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Kaspersky rapporte que les Toncoins d’utilisateurs de Telegram sont pris pour cible par des cyberattaquants

Par : UnderNews
27 avril 2024 à 17:33

Des chercheurs de Kaspersky ont découvert que des arnaqueurs cherchent à voler les Toncoins (TON) d’utilisateurs Telegram à travers le monde, en utilisant un système évolutif impliquant des boosters de crypto-monnaies et des parrainages d’amis. Ce stratagème existe au moins depuis novembre 2023, et son apparition en plein boom de Telegram et des Toncoins le […]

The post Kaspersky rapporte que les Toncoins d’utilisateurs de Telegram sont pris pour cible par des cyberattaquants first appeared on UnderNews.

Trangram – Créez des animations pro sans coder en moins de 2 min

Par : Korben
20 avril 2024 à 09:00

Les amis, si vous cherchez une solution simple et efficace pour créer des animations et des graphiques animés sans vous prendre la tête, j’ai déniché un petit bijou pour vous : Trangram. C’est une plateforme en ligne gratuite qui vous permet de créer, d’animer et de partager vos créations en toute simplicité, sans avoir besoin de connaissances en programmation.

Avec Trangram, vous avez accès à une panoplie d’outils intuitifs et puissants pour donner vie à vos idées. Que vous soyez un professionnel du marketing qui cherche à créer des vidéos engageantes pour les réseaux sociaux, un enseignant qui souhaite rendre ses cours plus dynamiques, ou simplement un passionné de graphisme qui aime expérimenter, Trangram pourra vous aider.

L’interface est claire et bien pensée, avec des fonctionnalités accessibles en quelques clics. Vous pouvez choisir parmi une bibliothèque d’éléments graphiques prêts à l’emploi, ou importer vos propres images et illustrations. Ensuite, il suffit de les disposer sur votre scène, de définir les animations et les transitions, et le tour est joué ! Vous pouvez même ajouter du texte animé, des effets sonores et de la musique pour rendre vos créations encore plus immersives.

Ce que j’apprécie particulièrement avec Trangram, c’est la flexibilité qu’offre la plateforme. Vous avez le contrôle total sur chaque élément de votre composition, ce qui vous permet de laisser libre cours à votre créativité. Que vous souhaitiez réaliser une infographie animée pour présenter des données complexes de manière ludique, ou une vidéo teaser pour promouvoir un événement, les possibilités sont infinies.

Un autre point fort de Trangram, c’est la communauté qui gravite autour de la plateforme. Vous pouvez explorer les créations d’autres utilisateurs pour vous inspirer, mais aussi partager les vôtres et obtenir des retours constructifs. C’est une excellente façon de progresser et de faire de belles découvertes. Et si vous avez besoin d’un coup de pouce, la documentation fournie est très complète, avec des tutoriels vidéo et des guides pas à pas pour vous aider à prendre en main les différents outils.

Évidemment, Trangram ne remplacera pas les logiciels de motion design haut de gamme utilisés par les professionnels. Mais pour la grande majorité des utilisateurs qui cherchent une solution abordable et facile à prendre en main, c’est un excellent choix. Que vous soyez une startup qui souhaite créer des vidéos explicatives pour présenter ses produits, ou une agence qui a besoin de produire rapidement des contenus animés pour ses clients, Trangram saura vous faire gagner un temps précieux.

A découvrir ici : Trangram.

La Chine censure WhatsApp, Telegram et Signal

19 avril 2024 à 10:12

Déjà bloqué depuis 2017, WhatsApp est désormais introuvable en Chine sur décision du gouvernement. Les autorités chinoises ne veulent pas prendre le risque que l'application soit utilisée avec un VPN. D'autres messageries occidentales ont connu le même sort.

Meta AI et Llama 3 : tout comprendre à la stratégie de Facebook et Instagram pour détrôner ChatGPT

18 avril 2024 à 18:31

Meta AI, un chatbot uniquement disponible en anglais pour l'instant, devient encore plus performant grâce au nouveau modèle de langage Llama 3, dont les deux premières versions sont dévoilées aujourd'hui (avec 8 milliards ou 70 milliards de paramètres). L'objectif de Meta est de dépasser OpenAI et Google, grâce à ses 3 milliards d'utilisateurs dans le monde.

Telegram a corrigé une faille de sécurité zero-day dans son application pour Windows

15 avril 2024 à 08:54

Votre PC est sous Windows et vous utilisez l'application Telegram pour ce système d'exploitation ? Alors, sachez que Telegram a effectué une modification pour vous protéger d'une nouvelle faille de sécurité zero-day.

Telegram a corrigé une faille de sécurité zero-day pour protéger les utilisateurs de son application bureau pour Windows. En l'exploitant, un attaquant peut contourner les mécanismes de protection et exécuter des scripts Python sur la machine cible. In fine, ceci permettrait d'exécuter du code à distance sur la machine de l'utilisateur qui utilise une version vulnérable de l'application Telegram, même si cela implique une interaction de la part de l'utilisateur.

