a platform in the first 18 months. Factor in that this is a platform that is intended to be feature-rich (1 click apps, ZFS base, VMs and Container ready, performance targetted. etc) AND user-friendly, this is a big, big wall to climb! So, let’s discuss what we know about HexOS so far.

What do we know about HexOS So Far?

HexOS was informally (kind of) revealed on the LTT WAN Show on June 15th 2024 and alongside production screenshots (unconfirmed to what level these were in-development software screenshots or created-vector images), they discussed some features, structure and project goals – whilst also making it clear that details surrounding funding, support and more are still very much ‘in progress’ and ‘TBC’. Below is everything we leant from that video, combined with everything we know about the software from details uncovered in development over the year:

  • HexOS will be running on/on-top of TrueNAS Scale (the Linux version of TrueNAS), labelled ‘Powered by TrueNAS Scale’, Still awaiting confirmation as to whether this is a simplified TrueNAS splinter/branch or something more involved
  • The Software is designed to be focused on being as user-friendly as possible and designed for x86 systems, not locked to hardware
  • Despite user-friendly focus, promises performance and stability
  • Includes storage recommendations, which can be actioned or ignored
  • Applications are 1-click installs, awaiting confirmation is these are pre-made containerized)
  • Remote Access to your home server, i.e “Remote Access from Anywhere” in the primary reveal
  • A Beta of the HexOS NAS software targetted for Q3 2024 (July-Sept)
  • Will feature Container and Virtual Machine Support (judging from the initial images) and mentions “Wizard Driven virtual desktops – details TBC)
  • Discussion of 3rd party cloud synchronization, but primarily designed for local access

That’s really it. As mentioned, on an earlier video back in April 2023, we summarized all the information that had been floating around about this software, which included in the references made on the WAN show, forum posts and references to Jon and Eric from the UnRAID community. You can watch that video HERE.

What we DO NOT Know about HexOS Right Now?

Realistically, we know very little about HexOS and that is kind of unusual for software that is reported to arrive as a Beta within the next 3.5 months. No doubt, we will be seeing deep dives into this software on the official LTT/LMG-partnered outlets soon enough. But right now, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. With numerous understandable sceptical users online thinking of this software as ‘Diet TrueNAS’ or TrueNAS Scale Zero’, but then again – would that be such a bad thing if it was? TrueNAS has been somewhat forced in recent years to make itself easier to work with (both from an end user and development stance), which was one of the core reasons for TrueNAS Scale’s development! But HexOS is not the only NAS Software in the market that is making promises of a simplified user experience for you and your data – so what about the things we still want to know? Here are just a few:

  • No formal discussion yet regarding security and encryption, remote access services being 1st party/3rd party (Tailscale, etc)
  • Hardware Specifications (minimum or recommended). To fully use the feature set of TrueNAS, 8-16GB tends to be the entry (as that becomes the ‘dedup’ and L cache minimum with powerful systems
  • Storage immutability? WORM Support etc
  • No confirmation at this time if HexOS runs on a dedicated OS-SSD internally, within the storage array (i.e as found on Synology DSM and QNAP QTS/QuTS, via an eMMC bootloader), or whether it will be injected into memory, as observed in UnRAID
  • No details regarding the price and support model. Current h-w free NAS OS in the market tend to be either completely free (but with paid/community support) like TrueNAS, monthly/annual/lifetime subscription (but with a 30 day trial) like UnRAID, or completely free with some components behind a paywall.
  • Much like above, support is yet to be confirmed – no word on whether HexOS will ‘Staff Up’ at launch or rely heavily on community support.

  • The extent to how much of the ZFS feature set will be rolled into the backend/foreground control of HexOS (snapshots, intelligent cache, jail separation on the apps, etc)
  • No confirmation on how permission/Access Control will be managed, especially during 3rd party App installation (Plex, Home automation control, surveillance, etc) – this is a massive hurdle for many NAS software to balance storage access and ideal restrictions in a user-friendly fashion
  • No word on whether it will use fixed-folder indexing (i.e generally simplified and more resource-economical NAS software tends to fix the directories of particular media to optimize performance, photos in a /photo directory, etc) and how this will be actioned when installing further applications and easy use UAC

And these are just scratching the surface!

What Are the Challenges that HexOS for NAS will face?

Trying to manage the balancing act of providing a fully featured private server software that can run on any custom x86 hardware configuration, making it highly secure AND keeping it easy to use.. well… MANY have tried. There have been varying levels of success before now. Such as:

Synology DSM and QNAP QuTS/QTS – Highly featured, Client tool rich and easy GUI NAS Software platforms. However, BOTH (along with Terramaster TOS and Asustor ADM) are locked to the hardware from their respective brands are not available for individual purchase.

UnRAID – Still by a good margin, the most user-friendly and capable NAS software in the market – but still has hurdles for the newbie and less tech-interested (storage manager – party disk selection, cache disk in/out of a UnRAID pool or newly supported ZFS pool)

Laticeworks / Amber Cloud – very user-friendly, structured to be comparable to 3rd party cloud ease-of-us, but as a network drive (with remote access). It has continued to see regular updates since it’s first reveal back in 2020, and even incorporates router management too. However, much like Synology/QNAP etc, is hardware locked

ZimaOS / Casa OS – Simple, TECHNICALLY not hardware locked, but not feature-rich yet (they only JUST added RAID in Jan) and the bulk of the features are via 3rd party containerized apps

WD NAS OS – The dumpster fire that is WD NAS OS – Started very well in the late 2000’s and 2010, starting easy with cloud setup, but ended up reaching a point in its UI that was too complex for the movies and too limited for the networking veterans – the GUI by WD OS 6 was tough to read and unintuitive as all hell! Indeed, that simplicity and automated cloud-relay access authentication by default (with SMB and ‘local’ accessible off by default) ended up being the reason that literally thousands of users could not access their systems when Western Digital corporate-level systems were compromised and isolation actions were needed (see video below):

The above are just a few examples. Add Open Media Vault (OMV), Proxmox if you want to focus on VMs, and more – and slowly you see that there is not actually a complete ‘novice level’ NAS software in the market. Now, the CLOSEST I have seen in 2024 is Synology and their BeeStation/BSM series, which takes ALOT of the fundamentals of DSM (BTRFS support, File/Folder browser access, multi-tier backups, SMB protocol, snapshots, very user-friendly client applications, etc) and then repackages them into a genuinely 5-click single screen NAS setup – with everything presented in a remarkably user-friendly fashion (see video below of Synology DSM vs Synology BSM). The issue? Well aside from it STILL being hardware locked, it lacks ALL of the premium prosumer/business tools for containers, VMs, OS level backups, powerful multimedia streaming playback, etc)

Likewise, there is the newly revealed Synology Active Protect platform – with its huge emphasis on Business backups, immutability, cloud VM-to-bare-metal deployment failover, significant versioning protocols, multisite deduplication and 10-minute deployment! But again, hardware locked, but also after 1 year, has subscription model costs to factor in. Learn more below:

Ultimately, it is still very much ‘early days’ for this NAS software and although it looks like the structure is sorted and presumably the logic in the backend has been laid out, as I cannot imagine a $250,000 investment being made on a blueprint on a napkin, nor can I imagine TrueNAS (the organization) allowing their OS being commercially forked in this fashion without heavy proof of concept and execution. There is also the question of how two ex UnRAID / Lime Technology team members end up splintering off into a TrueNAS-powered NAS OS that likely draws comparison at best and competition at worse with their former employers. I think we can all agree that the NAS industry is long overdue and open for the truly and completely tech-knowledge-free solution that has existed in DAS (Direct Attached Storage) for decades and is profited by on cloud platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. I am looking forward to seeing how this all plays out, how much of this promised utopia of simplicity can be maintained and how other players in the market respond to this. Whether we are looking at “TrueNAS Lite” and it fills that void, or it ends up initiating the existing NAS OS status quo to spare a thought for the ‘hassle-free’ UX, it is going to be fun to watch play out!

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À partir d’avant-hierFlux principal

Cost Effective QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X Desktop 10GbE and ECC Memory Ready NAS Revealed

Par : Rob Andrews
13 juin 2024 à 18:00

QNAP Reveal a New (and frankly incredible) ARM NAS Series – The TS-x32X NAS Range

At the recent Computex 2024 event, QNAP introduced two new NAS models, the TS-632X and TS-432X, which are poised to be valuable additions to their network storage offerings. These devices are specifically designed to cater to small to medium-sized businesses and tech-savvy users who need reliable and efficient data management solutions. Both models are powered by the Annapurna Labs AL524, a quad-core 2.0GHz ARM processor known for its energy efficiency and capability to handle multitasking workloads. Despite being based on ARM architecture, which typically doesn’t match the performance of Intel or AMD x86 processors, these NAS devices promise satisfactory performance for their target applications. This positioning highlights QNAP’s ongoing commitment to providing practical, affordable solutions that meet the diverse needs of modern data storage environments.

What are the Hardware Specifications of the QNAP TS-432x and TS-632x NAS?

The TS-632X, with its 6-bay configuration, offers dual 10GbE SFP+ ports, providing significant bandwidth for data-intensive tasks. This makes it suitable for high-speed network environments where rapid data transmission and backup are crucial. The inclusion of two 10GbE ports enables efficient data handling and minimizes latency in data-heavy operations. Meanwhile, the TS-432X, featuring a 4-bay setup, includes a single 10GbE SFP+ port, which, although less than the TS-632X, still offers substantial improvement over traditional 1GbE connections. For those who need to connect to conventional Ethernet networks, affordable SFP+ to RJ45 copper adapters are available, allowing these NAS systems to integrate seamlessly into existing infrastructures. However, it’s important to note that while these devices boast high-speed connectivity, the actual data transfer rates will likely be lower due to the inherent limitations of ARM processors compared to more powerful x86 processors from Intel and AMD.

Feature TS-432X


Model TS-432X-4G TS-632X-4G
CPU Annapurna Labs, an Amazon company Alpine AL524, 4-core, 2.0GHz Annapurna Labs, an Amazon company Alpine AL524, 4-core, 2.0GHz
CPU Architecture 64-bit ARM 64-bit ARM
Encryption Engine Supports AES 256-bit encryption Supports AES 256-bit encryption
System Memory 4 GB SODIMM DDR4 (1 x 4 GB) 4 GB SODIMM DDR4 (1 x 4 GB)
Maximum Memory 16 GB (1 x 16 GB) 16 GB (1 x 16 GB)
Memory Slot 1 x SODIMM DDR4 1 x SODIMM DDR4
Support ECC Memory Yes Yes
Drive Bay 4 x 3.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s, 3Gb/s 6 x 3.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s, 3Gb/s
2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Ports 2 (2.5G/1G/100M) 2 (2.5G/1G/100M)
10 Gigabit Ethernet Ports 1 x 10GbE SFP+ 2 x 10GbE SFP+
PCIe Slot 1 x PCIe Gen 3 x4 1 x PCIe Gen 3 x4
PCIe Slot Dimensions 190 x 68.9 x 18.76 mm 190 x 68.9 x 18.76 mm
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Ports 2 2
Dimensions (HxWxD) 226.5 x 170 x 165 mm 226.5 x 235 x 165 mm
Weight (Net) 1.99 kg 2.5 kg
Weight (Gross) 4.8 kg 4.96 kg
Power Supply Unit 90W adapter (12VDC), 100-240VAC 120W adapter (12VDC), 100-240VAC
Fan 1 x 120mm, 12VDC 2 x 90mm, 12VDC
Software Features AI photo management, container applications, centralized backup and snapshot protection, surveillance AI photo management, container applications, centralized backup and snapshot protection, surveillance
Connections 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports
Faster USB Transfer Two USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports with One Touch Copy support Two USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports with One Touch Copy support
Centralized Backup Easily back up different types of data and endpoints and create snapshots regularly to prevent ransomware threats Easily back up different types of data and endpoints and create snapshots regularly to prevent ransomware threats
10GbE Connectivity High-speed single-port 10GbE SFP+ connectivity High-speed dual-port 10GbE SFP+ connectivity
PCIe Expandability Install PCIe expansion card for 2.5/5/10GbE or M.2 SSD slots Install PCIe expansion card for 2.5/5/10GbE or M.2 SSD slots
Performance Quad-core for multitasking, low power consumption Quad-core for multitasking, low power consumption

A standout feature of both the TS-632X and TS-432X is their support for ECC (Error-Correcting Code) memory, which is a rare offering in ARM-based NAS systems, particularly at an accessible price point. By default, these NAS units are equipped with non-ECC memory, but they allow users the option to upgrade to ECC memory. ECC memory is crucial for preventing data corruption by detecting and correcting errors, making it a valuable addition for users who prioritize data integrity and reliability. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses and advanced users who require stable and accurate data storage solutions, providing an added layer of security typically reserved for more expensive, enterprise-grade systems. However, users should note that the out-of-the-box memory is non-ECC, and an upgrade will be necessary to take full advantage of ECC’s capabilities.

The expandability of the TS-632X and TS-432X is another notable aspect, particularly with the inclusion of a PCIe Gen 3 x4 slot. This slot enables users to install various expansion cards to enhance the NAS’s capabilities, such as additional network cards to increase connectivity options or M.2 SSD slots to boost storage performance. This PCIe slot provides a degree of scalability and customization, allowing these NAS systems to grow and adapt to changing business needs. Additionally, users can expand storage externally using QNAP’s TR and TL series expansion units via USB, further increasing the capacity and versatility of these NAS devices. This capability allows for significant expansion without requiring a complete overhaul of the storage infrastructure, making it a flexible and cost-effective solution for growing data storage requirements.

The TS-632X delivers impressive data transfer capabilities, with read speeds up to 2251 MB/s and write speeds up to 1082 MB/s when utilizing dual 10GbE connections under optimal conditions. The TS-432X, on the other hand, provides read speeds up to 1181 MB/s and write speeds up to 887 MB/s through its single 10GbE port. These figures reflect robust performance for ARM-based devices, but it’s important to recognize that actual speeds in everyday use may be lower due to the limitations of the ARM CPU. ARM processors, while efficient and cost-effective, generally do not perform as well in high-intensity data operations compared to their x86 counterparts. This factor should be considered by users looking for the highest possible data transfer speeds, as these systems may not match the throughput of more powerful, x86-based NAS devices.

A notable feature of these NAS systems is their scalability. Both the TS-632X and TS-432X support flexible storage configurations, allowing users to start with a minimal setup of one or two drives and add more drives as needed. This makes it possible to expand the storage capacity over time without significant upfront investment. Furthermore, the systems run on QNAP’s QTS operating system, which is based on the EXT4 file system rather than the more advanced QuTS ZFS platform. This choice is likely due to hardware limitations, as ZFS typically requires more robust hardware resources to run effectively. While QTS provides a user-friendly interface and sufficient functionality for most users, those looking for advanced features like deduplication and enhanced data integrity checks offered by ZFS will need to consider other options.

Both the TS-632X and TS-432X are slated for release in Q3 2024, with pricing expected to be consistent with QNAP’s previous ARM-powered 10GbE systems. This positions them competitively in the market, offering high-speed connectivity and robust data management features at a reasonable cost. As such, they are well-suited for users who need efficient and scalable storage solutions without incurring the higher costs associated with more powerful x86-based NAS systems. This upcoming release reflects QNAP’s strategy of providing accessible and flexible storage solutions that cater to a wide range of users, from small businesses to tech enthusiasts.

Essentially the QNAP TS-632X and TS-432X are being presented as practical and scalable solutions for those seeking reliable network storage with high-speed connectivity, but on a tighter budget! While they offer some advanced features such as ECC memory support and PCIe expandability, their performance is inherently limited by the ARM architecture. These NAS systems are suitable for users who need moderate performance and scalability at an affordable price point. As with any technology decision, potential users should consider their specific needs and performance expectations to determine if these models are the right fit for their requirements. QNAP’s new offerings at Computex 2024 underscore the company’s commitment to providing versatile, user-friendly storage solutions that balance cost and functionality.

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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Quels sont les meilleurs serveurs NAS à acheter en 2024 ?

12 juin 2024 à 10:50

Votre espace de stockage se réduit et vous avez besoin de plus de place ? Alors, il est fort probable que vous ayez besoin de faire l'acquisition d'un serveur NAS. Derrière cet acronyme se cachent de multiples caractéristiques pour des usages variés. Il est ainsi parfois difficile de choisir le NAS le plus adéquat pour votre utilisation, tant il y a de choix. Voici les meilleures machines à se procurer en 2024.

New QNAP USB4-to-10G Adapters (ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF)

Par : Rob Andrews
10 juin 2024 à 16:41

The QNAP USB4 to 10GbE Adapter (ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: QNAP has always been the hardware innovator in the world of NAS. They introduced Thunderbolt NAS, combination 10GbE+M.2 NVMe cards, USB DAS connected NAS (51A series), and more. However, their latest network upgrade product that is in the works, if it does what they say it will, might well be one of the most universally popular yet! The QNAP USB4 to 10GbE Adapter is a USB4 Type-C connected adapter that allows you to connect to a 10GbE network over copper (10GBASE-T RJ45) or SFP+. So, why is this a big deal? What problems does this solve? And does either of the ONA-LIC10G1T and/or ONA-LIC10G1SF Deserve a place on your next IT shopping trip? Let’s discuss.

Why is the QNAP USB4 to 10G Adapter a Big Deal?

It’s a good question! Up until now, if you wanted to add connectivity to your NAS or your client OS machine (Windows, Mac, etc.), you really only had two options. 1) Buy a 10GbE network upgrade PCIe card and install it in an available PCIe slot of your machine—which a lot of devices do not actually have! Or 2) Buy a Thunderbolt to 10GbE adapter to add this connection—but this requires you to actually have a physical Thunderbolt USB-C port in the first place! So, there is a lot of room for a user to not be able to access 10GbE. However, numerous NAS devices and client machines in the last year or two have been arriving with USB4 ports (especially now that Thunderbolt 4 and USB4 are effectively merged in most modern cases).

This means that this device will make it significantly easier for a user to add 10GbE to their system. It is still yet to be confirmed if the backward compatibility/auto-negotiation of USB4 down to USB 3.2 will still be supported and mean that this adapter can be used in older systems—but never say never. It will definitely heavily rely on the USB4 PCIe bridge that is featured inside the adapter.

The QNAP USB4 10G Adapter Hardware

As mentioned, the QNAP ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF USB4 to 10GbE Adapter arrives in versions that support copper 10G and SFP 10G. The internal hardware will likely remain largely the same between them, but it’s good that they have provided both physical forms. The system is fanless, and its entire casing acts as a form of heat dissipation when in operation. Additionally, the system is completely bus-powered (i.e., no additional cables) as USB4 provides more than enough power to keep the adapter running. Indeed, USB4 can provide an impressive 40Gb/s bandwidth, so there is more than enough to support a single 10GbE network adapter. In fact, given that abundance of bandwidth, it would not surprise me if QNAP ends up limiting the USB4 to 20Gb/s to keep it running at a lower temperature.

QNAP states that the adapter is planned to support use on both QNAP NAS systems and on Windows/Mac/Linux systems. However, whether you can attach multiple units to a QNAP NAS is yet to be confirmed.

The Future of this Product Series: 25GbE?

As mentioned earlier, USB4 provides a huge amount of bandwidth at 40Gb/s, and the single 10GbE on this new adapter is only using 25% of that bandwidth potential. So, what’s next? If QNAP has solved the internal USB4 to network controller (presumably with ASMedia or Realtek—TBC), then that leaves tremendous room to expand this series. I spoke with several people at the QNAP Computex stand about this device and was informed that development of a dual-port 10GbE and even a 25GbE FC version is being worked on, but do not expect those in 2024. It makes a lot of sense, as the USB4-10GbE unit at the show was working (on rotational performance tests), so the logic is there; it’s just making sure it is stable and that the bandwidth is effectively utilized.

Release and Pricing for the QNAP ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF ?

Although the SFP+ and RJ45 versions of the USB4 adapter were running at the show and were definitely real, when I asked about pricing and a release date, QNAP was very hard to pin down. In fact, aside from “later in 2024,” they would not confirm. I can’t really blame them. This is a very unique piece of kit at the moment, and I cannot imagine development was cheap. Add that exclusivity to the fact that the ASMedia/Realtek chip inside is likely very ‘current,’ which means that this will almost certainly be a $150+ adapter at the very least! Chances are that QNAP will need more time to gauge interest in the device before nailing down the details further. I’ll most certainly be keeping an eye on this one!

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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



QNAP QTS 5.2 arrive en RC

Par : Fx
7 juin 2024 à 07:00
QNAP vient de mettre en ligne la version Release Candidate de son logiciel interne QTS 5.2. Cette nouvelle version intègre de nombreuses améliorations, mais aussi de nouveaux outils. QNAP QTS 5.2 RC QNAP a été plutôt rapide sur la phase bêta. Il n’y aura eu qu’une seule version avant le passage en RC (Release Candidate). Pour rappel, une version RC est (normalement) la dernière version avant la mise à disposition de tous de la version finale. À noter que QNAP a précédemment sorti 3 RC avant la version finale. QNAP annonce : « QTS 5.2.0 apporte de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités importantes […]
Lire la suite : QNAP QTS 5.2 arrive en RC

QNAP @ Computex 2024 – Everything They Showed

Par : Rob Andrews
5 juin 2024 à 09:49

What Has QNAP Planned for 2024 and 2025?

