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Aujourd’hui — 28 juin 2024Securité, BootCDN, Bootcss, Staticfile attack traced to 1 operator

Par : Ax Sharma
28 juin 2024 à 15:00
The recent large scale supply chain attack conducted via multiple CDNs, namely, BootCDN, Bootcss, and Staticfile that affected up to tens of millions of websites has been traced to a common operator. Researchers discovered a public GitHub repository with leaked API keys helping them draw a conclusion. [...]

8220 Gang Exploits Oracle WebLogic Server Flaws for Cryptocurrency Mining

Security researchers have shed more light on the cryptocurrency mining operation conducted by the 8220 Gang by exploiting known security flaws in the Oracle WebLogic Server. "The threat actor employs fileless execution techniques, using DLL reflective and process injection, allowing the malware code to run solely in memory and avoid disk-based detection mechanisms," Trend Micro researchers Ahmed

Combatting the Evolving SaaS Kill Chain: How to Stay Ahead of Threat Actors

The modern kill chain is eluding enterprises because they aren’t protecting the infrastructure of modern business: SaaS.  SaaS continues to dominate software adoption, and it accounts for the greatest share of public cloud spending. But enterprises and SMBs alike haven’t revised their security programs or adopted security tooling built for SaaS.  Security teams keep jamming on-prem

New SnailLoad Attack Exploits Network Latency to Spy on Users' Web Activities

A group of security researchers from the Graz University of Technology have demonstrated a new side-channel attack known as SnailLoad that could be used to remotely infer a user's web activity. "SnailLoad exploits a bottleneck present on all Internet connections," the researchers said in a study released this week. "This bottleneck influences the latency of network packets, allowing an attacker

Researchers Warn of Flaws in Widely Used Industrial Gas Analysis Equipment

Multiple security flaws have been disclosed in Emerson Rosemount gas chromatographs that could be exploited by malicious actors to obtain sensitive information, induce a denial-of-service (DoS) condition, and even execute arbitrary commands. The flaws impact GC370XA, GC700XA, and GC1500XA and reside in versions 4.1.5 and prior. According to operational technology (OT) security firm Claroty, the

Nul en informatique ? Ce pirate a trouvé la solution (violente) pour pirater quand même ses victimes

28 juin 2024 à 07:50

Un homme de 24 ans a été inculpé aux États-Unis pour avoir forcé des personnes à installer un logiciel de contrôle d'ordinateur à distance. Un complice se chargeait ensuite de vider les portefeuilles de crypto-monnaies.

TeamViewer Detects Security Breach in Corporate IT Environment

TeamViewer on Thursday disclosed it detected an "irregularity" in its internal corporate IT environment on June 26, 2024. "We immediately activated our response team and procedures, started investigations together with a team of globally renowned cyber security experts and implemented necessary remediation measures," the company said in a statement. It further noted that its corporate IT

Rust-Based P2PInfect Botnet Evolves with Miner and Ransomware Payloads

The peer-to-peer malware botnet known as P2PInfect has been found targeting misconfigured Redis servers with ransomware and cryptocurrency miners. The development marks the threat's transition from what appeared to be a dormant botnet with unclear motives to a financially motivated operation. "With its latest updates to the crypto miner, ransomware payload, and rootkit elements, it demonstrates

Mettez vite à jour votre smartphone Android si vous voulez éviter d’être infectés par ces fausses applis

27 juin 2024 à 16:43

Une vaste campagne de vol de données personnelles sur les smartphones a été repérée par des experts en cybersécurité. Le logiciel malveillant est programmé pour infecter des appareils sous Android.

Hier — 27 juin 2024Securité

JFrog découvre une menace CVE de niveau 10 concernant l’utilisation de grands modèles de langage (LLM)

Par : UnderNews
27 juin 2024 à 14:52

Une importante vulnérabilité qui touche les grands modèles de langage (LLM) a été découverte. Cette alerte de sécurité majeure montre à quel point la sécurisation des IA/ML est devenue un élément central et valide la stratégie de JFrog en la matière notamment avec le récent rachat de la société Qwak AI.  Tribune JFrog – L’équipe […]

The post JFrog découvre une menace CVE de niveau 10 concernant l’utilisation de grands modèles de langage (LLM) first appeared on UnderNews.