Une démonstration de l'exploitation de cette vulnérabilité a été publiée sur le réseau social X. Telegram a d'abord indiqué qu'il s'agissait d'un canular. Mais, le lendemain, un exploit PoC a été publié sur le forum de piratage XSS pour montrer qu'il était possible d'exécuter des scripts Python ayant l'extension ".pyzw" sur Windows, par l'intermédiaire de l'application Telegram. Ainsi, un attaquant pourrait utiliser l'icône d'une vidéo pour inciter l'utilisateur à cliquer sur un lien dans le but d'exécuter le script malveillant.

En principe, l'application Telegram devrait déclencher un avertissement pour "bloquer" l'exécution de ce type de fichiers, mais là ce n'est pas le cas. Précisons également que Python doit être installé sur l'ordinateur de l'utilisateur pour que le script soit exécuté, ce qui fait une condition supplémentaire.

Finalement, Telegram a reconnu l'existence de cette vulnérabilité et a pris la décision de la corriger. Toutefois, le correctif a été implémenté du côté des serveurs Telegram, donc les utilisateurs n'ont rien à faire : il n'y a aucune mise à jour installer. "Un correctif côté serveur a été appliqué pour s'assurer que ce problème ne se reproduise plus, de sorte que toutes les versions de Telegram Desktop (y compris les plus anciennes) n'ont plus ce problème.", a précisé Telegram.

En fait, Telegram s'appuie sur une liste d'extensions correspondante à tous les fichiers "à risques" et potentiellement malveillants. Celle-ci permet d'indiquer à l'application Telegram quand elle doit afficher l'avertissement de sécurité.


The post Telegram a corrigé une faille de sécurité zero-day dans son application pour Windows first appeared on IT-Connect.

Terramaster Release TOS 6 (Beta) – What’s New?

Par : Rob Andrews
8 avril 2024 à 18:00

Terramaster NAS Release TOS 6 in Beta

The release of Terramaster TOS 6 Beta for NAS devices marks a significant milestone in the evolution of NAS operating systems, with an array of new features and comprehensive improvements designed to enhance user experience, system performance, and security. This sixth iteration introduces a radically redesigned user interface and integrates more than 40 new functionalities while refining over 370 aspects, ensuring a top-tier upgrade for TNAS users.

Expanded Key Features and Improvements in TOS 6

  • Linux Kernel 6.1 LTS Upgrade: Transitioning to the latest Linux kernel version, TOS 6 benefits from improved scheduling algorithms, enhanced memory management, superior file system support, optimized network performance, advanced security features, and better power management. This upgrade facilitates a more robust and efficient system, capable of handling the demands of both home and enterprise environments with ease.

  • Revolutionized Docker Manager 2.0.16: This release introduces Docker Compose project management, adding a new dimension to container orchestration on TNAS devices. The addition of a container terminal and system notifications for Docker image operations streamlines container management. These enhancements, combined with UI and functionality optimizations, cater to developers and IT professionals seeking a versatile platform for containerized applications.

  • File Manager Overhaul: With user feedback and industry best practices in mind, the File Manager has been retooled to offer an intuitive, efficient file navigation and management experience. Features such as enhanced directory navigation, column display mode for deep folder hierarchy exploration, tabbed browsing, adjustable thumbnail sizes, and a suite of new file operation tools significantly elevate user productivity.

  • Online Disk Wiping: This new utility offers a straightforward solution for securely erasing all data from disks directly within the TOS interface, facilitating easy preparation of drives for repurposing or disposal without the need for external tools.
  • Cloud Drive Mounting: Seamlessly integrate cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and more directly into TNAS. This feature enhances the flexibility of data access and management, allowing for efficient data synchronization and sharing between local and cloud storage.

  • Security and Privacy Control (SPC): Introducing a robust security framework designed to prevent unauthorized execution of programs on TNAS devices. SPC enhances the overall security posture by ensuring only vetted and authorized applications can run, significantly reducing the risk of malware and ransomware infections.

  • SMB Multichannel Support: By enabling multiple network connections for SMB file sharing, TOS 6 ensures higher data transfer speeds, improved reliability, and enhanced redundancy. This feature is particularly beneficial in multi-user environments where network performance directly impacts productivity.
  • Direct Data Drive Mounting: Offering unparalleled convenience, this feature allows users to access data on external drives without the need for disk reformatting or repartitioning, preserving existing data while extending the storage capabilities of TNAS devices.
  • Storage Pool Migration: Streamlines the process of migrating storage pools between TNAS devices, aiding users in hardware upgrades or replacements without the hassle of data migration or system reconfiguration.
  • Advanced ACL Permissions: Delivers granular access control with 13 additional customizable permissions on top of the standard read, write, and deny options. This advanced permission management system enables precise control over data access, ensuring data security and compliance.

