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Hier — 11 mars 2025Flux principal

Active Directory : ce que vous devez savoir sur la sécurité des mots de passe

11 mars 2025 à 10:00

L'essentiel sur les mots de passe dans l'Active Directory : les algorithmes de hachage, l'extraction des mots de passe, les mots de passe en clair, etc.

The post Active Directory : ce que vous devez savoir sur la sécurité des mots de passe first appeared on IT-Connect.

À partir d’avant-hierFlux principal

Compatibilité avec Windows 11 : auditez votre parc informatique avec PowerShell

3 mars 2025 à 18:00

Découvrez comment vérifier la compatibilité de vos PC Windows 10 avec Windows 11 avec PowerShell et l'Active Directory, puis obtenez un rapport prêt à l'emploi.

The post Compatibilité avec Windows 11 : auditez votre parc informatique avec PowerShell first appeared on IT-Connect.

Restrict user logon with claims-based authentication policy

24 février 2025 à 15:57
Authentication policies in Active Directory support access rules that allow restricting user logins to specific computers. Rather than statically assigning individual computers to a policy, you can define custom claim types that include or exclude computers based on specific characteristics.


Limit logon for users and services with Active Directory authentication policies

18 février 2025 à 14:42
By default, Active Directory imposes limited restrictions on the protocols or devices a user or service can use to log in. You can implement authentication policies and enforce specific limitations and restrictions to enhance login security. Active Directory offers several methods to disable outdated protocols, such as NTLMv1, or to restrict user logins to particular workstations. This can be achieved through various Group Policy settings, and the Protected Users group automatically enforces a set of security restrictions.


Secure privileged Active Directory accounts using the Protected Users group

27 janvier 2025 à 15:53
Since Windows Server 2012 R2, Active Directory (AD) has included a built-in global security group called Protected Users, designed to enhance the security of its members through predefined authentication policies. Before adding accounts to this group, it is essential to review the necessary prerequisites and monitor related events to ensure smooth implementation.


Windows Server : comment restaurer une zone DNS à partir de la Corbeille Active Directory ?

14 janvier 2025 à 09:00

Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons apprendre à restaurer une zone DNS intégrée à l'AD à partir de la Corbeille Active Directory, sous Windows Server.

The post Windows Server : comment restaurer une zone DNS à partir de la Corbeille Active Directory ? first appeared on IT-Connect.

Astuce Windows : comment renouveler les tickets Kerberos sans fermer la session d’un utilisateur ?

27 décembre 2024 à 13:00

Comment régénérer les tickets Kerberos avec la commande klist afin d'accéder à des ressources sans avoir à fermer et à rouvrir sa session utilisateur ?

The post Astuce Windows : comment renouveler les tickets Kerberos sans fermer la session d’un utilisateur ? first appeared on IT-Connect.

Configure computers in an Active Directory domain for accurate time sync

16 décembre 2024 à 11:13
In an Active Directory domain, it is crucial to sync the system time across all computers as accurately as possible. Since the 2016 version, Windows Server can greatly minimize discrepancies in system clocks. This feature, referred to as Accurate Time, can be configured with Group Policy settings, provided that specific conditions are fulfilled.


Create fake users for an Active Directory lab

6 décembre 2024 à 12:51
Active Directory is a core element of most lab environments, and it’s often essential to populate it with realistic data, especially for user accounts. These accounts should feature values for key attributes to reflect a functional directory. Fake user data is available in CSV format, but you'll need to clean it before importing into the directory.


Install Windows Server 2025 domain controller, raise AD functional level, enable 32K database

5 décembre 2024 à 12:30
Windows Server 2025 introduces significant improvements for Active Directory, including increased scalability thanks to the Jet database's 32K pages. New Server 2025 forests can immediately leverage this feature, whereas existing domains must be raised to the new functional level before you can enable the 32K database.


Microsoft Entra Private Access: Replacing VPN

22 novembre 2024 à 13:45
Microsoft Entra Private Access aims to replace traditional Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) while significantly enhancing security. Employing conditional access policies provides a more secure way to access private resources, ensuring only authorized users can connect to sensitive data and applications. In this blog, you will learn the critical features of Entra Private Access, how to configure it, and how to implement it together with conditional access policies.