QNAP unveiled a variety of new hardware and software solutions at Computex 2024, designed to cater to both personal and business users. Among the highlights is a USB-to-10GbE connectivity adapter, which promises to bring high-speed network capabilities to devices that previously required PCIe cards. Additionally, they will showcase a USB4 expansion box, providing users with more storage capacity and faster data transfer speeds. The line-up also includes a new 1U expandable rackmount, which offers flexible storage options in a compact form factor, ideal for businesses looking to optimize their server space. QNAP is also introducing an advanced 4/6 Bay NAS series, designed to meet the growing data storage and management needs of small to medium-sized businesses. In terms of connectivity, there are significant improvements in thunderbolt support in the form of SMB Multichannel being added to TB connectivity, ensuring faster and more reliable connections for users who need high-performance data transfer. These new products and innovations, scheduled for release in 2024 and 2025, demonstrate QNAP’s commitment to enhancing their storage solutions and keeping pace with the evolving demands of their users. Here is everything they showed off.

The QNAP TS-765eU Massive Flexible 1U Rackmount NAS

The QNAP TS-765eU is a compact yet powerful 1U short depth rackmount NAS designed to meet the demanding needs of modern businesses. Equipped with an Intel Atom x7405C quad-core processor, this NAS delivers impressive performance with a clock speed of up to 3.46GHz. This powerful processor ensures smooth operation for various applications, from data storage and management to virtualization tasks. The TS-765eU also supports up to 16GB of DDR5 SODIMM memory with in-band ECC, providing reliable error detection and correction during data transmission, which enhances system stability and data integrity.

One of the standout features of the TS-765eU is its flexible storage options. It comes with four 3.5″ SATA bays and three E1.S/M.2 PCIe slots, allowing users to customize their storage setup according to their needs. The included M.2 adapter supports M.2 2280 PCIe SSDs, offering high-speed storage solutions for applications requiring fast data access. This adaptability makes the TS-765eU suitable for various storage configurations, from large-capacity drives for data archiving to high-speed SSDs for performance-intensive tasks.

Connectivity is another strong suit of the TS-765eU. It features built-in dual 2.5GbE RJ45 ports, providing high-speed network connectivity out of the box. For users requiring even faster network speeds, the NAS supports expansion to 10GBASE-T through its E1.S PCIe slots using the optional OXG-ES10G1T network adapter.

This flexibility ensures that the TS-765eU can adapt to different networking environments and future-proof the network infrastructure as demands grow. Overall, the TS-765eU combines powerful performance, flexible storage options, and scalable connectivity, making it a versatile solution for businesses looking to optimize their network-attached storage capabilities.

The QNAP USB 4 JBOD Expansion Box and Rackmount

The QNAP JBOD USB4 Expansion Box, available in models TL-D810TC4 and TL-R1210TC4-RP, is designed to enhance storage capabilities for NAS systems. With its high-capacity 8 or 12-bay configurations, this enclosure supports hot-swappable SATA hard drives, making it an ideal solution for expanding storage without downtime. The inclusion of a USB 4 port (40Gbps) ensures high-speed data transfers, significantly outperforming traditional USB 3.2 Gen 2 interfaces. This speed advantage is crucial for businesses and users handling large files, reducing transfer times and improving overall workflow efficiency.

In addition to its robust storage capabilities, the QNAP JBOD USB4 Expansion Box features intelligent fan control to protect your hardware. The system automatically adjusts fan speeds based on temperature readings to extend the lifespan of your hard drives, with an option for manual control for customized settings.

This enclosure also offers easy physical data migration, allowing users to effortlessly move the JBOD to different locations and connect it to a NAS system. The plug-and-play functionality ensures seamless and quick data migration, enhancing flexibility and convenience in managing expanding storage needs.

QNAP USB 4 to 10GbE and 25GbE Adapters

The QNAP QNA USB 4 Type C Network Adapter series is an advanced solution designed to provide high-speed network connectivity for both Mac and Windows computers. Leveraging the power of USB 4, these adapters enable users to achieve 10GbE or 25GbE network speeds, making them ideal for applications requiring fast data transfers and low latency. This series includes five distinct models: the ONA-LIC10G1T, which offers a single 10GBASE-T connection; the ONA-UC10G1SF, which provides a single 10GbE SFP+ connection; the ONA-UC10G2T, featuring dual 10GBASE-T connections; the ONA-UC10G2SF, offering dual 10GbE SFP+ connections; and the ONA-UC25G2SF, which supports dual 25GbE SFP28 connections. Each model is designed to cater to specific networking needs, ensuring versatility and high performance.

One of the most notable aspects of the QNA USB 4 Type C Network Adapter series is its status as the first USB4 to 10/25GbE adapter on the market. Traditionally, achieving these high-speed connections required the use of PCIe cards, which often limited flexibility and portability. By bringing these capabilities to a compact, USB4-enabled device, QNAP has significantly simplified the process of upgrading network speeds, allowing users to easily integrate these adapters into their existing setups without the need for internal hardware modifications.

The fanless design of these adapters reduces noise and enhances heat dissipation through exterior groove slots on the casing, ensuring efficient operation even under heavy load. The lightweight and portable nature of the adapters, coupled with the included USB 4 C to C cable, makes them easy to set up and use on the go. It is important to note that these adapters are not backward compatible with USB 3, so users must ensure their systems have USB 4 ports.

The ONA-UC25G2SF model (STILL VERY WIP) includes two USB 4 Type C ports, one for power delivery (requiring a minimum of 27W) and one for data transfer, although a power adapter is not included. These features demonstrate QNAP’s commitment to providing flexible, high-performance networking solutions that meet the demands of modern computing environments.

QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS Devices

The QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS devices are designed for small to medium-sized businesses requiring robust and high-speed storage solutions. Powered by a quad-core 2.0GHz AnnapurnaLabs AL-524 processor, these NAS devices ensure powerful performance for various tasks. The TS-432X features four drive bays, while the TS-632X offers six, providing ample storage capacity. Both models support expandable memory up to 16GB RAM, catering to the data backup, recovery, and virtualized storage needs of SMBs. The built-in 10GbE SFP+ and 2.5GbE RJ45 ports deliver exceptional network connectivity, making these devices ideal for environments demanding high-speed data transfers.

In addition to their impressive hardware specifications, the TS-432X and TS-632X are equipped with one PCIe Gen3 x4 slot, allowing for various expansion options, including network cards and M.2 cards. The pre-installed 4GB NON ECC memory can be upgraded via a DDR4 SODIMM slot, with ECC support available for enhanced reliability.

These features, combined with the versatile connectivity options and powerful processor, make the TS-432X and TS-632X excellent choices for SMBs looking to optimize their storage infrastructure and ensure efficient data management.

USB and m.2 AI Accelerator Cards for QTS Services

(Pictures Added Soon)

The QNAP QAI-M100 and QAI-U100 AI accelerators provide an affordable way to enhance image recognition capabilities on QNAP NAS devices. Featuring AI accelerator modules with 3 TOPS (Trillion Operations Per Second), these models offer USB 3.2 Gen 1 or M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 2 x1 interfaces, compatible with QTS 5.2.x and QuTS hero h5.2.x. These accelerators are designed to support lightweight QNAP AI applications, including QNAP AI Core for face and object recognition. The implementation of the QAI-M100 significantly boosts AI recognition performance, tripling the speed of tasks such as facial feature extraction on devices like the TS-464 with an Intel Celeron N5095 processor. This advancement ensures faster and more efficient processing of AI-related tasks, making it an essential upgrade for users looking to leverage AI technology on their NAS systems.

New Affordable External Network Focused Gen4 Flash NAS – The TS-h1277AFX

(Pictures Added Soon)

The QNAP TS-H1277AFX Desktop NAS is a powerful and cost-effective solution designed for high-performance storage needs. This tower NAS features 12 SATA SSD bays, making it an all-flash system ideal for environments that demand fast and reliable data access. Powered by an AMD Ryzen 7000 series processor, the TS-H1277AFX can support up to 192GB of DDR5 memory, ensuring it can handle intensive tasks and large workloads with ease. The AMD Ryzen processor offers up to 8 cores and 16 threads, with burst speeds up to 5.36GHz, providing exceptional processing power for various applications.

One of the standout features of the TS-H1277AFX is its efficient data reduction technology. The system employs inline data deduplication, which is block-based and operates before data is written to storage. This technology significantly optimizes storage usage by reducing the amount of data that needs to be stored, effectively decreasing storage capacity requirements. This makes the TS-H1277AFX not only powerful but also highly efficient in managing data, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to maximize their storage investments.

In addition to its impressive storage and processing capabilities, the TS-H1277AFX is equipped with robust connectivity options. It includes two 2.5GbE RJ45 ports and two 10GBASE-T ports, allowing for accelerated file access and sharing across networks. The NAS also features three PCIe Gen 4 slots, providing the flexibility to install additional network cards, graphics cards, or other PCIe expansion cards to enhance system functionality and application performance. With its combination of powerful hardware, efficient data management, and versatile connectivity, the TS-H1277AFX is well-suited for office environments that require high-speed, reliable storage solutions.

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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Computex Taipei 2024 | News, Updates, and Innovations

Par : Rob Andrews
4 juin 2024 à 00:29

EVERYTHING Revealed at Computex 2024

Welcome to the Computex Taipei 2024 Megathread on NASCompares! As one of the world’s largest and most influential tech trade shows, Computex Taipei is the hub for groundbreaking announcements in the data storage industry. Throughout the event, which runs from June 4-7, 2024, we’ll be providing up-to-the-minute coverage of all major reveals and innovations from top NAS brands like Synology and QNAP, as well as leading HDD and SSD manufacturers. Stay tuned to this page for comprehensive updates, detailed insights, and expert analysis on the latest advancements in data storage technology. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a professional in the field, our megathread will keep you informed about everything you need to know from Computex Taipei 2024.

LAST UPDATED 5th June 2024 – 4PM BST / GMT+1

The QNAP TS-765eU Massive Flexible 1U Rackmount NAS

The QNAP TS-765eU is a compact yet powerful 1U short depth rackmount NAS designed to meet the demanding needs of modern businesses. Equipped with an Intel Atom x7405C quad-core processor, this NAS delivers impressive performance with a clock speed of up to 3.46GHz. This powerful processor ensures smooth operation for various applications, from data storage and management to virtualization tasks. The TS-765eU also supports up to 16GB of DDR5 SODIMM memory with in-band ECC, providing reliable error detection and correction during data transmission, which enhances system stability and data integrity.

One of the standout features of the TS-765eU is its flexible storage options. It comes with four 3.5″ SATA bays and three E1.S/M.2 PCIe slots, allowing users to customize their storage setup according to their needs. The included M.2 adapter supports M.2 2280 PCIe SSDs, offering high-speed storage solutions for applications requiring fast data access. This adaptability makes the TS-765eU suitable for various storage configurations, from large-capacity drives for data archiving to high-speed SSDs for performance-intensive tasks.

Connectivity is another strong suit of the TS-765eU. It features built-in dual 2.5GbE RJ45 ports, providing high-speed network connectivity out of the box. For users requiring even faster network speeds, the NAS supports expansion to 10GBASE-T through its E1.S PCIe slots using the optional OXG-ES10G1T network adapter.

This flexibility ensures that the TS-765eU can adapt to different networking environments and future-proof the network infrastructure as demands grow. Overall, the TS-765eU combines powerful performance, flexible storage options, and scalable connectivity, making it a versatile solution for businesses looking to optimize their network-attached storage capabilities.

QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS Devices

The QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS devices are designed for small to medium-sized businesses requiring robust and high-speed storage solutions. Powered by a quad-core 2.0GHz AnnapurnaLabs AL-524 processor, these NAS devices ensure powerful performance for various tasks. The TS-432X features four drive bays, while the TS-632X offers six, providing ample storage capacity. Both models support expandable memory up to 16GB RAM, catering to the data backup, recovery, and virtualized storage needs of SMBs. The built-in 10GbE SFP+ and 2.5GbE RJ45 ports deliver exceptional network connectivity, making these devices ideal for environments demanding high-speed data transfers.

In addition to their impressive hardware specifications, the TS-432X and TS-632X are equipped with one PCIe Gen3 x4 slot, allowing for various expansion options, including network cards and M.2 cards. The pre-installed 4GB NON ECC memory can be upgraded via a DDR4 SODIMM slot, with ECC support available for enhanced reliability.

These features, combined with the versatile connectivity options and powerful processor, make the TS-432X and TS-632X excellent choices for SMBs looking to optimize their storage infrastructure and ensure efficient data management.

USB and m.2 AI Accelerator Cards for QTS Services

(Pictures Added Soon)

The QNAP QAI-M100 and QAI-U100 AI accelerators provide an affordable way to enhance image recognition capabilities on QNAP NAS devices. Featuring AI accelerator modules with 3 TOPS (Trillion Operations Per Second), these models offer USB 3.2 Gen 1 or M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 2 x1 interfaces, compatible with QTS 5.2.x and QuTS hero h5.2.x. These accelerators are designed to support lightweight QNAP AI applications, including QNAP AI Core for face and object recognition. The implementation of the QAI-M100 significantly boosts AI recognition performance, tripling the speed of tasks such as facial feature extraction on devices like the TS-464 with an Intel Celeron N5095 processor. This advancement ensures faster and more efficient processing of AI-related tasks, making it an essential upgrade for users looking to leverage AI technology on their NAS systems.

The Synology GS Series

Synology is no stranger to large-scale storage. Last year, we saw the long-developed rollout of the High Density series (premiering a 60 Bay 4U Rackmount solution) and further refreshes in the Synology RS and SA series. However, it would appear that Synology has even loftier goals, with the launch of the Synology GS series – designed to massively scale up towards XX nodes (demonstrated as GS6400 rackmount devices) that, when clustered together, can scale up to an insane 20 Petabyte groups.

We are still awaiting details on the storage capacity scaling (i.e., will they arrive in pre-designated storage configurations), but they will no doubt roll out supporting the Synology HAT5310/HAS5310 Enterprise drives up to 20TB. The GS series appears to be in a slightly modified chassis (numeric LED panel and vent fascia) but seemingly will be using similar hardware/architecture to existing EPYC-powered systems already in the Synology RS/SA portfolio. Additionally, as the scale of the GS Clusters is so large, Synology are rolling out a dedicated GS Cluster switch to coordinate the whole thing. Pricing and capacity details are still TBC!

The Synology DP Series and ActiveProtect

Synology really made some noise on this one, and frankly, I can see why. The Data Protection series is a new tier of their portfolio that exclusively focuses on backup management, fast deployment, and simplicity. Arriving in rackmount hardware form (at least at launch), these systems will NOT arrive with DSM (the operating system of the majority of Synology NAS systems) but instead a dedicated backup appliance called ActiveProtect.

It appears to consolidate the features and functions of several parts of the Synology ecosystem (in particular Active Backup) in order to create a 10-minute setup backup solution for businesses who need robust and easily configurable backup management for:

  • Local PC/Mac/Linux client machines
  • Synology and 3rd Party Linux Server backups
  • Cloud-Based Software as a Service (SaaS) data, such as Google Workspace and Microsoft 365
  • Hyper-V/VMware virtual machines

The architecture of the ActiveProtect system also features a number of impressive restoration services built in, ranging from deploying backups of your cloud source VMs to a local VM deployed on the NAS and WORM-protected backups, to simple file/folder restoration and deduplication.

That last one is extra important, as not only does a single DP system with ActiveProtect deduplicate backed-up data in its immediate network circle, but when you deploy multiple DP systems across multiple sites in your business’ physical geography (i.e., sites globally) and have a dedicated target backup for them all, it will further deduplicate the data being sent from all those other DP systems too.

New Affordable External Network Focused Gen4 Flash NAS – The TS-h1277AFX

(Pictures Added Soon)

The QNAP TS-H1277AFX Desktop NAS is a powerful and cost-effective solution designed for high-performance storage needs. This tower NAS features 12 SATA SSD bays, making it an all-flash system ideal for environments that demand fast and reliable data access. Powered by an AMD Ryzen 7000 series processor, the TS-H1277AFX can support up to 192GB of DDR5 memory, ensuring it can handle intensive tasks and large workloads with ease. The AMD Ryzen processor offers up to 8 cores and 16 threads, with burst speeds up to 5.36GHz, providing exceptional processing power for various applications.

One of the standout features of the TS-H1277AFX is its efficient data reduction technology. The system employs inline data deduplication, which is block-based and operates before data is written to storage. This technology significantly optimizes storage usage by reducing the amount of data that needs to be stored, effectively decreasing storage capacity requirements. This makes the TS-H1277AFX not only powerful but also highly efficient in managing data, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to maximize their storage investments.

In addition to its impressive storage and processing capabilities, the TS-H1277AFX is equipped with robust connectivity options. It includes two 2.5GbE RJ45 ports and two 10GBASE-T ports, allowing for accelerated file access and sharing across networks. The NAS also features three PCIe Gen 4 slots, providing the flexibility to install additional network cards, graphics cards, or other PCIe expansion cards to enhance system functionality and application performance. With its combination of powerful hardware, efficient data management, and versatile connectivity, the TS-H1277AFX is well-suited for office environments that require high-speed, reliable storage solutions.

Synology C2 Surveillance Station and Cloud Cameras

Although Synology has quite a few different apps and services in DSM, one of the most polished and universally praised examples is Surveillance Station. All Synology NAS systems that run DSM also include the Surveillance Station applications and the ability to add multiple cameras. However, 2 years ago, when Synology rolled out C2 Surveillance (a cloud failover and dual recording platform to be used in conjunction with SS), it was only a question of time before they went the extra step and created a ‘direct to cloud’ version of their Surveillance Station platform – C2 Surveillance Station.

This is a cloud-based UI of Surveillance Station that allows users to deploy Synology C2 cameras that record directly to the C2 Cloud. Now, there is an argument that this is something that other camera brands have always offered (i.e., a camera and a cloud subscription for recordings), and many choose Synology for their surveillance/CCTV as they have an in-house surveillance system in a DSM NAS. However, that does not apply to everyone, and there are several different deployments that could see the benefits of a Synology surveillance system, but without deploying a Synology network storage appliance, such as:

  • Building sites, where the network and PoE structure of surveillance cameras are not present
  • Locations with a largely exclusive wireless network
  • Mobile setups that require camera security, but have a regularly changing physical location
  • Users who want the user-friendly surveillance UI of Surveillance Station, but are not interested in purchasing more than the physical cameras

Needless to say, after this initial reveal, there is still the question of pricing, i.e., will the cameras require a monthly storage subscription? Do the cameras support use for local Synology NAS Surveillance deployment as an option? We will have to wait and see closer to the physical launch.

New Fisheye Camera and 8MP Bullet Camera

(Article Still In Progress)

New Synology Flash NVMe and HDD Hybrid Rackmount (Still Early Development)

(Article Still In Progress)

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Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.





  MON June 3rd15:30 BST 


ASUS has unveiled the ROG Rapture GT-BE19000, a cutting-edge tri-band Wi-Fi 7 gaming router, during a press launch preceding COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2024. Positioned as a more affordable alternative to the ROG Rapture GT-BE98 introduced earlier in April, the GT-BE19000 boasts impressive specifications despite omitting one of the 5GHz bands found in its higher-end counterpart. This model operates on one 6GHz band, one 5GHz band, and one 2.4GHz band, supporting advanced features like 4,096-QAM and a 320MHz bandwidth (exclusive to the 6GHz band). The router delivers a remarkable maximum wireless communication speed of up to 11,529Mbps, with 5,764Mbps on the 5GHz band and 1,376Mbps on the 2.4GHz band, ensuring a robust and seamless gaming experience.

The ROG Rapture GT-BE19000 also excels in wired connectivity, offering a versatile array of ports: one 10 Gigabit WAN/LAN, one 2.5 Gigabit WAN/LAN, one 10 Gigabit LAN, three 2.5 Gigabit LAN, and one Gigabit LAN. This extensive port selection facilitates the creation of a high-speed network environment, both wirelessly and through wired LAN connections. Additional key features include 256MB of flash memory, 2GB of DDR4 RAM, eight large external antennas, and support for ASUS’s AIMesh technology, enabling users to build a comprehensive mesh network. The router’s dimensions are 350.41mm in width, 220.9mm in depth, and 350.41mm in height. Although the release date and pricing are yet to be determined, ASUS plans to make the GT-BE19000 available in the domestic market, continuing to bolster its reputation for delivering high-performance networking solutions tailored for gamers.