TOS 6 Beta System Enhancements

TOS 6 introduces a slew of system-wide enhancements aimed at delivering a more stable, secure, and user-friendly NAS operating environment:

  • Performance and Stability: With the new Linux kernel and system optimizations, TOS 6 offers improved system stability and performance, ensuring that TNAS devices can handle intensive tasks and larger volumes of data more efficiently.
  • Hardware and Innovation Support: Prepared for the future, TOS 6 includes support for the latest hardware innovations, such as Intel’s “Meteor Lake” chips, and introduces new data structures and error decoding capabilities for enhanced data processing and system reliability.
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Building upon TerraMaster’s commitment to security, new features like customizable HTTPS certificates, optimized firewall rule settings, and the innovative SPC module significantly enhance the protection of user data against external threats.
  • User Interface and Usability Improvements: From a streamlined desktop design and simplified navigation to a new “Start” menu and customizable user avatars, TOS 6 focuses on creating a more engaging and personalized user experience.
  • Comprehensive Application and Service Enhancements: The update enriches the application ecosystem with new functionalities, improved file services, and advanced storage features, catering to a wide range of user needs from media indexing and scheduled task notifications to cross-platform data interoperability and USB storage device health management.

Through these extensive features and improvements, TOS 6 Beta not only advances the capabilities of TNAS devices but also sets a new standard for NAS operating systems, offering a sophisticated platform for storage, management, and security that meets the evolving needs of both individual and enterprise users.

How To Access the TOS 6 Beta – Update Instructions

Applicable models:
F2-221, F2-223, F2-422, F2-423, F2-424
F4-221, F4-223, F4-421, F4-422, F4-423, F4-424, F4-424 Pro, U4-111, U4-423
F5-221, F5-421, F5-422
F8-421, F8-422, U8-111, U8-420, U8-423, U8-450, U8-322-9100, U8-522-9400, U8-722-2224
T9-423, T9-450
T12-423, T12-450, U12-423, U12-322-9100, U12-722-2224
U16-322-9100, U16-722-2224, U16-722-2288
U24-612, U24-722-2224

Applicable TOS Versions:
TOS 5.1.123 or later versions; if your device does not meet the update requirements, please do not update! Otherwise, system crashes may occur.

1. The Beta version is an early version of the program, containing most major functions but not yet completed, and may have some defects. This version is only released to specific groups or the general public for testing and feedback collection; the Beta version should not be used in work or production environments. If your TNAS device is running business operations or storing important data, please refrain from participating in this test.
2. Updating the system theoretically will not affect the data on your hard drive, but for safety reasons, please be sure to back up your data in advance.
3. After the update, if applications such as Plex, Emby, Aria2, etc., need to access new shared folders, you will need to reconfigure application user permissions.
4. Previously created firewall rules will be cleared, and you will need to create new firewall rules after the update.
5. If you are using port 5444, you will need to modify this port before updating.
6. After the update, TNAS will exit the domain, and you will need to rejoin the domain and refresh domain users.
7. After the update, if your encrypted shared file key contains special characters, you can only mount it by entering the key.
8. System configuration backups from TOS 5 cannot be restored to TOS 6.
9. Hyper Cache created before the update will become invalid after the update; it is recommended to uninstall Hyper Cache before updating.
10. Docker Manager versions 1.1.99 or earlier cannot run on TOS 6; please update Docker Manager before updating the system.

How to Update to TOS 6 Beta on Your Terramaster NAS?

1. Download the TOS 6 Beta update package: TOS 6 (md5:821b697ddb27dbc9c95ce2be398c791b)
2. Go to TOS > Control Panel > General Settings > System;
3. Under “Manual Update”, upload the update package;
4. Click “Apply”;
5. After the system update is complete, you will need to refresh your browser;
6. Your TNAS IP address may change after the system update. If you are unable to connect to your TNAS using the previous IP address, please use the TNAS PC client to search for the new IP address again.

Other Software Downloads:
TNAS PC for Windows OS: https://tos-downloads.oss-cn-hongkong.a … .1.352.exe
TNAS PC for macOS: … versal.dmg
TNAS Mobile for Android: … 3.2.31.apk
TNAS Mobile for iOS: Download from the iOS App Store.📧 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER 🔔
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This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's content. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Visit the NASCompares Deal Finder to find the best place to buy this device in your region, based on Service, Support and Reputation - Just Search for your NAS Drive in the Box Below

Need Advice on Data Storage from an Expert?

Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
If you like this service, please consider supporting us. We use affiliate links on the blog allowing NAScompares information and advice service to be free of charge to you.Anything you purchase on the day you click on our links will generate a small commission which isused to run the website. Here is a link for Amazon and B&H.You can also get me a ☕ Ko-fi or old school Paypal. Thanks!To find out more about how to support this advice service check HEREIf you need to fix or configure a NAS, check Fiver Have you thought about helping others with your knowledge? Find Instructions Here  
Or support us by using our affiliate links on Amazon UK and Amazon US
Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Attention aux liens sur X !

