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Install Minikube on Windows

Par : Thomas Joos
15 décembre 2023 à 13:37

Minikube is an ideal solution for setting up a Kubernetes cluster for a test or development environment. It only requires a single node, optionally as a virtual machine. To install Minikube on Windows, several preparations are required, including the installation of Docker.

The post Install Minikube on Windows first appeared on 4sysops.

Notepad++: Search and replace with regex und plugins

18 décembre 2023 à 12:56

The free and widely-used editor for Windows supports not only basic search and replace functions but also regular expressions. A helpful plugin assists in formulating regex, providing real-time expression validation. However, for many tasks you don't need regex; built-in functions and plugins often offer simpler solutions.

The post Notepad++: Search and replace with regex und plugins first appeared on 4sysops.

Dynamic and static Ansible inventory examples

20 décembre 2023 à 10:40

The Ansible inventory is an essential element that defines the hosts and groups of hosts where Ansible operations are executed. There are two types of inventories: static and dynamic. In this post, I will provide examples to explain how you can work with both types of inventories.

The post Dynamic and static Ansible inventory examples first appeared on 4sysops.

Resolve content (line) merge conflicts in GitHub

Par : Edem Afenyo
27 décembre 2023 à 12:40

Most of the time, merging branches in Git is an automatic process of integrating the changes on one branch into another. Sometimes, a conflict prevents Git from completing the process without human intervention. This article briefly examines content (line) merge conflicts and how to resolve them. If you are new to Git, please read the previous guides in this Git beginner series.

The post Resolve content (line) merge conflicts in GitHub first appeared on 4sysops.

Ansible service module examples

28 décembre 2023 à 09:30

Ansible's service module is used to manage services on remote systems. The service module is handy for tasks related to starting, stopping, restarting, and checking the status of services. It provides a consistent and declarative way to manage services across different operating systems. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Ansible service module with detailed examples to showcase its capabilities.

The post Ansible service module examples first appeared on 4sysops.

Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) of an EC2 instance with a Bash and PowerShell script

3 janvier 2024 à 10:03
The provided Bash and PowerShell script helps automate the creation of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) from existing AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. This is particularly useful for creating point-in-time backups or disaster recovery. I mostly use the script to quickly clone an EC2 instance for testing or troubleshooting.

Semaphore: A free and powerful Ansible GUI

Par : Evi Vanoost
25 janvier 2024 à 08:44
GUI solutions for Ansible, such as Red Hat’s Ansible Tower and PagerDuty’s RunDeck, come with a significant license cost, whereas the free versions are limited in features and complicated to install. Developed with ease of use in mind, Semaphore provides a GUI for Ansible with a set of powerful features.

Prevent VS Code from causing high CPU usage on a remote server

25 janvier 2024 à 15:40
Sometimes, the remote extensions that are installed by Microsoft Visual Code (VS Code) on remote systems can consume high amounts of CPU usage, making it difficult to use the server efficiently. However, my script can help limit the CPU usage of VS Code on a remote server.

A Pulumi example: Deploying an EC2 instance

Par : Graham Beer
26 janvier 2024 à 11:51
Pulumi is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) solution similar to Terraform. One advantage of Pulumi is that it allows DevOps engineers to use familiar programming languages to define, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure. This post demonstrates how to deploy an EC2 instance with Pulumi.

Manage Docker with VS Code

8 février 2024 à 10:18
You can manage Docker images and containers directly within Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with Microsoft's Docker extension. This article walks you through adding Docker files to a Workspace, creating a containerized application environment, and explains how to build and run Docker containers directly from the VS Code interface.

Edit JSON config files with free JSON editors or Notepad++

15 février 2024 à 13:00
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is gaining popularity as a format for configuration files. Unlike XML or the still-used INI format, editing JSON in a text editor can be tedious and error-prone. However, there are free JSON editors and plugins for Notepad++ that simplify this task.

A simple Ansible roles example

26 février 2024 à 14:08
If you want to deploy a web server like Apache or Nginx with Ansible, you can create a playbook outlining the installation and configuration steps. This approach works well for a single web server but can become repetitive and time-consuming if you need to deploy many servers. To streamline the process, you can use Ansible roles to avoid duplicating tasks and make deployment more efficient. To introduce the concept, this post provides a simple example of using Ansible roles.

New features in Docker Desktop 4.28

14 mars 2024 à 12:45
Docker Desktop is designed for developers working on macOS and Windows. It offers a user-friendly interface for running Docker containers. It uses a lightweight virtual machine (VM) with a Linux kernel in the background so that you can run Linux containers on non-Linux systems. Docker Desktop does a great job hiding all the aspects of the VM under the hood so that Docker containers appear to be running natively on your host computer. Docker Desktop received an update a few days ago, and in this post, we will discuss what's new in Docker Desktop 4.28.

ShellGPT: An AI assistant for the command line

Par : Evi Vanoost
15 mars 2024 à 10:30
ShellGPT is an AI tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux that integrates OpenAI's GPT with standard command-line interfaces such as PowerShell, CMD, Bash, and Zsh. The AI integrated into your shell can generate shell commands and code snippets directly from the command line. In this guide, I'll walk you through installing ShellGPT, explain how you can use the tool with a local installation of LM Studio, and give examples of how to use ShellGPT.