The QNAP USB 4 JBOD Expansion Box and Rackmount

The QNAP JBOD USB4 Expansion Box, available in models TL-D810TC4 and TL-R1210TC4-RP, is designed to enhance storage capabilities for NAS systems. With its high-capacity 8 or 12-bay configurations, this enclosure supports hot-swappable SATA hard drives, making it an ideal solution for expanding storage without downtime. The inclusion of a USB 4 port (40Gbps) ensures high-speed data transfers, significantly outperforming traditional USB 3.2 Gen 2 interfaces. This speed advantage is crucial for businesses and users handling large files, reducing transfer times and improving overall workflow efficiency.

In addition to its robust storage capabilities, the QNAP JBOD USB4 Expansion Box features intelligent fan control to protect your hardware. The system automatically adjusts fan speeds based on temperature readings to extend the lifespan of your hard drives, with an option for manual control for customized settings. This enclosure also offers easy physical data migration, allowing users to effortlessly move the JBOD to different locations and connect it to a NAS system. The plug-and-play functionality ensures seamless and quick data migration, enhancing flexibility and convenience in managing expanding storage needs.

QNAP USB 4 to 10GbE and 25GbE Adapters

The QNAP QNA USB 4 Type C Network Adapter series is an advanced solution designed to provide high-speed network connectivity for both Mac and Windows computers. Leveraging the power of USB 4, these adapters enable users to achieve 10GbE or 25GbE network speeds, making them ideal for applications requiring fast data transfers and low latency. This series includes five distinct models: the ONA-LIC10G1T, which offers a single 10GBASE-T connection; the ONA-UC10G1SF, which provides a single 10GbE SFP+ connection; the ONA-UC10G2T, featuring dual 10GBASE-T connections; the ONA-UC10G2SF, offering dual 10GbE SFP+ connections; and the ONA-UC25G2SF, which supports dual 25GbE SFP28 connections. Each model is designed to cater to specific networking needs, ensuring versatility and high performance.

One of the most notable aspects of the QNA USB 4 Type C Network Adapter series is its status as the first USB4 to 10/25GbE adapter on the market. Traditionally, achieving these high-speed connections required the use of PCIe cards, which often limited flexibility and portability. By bringing these capabilities to a compact, USB4-enabled device, QNAP has significantly simplified the process of upgrading network speeds, allowing users to easily integrate these adapters into their existing setups without the need for internal hardware modifications.

The fanless design of these adapters reduces noise and enhances heat dissipation through exterior groove slots on the casing, ensuring efficient operation even under heavy load. The lightweight and portable nature of the adapters, coupled with the included USB 4 C to C cable, makes them easy to set up and use on the go. It is important to note that these adapters are not backward compatible with USB 3, so users must ensure their systems have USB 4 ports. The ONA-UC25G2SF model includes two USB 4 Type C ports, one for power delivery (requiring a minimum of 27W) and one for data transfer, although a power adapter is not included. These features demonstrate QNAP’s commitment to providing flexible, high-performance networking solutions that meet the demands of modern computing environments.

The Phison PCIe Gen 5 SSD – 56 GB per second demo!

Phison has been one of the biggest players in the world of solid-state drive controllers, so it isn’t a huge surprise that they are making a significant splash at the event. Gen 5 integration has been slow but steady over the last 12 months. In previous years, we have seen Phison demo the use of their drives in bulk via PCIe storage upgrade cards, and 2024 is no exception. On display at their stand is a 16x M.2 NVMe Gen 5 x16 storage expansion card, fully populated with 12 GB per second R/W M.2 NVMe drives – pretty wild.

If you attend the Computex event, I strongly recommend heading over to their stand, as they currently have the system running on constant rotation. The speeds do fluctuate slightly with each test, but at peak, they state the test can hit 56 GB (crucially, not gigabit) per second sequential read and 54 GB per second sequential write. This is fast approaching the full saturation of the PCIe Gen 5 x16 bandwidth.

Indeed, you could probably get away with fully saturating the system with Gen 4 SSDs and edge close to these numbers. But it is only with the Gen 5 SSDs that you can achieve such saturation and sustain it.

Likewise, when it comes to 4K random IOPS, although the demonstration numbers do fluctuate a little at the top end, Phison states that this setup was able to hit 20 million 4K reads and 19 million 4K write IOPS. It’s a significant achievement, and although Gen 5 SSDs continue to be at the more expensive end of the market, it is still a nice indication that Gen 5 drives in bulk can achieve larger sustained numbers in a way that single drives struggle with over long-term use. These are, of course, synthetic tests, and real-world performance numbers will no doubt be lower, but crucially even these realistic and non-synthetic numbers will be a great deal higher than those we’ve seen previously via PCIe cards, thanks to the Gen 5 push.

QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS Devices

(Pictures Coming Soon)

The QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS devices are designed for small to medium-sized businesses requiring robust and high-speed storage solutions. Powered by a quad-core 2.0GHz AnnapurnaLabs AL-524 processor, these NAS devices ensure powerful performance for various tasks. The TS-432X features four drive bays, while the TS-632X offers six, providing ample storage capacity. Both models support expandable memory up to 16GB RAM, catering to the data backup, recovery, and virtualized storage needs of SMBs. The built-in 10GbE SFP+ and 2.5GbE RJ45 ports deliver exceptional network connectivity, making these devices ideal for environments demanding high-speed data transfers.

In addition to their impressive hardware specifications, the TS-432X and TS-632X are equipped with one PCIe Gen3 x4 slot, allowing for various expansion options, including network cards and M.2 cards. The pre-installed 4GB Non-ECC memory can be upgraded via a DDR4 SODIMM slot, with ECC support available for enhanced reliability. These features, combined with the versatile connectivity options and powerful processor, make the TS-432X and TS-632X excellent choices for SMBs looking to optimize their storage infrastructure and ensure efficient data management.

DRAMless Gen 5 SSDs

Last year, when we attended Computex, we touched on the fact that Phison discussed their work towards a DRAMless SSD controller for Gen 5 SSDs. Although DRAM-free SSDs are not for everyone, due to the potential throttling that can be caused by a lack of onboard RAM during intense performance, there is still demand for this style of drive. This is both because they increase affordability and because they allow for more energy-efficient systems to take advantage of the high performance offered by Gen 5. I’m pleased to say that, although last year it seemed more theoretical with the art backroom prototype, the Phison E31T controller is now a reality, with several examples on display at their stands this year. Although Phison typically does not sell their SSDs directly (though they do produce some of their own labeled drives at the enterprise level), the rollout of a DRAMless Gen 5 SSD will no doubt gain attention as other vendors hop on board. I fully expect Seagate, Patriot, and more to launch their own DRAMless SSDs in the coming months. Phison’s SSD Controller E31T is a cutting-edge solution designed to meet the demands of next-generation storage devices.

Leveraging the PCIe Gen5x4 interface and built on the TSMC 7nm process, the E31T controller offers exceptional performance and efficiency. Its DRAM-less design is complemented by a 4-channel architecture with 16 CEs, supporting up to 8TB of capacity with 3D TLC/QLC NAND. The integration of an ARM Cortex R5 CPU ensures robust processing capabilities, while Phison’s 7th Gen LDPC and RAID ECC provide advanced error correction. Additionally, the E31T supports security features such as AES256 encryption, TCG Opal, and Pyrite, making it a comprehensive solution for high-performance and secure storage. In terms of performance, the E31T controller achieves remarkable sequential read and write speeds exceeding 10,000 MB/s, along with random read and write IOPS of 1,500K. This makes it particularly suitable for applications requiring high throughput and low latency, such as data centers, enterprise storage solutions, and high-end consumer SSDs. The controller’s ability to maintain high performance with existing 3600MT/s NAND, despite different configurations and power limitations, underscores its versatility and efficiency. As the market increasingly adopts PCIe Gen5 technology, the E31T stands poised to drive the next wave of storage innovation.

Redriver PS7162 – PCIe 6 ?

The Redriver PS7162 from Phison is designed to enhance the performance of PCIe 6.0 systems, making it a crucial component for future-proofing high-speed data transmission. Supporting an 8-channel (non-interleaved) configuration and featuring I2C mode, this redriver optimizes signal integrity and reduces pin count through 4-level I/O for EQ and GAIN settings. Its impressive 20dB max EQ boosting range and 70ps ultra-low latency ensure minimal signal degradation, crucial for maintaining high-speed data transfers. The PS7162’s package type is FCLGA, utilizing the SiGe BiCMOS process for improved performance and reliability. Additionally, the “PHiTUNE” Auto-EQ tuning tool provides automated adjustments, simplifying the optimization process for PCIe 6.0 systems.

• PCIe Gen 6.0
• 8-Channel (Non-interleaved)
• 4-Level I/O for EQ and GAIN
settings to reduce pin count
• Pin-to-pin vs. PCIe 5.0
• 20dB max EQ boosting range
• 70ps ultra-low latency
• Package type: FCLGA
• SiGe BiCMOS process
• “PHiTUNE “ Auto-EQ tuning tool
• Optimized Linearity for PCIe 6.

The Redriver PS7162’s design and capabilities make it an essential component for advancing PCIe 6.0 technology. Its optimized linearity and performance in a PCIe 6.0 (PAM4) system environment enable it to handle the increased data rates and complexities associated with this next-generation interface. By providing robust signal amplification and minimizing latency, the PS7162 ensures that systems can fully leverage the bandwidth and speed improvements of PCIe 6.0. This makes it ideal for high-performance computing environments, data centers, and any application requiring reliable and efficient data transmission at the highest speeds.

U21 USB 4 External SSD – Go Native

The U21 USB 4 External SSD by Phison stands out as a high-performance storage solution tailored for modern data needs. With its Native USB4 (40Gbps) interface, it promises ultra-fast data transfer rates, making it ideal for tasks requiring high-speed data access and storage. Built on the advanced TSMC 12nm process, this SSD features a DRAM-less design and a 4-channel architecture with 16 CEs, supporting up to 16TB of storage capacity. It leverages 3D TLC/QLC NAND technology, which ensures high density and reliability. The integration of Phison’s 7th Gen LDPC and RAID ECC provides robust error correction, while AES256 encryption ensures data security. The U21 is also backwards compatible with legacy USB standards, making it versatile for use with a wide range of devices.

Performance-wise, the U21 USB 4 External SSD boasts impressive sequential read and write speeds of up to 4,000 MB/s. This makes it an excellent choice for users needing rapid access to large files, such as video editors, gamers, and IT professionals. Despite its high performance, the SSD maintains a compact form factor (U32C), making it a portable yet powerful storage option. Whether for professional use or personal data management, the U21 USB 4 External SSD offers a blend of speed, security, and storage capacity, setting a new standard for external SSDs in the market.

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Computex 2024 : QNAP présente ses nouveautés autour de l’IA et la HA

Par : Fx
4 juin 2024 à 07:00
Alors que le Computex 2024 vient d’ouvrir ses portes, QNAP présente ses produits conçus pour répondre aux besoins complexes de l’IA, de la haute disponibilité, de l’édition vidéo… et la sauvegarde isolée (Airgap+). Sur son stand, le fabricant a dévoilé les produits suivants :  TS-h1277AFX, TS-765eU, QSW-M3224-24T, TL-D810TC4, QNA-UC10G1T/QNA-UC10G1SF et QAI-M100/QAI-U100. IA à tous les étages Tous les jours, nous voyons/lisons des articles sur l’Intelligence Artificielle : ses avancées, sa rapidité, ses nouvelles capacités… et comment elle va révolutionner notre quotidien (ou pas). QNAP n’y échappe pas. Le fabricant a mis en avant ses NAS haute performance optimisés pour les […]
Lire la suite : Computex 2024 : QNAP présente ses nouveautés autour de l’IA et la HA

The QNAP TS-464 NAS – 2 Years Later, Should You Still Buy It?

Par : Rob Andrews
29 mai 2024 à 18:00

QNAP TS-464 NAS – A Comprehensive Review Two Years Post-Launch

Even after two years since its introduction, the QNAP TS-464 NAS continues to hold its ground as one of the most lauded offerings in QNAP’s extensive lineup. Esteemed for its adept balance of hardware efficiency and cost-effectiveness, this model has etched its name among the top contenders in the NAS market. As we delve into this device once more in 2024, our aim is to provide a examination of its performance, features, and potential considerations for prospective buyers – Does it still stack up well in 2024, with new brands and products entering the market?

Note – Full Review of the QNAP TS-464 NAS on YouTube HERE , and the long form written Review HERE

Physical Design and Hardware Efficiency: A Fusion of Compactness and Performance

The TS-464 makes a lasting impression with its compact and efficient design, catering to environments where space is at a premium. Powered by either an Intel N5105 or N5095 processor, renowned for their remarkable blend of low power consumption and robust performance, this NAS stands as a testament to efficiency and power.

With options ranging from 4 to 8 GB of DDR4 memory and support for up to four hard drive bays, users are afforded ample storage capacity without sacrificing on footprint.

Noteworthy is its energy-efficient operation, boasting a CPU with a thermal design power (TDP) between 10 to 15 watts, ensuring minimal disruption to home or office settings.

Expansion Capabilities: Embracing Versatility

The TS-464 shines in its expandability, offering multiple M.2 NVMe SSD slots and a PCIe slot for additional enhancements. Empowering users to integrate 10 GbE network cards, NVMe storage solutions, or even Wi-Fi cards, this NAS epitomizes adaptability to evolving needs.

Furthermore, the inclusion of USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports facilitates high-speed connectivity to external storage devices and peripherals, enhancing its versatility and usability across diverse applications.

Performance as a Plex Media Server: A Reliable Entertainment Hub

Among its many strengths, the TS-464 excels as a Plex media server, leveraging efficient hardware transcoding capabilities. Capable of seamlessly handling multiple simultaneous 4K video streams, this NAS offers unparalleled value for media enthusiasts. Despite the availability of more powerful alternatives, the TS-464’s exceptional cost-to-performance ratio remains a compelling choice for users seeking a dependable home media server solution.

Broad Compatibility: A Testament to Freedom of Choice

The TS-464 stands out for its broad compatibility with an extensive range of storage media from various manufacturers. This inclusivity empowers users to select from a diverse array of hard drives and SSDs, including enterprise-grade options, without being confined to proprietary solutions.

At a time when some NAS manufacturers prioritize proprietary compatibility, the TS-464’s expansive support for third-party storage drives underscores its commitment to user freedom and flexibility.

Fixed Memory and Software Challenges: Areas for Growth and Enhancement

Recent developments, such as the transition to fixed memory configurations in newer TS-464 models, pose potential limitations for users seeking memory upgrades. While this shift aligns with industry trends towards cost and power efficiency, it may present challenges for users accustomed to the flexibility of upgradable memory configurations. Additionally, criticisms surrounding the QNAP QTS operating system persist, with users citing inconsistencies and complexities in the user interface. Despite ongoing efforts to refine the user experience, software-related challenges continue to warrant attention and improvement.

Security and Future Prospects: Navigating Challenges and Building Trust

Security remains a focal point for QNAP, with efforts to address vulnerabilities and bolster overall security measures. While strides have been made in software updates and security advisories, challenges persist in rebuilding trust and confidence among users. As newer, more efficient CPU options emerge, questions linger regarding potential hardware upgrades in future iterations of the TS-464. However, concrete plans from QNAP regarding hardware refresh cycles remain elusive, leaving room for speculation and anticipation among users.

Category Specification
CPU Intel® Celeron® N5095 4-core/4-thread processor, burst up to 2.9 GHz
CPU Architecture 64-bit x86
Graphic Processors Intel® UHD Graphics
Floating Point Unit
Encryption Engine AES-NI
Hardware-accelerated Transcoding
System Memory 8 GB RAM
Maximum Memory 8 GB
Flash Memory 4GB (Dual boot OS protection)
Drive Bay 4 x 3.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s
Drive Compatibility 3.5-inch SATA hard disk drives, 2.5-inch SATA solid state drives
Hot-swappable Yes
M.2 Slot 2 x M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 3 x1
SSD Cache Acceleration Support
2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Port (2.5G/1G/100M) 2 (2.5G/1G/100M/10M)
5 Gigabit Ethernet Port (5G/2.5G/1G/100M) Optional via PCIe expansion card
10 Gigabit Ethernet Port Optional via PCIe expansion card
Wake on LAN (WOL)
Jumbo Frame
PCIe Slot 1
USB 2.0 port 2
USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) Port 2 x Type-A
IR Sensor Optional QNAP RM-IR004 remote control
HDMI™ Output 1, HDMI™ 2.1 (up to 4096 x 2160 @ 60Hz)
Form Factor Tower
LED Indicators Power/Status, LAN, USB, HDD1-4
Buttons Power, USB copy, Reset
Dimensions (HxWxD) 165 × 170 × 226.5 mm
Weight (Net) 2.26 kg
Weight (Gross) 3.59 kg
Operating Temperature 0 – 40 °C (32°F – 104°F)
Storage Temperature -20 – 70°C (-4°F – 158°F)
Relative Humidity 5-95% RH non-condensing, wet bulb: 27˚C (80.6˚F)
Power Supply Unit 90W adapter, 100-240V
Power Consumption: HDD Sleep Mode 21.618 W
Power Consumption: Operating Mode, Typical 40.536 W
Fan 1 x 120mm, 12VDC
System Warning Buzzer
Kensington Security Slot
Standard Warranty 3 years
Max. Number of Concurrent Connections (CIFS) – with Max. Memory 1500

Still A Solid Contender with Room for Scalability

The QNAP TS-464 NAS continues to impress with its adept blend of performance, expandability, and affordability, solidifying its position as a compelling choice in the NAS market. Despite its enduring popularity, areas for refinement and improvement, such as fixed memory configurations and software inconsistencies, underscore opportunities for growth and enhancement. As QNAP navigates security challenges and explores advancements in hardware technology, the TS-464 stands as a testament to the brand’s commitment to delivering innovative and reliable NAS solutions. Whether deployed for media streaming, data storage, or network applications, the TS-464 remains a timeless contender in the ever-evolving landscape of network-attached storage, poised to evolve alongside the evolving needs of its users.

Verdict – Should You Still Buy the QNAP TS-464 in 2024?

The QNAP TS-464 NAS persists as a steadfast contender in the ever-evolving NAS market, showcasing a commendable balance of features and performance even two years post its initial release. Its enduring popularity stems from a blend of compact design and hardware efficiency, underpinned by the Intel N5105 or N5095 processor, renowned for its low power consumption and robust performance. This amalgamation of hardware prowess and cost-effectiveness renders the TS-464 a suitable choice for a spectrum of environments, be it home or small businesses, where space and power efficiency are paramount considerations. Moreover, the device’s expansion capabilities serve as a cornerstone of its appeal, offering users the flexibility to adapt to evolving storage needs seamlessly. With multiple M.2 NVMe slots and PCIe slots at its disposal, the TS-464 embodies versatility, empowering users to augment their storage infrastructure with additional network cards, NVMe storage, or even Wi-Fi cards. These expansion options not only future-proof the NAS but also ensure that it remains adaptable to emerging storage technologies and networking standards.

However, amidst its strengths, potential buyers must navigate certain limitations that could impact their decision-making process. Chief among these is the transition towards fixed memory configurations in newer models, which may restrict the flexibility of memory upgrades—a factor that enthusiasts and power users should consider carefully. Furthermore, while the QTS operating system boasts a plethora of features and functionalities, users may encounter some inconsistencies and complexities in navigating the interface. This discrepancy, although not a deal-breaker, underscores the importance of user experience and interface design in enhancing the overall usability of the NAS. Despite these nuances, the QNAP TS-464 NAS remains a reliable storage solution, catering to diverse user requirements with its performance, expandability, and compatibility features. As such, its enduring relevance in the NAS landscape underscores its status as a noteworthy contender for those seeking a robust and versatile storage solution for their home or business needs.

HARDWARE - 10/10
PRICE - 8/10
VALUE - 9/10

👍🏻Very compact chassis design, despite large storage potential
👍🏻A BIG jump in hardware and scale from the TS-453Be and TS-453D, but with a largely identical RRP at launch
👍🏻Easily one of the most hardware packed SMB/Mid-range 4-Bay on the market
👍🏻Up to 16GB of Memory is fantastic
👍🏻m.2 NVMe SSD Bays AND a PCIe Upgrade Slot (no need to choose one upgrade path)
👍🏻8x Included Camera Licenses
👍🏻Includes Anti-virus, Firewall Tool, VPN client tools, Malware Remover, network manager and Security Councilor Tool
👍🏻3 Different Container/VM tools that also feature image download centers
👍🏻10Gb/s (1,000MB/s) USB Ports will be incredibly useful
👍🏻Large range of expansion options in the TR/TL series in 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 Bays
👎🏻The PCIe Slot is PCIe 3×2 and the M.2 SSD Bays are PCIe 3×1 (likely limitations of all this H/W on a Celeron+chipset
👎🏻QNAP Has had 3 ransomware hits in 2019-2021 (Qlocker, Qsnatch and Deadbolt). Lots of Security app/changes since, but people remember and QNAP needs to win back that trust in 2022/2023

Where to Buy a Product
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Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



QNAP et le Centre de sécurité

Par : Fx
28 mai 2024 à 07:00
Face aux menaces de plus en plus nombreuses, QNAP a choisi de proposer par défaut un Centre de sécurité (Security Center en anglais) avec QTS 5.2 et QuTS Hero 5.2. Ce dernier se veut un rempart contre les attaques en mettant en place une surveillance des activités sur les fichiers… mais ce n’est pas tout. Qu’est-ce que le Centre de sécurité/Security Center de QNAP ? « Vérifier, analyser, protéger votre NAS », voilà ce que propose le Centre de sécurité de QNAP. L’application serait indépendante du système, ce qui permettra de la mettre à jour sans passer par l’installation d’une nouvelle version […]
Lire la suite : QNAP et le Centre de sécurité

Official UniFi U-NAS NAS Drive Leaked

Par : Rob Andrews
21 mai 2024 à 17:10

Is Ubiquiti Launching a UniFi NAS in 2024?