Par : Korben
20 mars 2024 à 11:06

Avez-vous déjà cliqué sur un lien posté sur X (Ah, pour une fois que je dis pas « Twitter » ! Je m’améliore !) en pensant atterrir sur un article de Forbes, mais vous vous êtes retrouvés sur un compte Telegram chelou qui parle de crypto ? Ouais, c’est couillon hein… Mais en fait, c’est pas un bug, c’est une sacré faille bien vicieuse !

En gros, quand X génère un aperçu pour un lien externe dans un tweet, il essaie de deviner la destination finale de l’URL. Sauf que des petits malins ont trouvé un moyen de le duper en redirigeant les vrais internautes vers un site différent de celui montré aux robots de X. 🤖

Le truc, c’est que les escrocs utilisent un site intermédiaire qui vérifie si la requête vient d’un navigateur web (donc d’un humain) ou d’un bot. Si c’est un bot, hop, il renvoie vers un article légitime de Forbes. Mais si c’est vous ou moi… Tada ! On se tape une redirection surprise vers un compte Telegram louche !

Le pire, c’est que sur l’app X, impossible de vérifier où mène vraiment un lien avant de cliquer. Alors que sur un navigateur desktop, un ptit survol et hop, l’URL s’affiche. Mais sur mobile, pas moyen ! Tu cliques sur « » et tu t’retrouves sur « » en moins de deux.

Bref, méfiance maximale avec les liens postés sur X, surtout depuis un smartphone. C’est la jungle et les arnaqueurs en tout genre sont à l’affût pour vous piéger avec des liens fourbes ! Vérifiez bien l’URL avant de cliquer et évitez carrément les liens sur l’app si vous avez un doute. Ou alors, vous suivez que mon compte Twitter et là, pas de souci ^^.

A bon entendeur…


Deepfake : d’où viennent les millions d’images trafiquées à caractère sexuel

19 mars 2024 à 17:35

Alors que de plus en plus de personnes, massivement des femmes, sont victimes de deepfakes à caractères sexuels, leur contrôle sur le web devient impossible tant les outils prolifèrent. Numerama a consulté ces chaînes « usines » à détournement de visage.

Mardi 5 mars 2024 : une panne mondiale pour Facebook et Instagram !

5 mars 2024 à 16:49

Ce mardi 05 mars 2024, il n'est plus possible d'accéder à Facebook et Instagram ! Les deux réseaux sociaux de Meta sont en panne et cet incident semble mondial. Voici ce que l'on sait !

Ce mardi 05 mars 2024, depuis environ 16h10, les réseaux sociaux de Meta sont inaccessibles. Sur Instagram, le message "Impossible d'actualiser le fil" apparaît sur l'application mobile, tandis que sur Facebook, c'est différent. Un message intitulé "Session expirée - Veuillez vous reconnecter" apparaît sur l'interface de l'application. Cette déconnexion est liée à la panne, et pour l'heure, il n'est pas possible de se reconnecter. Par conséquence, Facebook Messenger est également indisponible.

Voici le message en question visible sur l'application mobile Facebook, tandis qu'en mode web, nous arrivons sur la page de connexion.

Facebook - Session expirée - Panne mars 2024

Pour constater l'étendue des dégâts, il suffit de se rendre sur le site DownDetector pour constater qu'il y a de nombreux signalements, que ce soit en France ou ailleurs, avec près de 10 000 signalements pour Instagram en à peine 30 minutes.

Panne Instagram du 05 mars 2024

Il est à noter que cette panne impacte également Threads, le réseau social de Meta qui a pour objectif de concurrencer X (Twitter). D'ailleurs, comme à chaque fois, quand les réseaux sociaux de Meta sont en panne, les utilisateurs migrent temporairement vers X pour faire passer le message. Le hashtag "InstagramDown" s'est rapidement hissé en tête des tendances.

Cet article sera mis à jour quand nous en saurons plus au sujet de cette panne. Nous verrons si Meta communique sur son origine. Pour l'heure, les équipes techniques sont sans aucun doute sur le pont pour tenter de résoudre ce problème.

Mise à jour du 06 mars 2024 à 6:50

Les équipes de Meta sont parvenues à résoudre cette panne mondiale qui a impactée aussi bien l'Europe, l'Asie, l'Afrique que l'Amérique. Les services étaient de nouveau accessibles environ 2 heures après le début de l'incident. Toutefois, Meta n'a communiqué aucune information sur la cause de cet incident.

Fin de la panne Instagram du 05 mars 2024
Source de l'image : DownDetector

Sur le compte Twitter d'Instagram, nous pouvons lire : "Hiiiii, nous savons que des personnes ont eu des difficultés à accéder à IG plus tôt dans la journée. Nous avons résolu le problème et sommes de retour. ❤" - Un message similaire, ne donnant aucune précision, a été mis en ligne sur le compte Twitter de Facebook.