*clicks fingers* And JUST like that, it looks like we might FINALLY be seeing a UniFi NAS system! I have been in and around the world of storage for well close to 2 decades and in that time I say seen a lot of things. One consistent name in network technology that has been a mainstay of the prosumer and business landscape that want pure ‘Easy to Setup and Forget’ tech that you can trust has been Ubiquiti and their UniFi series of devices. Yet, with such an extensive range of network hardware and software solutions, the brand has never pushed forward with their own 1st party NAS server… until now it appears! UniFi has always supported the likes of Synology and QNAP NAS systems in their network architecture, but many of those deep in the UniFi landscape have requested something proprietary, something uniform and ultimately something streamlined in a way that is largely the USP of UniFi. Numerously pieces of information (ranging from compatibility listings, to product docs and references on companion media) have bubbled to the surface in the last month or so that seem to indicate that not only that a UniFi NAS is ‘a thing’, but also that the brand is jumping in with both feet – launching 10GbE equipped, quad-core, desktop and rackmount solutions which are truly native to the UniFi ecosystem. So, let’s discuss everything we have learnt, whether this is all legit, how it compares with the current NAS status quo and ultimately – would a UniFi NAS be a good idea?

What is UniFi and Who Are Ubiquiti (just in case you want to be up to speed)?

As massively unlikely as it is that anyone reading this is unaware of what UniFi is, just to play it safe, here goes! UniFi is a range of network equipment and related solutions developed by Ubiquiti, which targets large businesses, but has nonetheless become popular with prosumers and home users, as they offer enterprise-grade products with no licensing fees. The UniFi range includes high-performance Wi-Fi access points, switches, firewalls, and routers which are formulated to offer a strong and flexible networking solution. These devices come with features such as network routing, firewall capabilities and network VPN to allow for efficient network operations. Furthermore, UniFi provides Network Video Recorder (NVR) and high definition cameras for UniFi Protect video surveillance systems to offer all-round security and surveillance management. The UniFi Dream Machine Pro and Max are both standalone, massively fully-featured solutions offering the capability of traditional routing, as well as diverse security and networking management tools in the UniFi application ecosystem inside one machine, useful for homes or businesses.

The UniFi software platform is considered as the core element of this system since it allows managing and configuring all UniFi devices through a single interface – it’s kinda their whole appeal! This software can be run locally hosted or via a cloud-based computing service provided by Ubiquiti which makes it easier to expand. UniFi also offers products in the range of switch aggregators and data center solutions that can handle heavy demands of high-density deployment. Able to deliver considerable connectivity with minimal hassle and offering an enhanced range of features, UniFi appliances and devices are popular in a variety of applications, from home use to complex company networks. They provide a single and technical interface for managing all network devices, hence conducting operations on the networks of different types of devices is easily done. So, given the popularity of NAS systems in the last few years (as cloud providers increase base prices and large scale data download pricing for businesses) you can see what introducing a native UniFi NAS product into an existing UniFi ecosystem would be appealing. NAS systems CAN be intimidating for the less data/networking technically and therefore a modular and seamless deployment of a central data system has enormous promise! But is the UniFi U-NAS series real?

What Evidence is there of a UniFi NAS in development?

There is a surprisingly larger amount of data circulating online about a possible UniFi NAS system, referring to devices/SKUs that include the ‘U-NAS Pro’ and ‘U-NAS Professional’.  One of the clearest and most obvious indications comes from an official UI.COM outlet, with a 10GbE 5 Port switch that, in it’s diagrams of deployment, show a new tower system connected via 10GbE (as well as a workstation). I will touch on this later with a leaked datasheet that appeared on reddit, but there are plenty of indications that this is a UniFi NAS.

Source (Official eShop) HERE

But you do not even need to dig that hard after these product deployment images, as you literally click the deployment tab and a similar product layout appears on a new image that clearly labels this white tower system as a NAS server. Even if you wanted to play devils advocate and speculate that this is a 3rd party server, the system carries the familiar U logo on the top. Plus, Ubiquiti/UniFi/  VERY rarely show 3rd party hardware on their product pages (for understandable reasons).

Source (Official eShop) HERE

Then, then via the same outlet, we find that an add on is available on the UI pages that listed an 8TB and 16TB UI labelled HDD that is listed as ‘ideal for storage-intensive UniFi systems’. Under this drive are numerous part numbers that relate to the brand’s Dream Machine Pro and Dream Machine Pro MAX systems. So, maybe these are just drives for cross-purpose and dedicated surveillance systems, right? Well, maybe, but the workload ranging heavily indicates enterprise storage use (i.e an ENT or PRO class server drive) which really does seem overkill for some of those systems that are highlighted that are 1-2 SATA/SAS slot systems. I KNOW how tenuous this sounds, but…

Source (Official UniFi Outlet) HERE

The fact that the ‘Enterprise Class’ media seems separate from that of the surveillance media is quite telling too. Could easily be nothing, but surveillance storage media is typically much more focused/geared towards ‘heavy write’ activity – as surveillance is often 95% write and very irregular read (when you need to check those past feeds!), whereas a NAS, especially a Prosumer/Business/Enterprise focused system will be at it’s best with drives that deliver peak on BOTH! Or shift gears entirely and switch to SSD. These enterprise drives definitely link with Surveillance systems that scale up considerably from UniFi, but having this division in their media is slightly overkill for just surveillance deployment alone.

Source (Official UniFi Outlet) HERE

Still not enough for you? Well, luckily an enterprising soul on reddit snuck what looks like a product datasheet for a new rackmount system that appears similar to some of the UNVR-PRO systems, but is clearly defined as a NAS server solution in the UniFi Drive series. If this is fake, it’s an impressive bit of work! Definding everything from the internal hardware specifications and system hardware feature set, right the way down to system PSU and projective power requirements!

Source (Reddit) HERE

Base on this document, the UniFi NAS would come in an rackmount steel chassis with optional brackets and would feature a Quad-Core ARM Cortex-A57 processor running at 1. 7 GHz, 4 GB DDR4 system memory and 32 GB eMMC on-board flash storage. With a power budget of 135W for drives and a maximum power consumption of 160W, it is powered by a 200W internal AC/DC power supply. Connectivity options include a 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 port and a 1/10GbE SFP+ port and Bluetooth v4. 1 for RF interface. It also has a 1. 3” touchscreen LCM display for system status and firmware updates via Ethernet in-band interface.

Also, the 87mm height confirms that this system is a 2U rackmount, as well as not being full depth either (a little over half depth infact). Here are the rest of the specifications that were on the doc found on reddit:

Category Specification
Dimensions 442 x 325 x 87 mm (17.4 x 12.8 x 3.4″)
Weight Without rackmount brackets: 9.2 kg (20.28 lbs)
With rackmount brackets: 9.45 kg (20.83 lbs)
Enclosure material SGCC steel
Mount material SGCC steel
Processor Quad-Core ARM Cortex-A57 at 1.7 GHz
System memory 4 GB DDR4
On-board Flash storage 32 GB eMMC
Max. power consumption 160W
Max. power budget for drives 135W
Power method (1) Universal AC input 100-240V AC, 3A Max, 50/60 Hz
(1) UPS-Battery DC input 11.5V DC, 13.91A
Power supply AC/DC, internal 200W
Network interface (1) 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 port
(1) 1/10GbE SFP+ port
RF Interface (1) Bluetooth v4.1
LCM display (1) 1.3″ touchscreen
Bootup animation: bootup in progress
Firmware upgrade icon: firmware upgrading
Steady white: factory defaults, awaiting adoption
Steady blue: device is adopted
Management interface Ethernet in-band
ESD/EMP protection Air: 12kV
Contact: 6kV
Operating temperature -5 to 40°C (23 to 104°F)
Operating humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing
Certifications FCC, CE, IC
Ethernet Green: 1Gbps
Amber: 10/100 Mbps
SFP+ White: 10Gbps
Green: 1Gbps
HDD Amber: disk error
White: disk detected
Battery Blue: ready

Some details, such as the LCM Control panel are quite unique in the NAS server market (with many other brands out there largely retiring LCD panels, despite end users still wanting it). Others are a little more common but still very desirable, such as the confirmation of 10GbE (fiber / SFP+). That said, the CPU choice, if true, is going to divide opinion slightly. ARM processors are designed to be incredibly power efficient – something that is understandably desireable in a 24×7 NAS server of course. That said, even a 64bit ARM processor is going to be a little lean on the hardware capabilities.

This would indicate that, if real, the U-NAS system is going to be very fixed in it’s feature set, as ARM processors in NAS are much MUCH better at rigidly sticking to a handful of services and tasks (fixed defaults, allowing the software development to be a great deal more targetted and resulting in greater system efficiency). That would not make the system ‘weak’ – one look at how the likes of Synology can run DSM 7.2 on the ARM Realtek RTD1619b 64but ARM would show you just how much you can do with a dedication to efficiency in hardware, but it would be interesting to see how Ubiquiti/UI/UniFi approach the software and feature of this system. Will it be a wholly dedicated GUI or an extensive of the existing software platform that users UniFi users already have at their fingertips? Another photo also went on to appear on a reddit thread indicating a product stamp/label, but there wasn’t a huge amount of backing for this one.

Source (Reddit) HERE

Then there was a scree that was highlighting in an official UI video that was picked up by YouTube Channel ‘MacTelecom’ that raised queries about a product that was featured in a promo video. It would be easy to just assume that it is just a surveillance system, but…

Source #1 (Mactelecom) HERE and Source #2 (Official UniFi Channel) HERE

Obviously, the most compelling thing here is the product datasheet and the direct references to a 10GbE ‘NAS Server’ on the official product pages for the USW-Flex-XG, but we have to also take all this with a pinch of salt. plenty of times we have observed products alluded to online or even revealed at official event’s by brands that do not cross the technological finishing line! Still, it’s still tremendously hard to argue with that Ubiquiti/UI and by extensive the UniFi series, are dabbling with NAS systems. What about Synology and QNAP NAS systems? Arent they already an option?

Can You Use a Synology or QNAP NAS with UniFi?

Yes. Adding a NAS to an existing UniFi network is not new, and even now you can connect an external NAS (a QNAP or a Synology, for instance) to a network that is operated using the UniFi devices and increase its storage and data-organization-related capabilities multiple times. This integration means that the NAS will now act as part of the UniFi system as in that it can contain multiple services within a single NAS device. For example, the NAS can be used to store recorded video from the UniFi Protect system, using RTSP streams to guarantee that any footage that is recorded is either in the NAS or is used to send video data to the NAS as well. Furthermore, the NAS can be leveraged for backup for network devices; this is basically used to store the critical configurations and data that can be lost in the devices in question. It is also possible to configure SMB or NFS on the NAS storage in order to offer dedicated shared network storage for the network users to simplify the file sharing procedure.

In addition, this configuration should be supported by UniFi networking capabilities in order to make the workflow even more productive. The NAS is also capable of interfacing with security gateways as well as UniFi Switches and Access Points to offer a highly functional network solution. This integration also enhances the process of management and back up of data besides supporting other utilities such as the Time Machine for Mac users and enhance the use of the community network. Thus, using the offered functions of the QNAP/Synology NAS in the UniFi network allows to organize a powerful system with a potent scalability and capable of fulfilling a wide spectrum of tasks in both business and home environments. So why would a user care about a UniFi Official NAS device?

Why Would a Ubiquiti Launched UniFi NAS Be a BIG DEAL?

If Ubiquiti were to launch their own first-party NAS device, users would likely be happy and excited for several reasons:

1. Seamless Integration: If they launched a NAS, it would no doubt be created to ease the workload for the company regarding supporting all its network devices and storage devices within the existing UniFi system. It would make it easier for those who are already using UniFi devices to plan their set-up and maintenance, centralizing that data, as well as potentially facilitating further backups from there (3-2-1 etc)

2. Unified Management Interface: Let’s face it, UniFi is all about central management and a potential UniFi NAS product would continue to be managed through the UniFi software platform and the central management features will be carried over to managing the storage resource pool. This shortens both the time and the effort used in managing the network and this is widely considered to be very efficient.

3. Enhanced Features: Another appeal of a possible 1st party UniFi NAS would mean that it would open the door to Ubiquiti establishing features that are tailored to its network hardware. Such as optimization for UniFi Protect’s video surveillance storage, optimizing backups, and build photo sharing capabilities within the Ubiquiti network. Matching this functionality specifically for the product could offer a better user’s experience when compared to third party NAS solutions.

4. Consistent Updates and Support: For those that have already integrated a Synology/QNAP NAS into their ecosystem, they are well aware that this means allowing for the system to access updates whilst 24×7. A potential UniFi NAS would require this also, BUT would benefit from that seamless 1st party management and services, like any other Unifi product in the environment, This would be beneficial to users because the NAS could get supported firmware updates as regular AND also open the door to technical support from Ubiquiti to make sure that it is safe, operating, and up-to-date. This could make deployment easier and faster in the case that any issue arises to do with the issue deterring from having a flexible integration in the UniFi ecosystem.

5. Aesthetics and Form Factor: Though Ubiquiti is 20 years old, the UniFi series is much newer by comparison, but stands out with it’s is very popular for its modern design. It might sound fantastically shallow, but if UI launched a NAS device, they would definitely want to maintain this house/brand style and would target the look and feel of the rest of the equipment from the UniFi ecosystem – there would definitely be an audience for this!

6. Vendor Trust and Loyalty: A number of users are brand loyal: data security in 2024 is MASSIVE! People like using services by a particular brand that they trust and prefer to stay with this brand. Many consumers who are pleased with the functionality offered by Ubiquiti in the areas of networking would be much more likely to comfortably integrate a NAS device constructed and certified by that brand compared with a 3rd party, thus easing their lives of an additional device and learning a new GUI and UX. Not everyone of course, some will look at the product history of established NAS vendors and that will be enough – but that ‘if it ain’t broke, don;t fix it’ attitude is definitely out there!

The popularity and interest that would come from the idea that storage will be ‘in house’ in a reliable and simplified form that fully integrates and supports the expanded features provided by Ubiquiti and it’s UniFi series would be popular, there’s no debate there. However we have to also acknowledge that Ubiquiti and UniFi (if real!) would be a relatively new player in this field, with a narrower and very specific history in network data management, that is perhaps a little more specific than the more open storage utilization of network-attached storage. If a NAS is coming from UniFi – we have to wonder what new take that might bring to the table beyond the uniformity of UniFi devices and that ecosystem (arguably their USP!).

If it IS Real, When would the UniFi U-NAS Series Be Released?

That’s the BIG question really, as demands for a UniFi ‘in house’ NAS have been long-running for years. That said, the evidence discussed is pretty conclusive to say the least. Additionally, we are not discussing small mis-shared text or off-hand remarks at a tradeshow – we are seeing product images, direct references to two NAS products on official pages and even system add-ons that are listed on the brand’s eRetail outlets. Then there is the fact that the bulk of these references and documents are all within the last month, which seemingly indicates the revving up of a launch on the horizon. This all adds up to a product that is far along in development and one that is nearing release – Q3/Q4 2024 at the latest. However, without official confirmation, this still needs to be treated as speculation! Watch this space.

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Synology DS423+ Vs QNAP TS-464 NAS Comparison

Par : Rob Andrews
20 mai 2024 à 18:00

QNAP TS-464 or the Synology DS423+ NAS Drive – Which Should You Buy?

Choosing Between the Synology DS423+ and QNAP TS-464 NAS is more than just about how you are spending your money at checkout! Making a move away from 3rd public cloud storage can be a big, BIG decision for some users. The ‘freemium’ and low cost monthly subscription to the likes of Google Drive and DropBox seems like a drop in the ocean, right up until you realise that over the years you have spent hundreds of pounds and you face the fact that you are going to need to consider moving that data onto something more long term and ‘in house’. For many users, this is their first encounter with two of the bigger brands in the world of NAS, Synology and QNAP and although at a glance they seem to provide the same kind of solution, even a brief second glance reveals that these two brands have very, very different ideas of where you should be spending your money. Synology is the sleek, apple-esc presented solution that promises a smooth and uncomplex experience, with an arguably more rigid and fixed architecture. Whereas QNAP is the more customizable and flexible in its hardware and software, but has a slightly higher learning curve and requires more time to configure perfectly. Both brands provide an excellent range of NAS solutions with each of the solutions in today’s comparison being quite similar in price, but what you are getting for your money, the range of software included, the scope of hardware that is available and how they translate to upgradable and scalability is incredibly different! So, today we are going to compare the Synology DS423+ NAS released in March 2023 (HEAVILY comparable to the 2020 gen DS920+) against the spring 2022 released QNAP TS-464 NAS.

Synology DS423+ vs QNAP TS-464 NAS – Design

The design of the QNAP TS-464 and Synology DS423+ are both very uniform to the brands, utilizing existing designs in their respective Home/Prosumer/SMB ranges. Both are 4-Bay desktop solutions that are designed to be deployed easily and pretty much anywhere. They are largely the same in physical volume, with the Synology DS423+ arriving the tiniest pinch larger, but both systems provide a similar level of storage on their four SATA and 2x NVMe M.2 SSD bays. The Synology has the more traditional shape of the lockable storage media bays being immediately visible, but finish this with an incredibly modernistic shape and matt surface design. The front of the system features a single USB backup port, as well as 5 LEDs for system/drive activity and those two M.2 SSD bays are located on the base of the system. The QNAP TS-464 NAS uses a more glossy and slightly coloured design by comparison (featuring a copper side panel), with the 4 drive bays of the system being covered by a slidable and lockable semi-translucent panel. The QNAP also featured the same LED/USB present, but there are more LEDs on the QNAP and the USB here is both a USB 3.2 Gen 2 Port (10Gb/s) and is accompanied by a one-touch copy button. This is one of the early examples of how things in the NAS market have moved forward in hardware but Synology has instead doubled down on their focus of it’s DSM software platform above all else. The QNAP TS-464 is certainly the more expensive NAS of the two, with the DS423+, despite being newer and having a different position in the brand’s portfolio (see the DS923+ to learn more), but the hardware you are getting for that price tag is notably different and will become a clear divide between these two. Because of the compact design, both systems need to factor in intelligent cooling, as they will likely be in operation 24×7. This is another clear area where the brands have gone in different directions here.


168mm × 170mm × 226 mm

Synology DS423+ NAS

166 mm x 199 mm x 223 mm

The ventilation on the Synology DS423+ is certainly more visible but in a much more ‘branded’ and slick way. The QNAP TS-464 features no front-facing ventilation, instead using two small areas of ventilation on the sides of the chassis and the base of the TS-464 featuring further ventilation under each of the storage bays. The Synology on the other hand has much more passive airflow, with each of the individual storage bays being surrounded by a slit of ventilation and the side panel of the DS423+ having the Synology logo featured as further ventilation. Higher-end Synology desktop models feature metal mesh panels inside these logos to capture dust, but this is less of a concern in the more compact and discreet DS423+. Overall, I would certainly say that the Synology DS423+ have more visible efforts to maintain system temperature than the QNAP TS-464 (which is a real surprise when you see how the hardware these two systems are sporting compares) but both maintain a good operation temperature.

QNAP TS-464 NAS Synology DS423+ NAS

When you look at the rear of the TS-464 and DS423+ NAS, you see another big difference in how each system maintains their respective internal temperatures, with the QNAP featuring a single 120mm fan that covers the bulk of the internal hardware airflow path and the Synology featuring two 92mm fans that cover around 70% of the rear of the chassis. Of the two, I would say the QNAP TS-464 is the noisier in operation of the two (when populated with 4x 4TB WD Red HDDs) by the tiniest of margins, but it isn’t really till you entertain the idea of enterprise HDDs or drives larger than 10TB that you need to worry about ambient sound around these two systems. Both the DS423+ and TS-464 can have the rotations per minute (RPM) of their fans changed manually or left on automatic as the system changes the internal cooling to ensure maximum efficiency.

QNAP TS-464 NAS Synology DS423+ NAS

Overall, the design of the Synology DS423+ is still the better-looking system of the two and although I personally really like the copper and glossy look of the QNAP TS-464 NAS, I know that the bulk of users will want to ‘set up and forget’ their NAS, so these aesthetic design choices are less important to them. Equally, although the QNAP fan has the potential to cool its respective system much more, I think the Synology features a better balance of active airflow and passive ventilation overall. The QNAP still wins pretty big on its inclusion of a USB 3.2 Gen 2 One Touch Copy button enabled port for faster and more manual backup options (as well as still allow automated and connection-triggered backups as the Synology), but overall on points, this round belongs to the Synology DS423+ NAS.

QNAP TS-464 versus Synology DS423+ NAS – Internal Hardware

This is an area where you really see how both brands focus their priorities on the solutions they offer, as well as how the components common to NAS have evolved in the 2 years between their respective releases. The Synology DS423+ arrives with a familiar architecture to it’s predecessor (the DS420+) and is a fairly tried and tested formula by the brand. Synology was the first company to introduce NVMe SSD storage bays into desktop NAS systems around 5 years ago (something that QNAP has only really been catching up on in the last 2 YEARS). Likewise, Synology has made a few very brand-specific decisions in their system architecture that this rather more proprietary brand is often keen to implement. For example, the default DDR4 memory inside (2666Mhz SODIMM) is actually soldered to the main internal board (4x 256MB Modules), with an additional empty memory slot to allow an additional 4GB Synology-branded memory module. As the DS423+ has a CPU that has a maximum 8GB of memory, this is an oddly artificial limitation that results in the DS420+ only allowing 6GB of max memory, an odd move that is perhaps done out of system PCI/Bandwidth, rather than any kind of manufacturer restriction. The QNAP features a newer gen CPU (as you would expect after the later release) and this CPU allows up to 16GB of memory (4GB in the default model) across two upgradable slots. Likewise, returning to those M.2 NVMe slots, both system feature 2 bays that can be used for SSD storage upgrades, although both the DS423+ and TS-464 support SSD caching (when a pool of SSDs is used to speed up data write/read in conjunction with the larger HDD RAID array), Synology ONLY RECENTLY allowed NVMe Storage Pools on their platform, whereas QNAP  has allowed NVMes as standalone storage pools, for app booting, running the OS from and even their own special internal tiering system known as QTier. This is the first of several key differences between the QNAP TS-464 and Synology DS423+ NAS that show the divide in hardware between these units.

Model QNAP TS-464

Synology DS423+

Price £559               $650              €675

£508               $549              €569

Storage Media Support 4x SATA, 2x m.2 NVMe 3×1 for Cache/Pools/QTier 4x SATA, 2x NVMe SSD Cache/Pool Bays
CPU Model Intel N5105/N5095 Intel J4125
CPU Frequency & Cores Quad-Core 2.0-2.9Ghz Quad-Core 2.0-2.7Ghz
CPU Benchmark Score CPU benchmark 4161 CPU benchmark 3006
Memory Default/Max 4-16GB SODIMM DDR4 2-6GB SODIMM DDR4 (4GB onboard)
PSU Power & Design 90W External PSU 100W External PSU
Physical Fans 1x 120m FAN 2x 92m FAN

Of course, the clearest difference that most PC builder-minded people are going to notice is the CPU. NAS systems are designed to be operational for days, weeks, months and even years at a time. Therefore, in order to maintain optimal performance, as well as lower power consumption and lessen the damage that long-term operation can inflict on a processor, the CPUs used in NAS are a great deal more modest. In the case of the Synology DS423+ and QNAP TS-464 NAS, they feature Intel Celeron processors, each featuring an embedded graphics component (allowing graphical operations, multimedia handling and visual data to be handled by a specialized area of the processor), quad-core architecture and a base level clock speed of 2.0Ghz that can be burst (turbo/increased when needed). However, the newer generation N5105/N5095 CPU in the QNAP is able to reach a higher overall clock speed and also is more efficient (i.e uses a little less hardware resources to get a task done than it would take on the J4125 typically, so, therefore, can do more tasks overall when the full CPU power is utilized). Indeed, CPUBenchmark rated the newer CPU 30%+ higher in it’s scoring than the J4125 (again, as you would expect for a CPU released more than a year later by Intel), so this processor means that more can be done on the QNAP (in like for like tasks) and also this CPU allows a greater range of hardware to be built into the system. CPUs are one of the largest quantifying factors of how a NAS is built and this is because they can only handle a certain amount of connected hardware (storage bays, ports, expansion slots, etc) when connected to a larger controller/motherboard. This is commonly referred to as the # of PCI lanes and the chipset used in the build of the system. Because this newer Intel N5105 / N5095 CPU has more lanes to use at once than the J4125, it allows the newer NAS drive to have more hardware.

QNAP TS-464 NAS – Intel N5105/N5095 CPU

Synology DS423+ NAS – Intel J4125 CPU

These additional CPU resources, as well as the increased maximum memory and flexibility of how the M.2 NVMe SSD slots can be used ultimately mean that in terms of internal hardware, the newer released QNAP TS-464 wins over the Synology DS423+ NAS. It is worth remembering that the M.2 NVMe SSD slots on the QNAP TS-464 are PCIe Gen 3 x1 (down to the Celeron CPU still not having anywhere near the scope in it’s flexibility that the likes of an Intel Core, Ryzen or Xeon might have) and will bottleneck at 1,000MB/s, but this is still better than nothing and there is still the lingering question of the Gen 2 slots on the DS423+ being 2×2 or 2×4 – which will potentially limit the M.2 NVMes on the DS423+ further still. So the QNAP still seems to have a better balance of NVMe SSD support in its architecture overall.

Synology DS423+ or QNAP TS-464 NAS – Ports & Connections

Now ports and connections on the Synology DS423+ and QNAP TS-464 NAS is an area that is INCREDIBLY diverse in it’s approach by either brand. Once again, the reasons clearly to do with the CPU choice and position on their respective brand portfolios, but also the brand’s own decisions in build architecture/priorities still massively continue to be a contributing factor here. The Synology DS423+ NAS certainly comes across as the weaker of the two here in its connectivity and although a lot of the QNAP’s advancements in connectivity could be described as ‘future upgrades and simply facilitating extras or addons’, it still manages to provide a greater deal of connectivity to the day 1 user than the Synology system here. The port(s) that almost certainly will be the one that jumps out immediately on each system is the network connections. The DS423+ NAS arrives with 2x 1GbE ports which, although allowing link aggregation to create 2GbE with a smart switch, was still a little underwhelming in 2023 when released and looking increasingly out of step with modern network tech in 2024 (as we had already started seeing 2.5GbE arriving at the same price as 1GbE with a number of client hardware devices in 2020). The newer QNAP TS-464 features 2x 2.5GbE (so 5GbE via link aggregation and a supported switch) which now that some ISPs and budget switch manufacturers are providing affordable 2.5GbE solutions, will be incredibly useful. Then the is the additional PCIe upgrade slot on the QNAP NAS that allows upgrades towards 10GbE, dual-port 10GbE cards and even combo cards to add 10G and further M.2  NVMe bays via a single card. Again, there ARE upgrades and not something in the baseline model, but you can not argue with the future-proofing available here. Additionally, the DS923+ NAS released in December 2022 had the option to upgrade to 10GbE – something hugely absent here in the eyes of many on this 4xSATA and 2xNVMe DS423+ NAS. There is simply no avoiding that the 2023 released DS423+ looks a little dated in 2024, in large part to those 1GbE ports are something of a limiting factor.

Model QNAP TS-464

Synology DS423+

Network Ports 2x 2.5GbE 2x 1GbE
USB 3.2 Ports 2x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gb) 2x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gb)
USB 2.0 Ports 2x USB 2.0 0
HDMI Ports 1x HDMI 2.0 4K 60FPS n/a
PCIe Upgrade Slots PCIe Gen 3×2 Slot (2Gb/s) n/a

After the network and PCIe differences that favour the TS-464, the distance between the 2023 and 2022 NAS hardware architecture here is further extended. The Synology DS423+ features a further USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gb/s) port, but LACKS the option to upgrade it’s storage down the line with an expansion (such as with the eSATA port on the DS920+ and DS923+ NAS supporting the DX517 official expansion). QNAP counters this on the TS-464 with the inclusion of another USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gb/s) port, as well as some (obviously less useful) USB 2.0 ports. These USB 2.0 Ports are primarily designed to be used in conjunction with the optional visual output (HDMI 2.0 4k 60FPS) on the QNAP as a KVM (Keyboard, video and mouse) setup with the included parallel HD Station application and its tool. The HDMI and direct interface of the QNAP is still pretty niche as a service on this system, but it has a number of useful multimedia, surveillance and VM utilities that can be quite impressive. Expansions on the TS-464 are more diverse than the 5-Bay DX517 on the DS423+ (which again, is NOT supported anyway), with QNAP offering 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12-Bay expansion chassis (arriving in JBOD or hardware RAID enabled) that connect over USB or an inclusive PCIe card. Overall, it comes as no surprise that in terms of hardware, the QNAP TS-464 still takes the first place, as the Synology DS423+ (like most of the brand’s solutions) is prioritizes the DSM platform and it’s tools/services over the hardware. Let’s discuss the software on each of these brands.

QNAP TS-464 or the Synology DS423+ NAS – Software

When you are choosing to buy a Synology or QNAP NAS, it is always worth bearing in mind that you are not just buying a bunch of hardware, but you are actually getting a fully-featured software solution. Both the Synology DS423+ and QNAP TS-464 arrive with each brand’s premium NAS software and services platform, DSM and QTS respectively. Both of these platforms include a traditional operating system level of accessibility and control, that can be accessed via pretty much any web browser or desktop OS, as well as numerous tailored mobile client applications. The Synology DSM platform is a lot more comparable in design and control with Mac OSX and is by far the more user-friendly option of the two. The QNAP QTS platform is a lot more comparable to Android in its initial GUI and then more like Windows in it’s navigation, arriving as the option with a greater deal of configuration and control, but with a steeper learning curve. Another big difference between QTS and DSM is how they present their services, with QNAP providing a larger degree of support of 3rd party applications (both in the app center and in the configuration of their own range of 1st party applications. Synology DSM on the other hand proves a larger and more impressive range of fist party tools that are designed to replace/improve upon the 3rd party tools you might be using, with many of it’s applications being comparable to top tier 3rd party paid tools in the market (the Synology collaboration suite, the Surveillance Station application and pretty much everything in Synology Drive, just as a start). The QNAP platform also, in it’s efforts to be as widely compatible and configurable as possible, occasionally stems into over-complexity and risks the user tripping over itself as it tries to manage the larger scale of configuration Whereas, although the Synology DSM platform may seem a pinch more closed and fixed, it manages to prevent the users from accidentally ruining their own storage system. Here is a full breakdown of the key applications that are included with the QNAP TS-464 and Synology DS423+, broken down into categories:


Synology DS423+

Browser Support Supports all Browsers Supports all Browsers
Browser File Management Browser File Management
Photo/Music/Video Tools Photo/Music/Video Tools
Multimedia Console Synology Drive
AI Photo Recognition AI Photo Recognition
Edge m.2 Coral TPU Support
Storage Services
SED Drive Support SED Drive Support
QTier Synology Hybrid RAID
Hybrid Mount Hybrid Share
Snapshots Snapshots
SSD Cache (Read/Write/Both) SSD Cache (Read/Write/Both)
Cloud Sync / QSync Cloud Sync
Ex-FAT is Free Fast RAID Rebuild
RAID Resync control RAID Resync control
Secure Erase Acrtive Backup Suite
Lots of Expansions (TR/TL) Hyper Backup
HBS 3 Synology CMS
Qfiling and Qsirch
Business Applications
QVR Pro – 8 Camera Licenses (+USB Camera Support) Surveillance Station – 2 Camera Licenses
Virtualization Station Virtual Machine Manager
Ubuntu Linux Station 18/20 Docker Support
Container Station Active Backup 365 & Workspace
Hypervisor Protector Synology Office, Chat, Calendar
QMailAgent Synology Mail / MailPlus
HD Station Synology C2 and Services
Security Councillor Security Councillor
Malware Remover Synology VPN Plus
McAfee Anti-Virus Scanning Log and Notification Center
QVPN Auto Blocking on SSH, Telnet etc
Log and Notification Center 256 bit Encryption
Auto Blocking on SSH, Telnet etc 2 Step Authentication
256 bit Encryption Firewall App
2 Step Authentication Access Protection and Allow/Deny list
Firewall App Synology Secure SignIn
Access Protection and Allow/Deny list Synology C2 Password

As you can see, both NAS brands provide similar levels of software, services and features, but they are presented in very different ways. Once again, I cannot emphasise enough how much more the QNAP platform is configurable but ALSO how it can often give you too much configuration and risk overwhelming less experienced users. The Synology DSM platform, for all its comparative rigidicy, is still overall the better software experience and you definitely see that Software over hardware priority from the brand clearly here. I have made long, LONG reviews on each of the NAS brand’s and their software platforms, which you can watch below for much, much more information on their respective strengths and weaknesses.

QNAP QTS 5.0 Review Synology DSM 7 Review

Ultimately, it will come as no surprise that Synology come out on top in terms of software compared with the QNAP. That is not to say that the QNAP QTS platform is not good, it really, really is and some of the applications that are included for home and business users are often genuinely impressive, unique and provide facilities to the end-user that are wholly unavailable on any other NAS platform (eg Multimedia Console as a single portal media manager, the 2-3 Click VM storages and repository that are available in Virtualization Station, Linux Station and Container Staton or the QuMagie AI-powered tool that is able to cover a greater range of subjects and categories that any other NAS photo tool out there). However, the QNAP QTS platform is not quite as polished, as user-friendly and as responsive as the Synology DSM platform overall. If you want a better idea how these two NAS software platforms compare directly (i.e face to face), then you can check out my DSM vs QTS video below:

Alternatively, if you are NOT interested in using the software included with your NAS, there is always the option to install TrueNAS – Something that is surprisingly easy on the QNAP NAS (see video below):

QNAP TS-464 or the Synology DS423+ NAS – Conclusion

Ultimately, choosing between the Synology DS423+ and QNAP TS-464 largely comes down to a question of hardware vs software. The QNAP TS-464 is by a long distance the more advanced in hardware in practically every way (thanks of course to the brand’s focus in this direction) which leads to that system having a tremendously large scope in terms of what you can do with it, how far the storage can be expanded and how upgradable the system can be. The QNAP is the better future-proof hardware choice and despite the Synology NAS platform having a stronger software platform, it still has a vast array of software and services available in QTS nonetheless. For those that are hardware-focused or want a NAS to support their existing 3rd party client tools and apps, the QNAP TS-464 is by and larger the better choice. The Synology DS423+ NAS on the other hand, despite its 2-3 year older hardware (already premiered in the 2020 released DS920+) and arguably safer/sensible stance on hardware in general, is still a great NAS that will likely becoming more popular and palatable in the 4-Bay NAS market as the pricing becomes a bit more flexible (as many will still weigh the DS423+ with the older DS920+ that still has stock floating around and opt for the latter). Add to that the core strength and first-party focus of DSM leading to this hardware+software solution providing you with a huge array of polished and premium feeling tools at your disposal. As long as you are happy to do things ‘Synology’s way’ and are looking for an easy to use system that will not tax the end-users brain, you will find Synology the better software choice overall.

QNAP TS-464 NAS – Spring/Summer 2022

Synology DS423+ NAS – Spring 2023

Reasons to Buy it?

Better Hardware inside and out

More Expansion/Upgrade Options

Able to run more simultaneous apps/clients at once

Faster USB Ports (10Gb/s)

Larger bandwidth PCIe upgrade slot (PCIe 3×2 vs 2×2/2×4)

Higher CPU Frequency, Efficiency & Proficiency

M.2 SSD Useable Tiered Storage Option

Reasons to Buy it?

Much more user-friendly

Synology Hybrid RAID for flexibility

Overall Better 1st Party Software

Better Surveillance Access/Streaming

Lower Price Point as it in the SOHO part of Syn’s Portfolio

Quieter Operation

First Party Accessories (HDD, SSD, Memory, etc) Available

Buy on Amazon

Where to Buy

Buy on Amazon

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NAS QNAP – CVE-2024-27130 : un exploit PoC a été publié pour cette faille de sécurité zero-day

21 mai 2024 à 08:47

Des chercheurs en sécurité ont effectué un gros travail de recherche de vulnérabilités sur le système QTS utilisé par les NAS QNAP. Ils sont parvenus à identifier 15 failles de sécurité, plus ou moins sérieuse ! Faisons le point !

Les chercheurs en sécurité de WatchTowr Labs ont mis en ligne un rapport au sujet de 15 vulnérabilités qu'ils ont découvertes dans le système QTS de QNAP. Enfin, il ne s'agit pas du seul système analysé puisqu'ils ont également analysé les versions QTS Hero et QuTS Cloud.

Pour le moment, 11 vulnérabilités ne sont toujours pas corrigées, et certaines sont encore sous embargo, alors que QNAP a été averti entre le 8 décembre 2023 et le 8 janvier 2024. Voici la liste des CVE patchées par QNAP : CVE-2023-50361, CVE-2023-50362, CVE-2023-50363 et CVE-2023-50364.

La faille de sécurité CVE-2024-27130

L'une de ces failles de sécurité, associée à la référence CVE-2024-27130, mérite une attention particulière. Cette vulnérabilité de type "stack buffer overflow" présente dans la fonction "No_Support_ACL" du fichier "share.cgi" permet à un attaquant d'exécuter du code à distance sur le NAS QNAP. Néanmoins, l'exploitation n'est pas simple, car l'attaquant doit pouvoir se connecter au NAS QNAP, avec un compte lambda, de façon à manipuler la fonction de partage de fichiers.

À ce jour, cette faille de sécurité est connue publiquement et elle n'a pas été corrigée par QNAP alors qu'elle a été reportée au fabricant de NAS le 3 janvier 2024 : une belle faille de sécurité zero-day.

À chaque fois, QNAP a demandé un délai supplémentaire à WatchTowr Labs. Mais, désormais, le temps presse... Les chercheurs en sécurité de WatchTowr Labs quant à eux, ont mis en ligne un exploit PoC pour cette même vulnérabilité : il est disponible sur ce GitHub. Tous les détails techniques sont fournis pour indiquer comment l'exploiter, bien qu'elle ne soit pas corrigée.

En exploitant cette faille, les chercheurs de WatchTowr Labs sont parvenus à créer un compte nommé "watchtowr" sur le NAS et à l'ajouter au fichier "sudoers" pour lui permettre d'élever ses privilèges sur le NAS.

Désormais, le correctif de QNAP est attendu, que ce soit pour cette vulnérabilité ou toutes les autres non corrigées pour le moment.


The post NAS QNAP – CVE-2024-27130 : un exploit PoC a été publié pour cette faille de sécurité zero-day first appeared on IT-Connect.

QNAP QuTS hero h5.2 est disponible en Beta

Par : Fx
6 mai 2024 à 07:00
Après QTS, c’est au tour de QuTS hero d’avoir le droit à sa mise à jour… en Beta pour le moment. Cette nouvelle version améliore grandement les fonctionnalités proposées aux NAS, sans pour autant tout révolutionner. Il faudra être patient, encore un peu, pour voir arriver la version 6. QNAP QuTS hero h5.2 Dans un monde (du stockage) en constante évolution, QNAP continue de mettre à jour régulièrement ses NAS. QuTS hero est une sorte de QTS avec un système de fichier ZFS. Ce serait très réducteur de s’arrêter là, car de nombreuses fonctionnalités découlent de ce choix. QNAP a […]
Lire la suite : QNAP QuTS hero h5.2 est disponible en Beta

Synology DS224+ vs QNAP TS-262 NAS – Best For Your Budget?

Par : Rob Andrews
1 mai 2024 à 18:00

Synology DS224+ vs QNAP TS-262 NAS – Which is Better?