The post Mardi 5 mars 2024 : une panne mondiale pour Facebook et Instagram ! first appeared on IT-Connect.

The Pros and Cons of DRAMless SSDs – Should You Use SSDs with HMB?

Par : Rob Andrews
29 janvier 2024 à 18:00

Are DRAM free SSDs Worth Your Money and Your Data?

Solid-State Drives (SSDs) have revolutionized data storage with their speed and reliability. Among these, DRAMless SSDs have carved a niche, offering unique advantages and disadvantages. With the emergence of models like the Samsung 990 EVO, the Phison E31T controller-based SSDs, and the WD Black SN770, the landscape of DRAMless SSDs is expanding. This assessment delves into the pros and cons of DRAMless SSDs, offering an unbiased perspective on their place in the storage market.

What Are the Advantages of DRAMless SSDs?

Choosing to opt for an SSD inside your client desktop or portable system that does not feature it’s own on-board DRAM/Memory actually opens the door to a lot of benefits that extend way beyond just buying an SSD that has a lower price per TB/GB. Here are a whole bunch of benefits to using DRAMless SSDs, like the Samsung 990 EVO, WD Black SN770 and more in 2024 onwards:


The absence of DRAM chips in SSDs like the Samsung 990 EVO and WD Black SN770 makes them more affordable, offering solid-state speed at a lower price point. This is due to reduced manufacturing costs, making these drives a budget-friendly option for consumers.

Energy Efficiency

DRAMless SSDs, including those with the Phison E31T controller, are known for lower power consumption compared to DRAM SSDs. This feature is particularly beneficial in battery-powered devices, extending their battery life.

Compact and Lightweight Design

The elimination of DRAM chips allows for a more compact form factor. This design aspect is crucial in devices where space is limited, such as ultra-thin laptops or compact embedded systems.

Simplicity and Increased Reliability

Fewer components mean a simpler design, which could lead to increased reliability. DRAMless SSDs, by virtue of their simplicity, might have fewer points of failure compared to their DRAM counterparts.

Security Advantages

The volatile nature of DRAM means it can retain data temporarily. In DRAMless SSDs, like the Samsung 990 EVO, the lack of this component might reduce the risk of data recovery after power loss, enhancing data security.

Suitability for Certain Workloads

For applications that are read-intensive and don’t require high write performance, a DRAMless SSD can be a suitable choice. These drives can handle basic tasks and typical consumer workloads effectively. However, it’s important to note that DRAMless SSDs may have limitations in terms of performance, particularly in write speeds and handling large or intensive workloads, compared to SSDs with dedicated DRAM. As such, their benefits are most realized in specific use cases where the cost and power efficiency are prioritized over peak performance.

What Are the Disadvantages of DRAMless SSDs?

Commonly recognized negatives/disadvantages of SSDs that lack onboard DRAM/Memory are:

Compromised Performance

A major drawback, seen in models like the WD Black SN770, is slower write speeds and increased latency due to the absence of a DRAM cache. This impacts performance, especially in write-intensive tasks.

Limited Multitasking Efficiency

Without a high-speed buffer, DRAMless SSDs struggle with multitasking. This limitation affects their ability to handle multiple simultaneous read/write operations effectively.

Dependency on System Memory

Some DRAMless SSDs, including those using the Phison E31T controller, rely on the system’s RAM (Host Memory Buffer) for data management, which could impact overall system performance, especially in RAM-constrained environments.

Reduced Endurance and Longevity

Continuous write operations directly to NAND can accelerate wear, potentially reducing the SSD’s lifespan. This is a concern in DRAMless SSDs where direct NAND writes are more frequent.

Inadequacy for High-End Tasks

High-performance tasks like gaming or video editing may not be ideally suited for DRAMless SSDs due to their limited speed and multitasking capabilities.

DRAMless SSDs – The Verdict?

In conclusion, DRAMless SSDs like the Samsung 990 EVO, Phison E31T-based drives, and the WD Black SN770 offer a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for basic storage needs. They are particularly well-suited for devices where space and power consumption are key considerations. However, their reduced performance and endurance make them less ideal for high-performance computing or heavy workloads. These SSDs represent a compromise, balancing affordability and efficiency against top-tier performance, making them a viable option for certain consumer segments but not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Here are Three of the leading DRAMless m.2 NVMes in the SSD market right now:

Samsung 990 EVO Gen 5 SSD – $89 / $159 WD Black SN770 Gen 4 SSD $64 / $129
Samsung 990 EVO SSD Review and Benchmark Video WD Black SN770 SSD Review and Benchmark Video

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This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's content. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Visit the NASCompares Deal Finder to find the best place to buy this device in your region, based on Service, Support and Reputation - Just Search for your NAS Drive in the Box Below

Need Advice on Data Storage from an Expert?

Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
If you like this service, please consider supporting us. We use affiliate links on the blog allowing NAScompares information and advice service to be free of charge to you.Anything you purchase on the day you click on our links will generate a small commission which isused to run the website. Here is a link for Amazon and B&H.You can also get me a ☕ Ko-fi or old school Paypal. Thanks!To find out more about how to support this advice service check HEREIf you need to fix or configure a NAS, check Fiver Have you thought about helping others with your knowledge? Find Instructions Here  
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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Synology DS723+ NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrades – Crucial, Kingston, Sabrent, 64GB?

Par : Rob Andrews
13 décembre 2023 à 18:00

How to Upgrade the RAM in your Synology DS723+ to 32GB and 64GB RAM Officially/Unofficially

The Synology DS723+ NAS is a NAS system that arrives with an impressive middle ground between Power, Efficiency and Price, thanks to that AMD Ryzen R1600 CPU, flexibility in a 10GbE upgrade, storage expandability and (of course) arriving with ECC memory. The DS723+ is one of the latest generation of Diskstation devices (in the 2022/2023 series) that seems to be targeting the more advanced SMB user, prioritizing throughput and performance, whilst also doubling down on data integrity with things like BTRFS and ECC memory. However, the system arrives with 2GB, but can be upgraded officially to a very impressive 32GB (for the scale of the system)! So, there are users that might want to upgrade that memory on Day 1 in order to remove any kind of potential bottleneck down the line (VMs, Databases, Surveillance, etc) or even just users that have set up the device to their own unique setup – but noticed that Memory usage is constantly hovering at the 60-70%. Synology NAS systems use quite proficient intelligent background memory use and flushing, but nevertheless, there are still plenty of users who want to scale up the base-level memory. In this article, I will show you how to upgrade the memory on your Synology DS723+ NAS, but also I will show several 3rd party (i.e Unofficial modules) that I have tested in this NAS.

Upgrading your Synology DS723+ with Unofficial Memory – Pay Attention

Before we continue with the guide, it is worth highlighting that the DS723+ manufacturer, Synology, strongly recommends that you do not exceed the stated memory limit on their specifications page. They also highlight that using non-official memory in your Synology DS723+ may well result in them being unable to provide technical support, as this would be an unsupported setup. We at NASCompares cannot be held accountable for how you use this guide. However, below I will show you where to buy the individual memory and Synology DS723+ NAS device you will need. ONLY attempt this upgrade if you are comfortable with the terms laid out above by the manufacturer. Finally, it is also worth remembering that just because a system can SEE more than the official maximum memory, there is no guarantee that you will be able to utilize the full visible memory at once. Synology’s recommendations on the maximum memory supported by their NAS systems are often governed by three factors:

  • The Recommended Maximum Supported Memory detailed by the CPU Manufacturer (e.g. Intel or AMD), which can also be a case of lanes and bandwidth allocation/availability
  • The number of memory slots that Synology add to the system. This can be a case of a NAS only having 2 slots (with only 32GB modules supported by the brand) but the CPU supporting more than that being a physical conflict
  • The Synology NAS might arrive with fixed/soldered memory for it’s default memory (e.g. the 2GB in the DS423+ or 4GB in the DS920+) but might also have a free memory upgrade slot – this leads to unusual memory caps such as the 6GB Maximum on the DS423+, despite it’s CPU supporting upto 8GB.

If you choose to go ahead with unofficial memory, afterwards, it is highly recommended to test the full quantity available with VM testing (assigning bulk memory to each virtual image) and running at the same time to see if it is utilized.

Synology Official Memory vs Unofficial Memory from Crucial, Kingston, Sabrent, etc?

Luckily Synology provides a wide range of official memory upgrades that can be purchased from numerous retailers online, however, they are generally more expensive than the 3rd party equivalents (see example above). Now, there could be a few good reasons for this. Firstly, these memory sticks are first-party and specifically selected to work on the Synology NAS systems (taking alot of the searching out of it for people in researching speeds, frequencies and supported PIN numbers), and officially branded components for any hardware manufacturer are always pricier.

Next, they do not have the rotation of stock that Crucial or Kingston has and therefore, the flexibility in pricing they might have is not available. Lastly, the Synology memory will often be ECC memory (especially in recent released NAS systems by them) and ECC memory always commands a higher price. However, given this memory is likely manufactured by a 3rd party, that does make it a little painful sometimes for smaller Synology NAS users who look at official memory and its often 2-3x pricepoint of equivalent modules from Kingston, Crucial and Samsung. So, in this guide we talk about upgrading your memory with both official and unofficial memory, what happens when you do and if there are risks to factor in. If you are a little unsure about whether you need to use ECC memory in your specific Synology NAS setup, you can watch the video below detailing the pros, cons and more:

Synology DS723+ Official/Unofficial Memory Upgrade – Step 2, Physical Installation

What you will need:

  • A Synology DS723+ NAS – Obviously
  • 1/2x Memory Upgrade Modules (Ranging from 4GB to 16GB and 32GB Individual Modules – Link below for Tested RAM modules from Crucial, Kingston, Samsung, Timtec and Synology Official Memory too:

(Arrives with ECC Memory)

Testing Video on YouTube HERE

DDR4-2466 ECC Unbuffered SO-DIMM 260pin 1.2V D4ES02-8G (ECC)

D4ES01-16G (ECC)

Crucial ECC 4GB Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 4GB- Buy Here

Crucial NON-ECC 8GB Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 8GB- Buy Here

Crucial NON-ECC 16GB Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 16GB- Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 32GB Buy Here

Kingston ECC 8GB Buy Here

Arch ECC 16GB – Buy Here

vColour ECC 32GB- Buy Here

VERY IMPORTANT – The Links used in the article below towards the correct unofficial memory are occasionally changed (beyond my control) as it will direct you to the site in your own region/country. MAKE SURE to check that the memory module (especially 16 and 32GB SODIMM modules) are DUAL RANK or ‘DR‘, as Synology NAS typically have trouble with SR/SINGLE RANK modules.

  • (OPTIONAL) Anti-static gloves and Envelope – useful to eliminate static charges and also to store the removed older official memory sticks):

First, we need to ensure the Synology DS723+ is completely powered down/off and the mains power has been disconnected. It is recommended that you remove the Hard Drive or SSD that you have installed before accessing the RAM as it may block the slots. Additionally, you should remove the hard drive media as the unit will be moved around a lot during the memory installation and this could damage the drives. Be sure to keep a note of the drives that you remove and the order they were installed (HDD Bay 1, HDD Bay 2, etc) as installing the drives in the wrong slots could damage any existing RAID you have setup internally.

Next, we need to access the memory upgrade panel. Now, if you are just adding the existing memory, you can just add the additional module to the available SODIMM slot. However, if you are upgrading the system’s memory with new pairs of memory sticks (eg upgrading from the default 2GB to 32GB with 2x16GB), you will need to remove the old memory (remember to store it in an antistatic bag afterwards)

If you are removing the original memory, be sure you eject the official memory sticks using the clips on either side of the slot, as well as only holding the memory sticks by the narrow side edges, never touching the chips or board of the money or NAS.

Once you have removed them, they can either be stored away for a later project, installed in a compatible laptop or sold on eBay etc to make a little cash back!

Once they are clear, install one or both of your chosen unofficial DDR4 SODIMM memory modules in the available slots, making sure that you click them both in with the clips on either side.

Synology DS723+ Official/Unofficial Memory Upgrade – Step 2, Checking the Unofficial Memory is Recognized

What you will need:

  • A web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc) on a Windows, Mac or Android Machine) accessing the Synology DS723+ user-interface as you normally would.

Next, you need to power up your Synology DS723+ NAS and access it as you normally would. If you are buying this NAS first time and have yet to set it up, there are numerous first-time set-up guides and tips on the YouTube channel here – that will get you from the hardware installation to set up the Synology DS723+ NAS for use. Once the NAS user interface (UI) is ready to go, head over to the hardware specification page shown here:

As you can see in the image above, the Synology has recognized the increased memory. It is still recommended to head to Step 4 below to see how to use the official memory test feature of the system.

Synology DS723+ Official/Unofficial Memory Upgrade – Step 3, Unofficial/Unsupported Memory Tested

As mentioned earlier, Synology is pretty clear about its position on users opting for non-Synology memory in their systems or exceeding the officially stated maximum capacity of the DS723+. They feel this is using the system in a configuration that is outside of the guaranteed performance and stability that they advertise. This means that if your system encounters issues as a result of these unsupported configurations, they (at best) will have difficulty recreating this configuration to provide support or (at worst) refuse to provide support as they have been pretty clear on the setups that they state the DS723+ can run with. However, there is no avoiding that there have been countless examples of Synology NAS systems functioning perfectly well with 3rd party memory (YouTube Playlist of Synology NAS 3rd Party memory Tests HERE), so here are some examples of memory modules we tested on the Synology DS723+ NAS (including model ID and links as needed – again, DOUBLE CHECK THE MODEL ID before you buy, as retailers will check page links):

Synology DS723+ NAS + with 2x Sabrent Rocket 8GB 3200Mhz DDR4 SODIMM (16GB & 32GB also tested)

Sabrent Memory 2x DDR4 SODIMM SB-DDR8 8GB HERE – (8/16/32GB Available):

After installation, I checked the Synology Resource Monitor and the Sabrent memory was recognized:

Heading into the system information, once again, the 16GB Memory was recognized as recognised in total available physical memory:

Heading into the Virtual Machine Manager and  assigned a massive chunk of the available memory to an Ubuntu VM to see if the system would have any issue with assigning it. No barriers or hurdles were raised.