Isn’t it great when any facet of the tech industry gives birth to competition! In the early days of any new form of technology, the relative scarcity and newness of anything result in very few options for buyers to get the best value or competitive experience for their money. However, it doesn’t take long before competition emerges, innovation flourishes, and ultimately any different form of new tech becomes a more fleshed-out choice for the buyer. The same has certainly happened in the world of network-attached storage (NAS), and although there are several different brands available in NAS, the two biggest names are quite comfortable: Synology and QNAP. For buyers looking at a compact, fully-featured NAS solution, two of the very best options in 2024 are the Synology DS224+ and the QNAP TS-262. Both of these solutions are targeted at home users who want to be able to do a little bit of everything and although they do have a decent amount of small business potential, they have slightly different attitudes towards what you can get for your money. Although it could be very easy to describe this comparison as hardware versus software, the reality is a little bit more nuanced. But before we go ahead and compare these two current-generation NAS solutions, we need to also highlight what both of these systems have in common. Regardless of whether you choose the DS224+ or TS-262 NAS drive, you are guaranteed the following:

  • Both units feature an Intel Celeron processor for a good price vs hardware balance
  • Both can Stream and Transcode on the fly (so, live) 1080p HD or 4K media, with superior performance natively and mid-range performance in Plex, as well as both arriving with integrated graphics, so more aggressive graphical manipulation (encode/decode/conversion) is done much more efficiently
  • Both the Synology DS224+ and TS-262 NAS support AI-supported photo and ‘thing’ recognition supported to a very high degree from the free branded software included
  • For Business users who currently enjoy the use of Google Workspace or Microsoft/Office 365, both of these NAS provide excellent means to backup your mass cloud accounts (as well as natively sync, dupe and configure rules on the fly)
  • Both the TS-262 NAS and DS224+ NAS support snapshots, for more incremental and version-protecting failsafe in efforts to protect you from Malware and Ransomware attacks, by allowing multi-versioning storage history to browse through and restore
  • Both units are DLNA certified so can be accessed, browsed and played from by popular DLNA devices, such as Amazon Firestick, Alexa, Google Home, Chromecast, DS224+ TV, Bose, Sonos, iPads, etc, as well as connectivity between these platforms with IFTTT
  • Both are multi-bay, RAID enabled devices NAS devices that support JBOD, RAID 0 and RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6 and RAID 10 (as well as Synology Hybrid RAID too for their Plus series range), though support of storage media on each device does differ significantly in places
  • Both devices run on their own proprietary operating system that can be accessed remotely or locally. These include regular updates to the firmware, security patches, applications and more. Ranging from multimedia, home and multi-tiered backup applications, to more business-end tools such as Surveillance software, Virtual Machine deployment and business-class backup and synchronization tools.
  • Both the TS-262 and DS224+ use and can be accessed equally by a multitude of mobile applications such as DS File, DS Video, Moments, DS Photo, DSCam and DS Music that are created by and constantly improved by Synology. As well as QFile, QMusic, QuMagie and QManager from QNAP for iOS and Android.
  • Both NAS are completely compatible with Windows, Android and Mac systems, as well as acting as a bring between software platforms to share and distribute files for migration and file sync (Synology Drive and QNAP QSync)
  • Both units can be used as mail and/or business servers, providing excellent 3rd party CRM and first-party CMS systems. There is the Synology collaboration Suite of applications Chat, Drive, Mail, Calendar, Office and Active Backup Suite. Whereas on QNAP there is the QMail, Hybrid Backup Sync 3, Virtualization station and BoXafe tools
  • Both systems support the NVR use with QVR Pro and Surveillance Station applications, support numerous cameras and arrive with at least 2 camera licenses with your purchase (8 Camera Licenses with the QNAP, 2 with the Synology)

Both systems are fully featured examples of what each brand can offer on their own individual server platform. However, you want to know what is different about them and which one best deserves your data!

Synology DS224+ vs QNAP TS-262 NAS – Price and Value

Normally, in these comparisons, I would very quickly highlight that when comparing Synology and QNAP, the latter would be the more affordable choice. It has kind of been that way for a while, but things changed towards the end of 2022 when Synology revamped and reorganized their portfolio. In brief, Synology changed a number of the positions of their solutions while simultaneously removing a few different tiers in a portfolio to change which solutions were covering home, small business, medium business, and large-scale deployments. This meant that some systems had their hardware and their price point realigned up or down to better suit the overall portfolio and choice for buyers, and the result is that the DS224+ surprisingly manages to be the lower price of these two very similar systems in some (not all) locations. The DS224+ arrives at around $350 (give or take currency exchange, tax, and shipping), whereas the TS-262 arrives much closer to the $400 mark and in some regions actually crosses this a little higher too. Part of this raised price on the QNAP TS-262 is because of a change in memory implementation (arriving as a fixed 4GB memory and later changing to 2 SODIMM slots and more flexibility). More affordable examples of the TS-262 are available online (couple below), but typically the price is going to be a pinch higher.

Neither of these prices includes storage media and, depending on the capacity of the drives you are considering in either of these two main NAS systems, that is going to take its toll on your budget. So if the price tag of the system you are buying carries a lot of weight in your decision, the Synology DS224+ is probably going to be a better cost choice for you. However, we do have to factor in that not only is the price difference between these two devices comparatively small in the grand scheme of things, but we also have to think about what we get for our money and ultimately ‘value’! In this context, a NAS can be judged on its value in two very distinct ways: the hardware that you are getting for your money and the inclusive software the system arrives with, and it is in this way that these two NAS systems are remarkably different in terms of their priorities.

Synology DS224+ vs QNAP TS-262 NAS – Hardware and Connections

Very few of my comparisons have displayed two NAS systems that, although at a casual glance are very similar, are so wildly different in the finer details and scalability than these two NAS devices. The Synology DS224+ system is easily the less hardware-rich of the two, heavily relying upon a hardware architecture that feels somewhat dated in comparison to the QNAP TS-262. In Synology’s defense, they have had a lot of time experimenting and testing their software with this particular CPU (the Intel J4125 quad-core Intel Celeron) and clearly know how to make the most out of it within their software in terms of efficiency and capability. Nevertheless, for PC builders, those who understand how hardware innovates over time, and those who are looking for the best value for money in their kit, this Synology CPU choice is pretty underwhelming. Thanks to that portfolio change I mentioned earlier by Synology, the hardware you find in this home user multimedia NAS is actually near enough identical to the 2020 generation prosumer and fully-featured TIA. That would be pretty good if it wasn’t for the fact that the CPU was released in 2019 and that despite this system’s similarity to the 2020 prosumer tier, some scalability options and upgrade options are not available here. The QNAP, by comparison, manages to scale up over the Synology in so many different ways, with a couple of slightly peculiar backsteps along the way. First, let’s look at the arrangement of that hardware side by side:

Synology DS224+ vs QNAP S-262 NAS Hardware Comparison
Synology NAS
Amazon Price: $305 (09/08/23 – Check Amazon)

$332 (09/08/23 – Check Amazon)

Processor model Intel Celeron N5105 Intel Celeron J4125 (2019 Gen)
processor architecture 64-bit 64-bit
processor clock 2-core 2.0 (base frequency) / 2.9 (burst frequency) GHz 4-core 2.0 (base frequency) / 2.7 (burst frequency) GHz
Integrated Graphics Yes (450-800Mhz) Yes (250-750Mhz)
Hardware encryption engine (AES-NI) Yes Yes
system memory 4GB DDR4 non-ECC 2 GB DDR4 non-ECC
Pre-installed memory modules Yes, Fixed Yes, Initial 2GB Fixed
Total number of memory slots 0 1
Maximum memory capacity 4GB 6 GB (2 GB + 4 GB)
The maximum number of disk slots for an expansion unit 2x USB 3.2 (Supports 2/4/8 Bay Expansions) N/A
M.2 drive bay Yes, x1 (Gen 3×1) N/A
Compatible Disk Type
  • 3.5″ SATA HDD
  • 2.5″ SATA SSD
  • 2280 M.2 NVMe
  • 3.5″ SATA HDD
  • 2.5″ SATA SSD
Disk hot-plug support* Yes Yes

The big hurdle for a lot of users is clearly going to be that CPU choice. Side by side, the quad-core CPU inside the Synology is going to mean more cores for the system to take advantage of over the dual-core inside the QNAP. Potentially, both CPUs feature integrated graphics, which also means that for processes such as transcoding, handling of graphical data, and simple offline conversions, they are going to use fewer system resources to get the job done. But when we take a closer look, we can see that there is a lot more to it. For a start, the N4505 jewel court CPU inside the QNAP is a much newer generation processor and features a slightly higher clock speed too. Despite half the available core numbers, that is going to result in the CPU being noticeably more efficient thanks to modern innovation by Intel in newer refreshes of their processors. The integrated graphics on the N405 CPU are of a higher birth speed, and although the QNAP CPU will lose out on the sheer breadth of processing capabilities being dual-core rather than quad-core, in a home user environment, and unless you are going to push the system hard, you aren’t really going to feel it.

Then there is the memory inside the two NAS systems and a very distinct difference in how either brand deploys their systems. The Synology system arrives with less default memory at 2GB versus 4GB on the QNAP. However, the Synology features an upgradable Sodimm memory slot that allows you to add a further 4GB of memory. The QNAP, on the other hand, features 4GB by default, but that 4GB is soldered internally for reasons of efficiency and cost (in light of continued memory shortages over the last 2 years and rising NAND flash costs), which results in the TS-262 NAS not allowing memory upgrades further. Therefore, you are getting more RAM on the QNAP on day one, but better long-term scalability by around 50% on the Synology. The fact that both systems feature soldered memory by default is super annoying, particularly when you know both of the CPUs can support more memory officially according to Intel, of 8 GB and 16 GB respectively.

From this point, however, in terms of hardware, QNAP absolutely steals the show moving forward! In terms of ports, connectivity, and upgrade options, Synology has clearly taken a very rigid stance on the DS224+ system, and this results in an incredibly low glass ceiling in comparison to the TS-262 NAS and the sheer wealth of ways to upgrade its hardware throughout the system’s lifetime. The most obvious example is in network connectivity and one that more modern network equipment is going to benefit most! The Synology DS224+ arrives with two Ethernet ports, both gigabit in architecture. Synology has come under fairly regular criticism for sticking quite rigidly with 1Gb network ports on the bulk of their systems, only providing improved gigabit connections or 10G on their XS or enterprise-grade systems by default. Although these two Ethernet ports support bonding options such as link aggregation, port trunking, and the more modern and easy-to-set-up SMB multi-channel via Windows, there are going to be a lot of users that are disappointed with gigabit network port when even domestic-class hard drives these days can comfortably provide 160 to 200 megabytes per second performance, and increasingly affordable SATA SSDs double or triple that number. Therefore, an external connection that immediately throttles performance down to 109 megabytes per second per port is going to be disappointing. This is further exacerbated by the fact that there is no means to upgrade the network connectivity on the Synology NAS beyond 1G, with no PCIe upgrade slot or any compatibility or support officially for 2.5G or 5G adapters which are becoming increasingly affordable.

The QNAP TS-262, on the other hand, is a completely different story! Arriving with a single Ethernet port, you may think things have started poorly, but this Ethernet port is 2.5 GB Ethernet (2.5 times that of the Synology) and whether you are running a one gig architecture and/or thinking of upgrading your network equipment, this is going to allow you to have higher performance via the single port than both of the ports on the Synology combined. However, this is further improved when you discover that the QNAP now also supports network adapters as I alluded to earlier, meaning that you can add a $20 2.5G USB upgrade and even a $50 5G upgrade to the system to further upgrade network connectivity and fully capitalize on the increased performance afforded to you via your media inside the system in RAID 0 or RAID 1. In fact, these USB ports get even better when you find out that, unlike the 5GB. USB 3 Gen 1 ports in the Synology, the QNAP features 10G USB 3 Gen 2 ports. These USB ports support vastly more peripheral and accessory devices on the TS-262 than they do on the DS224+, ranging from network upgrades, wireless upgrades, office peripherals, and assignment towards virtual machines for either more utilization. But more importantly, these USB ports support storage expansions from QNAP that allow you to add a further two, four, eight, and sixteen bay expansions (in conjunction with the PCIe slot), which means that you are not limited in the system’s lifetime to just those two bays of storage. Synology, on the other hand, has no expansion support for the DS224+. They do have a couple of expansion devices for desktop use in their portfolio, but they are connected via eSATA and have not added this connection to their DS224+ NAS.

Continuing down the rabbit hole of expansion and scalability, there is the fact that the QNAP NAS has a PCIe upgrade slot. It cannot be understated just how important and useful a lot of users are going to find this upgrade slot; even entry-level home users are going to feel the benefits here. Unsurprisingly, there is no PCIe upgrade slot on the Synology DS224+, but why is it such a big deal that these NAS devices would feature one? Well, much like the previous point I made about default network connectivity on the DS224+ and TS-262, having a PCIe upgrade slot means that you can add even greater network connectivity such as 10 GbE via a one or two-port card! There is also support for SSD storage upgrade cards that allow you to add two more M.2 NVMe SSDs and turn this 2-bay NAS into a 4-bay NAS! Or you can go ahead and get combo cards that have both built into a single card that occupies one slot and gives you a massive storage upgrade and a massive external bandwidth upgrade! There is even support for Wi-Fi 6 upgrade cards, USB port upgrade cards, and a long-ranging list of third-party PCIe cards that can be installed inside this system to improve performance inside and outside! Because of the CPU choice here and efforts to keep things affordable on systems on the scale of the DS224+ and TS-262, the PCIe architecture of this upgrade slot is gen 3 x 2, which does limit the internal bandwidth to 2000 megabytes per second, but nevertheless, having the option of this upgrade on the TS-262 alongside those network USB upgrade choices, when the DS224+ provides neither, is definitely something worthy of note.

However, the upgrades on the QNAP TS-262 do not stop there with this system. Also arriving by default with two times M.2 NVMe SSD base as well. That’s right; you don’t even need to wait to upgrade with a PCIe card, and you can go ahead and utilize M.2 SSDs for caching or as raw storage pools straight away on day one, thanks to the system featuring these by default. Remember earlier when I mentioned that the Synology DS224+ is using hardware architecture in this home-tier solution that three years ago was in the prosumer tier, about certain hardware limiting choices have been made? One of those was the two M.2 NVMe SSD base that previous generations of this device had featured and are notably absent on the Synology DS224+. It’s a real shame that Synology opted to not feature these in this architecture, despite clearly having enough resources here to support it. This is quite a clear choice by the brand to place the system in a very specific area of their portfolio so it does not overlap the next tier, the Synology DS723+.

Finally, there is the fact that the QNAP TS-262, like a number of other different NAS solutions in their portfolio that feature integrated graphics, also arrives with visual output, in this case, an HDMI 2.0 4K 60 frames per second port. This visual output, combined with two dedicated USB 2.0 ports that can be used for low priority peripherals alongside this if you choose, allows you to run a completely parallel (not mirrored!) Software GUI that is dedicated to the HDMI out, called HD station. Well, it should be highlighted that QNAP does not update this service and its applications anywhere near as frequently as it does the other apps in the brand’s portfolio. There is still a good range of services that can be used here that allow you to run a standalone surveillance system with KVM, a direct multimedia center that has direct control via an infrared remote control/Wi-Fi remote via mobile/USB keyboard and mouse, the ability to run a standalone PC via this HDMI, while the system also continues to run the QNAP NAS OS and apps over the network as usual, and a whole bunch of other things. Synology has always been pretty clear about their integration of HDMI out on their systems, largely ignoring it for any system other than a handful of their surveillance systems. This is by no means a killer feature for most users, and I know that the percentage of QNAP NAS owners that actually utilize the HDMI is surprisingly small. But nevertheless, this is just another example of the sheer scope of hardware that has been packed into the QNAP TS-262.

Overall, it should come as absolutely no surprise that in terms of hardware, the QNAP TS-262 absolutely smashes it! Even if the base-level hardware of the Synology had been a more modern generation CPU choice (and we have to at least give them the benefit of the doubt that the system does provide more scalability in terms of memory and is a quad-core CPU too!), the overall standard and modern architecture of the QNAP TS-262 is just impossible to ignore, and you are getting frankly insane value for money in terms of hardware on the TS-262, then you do on the slightly older feeling DS224+ by comparison. However, we can’t just focus on the hardware, as having the best hardware in the world won’t mean anything if you can’t utilize it properly. So let’s start talking about the software that is included with both of these NAS systems to see if this is where Synology can shine.

Synology DS224+ vs QNAP TS-262 NAS – Software and Services

Spoiler alert, Synology is going to win this! If you have been spending even a moderate amount of time looking at either of these brands, you’ll know that where QNAP seemingly hit the accelerator in the hardware department, Synology absolutely dominates in terms of the software! QNAP arrives with QTS 5.1, the latest iteration of their software, and although it does lack some of the smoothness and intuitive nature of the Synology platform (DSM 7.2), it is still a very well-put-together and heavily-featured platform. Here is how they compare:


Synology DSM 7.2

Browser Support Supports all Browsers Supports all Browsers
Browser File Management Browser File Management
Photo/Music/Video Tools Photo/Music/Video Tools
Multimedia Console Synology Drive
AI Photo Recognition AI Photo Recognition
Edge m.2 Coral TPU Support
Storage Services
SED Drive Support SED Drive Support
QTier Synology Hybrid RAID
Hybrid Mount Hybrid Share
vJBOD Volume Encryption
Snapshots Snapshots
SSD Cache (Read/Write/Both) SSD Cache (Read/Write/Both)
Cloud Sync / QSync Cloud Sync
Drive Failure Predcition & Migration Fast RAID Rebuild
RAID Resync control RAID Resync control
Secure Erase Acrtive Backup Suite
Lots of Expansions (TR/TL) Hyper Backup
HBS 3 Synology CMS
Qfiling and Qsirch Write Once Read Many
Business Applications
QVR Pro – 8 Camera Licenses (+USB Camera Support) Surveillance Station – 2 Camera Licenses
Virtualization Station Virtual Machine Manager
Ubuntu Linux Station 18/20 Docker Support
Container Station Active Backup 365 & Workspace
Hypervisor Protector Synology Office, Chat, Calendar
QMailAgent Synology Mail / MailPlus
HD Station Synology C2 and Services
Security Councillor Security Councillor
Malware Remover Synology VPN Plus
McAfee Anti-Virus Scanning Log and Notification Center
QVPN Auto Blocking on SSH, Telnet etc
Log and Notification Center 256 bit Encryption
Auto Blocking on SSH, Telnet etc 2 Step Authentication
256 bit Encryption Firewall App
2 Step Authentication Access Protection and Allow/Deny list
Firewall App Synology Secure SignIn
Access Protection and Allow/Deny list Synology C2 Password

The TS-262 also supports QNAP’s QTier service, a unique alternative to utilizing faster SSDs as storage pools or for caching. With Q Tier, you can combine your available slower hard drive storage media and faster SSD media into a single storage pool. Upon doing so, over time the system will learn what are the most frequently accessed files, ranging from small metadata and OS files all the way up to larger block data, which is then moved (not copied, as found with caching in smaller files) to the faster storage area. Then over time, as you and your other users use the TS-262, those more frequently accessed files will be retrieved from the faster SSD and create a much more responsive and faster user experience. Combine that with the improvements in the base level, network bandwidth on day one, or via upgrade, and the benefits of QTier in a mixed media storage device are very useful indeed.

We also have to acknowledge that one of these two brands suffered something of a PR disaster back in 2021/2022 when QNAP was one of the brands that was targeted by the Deadbolt ransomware group (alongside Asustor and Terramaster), resulting in more than 3,000 successfully hit devices who suffered targeted data encryption in small or whole system storage extents. The impact of this, combined with QNAP’s handling of the attack and their response to semi-force updates on systems remotely, resulted in a lot of lost face by many in this brand, and they will be carrying the stigma of this event for quite a few years yet. In comparison, Synology, though targeted by the group, were not successfully attacked, and at the time of writing, it appears that no Synology NAS user was ever hit by Deadbolt ransomware. In fact, aside from the Synolocker attack on Synology NAS systems over a decade ago, there has not been any widespread reported successful attack on their platform that comes even slightly close to the Deadbolt attack on QNAP.

To put this into a little bit of perspective, all network-attached storage devices received regular security updates for years, long beyond the hardware warranty of any singular NAS hardware. This is because software development can only ever really be one step ahead of the hackers. A brand releases software, hackers begin to try to find vulnerabilities, and when successful, the software brand releases a firmware update, and the cycle begins again. The majority of software these days is actually built on just a handful of different software architectures such as Linux, which in turn go through the same cycle of update>attack>update as any other software. However, when THEY roll out an update, the software that is built on them needs to customize that firmware update on their platforms, which takes time! Both of these brands, alongside every other reputable software brand that has even a hint of internet/remote access, has their security advisory pages that you can find online, which will detail the number of vulnerabilities that have been highlighted and the progress of their resolution. So, no brand will ever be considered 100% bulletproof from security vulnerabilities, as any piece of software might have a vulnerability that has just simply not been found yet, but there is simply no denying that between these two brands when it comes to security and how they have managed this subject, Synology seemingly has the edge.

If you are still on the fence about whether you should buy the Synology DS224+ or QNAP TS-262, and you intend to spend a decent amount of time with their respective software, then I would strongly recommend that you head to one of the two demo pages below. Both of these allow you to test out and experience the respective NAS software from each of these brands and will give you a good understanding of how each one works, how intuitive or user-friendly they are, and whether either software will provide you the level of reliability, stability, or customization that you are going to need before you purchase either the DS224+ or TS-262 NAS.

Synology Diskstation Manager 7.2 Online Demo – HERE

QNAP QTS 5.1 Online Demo – HERE

Ultimately, much like previously when QNAP was holding court and comfortably winning the hardware comparison of these two NAS devices, in the case of software, Synology absolutely smashes it. It’s not a complete flawless victory, as the QNAP QTS platform does provide a wide range of first-party services, much more customizable and adaptable services, and a wide range of third-party support compared with Synology DSM. But in terms of UX design, smoothness of GUI, long-term security management, and first-party ecosystem services, the Synology DSM platform on the DS224+ comfortably places it ahead. This is as you would expect from a brand that, when purchasing one of their solutions, places the emphasis on the software more than anything else. You can really feel the investment there! If you are in need of further comparison, you can check out my reviews on both DSM and QTS below in the software reviews over on YouTube:

QNAP QTS 5.1 Before You Buy (YouTube) Synology DSM 7.2 Before You Buy (YouTube)

Synology DS224+ vs QNAP TS-262 NAS – Verdict and Conclusion

It would be so, so easy to simply label this a case of hardware versus software, and indeed there is a ring of truth to that when you look at just how much is packed in with both the DS224+ and TS-262 in terms of priorities from either brand. However, the reality is a little bit more nuanced, as it really will come down to both what the user needs and their level of experience. Though the software on the DS224+ towers over the hardware when you purchase the device, it also needs to be stated that good software can make the most of weaker hardware, and having a system that requires a lower skill level in order to make the most out of it, for some, is going to be worth its waiting gold! You need to think of the Synology NAS systems as something of a complete ecosystem rather than just a data storage solution, providing more applications to replace those third-party alternatives that may exist in your network and create a truly synchronized storage networking communication environment! However, all of that arrives with limitations, with a lower glass ceiling and often with a feeling that the system is being held back intentionally in efforts to maintain that balance in the case of the DS224+. The TS-262, by comparison, gives you more hardware, more bandwidth, greater opportunities to upgrade and scale out your storage, and does so with a software platform that takes off the training wheels. This can lead to inconsistencies, this can lead to a higher learning curve, and ultimately leads to an experience where you may have to spend more time getting the system to wrap around your existing workflow rather than the other way around. This is where the TS-262 excels, as it tries to give you the control to do things your way, but may also hit the odd hurdle when it’s trying to do and be too many things to too many people. If you are looking for a streamlined experience that will hold your hand the whole way, go for the Synology DS224+! If you are looking to take the reins of your hardware, get a system to work the way YOU want it to, and have more opportunities to scale up your network storage in many directions, go for the QNAP TS-262. Both systems excel in what they’re trying to do at this price point, and as long as you know what you want from this system in advance, they will fulfill those needs appropriately!

Amazon Price: QNAP TS-262 NAS

$305 (21/04/24 – Check Amazon)

Synology DS224+ NAS

$335 (21/04/24 – Check Amazon)

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The Best 10GbE NAS Drives – 2024

Par : Rob Andrews
29 avril 2024 à 18:00

A Guide to the Best 10GbE NAS Drives

Data continues to grow exponentially, with everyday devices generating substantial amounts of data. High-resolution photos, 4K Ultra HD HDR movies, and internet connections surpassing gigabit speeds have become the norm. This surge in data creation and transfer has highlighted the limitations of the traditional 1GbE (RJ45) LAN/WAN ports, often causing network bottlenecks. In the past year, client hardware like phones, laptops, TVs, and tablets have adapted to this challenge, increasingly incorporating advanced WiFi protocols such as WiFi 6 (802.11ax). Similarly, in the realm of Network Attached Storage (NAS), addressing bandwidth limitations has been a focus for several years, with one of the key solutions being the adoption of 10GbE technology. 10GbE, offering ten times the bandwidth of the conventional 1GbE, enables network transmissions to exceed 1,000MB/s. Although 10G technology has been around for a while, it’s only in the last few years, particularly in 2023 and 2024, that it has become significantly more affordable. This price reduction has made it feasible for both home and business users to upgrade. The cost of 10G adapter cards has dropped to under £100, and network switches are now priced only slightly higher than their 1G counterparts. Furthermore, in some instances, the physical compatibility of 1G and 10G is identical (Copper RJ45), simplifying upgrades and allowing for considerable hardware reuse.

10GbE has become much more accessible than previously anticipated. To assist in your decision-making process, below is a video detailing numerous reasons to upgrade to or opt out of 10GbE, which could be helpful in your search for the best 10GbE NAS to buy in 2024.

Best NAS of the Year

Key Features of Top 10GbE NAS Drives in 2024

When exploring the various 10GbE NAS drives available, it’s crucial to recognize that they are not all created equal. Despite the temptation of lower-priced models from emerging brands, these often lack durability and comprehensive features. Here are the essential features that the best 10GbE NAS drives, regardless of brand, should include:

1. **Integrated Hardware and Software**: Includes a web browser interface, mobile and desktop apps for backup, media streaming, surveillance, and file management.
2. **Multi-OS Compatibility**: Accessible via Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux.
3. **Warranty**: Typically 2-3 years, extendable to 5 years.
4. **Network and Remote Access**: Local network access and secure remote access with brand-supported services at no extra cost.
5. **Support for Latest Hard Drives**: Compatibility with the latest 20TB NAS hard drives.
6. **RAID Support**: Multiple drive configurations for data protection and performance.
7. **Regular Updates**: Frequent updates for security, features, and services.
8. **Cloud and Enterprise Service Integration**: Syncing capabilities with cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, and enterprise services such as AWS and Azure.
9. **Shared Drive Hosting**: Ability to host a synchronized drive on your device, visible in the native file manager.
10. **Direct Network Connectivity**: Access via ethernet for 100MB/s or higher connectivity.
11. **Backup and Sync Tools**: Client-side tools for regular backups of files and system data.

Ensure any 10GbE NAS you consider, beyond the top recommendations, includes these features. These aspects are often compromised in cheaper models, resulting in less proficient NAS servers. Let’s now look at the best 10GbE NAS drives to buy right now.

Honourable Mention, Good Value 10GbE – Terramaster T9-450 NAS

0-198TB, 9-Bays, 2x PCIe Gen 3 M.2 NVMe 2280, Intel C3558R Atom Quad Core CPU, 8-32GB Memory, 2x 10GbE SFP, 1x 2.5GbE Port, PCIe Slot (TBC), 2yr Warranty

Current Price/Availability on Amazon – $999-1099

Hardware Review – LINK

YouTube Video Review – Watch

What I said in my review May ’23:

Terramaster has really changed the playing field with the T9-450 NAS. I was already a big fan of their latest generation of 6-Bay, 9-Bay and 12-Bay desktop chassis – providing a pretty substantial amount of storage in a tower design that borrows ventilation methodology traditionally found in rackmounts, but the T9-450 takes this logic and doubles down on it hard. The dual 10GbE on the system means that, despite it’s comparatively modest price point (when comparing against similar scale solutions from Synology and QNAP) you genuinely have a solution with the potential to allow you to enjoy every single MB/s or GB/s of your RAID externally. This is further bolstered with additional 2.5GbE ports, m.2 NVMe bays, uncomplicated support of HDDs/SSDs and just generally a very sensible system that shows how much Terramaster has matured as a brand. The TOS software is still not quite up there with Synology’s DSM or QNAP’s QTS in terms of ease of use and AAA+ features, but it is definitely a great entry point OS that has tighted it’s security since the brand was targetted by a ransomware group (along with other brands, they were affected by Deadbolt attacks) – it certainly lacks some of the background optimization of it’s competitors, but then this is reflected in the budget of the system too.

The internal PCIe slot that has been largely ignored is a bit of a missed opportunity and I am not a big fan of how they have addressed memory compatibility, but overall it is very, very tough to criticise the T9-450 NAS when you factor in the value of the package here. Factor in that you can very easily swap out the OS for many others, and it largely silences alot of the negatives here too. Overall, the T9-450 could potentially be the best NAS that Terramster has ever released and if they continue to address later releases with the same level of hardware value, this could definitely give the bigger names in the industry something of a headache down the road. I highly recommend this system for its value and performance potential!

HARDWARE - 10/10
PRICE - 9/10
VALUE - 10/10

👍🏻Surprisingly compact for 9 Bays of Storage
👍🏻Good Middle ground between a Rackmount and Desktop System
👍🏻Dual 10GbE - LOVELY STUFF!
👍🏻Also has support of SMB MultiChannel and an extra 2x 2.5GbE
👍🏻Decent throughput Capable CPU
👍🏻Great RAID Options
👍🏻Snapshot Replication
👍🏻BTRFS/EXT4 Support as preferred
👍🏻A large amount of maximum memory supported (16-32GB - TBC)
👍🏻M.2 SSD Bay inside for caching/storage
👍🏻TOS 5.1 is genuinely good, if not quite as polished/evolved as it\\\'s competitors
👍🏻VERY easy to install TrueNAS, UnRAID, Proxmox, OpenMediaVault, etc (and also easy to reverse)
👎🏻Secret PCIe Slot - Unused?!
👎🏻Supports ECC Mmeory, but not included (might annoy some)


DEAL WATCH Is It On Offer Right Now?

These Offers are Checked Daily


Best All Round 10GbE NAS for HW and SW – Synology DS1823xs+ NAS

0-176TB, 8-Bays, 2x NVMe Cache Bays, Quad-Core Ryzen V1780B 3.4Ghz CPU, 8-32GB DDR4 ECC Memory, 1x 10GbE, 2x 1Gbe Port, 1x PCIe 3×8 Upgrade Slot, 5yr Warranty

Current Price/Availability on Amazon – $1799

Hardware Review – LINK

YouTube Video Review – Watch Long ReviewWatch Short Review

What I said in my review March ’23:

If you are looking for a solid and confident move away from expensive long-term cloud subscription services, away from your defunct Drobo system or simply looking for a Synology NAS that has good hardware inside, outside and with DSM all over it – the DS1823xs+ NAS is a very solid choice indeed! With a huge degree of expandability and upgradability open to the end user to scale with later in the system’s life, extensive long-term committed software support and that 5yrs hardware warranty out the box – this is a system that is clearly designed for the long-haul and as soon as you factor in the complete hardware+software nature of this purchase with DSM included, it’s a very tasty box! There are a few odd choices here or there (e.g M.2 NVMe Pools not presented in the way some might like and HDD/SSD compatibility that clearly favours the enterprise tier), this is still easily the most powerful and capable 8-Bay system that Synology has ever produced. Whether you are a small, medium or large business user, this system has a large amount of potential for your data and has the horsepower for multiple VMs, large-scale surveillance, widespread backups, broad multi-user access and all of these running at the same time in a remarkably compact package.

That said, the DS1823xs+ NAS has a little bit of an identity crisis when you scale it up with the rest of the larger tiers of the Synology portfolio and, although I genuinely like it, seems to be a system that exists BETWEEN the Synology PLUS and XS series (see my points about the RS2423+) and when you look at it in that context, it sees the tiniest bit more expensive than it should be. If you are looking at the DS1823xs+ NAS and fully intend to scale up the storage, external bandwidth or memory in the next two years, I would recommend skipping this and opting for the DS3622xs+ instead. However, the base model of the DS1823xs+ has alot of ‘umpf’ under the bonnet and short of those hurdles for some on compatibility, the DS1823xs+ seemingly lives up to alot of it’s expectations!

SOFTWARE - 10/10
PRICE - 8/10
VALUE - 8/10

👍🏻Supports ALL of the Synology App Suite
👍🏻Huge Amount of Expandability
👍🏻High Capacity / Low Impact
👍🏻10/10 Chassis Design
👍🏻M.2 NVMe SSD Storage Pools
👍🏻Balanced/Powerful CPU
👍🏻5yr H/W Warranty & Long S/W Support
👍🏻Tier Storage Ready
👍🏻ECC Memory and 8GB Day 1
👍🏻Hugely User-Friendly GUI
👍🏻10GbE x86 8-Bay Expandable Synology......FINALLY!
👎🏻HDD/SSD Compatibility is going to Annoy some
👎🏻M.2 NVMe SSD Lane Limits
👎🏻Lack of SHR
👎🏻DS3622xs+ is £1000+ more, but significantly upscaled on almost everything

DEAL WATCH Is It On Offer Right Now?

Synology DS1823xs+ 8 Bay NAS Desktop: High-Performance Storage Solution Amazon UK UK 27.57 OFF (WAS 1788) [LINK]
Synology DiskStation DS1823xs+ 8-Bay + 2 x NVMe, 3.5 Diskless, 2xGbE + 1x10GbE, Amazon usa USA 16.57 OFF (WAS 2282) [LINK]

These Offers are Checked Daily

Best Storage 10GbE NAS – QNAP Triple Tier TS-855X Server

0-130TB SATA HDDs, 0-16TB SATA SSDs, 0-16TB 3×4 M.2 NVMes, 6+2+2-Bays, C5125 8-Core Atom CPU, 8-128GB Memory, 1x 10GbE and 2x 2.5GbE Ports, 2x PCIe 3×8 Slots, 3yr Warranty

Current Price/Availability on Amazon – $1300-1500

Hardware Review – LINK

YouTube Video Review – Watch

What I said in my review June ’23:

I have to say, I am INSANELY impressed by how much bang for buck is being included in the TS-855X and although it is not the most powerful device in the market (arguably intentionally, as it favours the more affordable Atom over a xeon), it is a sensible workhorse of a NAS. On the positive side, the QNAP TS-855X NAS comes with numerous strong selling points. The device offers large storage potential, especially with the ZFS file system, making it a powerhouse for data management. The choice of CPU is also sensible, providing a balance between performance and cost-effectiveness. The inclusion of the QTier tool is particularly appealing, adding a layer of efficiency to the storage management. Another big plus is the user-friendly GUI for ZFS in QuTS, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise. The three-tier storage options and support of ECC memory with a maximum of 128GB further enhance the device’s versatility and potential. Moreover, the TS-855X provides a wealth of expansion options and comes with 8 camera licenses with QVR Pro/QTS. The well-ventilated design contributes to thermal efficiency, ensuring optimal performance, while its support for the latest 22TB and soon-to-be-released 24TB drives future-proofs your investment.

However, the TS-855X is not without its drawbacks. While the two SATA SSD bays provide extra storage options, they would have been better if they were U.2 slots, which offer faster speeds. Although the device supports ECC memory, the initial 8GB memory in the base model is non-ECC, which might not be optimal for all ZFS services. The memory capacity might also be somewhat low for users with intensive data needs. Furthermore, the software can sometimes be inconsistent under heavy use, and it has a steeper learning curve compared to competitors like Synology. Finally, the pricing structure for the TS-855X is a mixed bag. While some users may find the cost reasonable given its features, others might feel it’s a bit steep for what it offers. Therefore, while the QNAP TS-855X NAS offers a plethora of attractive features and strong performance, it’s worth keeping in mind that a spend of a few hundred more dollars opens the door to Intel Core-powered NAS in the TVS-hx74 series or more powerful Xeon triple-tiered systems such as the TVS-h1288X. If you want power, but on a budget, it’s a great choice!

PRICE - 8/10
VALUE - 8/10

👍🏻Large Storage Potential (Especially in ZFS)
👍🏻Sensible Choice of CPU
👍🏻QTier Tool is VERY Appealing
👍🏻ZFS in QuTS but with a User Friendly GUI
👍🏻Three Tier Storage Opts
👍🏻Support of ECC Memory & 128GB Max
👍🏻Tonnes of Expansion Options
👍🏻8 Camera Licenses with QVR Pro/QTS
👍🏻Well Ventilated Design
👍🏻Supports Latest 22TB and 24TB (soon)
👎🏻2x SATA SSD Bays Would Hva ebeen Better if U.2
👎🏻Initial 8GB Memory is low for all ZFS services + is not ECC in default/Base Model
👎🏻Software can be a little inconsistent under excessive use
👎🏻Features a steeper learning curve than Synology
👎🏻Early Pricing is a Mixed Bag


DEAL WATCH Is It On Offer Right Now?

QNAP TS-855X-8G-US 8 Bay High-Performance 8-core 10GbE NAS for deploying Hybrid- Amazon usa USA 248.38 OFF (WAS 1647) [LINK]

These Offers are Checked Daily

Best Value 10GbE NVMe NAS – The Asustor Flashstor 12 Pro NVMe Flash Server

0-96TB, 12x M.2 NVMe 3×1 Bays, Supports 2x USB Expansions, N5105/N5095 4-Core CPU, 4-16GB DDR4 (non-ECC) Memory, 1x 10Gbe Port, 3yr Warranty

Current Price/Availability on Amazon – $799

Hardware Review – LINK

YouTube Video Review HERE)

What I said in my review June ’23:

I cannot stress enough how impressed I am that the Flashstor 6 and Flashstor 12 Pro are priced at $499 and $860, respectively, given the level of hardware on offer here. These are by no means enterprise-grade NAS server solutions, nor should they be thought of as such. However, given the cost of typical fully featured 4x HDD solutions from their competitors and the brand themselves, which often start at $550 and above, it is quite remarkable that the six M.2 SSD system with comparable internal hardware comes in at $499. As long as a user keeps their expectations in line with what this cost versus its capabilities, it’s really tough to argue with the price point that these two devices have arrived at on the market. The Asustor FS6712X Flashstor 12 Pro NAS presents a unique offering in the NAS market, leveraging NVMe technology to provide high-capacity, ultra-high-performance storage. The device’s design, with its rhombus-shaped enclosure and twelve M.2 NVMe slots, sets it apart from traditional NAS devices and offers a sleek and modern aesthetic.

The tool-less drive installation mechanism makes it easy to set up and expand the storage capacity. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind. The limited number of PCIe lanes provided by the Intel Celeron N5105 processor may restrict the performance of high-speed NVMe drives. The single 10GbE LAN port also presents a potential network bottleneck, limiting the device’s overall network performance. Users seeking maximum performance and network throughput may find alternative solutions better suited to their needs. Despite these limitations, the FS6712X shines as a storage solution for users who prioritize high-capacity storage, quiet operation, and low power consumption. The device’s ability to directly output 4K video, along with its range of Asustor-approved apps, makes it an excellent choice for media distribution and presentation. In terms of pricing, the FS6712X comes with a price tag of $850+. While this may appear high at first glance, it is comparable to 8 bay drive NAS SATA devices and many of those do not even include NVMe slots or 10GbE. Users looking for a more cost-effective option can consider the Flashstor 6, which offers half the number of slots and 2x 2.5GbE enabled ports for $499.

As the cost of flash modules continues to drop, and larger capacity drives become available all the way up to 8TB (even without QLC), the FS6712X provides an attractive solution for those seeking high-capacity and high-performance NAS storage. While some underlying performance relativity by the end user needs to be factored in and hardware limitations exist thanks to the use of that Celeron to remain budget-friendly, the FS6712X is a tremendously smart move by Asustor. A well-designed NAS that presents a much more confident solution demonstrating the benefits of NVMe-focused NAS devices to an audience that would have assumed such things are way, WAY outside the realms of affordability!

PRICE - 10/10
VALUE - 10/10

👍🏻6x NVMe SSD Flash NAS for under $500 - COME ON!
👍🏻Low Power Use
👍🏻Full 1st Party NAS OS Included
👍🏻USB 3.2 Gen 2 10G Connectivity and wide USB Support/Compatibility
👍🏻Very Slick and compact design
👍🏻SP/DIF and HDMI 2.0b Outputs will hugely please the multimedia user community
👍🏻Likewise, Plex Performance is very good for 4K and 1080p conversions
👎🏻6x NVMe Performance will never be realised because of the Intel Celeron CPU inside and 3x1 Limits
👎🏻2.5GbE x2 is good.. but its still hugely limiting for those NVMes
👎🏻Lack of ECC memory (cost prohibitive of course) will put some serious users off


DEAL WATCH Is It On Offer Right Now?

ASUSTOR FLASHSTOR 6 (FS6706T) Network Storage Amazon usa USA 7.09 OFF (WAS 475) [LINK]
ASUSTOR FLASHSTOR 12 Pro (FS6712X) Network Storage Amazon usa USA 12.68 OFF (WAS 848) [LINK]

These Offers are Checked Daily

Need More Help Choosing the right NAS?

Choosing the right data storage solution for your needs can be very intimidating and it’s never too late to ask for help. With options ranging from NAS to DAS, Thunderbolt to SAS and connecting everything up so you can access all your lovely data at the touch of a button can be a lot simpler than you think. If you want some tips, guidance or help with everything from compatibility to suitability of a solution for you, why not drop me a message below and I will get back to you as soon as possible with what you should go for, its suitability and the best place to get it. This service is designed without profit in mind and in order to help you with your data storage needs, so I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. Just enter in a few details of your setup, storage requirements and (in the case of buying a new solution) your budget – then me and Eddie the Web guy can help you with your question. This is a completely free service, is NOT provided with profit in mind and is manned by two humans (no bots, no automated replies, etc). Assistance might take an extra day or two (the service gets a lot of visitors) but we do try to answer every message. If you want to support this service, you can find out how to donate HERE. Otherwise, you can still just message us for free advice anyway!

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Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Ces failles de sécurité peuvent permettre la compromission de votre NAS QNAP !

30 avril 2024 à 07:47

Vous utilisez un NAS QNAP ? Veillez à ce qu'il soit à jour, car plusieurs failles de sécurité critiques ont été corrigées ! Elles représentent une menace sérieuse pour votre NAS et vos données. Faisons le point.