Booting the VM, We were able to head into the Ubuntu System Monitor and see that the memory quantity was successfully allocated to the Virtual Machine:

Synology DS723+ NAS + with 2x Crucial 16GB 3200Mhz DDR4 SODIMM

Crucial Memory 2x DDR4 SODIMM CT16G4SFRA32A – (8/16/32GB Available):

After installation, I checked the Synology Resource Monitor and the Crucial memory was recognized:

Heading into the system information, once again, the 32GB Memory was recognized as recognised in total available physical memory:

Heading into the Virtual Machine Manager and assigned a massive chunk of the available memory to an Ubuntu VM to see if the system would have any issue with assigning it. No barriers or hurdles were raised.

Booting the VM, We were able to head into the Ubuntu System Monitor and see that the memory quantity was successfully allocated to the Virtual Machine:

Synology DS723+ NAS + with 2x Kingston 32GB 3200Mhz DDR4 SODIMM

Kingston Memory 2x DDR4 SODIMM KCP432SD8/32 – (8/16GB Available):

After installation, I checked the Synology Resource Monitor and the Kingston memory was recognized:

Heading into the system information, once again, the 64GB Memory was recognized as recognised in total available physical memory:

Heading into the Virtual Machine Manager and assigned a massive chunk of the available memory to an Ubuntu VM to see if the system would have any issue with assigning it. No barriers or hurdles were raised.

Booting the VM, We were able to head into the Ubuntu System Monitor and see that the memory quantity was successfully allocated to the Virtual Machine:

So, those were the three unofficial memory types that I tested on the Synology DS723+ NAS. However, it is VERY important that (regardless of whether you choose official or unofficial memory for your NAS upgrade) you check that your memory is working perfectly. Do check this; you should use the built-in Memory Testing facility of Synology Assistant for PC/Mac. Below is how to conduct the test.

Synology DS723+ Official/Unofficial Memory Upgrade – Step 4, Checking the Memory is Usable

There are several ways to check the memory is working on your Synology DS723+ correctly. One easy method that can be done very quickly is using the Synology Memory Test tool.

To run a memory test:

    1. Download and install the Synology Assistant, where you can find the memory test function. The application is available at Download Center.
    2. Open Synology Assistant, click and enable the memory test service.

    1. Select the device where you wish to run the test and click Memory Test.

During the memory test, your Synology NAS will be rebooted. It will recover after another reboot if its memory is normal and passes the test. However, if the memory test fails to finish or shows that there is an error, the memory may be faulty. In this case, you are strongly recommended to return your Synology NAS for repair. Just in case you have installed a non-Synology memory module, please remove it and rerun the memory test.

Though once again you should remember that Synology do not recommend using memory modules that are not from Synology themselves, so this test may not be indicative of the health of unofficial memory in your Synology NAS. Alternatively, you can perform as many actions and processes as possible (scans, copy/pastes, thumbnail generation, transcode a 4K file, RAID changes, synchronisation, etc) at once to see how the task manager and resource monitor behaves in the Synology DS723+. It should spike each time and at a greater height as you do more and more and once it exceeds the memory you had previously installed, this is a good confirmation that the installation is working fine. Alternatively, you can temporarily allocate chunks of memory and then that is a much more reliable test. Install the virtual machine application for the Synology DS723+ (P.S. for Synology users it is the Virtual Machine Manager and for QNAP it is the Virtualisation station). Then you can create individual VMs (it is alot easier than it sounds and the Synology DS723+ VM software is very user-friendly) then allocate a large number of GBs (Gigabytes) of memory to each one. When you have created 3 or 4 individual virtual machine containers on the Synology DS723+ software, then you can run them all at once and that will immediately use almost all the memory at once! If there are any issues with the memory, it will show here almost immediately. If no problems, then you know the Synology DS723+ unofficial Crucial/Kingston memory installation as successful. You can then delete the VMs in the virtual machine software and then free up all that memory again.

And there you go. You have now installed your unofficial memory in your Synology DS723+ NAS system. Remember, you are going to using an unsupported Synology setup, so regularly BACKUP to another NAS, a cloud platform, or even just a USB drive using the dedicated first-party software inside your NAS system. Thanks for reading this guide. Still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section below. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can.
  • Link below for Tested RAM modules from Crucial, Kingston, Samsung, Timtec and Synology Official Memory too:

(Arrives with ECC Memory)

Testing Video on YouTube HERE

DDR4-2466 ECC Unbuffered SO-DIMM 260pin 1.2V D4ES02-8G (ECC)

D4ES01-16G (ECC)

Crucial ECC 4GB Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 4GB- Buy Here

Crucial NON-ECC 8GB Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 8GB- Buy Here

Crucial NON-ECC 16GB Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 16GB- Buy Here

Kingston NON-ECC 32GB Buy Here

Kingston ECC 8GB Buy Here

Arch ECC 16GB – Buy Here

vColour ECC 32GB- Buy Here

VERY IMPORTANT – The Links used in the article below towards the correct unofficial memory are occasionally changed (beyond my control) as it will direct you to the site in your own region/country. MAKE SURE to check that the memory module (especially 16 and 32GB SODIMM modules) are DUAL RANK or ‘DR‘, as Synology NAS typically have trouble with SR/SINGLE RANK modules.

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