En mars dernier, nous avons déjà publié un article au sujet de 3 failles de sécurité critiques découvertes dans le système d'exploitation utilisé par les NAS QNAP. Il s'avère que 3 autres vulnérabilités sont désormais mentionnées dans ce bulletin de sécurité et qu'une autre alerte mentionne 2 failles de sécurité découvertes à l'occasion d'une édition de la compétition de hacking Pwn2Own. L'exploitation de ces vulnérabilités peut permettre à un attaquant d'exécuter des commandes sur le NAS, ce qui pourrait lui permettre de compromettre l'appareil.

Commençons par évoquer les trois failles de sécurité critiques évoquées sur cette page :

  • CVE-2024-27124 :

Cette vulnérabilité d'injection de commande pourrait permettre à des utilisateurs d'exécuter des commandes sur le système du NAS, à distance, via le réseau. Elle est associée à un score CVSS de 7.5 sur 10.

  • CVE-2024-32764 :

Cette vulnérabilité donne accès à une fonction critique du système sans authentification et pourrait permettre à des utilisateurs standards (sans privilèges élevés) d'accéder à certaines fonctions et de les utiliser, à distance. Ceci est lié au service myQNAPcloud Link. Elle est associée à un score CVSS de 9.9 sur 10.

"Un défaut de contrôle de l’authentification dans myQNAPcloud Link permet à un attaquant non authentifié, en envoyant des requêtes spécifiquement forgées, d’accéder à certaines fonctionnalités critiques.", peut-on lire sur le site du CERT Santé.

  • CVE-2024-32766 :

Cette vulnérabilité d'injection de commande pourrait permettre à un attaquant non authentifié d'exécuter des commandes arbitraires sur le système du NAS, à distance, via le réseau. Elle est associée à un score CVSS de 10 sur 10.

En plus de ces 3 vulnérabilités, voici 2 autres failles de sécurité importantes patchées il y a quelques jours par QNAP :

  • CVE-2023-51364, CVE-2023-51365 :

Il s'agit de deux vulnérabilités de type "path transversal" permettant à un attaquant de lire le contenu de fichiers protégés, et potentiellement, d'exposer des données sensibles via le réseau. Elles sont associées à un score CVSS de 8.7 sur 10.

Quelles sont les versions affectées ?

Voici la liste des versions affectées, pour chaque système :

  • QTS 5.x et QTS 4.5.x
  • QuTS hero h5.x et QuTS hero h4.5.x
  • QuTScloud c5.x
  • myQNAPcloud 1.0.x
  • myQNAPcloud Link 2.4.x

Comment se protéger ?

Pour vous protéger de l'ensemble de ces failles de sécurité, vous devez utiliser l'une de ces versions :

  • QTS build 20231128 et supérieur
  • QTS build 20231225 et supérieur 
  • QuTS hero h5.1.3.2578 build 20231110 et supérieur 
  • QuTS hero h4.5.4.2626 build 20231225 et supérieur 
  • QuTScloud c5.1.5.2651 et supérieur 
  • myQNAPcloud 1.0.52 (2023/11/24) et supérieur
  • myQNAPcloud Link 2.4.51 et supérieur

En complément, veillez à utiliser un mot de passe robuste sur vos comptes d'accès au NAS (activez le MFA également), sauvegardez régulièrement vos données et limitez les accès au NAS notamment l'exposition de l'appareil sur Internet.

À vos mises à jour !

The post Ces failles de sécurité peuvent permettre la compromission de votre NAS QNAP ! first appeared on IT-Connect.

QNAP QTS 5.2 est disponible en Beta​

Par : Fx
30 avril 2024 à 07:00
QNAP QTS 5.2 Beta NASLe fabricant de NAS vient de mettre en ligne la version Beta de son logiciel interne QTS 5.2. Loin d’être une révolution, il faudra attendre QTS 6, cette nouvelle version reste cependant très intéressante. Regardons de plus près son contenu… QNAP QTS 5.2 Beta Un peu plus d’un an après la Beta de QTS 5.1, QNAP nous revient avec une nouvelle version QTS 5.2 Beta. Cette nouvelle version du logicielle interne devrait arriver pour tous en juillet, si tout va bien. Selon QNAP : « QTS 5.2.0 apporte de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités importantes pour renforcer la sécurité, améliorer les performances et […]
Lire la suite : QNAP QTS 5.2 est disponible en Beta​

Seagate 24TB Ironwolf Pro NAS Hard Drive Review

Par : Rob Andrews
22 avril 2024 à 18:00

The Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB HDD Review

Seagate and their Ironwolf series of hard drives have fast become a mainstay of the NAS landscape in a relatively short time, considering their NAS HDD and eventual rebranding to Ironwolf in 2015/2016. In that time they have closed considerable ground on their biggest rival in this field, the WD Red series, and now although the brand first released Ironwolf Pro 20, 22 and now 24TB NAS Hard Drives in the last 18 months, they are now in the process of revising a number of these drives and introducing a new higher durability STX0000NT001 / STX0000NT001 series to join that existing the STX000NE001. These newer class of Prosumer/large-scale storage array NAS hard drives arrive with almost twice the workload rating, more than double the MTBF rating and still maintain the same high reported performance levels. All this said, why the sudden change? Perhaps facilitated by hardware shortages or due to the growing concerns of some users over larger capacities having the same workload rating of smaller capacities, leading to diminishing durability returns? Whatever the reason (more on that later), there is no denying that 24TB of storage in a single 3.5″ HDD casing is something to behold and today we are going to review this new massive drive from Seagate, benchmark it, test it with leading NAS brand Synology, discuss the differences with the existing Ironwolf Pro range and (hopefully) help you decide if it deserves your data? Let’s begin.

Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB Hard Drive Review – Quick Conclusion

There is no denying that Seagate certainly delivers on the prompted storage and performance that they have stated for the  Ironwolf Pro 24TB NAS hard drive. This alongside fully tested and confirmed compatibility with Synology (though not by Synology themselves) devices means that you have a drive here that can turn any 4-Bay NAS into a staggering 96TB server in RAID 0 and 72TB RAID5 Storage data monster – let alone once you start thinking about rackmounts and hyperscale. The pricing of this 24TB is understandably high, but as always, when you start crunching down the ‘Price Per TB’, it ends up landing comfortably in the same region as other Pro class drives of a smaller capacity. As mentioned previously, I particularly appreciate that the workload discussion surrounding ‘Pro’ Class drives at 300TB/yr vs rapid HDD capacity growth is being addressed here with a 550TB/yr version to rival that of ‘Ent’ class drives – whatever the reason/motivation. With capacities getting higher and more ‘eggs being placed in baskets’, the durability of each individual drive in an array grows in importance, so the shift of these PRO class drives towards an ENTERPRISE class workload should be positively noted. The value of the Ironwolf Health Management tool is going to be something of debate and the inclusion of 3yrs data recovery services is a nice extra that (with any luck) few will need to use – but better to have them and not need them, than visa versa. As HDDs continue to increase in scale and Seagate (among other brands) continues to outline their plans to hit 50TB (so, halfway there with this one!) by the end of the decade, the Seagate Ironwolf Pro ST2400NT002 is another good example of an HDD that finds a sweet spot between price, durability and value. Just be aware that this is a drive designed for large-scale use and that means high operational noise and higher than typical power use than non-Pro and smaller cap drives!

BUILD - 10/10
HARDWARE - 10/10
PRICE - 7/10
VALUE - 7/10

👍🏻Very Good Price Point vs WD Red/Red Pro
👍🏻Data Recovery Services Included (3yrs)
👍🏻550TB/yr Workload & 2.5M MTBF
👍🏻285MB/s Transfer Speeds
👍🏻Ironwolf Health Management Inc.
👍🏻Seagate Secure Onboard
👍🏻Consistent Performance
👎🏻Definitely Cannot have Just One
👎🏻Pricing and Model ID Confusion
👎🏻Higher Standby/Idle Power Use
👎🏻Tipping point vs SDDs

Where to Buy a Product
amzamexmaestrovisamaster 24Hfree delreturn VISIT RETAILER ➤ 
amzamexmaestrovisamaster 24Hfree delreturn VISIT RETAILER ➤

Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB Hard Drive Review – Design

The design of the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB HDD remains largely unchanged in appearance compared with the most recent high-capacity releases at 24TB and 22TB. The 3.5″ casing is helium sealed and the new NT class of drives arrive with a change in the labelling to differentiate them from the NE Ironwolf Pro series. Perhaps this differentiation is the separate them for use in 24+ Bay servers (given the oddly open-ended ‘unlimited bay’ support on the spec sheets vs the ‘upto 24-Bays of the Ironwolf Pro till now). Typically NAS/SAN system that feature 24x and higher storage bays would have been urged to opt for the EXOS series (available in both SAS and SATA). Perhaps this is a means to open up and bracket the Hyper-Scale and Data Center tier up, as more and more medium-large business setup single/paired Rackmounts outside of the large-sclae cabinet settings of the past? It’s hard to say, as otherwise, what problem is a newer and more durable Ironwolf Pro drive solving?

One argument might be the growing question of workload ratings on HDDs vs Growing Capacities and how they are starting to result in reduced margins of durability. The general rule of thumb when it has come to Hard drives for 24×7 server deployment is:

  • Standard Class Server Drives (so, upto 8 Bays of storage, small-medium Business deployment) is 180TB workload a year over the 3yr warranty
  • Large Scale Server Drives (above 8 Bays and upto 24 Bays for Higher-end business and large-scale deployment) at 300TB workload per year over the 5yr Warranty
  • Enterprise/Hyperscale Server Drives (i.e Data Center, with theoretically limitless Bay numbers, factoring expansions and growth) at 550TB workload per year over the 5yr Warranty

Now the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB is branded as a ‘Pro’ class drive (the middle one, above), however it arrives with a 550TB Workload rating, putting it well into the Enterprise bracket and treading on the toes of Seagates EXOS series – though lacking the SAS and Encryption options of EXOS options. However, the general rules of 180/300/550TB respective workloads on each tier begin to fall down a little when you factor that a 1TB drive that has a 300TB workload at 210MB/s performance and a 24TB that is also at 300TB workload annually, but 285MB/s max transfer will not only hit that workload limit quicker – but there is also the question of how this translates over time vs the available storage space and writes over time! Therefore the newer gen Seagate Ironwolf Pro ST2000NT001 Hard Drive arriving with 550TB/yr (alongside NT versions of many of the other lower capacities) does elevate this point somewhat for those users in between the Large Scale and Hyperscale/data center.

The 24TB in the ST2400NT001=2 is spread over 10 platters of 2.4TB each, made possible via the drive being helium sealed. This reduces potential internal drag and friction between platters, maintains the balance and allows much thinner platters to be used. Spinning at 7200RPM, the platters feature dual-plane balancing (known as AgileArray) also time-limited error recovery (TLER), which ensures the drive reading head isn’t delayed in intermittent read errors and can restart quickly to increase access when needed.

The 10 platters spinning at 7200RPM are also accompanied by 256MB of caching on board, which really surprised me, giving most of Seagate’s competitors have hit the 512MB cache level at this capacity tier. Having half the chance of its rivals does not seem to diminish both the performance or the sustained performance either.

As mentioned, the Seagate Ironwolf Pro HDD series only arrives in SATA. Although I can understand that Segaate does not want to overlap TOO much with their EXOS range that they already have done, there are an increasing number of SAS NAS solutions arriving on the market (with both Synology and QNAP both increasing their range of solutions in this direction noticeably for their 2022/2023 generations). Yes, users could just go for a suitable SAS EXOS option, but then they lose out on the Rescue Data Recovery services and Ironwolf Health management on the drive.

Overall, any improvements or changes in the build/construction of the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB ST2400NT002 HDD over the rest of the range and/or the previous NE version are all internal. We have to take Seagate at their word on the effective doubling of the durability rating, but given their pedigree in the EXOS enterprise series, I have little doubt in this. Although the Ironwolf Pro 24TB is not the only NAS drive in the market right now that is breaking the 24 Terabyte level, it does arrive with a couple of things that many others don’t that we should cover – the included Data Recovery services and the Ironwolf Health Management tool for NAS for a start. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Seagate IW Pro 24TB is CMR (conventional Magnetic recording) and not SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording – that latter of which is what the bulk of other NAS brands offer drives at this scale in. However, larger scale storage users will always opt for CMR drives and Seagate (unlike WD) have done a fantastic job of ensuring all their NAS drive series are CMR.

Is Seagate Ironwolf Health Management and Rescue Recovery Services Worth Caring About?

For those that are not aware, the Seagate Rescue+ package is a data recovery service that is included with your Ironwolf and Ironwolf Pro drives that, alongside your 3/5-year warranty, includes an additional 3 years of data recovery services. What that means is that if your drive fails through no fault of your own within reason (so, no, not smashing it with a hammer), you can send the drive off to the Seagate recovery labs and they will try to get that data back. From accidental deletion, all the way through to mechanical and forensic level recovery, this is an impressive inclusion! You should still factor other safety nets in your architecture (backups, UPS, RAID, etc) but given the cost of data recovery services (costing anything from hundreds to thousands of pounds), this is a very, VERY useful inclusion when you need it. This plus an already normally lower price point than Pro series drives in the WD Red series means that the Seagate Ironwolf hard drives still manage to be the better value choice for alot of users, especially when including the Rescue recovery included. They are also the only 3rd party NAS hard drive brand that has a tool to monitor drive health available on practically ALL the NAS software GUIs in the market, in Seagate Ironwolf Health Management. Here is part one of a two-part video series on the NASComapres YouTube channel were we showed the Seagate Rescue Recovery service (arguably, in a very extreme fashion!):

You can find out more on the Rescue service and its Pros/Cons in the video below. Otherwise there is another video detailing a guide on what to expect from data recovery costs/fees etc in a video from 2021:

Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB Hard Drive Review – Testing

Testing the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB is going to be performed across multiple methods, but still rather unconventional. This drive is designed for deployment in large # Bay servers, but although I have several NAS in the studio that could accommodate this frequency of drives, I do not have sufficient Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB units. Therefore the testing I have conducted are all examples of single-drive performance. These will include several PC testing sessions using popular and recommended storage testing applications and two NAS tests involving Synology and QNAP.

  • Windows 10 Pro Desktop System
  • Intel i5 11400 Rocket Lake – 6-Core 2.6/4.4Ghz
  • 16GB DDR4 2666MHz Memory
  • Intel B560M mATX Motherboard
  • OS Storage, Seagate Firecuda 120 SSD
  • Test Hard Drive connected to a Sabrent USB 3.2 Gen 2 10Gb/s external dock
  • Synology test was conducted on a DS923+ NAS using the system’s own benchmarking tool

These last tests are important as not only is the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB HDD designed for NAS use, but also at the time of writing neither brand lists this hard drive as compatible. There is more to this though that I will touch on later.

The first test involved using CrystalDisk. I performed tests on 1GB, 4GB and 16GB test files, as well as mixed 70/30% R/W. The results were consistent and largely lived up to Seagate’s claims here.

The next test used ATTO disk benchmark and this one used a 256MB, 1GB and 4GB test file in the same windows PC test environment. However, I also included the IOPS. The random 4K operations of a hard drive will typically be hugely dwarfed by those of SSDs, but enterprise HDDs and pro series drives still tend to rate noticeably higher than domestic HDD and standard-class NAS HDDs on this score.

In order to conduct a windows performance test, I copied 20GB of mixed files over to the drive as a separate disk. The result was consistent performance and the transfer, averaging at 205MB/s on the windows transfer overall and peaking at 260MB/s. Although this is lower than the transfer rates stated by Seagate and in the synthetic tests above, this is perfectly understandable when dealing with this high volume of small/differing date, compared with the largely Sequential Data tests stated elsewhere.

20GB Windows Transfer

Synology NAS Testing with the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB Hard Drive

Now, before I move on to the NAS testing. It is worth highlighting a couple of important factors with regard to the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB and the support available from each NAS brand I am focusing on for the testing. Now, Synology is the ONLY NAS brand in the market that also has its own first-party HDDs available to users too. These are Originally Toshiba Enterprise-grade produced hard disks that have had a Synology-specific firmware applied to them. Now, why is this relevant? Well, because some larger-scale Synology products in 2021 onwards do not list other 3rd Party HDDs as compatible. Even then, if you look up some of the older 2020 released NAS drives currently in the market (such as the DS920+ for example), they DO list HDDs from the likes of Seagate Ironwolf (and their EXOS and Skyhawk series) BUT they do not list drives larger than 18TB at the time of writing. This is an odd stance by the brand, when larger-scale 24TB and 22TB hard drives are available in the market and designed for NAS.

If you install an HDD or SSD inside a Synology system with the latest version of their software platform DSM, but the HDD in question is not on the compatibility list, you are greeted by a message that will detail that the drive is not recommended in the storage manager.

You can still use the HDD for Storage Pools, Volumes, Hot-spares, etc, but it is an oddly jarring message for some. Of course, this is the current compatibility of this HDD at the time of writing and may well change in the future as further HDD capacities arrive and additional compatibility testing takes place.

Nevertheless, you can still push through this warning and proceed to test the performance of the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB HDD from within the Synology Storage Manager. Here are the results.

Noise Testing the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB NAS Hard Drive

This is something that is often overlooked when users are getting excited about bigger and bigger HDDs entering the market and the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB is no exception to this – NOISE! Because of the sheer scale of hardware that is getting packed into these larger capacity 3.5″ HDD casing and the more industrious hardware inside that needs to perform 24×7 durably, operational noise is unavoidable. Once you exceed around 8-10TB (HDD brand dependant), the increased platters and heavier duty actuator/arm mechanism needs to be a grat deal more reactive (due to the larger space that is needed to be covered ad-hoc. The Seagate ST2400NT002 24TB is a pretty spot-on example of this and although you are getting some great performance, it is achieved with a large amount of mechanical work under the bonnet. Now, if you are running a larger-scale data center/rackmount style setup, this is not going to be much of a barrier. As those kinds of server will have multiple fans and use horizontal pressure fan cooling – so they will be much louder than the drives! However, in more modest 4-8 Bay desktop NAS systems, its a different story, as these use smaller/quieter fans and alongside being more conductive of vibration, the noise of these drives in operation will be a great deal more obvious.

Here is an example of four Seagate Ironwolf Pro HDDs in a Synology DS923 4-Bay NAS, running an intense 4K IOPS benchmark on the drives (likely the LOUDEST THING you will ever hear, so this is not truly representative of idle/standby/low use):

If you want a better idea of typical operational noise and noise when booting the drive with the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TBs, watch the middle portion of the YouTube review HERE. Regardless, if you are sensitive to noise, will be in close proximity to the NAS device (direct 10GbE editing?) and will be running a smaller scale NAS system – then these new 24TB HDDs might not be quite your cup of tea!

Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB Hard Drive Review – Conclusion

There is no denying that Seagate certainly delivers on the prompted storage and performance that they have stated for the  Ironwolf Pro 24TB NAS hard drive. This alongside fully tested and confirmed compatibility with Synology (though not by Synology themselves) devices means that you have a drive here that can turn any 4-Bay NAS into a staggering 96TB server in RAID 0 and 72TB RAID5 Storage data monster – let alone once you start thinking about rackmounts and hyperscale. The pricing of this 24TB is understandably high, but as always, when you start crunching down the ‘Price Per TB’, it ends up landing comfortably in the same region as other Pro class drives of a smaller capacity. As mentioned previously, I particularly appreciate that the workload discussion surrounding ‘Pro’ Class drives at 300TB/yr vs rapid HDD capacity growth is being addressed here with a 550TB/yr version to rival that of ‘Ent’ class drives – whatever the reason/motivation. With capacities getting higher and more ‘eggs being placed in baskets’, the durability of each individual drive in an array grows in importance, so the shift of these PRO class drives towards an ENTERPRISE class workload should be positively noted. The value of the Ironwolf Health Management tool is going to be something of debate and the inclusion of 3yrs data recovery services is a nice extra that (with any luck) few will need to use – but better to have them and not need them, than visa versa. As HDDs continue to increase in scale and Seagate (among other brands) continues to outline their plans to hit 50TB (so, halfway there with this one!) by the end of the decade, the Seagate Ironwolf Pro ST2400NT002 is another good example of an HDD that finds a sweet spot between price, durability and value. Just be aware that this is a drive designed for large-scale use and that means high operational noise and higher than typical power use than non-Pro and smaller cap drives!

PROs of the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB CONs of the Seagate Ironwolf Pro 24TB
  • Very Good Price Point vs WD Red/Red Pro
  • Industry Leading NAS HDD Capacity
  • Data Recovery Services Included (3yrs)
  • 550TB/yr Workload & 2.5M MTBF
  • 285MB/s Transfer Speeds
  • Impressively CMR, when most other drives at this Cap are SMR right now
  • Ironwolf Health Management Inc.
  • Seagate Secure Onboard
  • Consistent Performance
  • Noisy!!!
  • Definitely Cannot have Just One
  • Higher Standby/Idle Power Use
  • Tipping point vs SDDs

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