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Graphite – l’éditeur graphique open source qui va bousculer la création graphique

Par : Korben
14 avril 2024 à 09:00

Vous êtes accros aux logiciels de retouche photo et de création graphique mais vous en avez marre de vider votre compte en banque pour des licences hors de prix ? Et si je vous disais qu’une solution très sympa open source et totalement gratuite était en train de voir le jour ? Laissez-moi vous présenter Graphite, un projet de dingue porté par une communauté de développeurs et d’artistes passionnés.

Alors, qu’est-ce que c’est que ce truc ? En gros, le but c’est de pondre une appli de graphics editing nouvelle génération qui coche toutes les cases : retouche photo, dessin vectoriel, peinture numérique, PAO, compositing, motion design… Rien que ça ! On est clairement sur un couteau suisse de la création 2D.

Bon, je vous vois venir avec vos gros sabots : « Ouais mais c’est encore un énième logiciel qui va essayer de faire comme Photoshop et cie mais en moins bien ! » Eh bah non, justement ! L’idée c’est pas de copier bêtement ce qui existe déjà mais d’innover en s’inspirant de ce qui se fait de mieux dans d’autres domaines, comme la 3D.

Le truc de malade dans Graphite, c’est qu’il est construit autour d’un node graph, une sorte de « compo visuel » où on branche des nœuds entre eux pour manipuler nos calques et leur appliquer des filtres et des effets à l’infini. Ça permet de garder la main à chaque étape et de pouvoir revenir en arrière sans perdre en qualité, ce qui est juste im-po-ssible dans les logiciels de retouche photo traditionnels. On appelle ça du non-destructif.

Autre point fort : Graphite gère aussi bien les images matricielles (bitmap) que vectorielles, et le tout avec une qualité d’affichage toujours au taquet, même si on zoom dans tous les sens ! Plus besoin d’avoir 36 000 applis et de jongler entre elles. C’est un peu le mix parfait entre le pixel et le vecteur (avec un soupçon de génération procédurale en plus).

Bon, alors, il sort quand ce petit bijou ? Figurez-vous que Graphite est déjà dispo en version alpha et qu’on peut le tester directement dans son navigateur. Pas besoin d’install, ça tourne full JavaScript côté client. Évidemment, à ce stade, c’est encore un peu brut de décoffrage et y’a pas mal de features prévues sur la roadmap qui ne sont pas encore implémentées. Mais ça donne déjà un bon aperçu du potentiel de la bête !

Et en parlant de potentiel, vous allez voir que les possibilités de création sont assez dingues. Vous pouvez par exemple générer des centaines de cercles de façon procédurale pour obtenir des motifs super stylés. Ou encore créer des structures complexes qui s’adaptent automatiquement, comme ces guirlandes de Noël dont les ampoules se replacent toutes seules quand on déforme le chemin. Magique !

Donc, si vous voulez voir ce projet de dingue prendre son envol, n’hésitez pas à mettre la main au portefeuille et à faire un don. C’est vous qui voyez, mais je pense que ça en vaut carrément le coup ! En tout cas, moi, j’ai déjà mis une étoile sur le repo Github 😉

Créez des interfaces responsives avec les CSS Grid Layout de Penpot

Par : Korben
10 avril 2024 à 10:00

— En partenariat avec Penpot —

Depuis mon dernier article sur Penpot et ses fonctionnalités de Flex Layout, l’outil n’a cessé d’évoluer pour offrir encore plus de possibilités aux designers et développeurs. Aujourd’hui, je souhaite vous présenter en détail une fonctionnalité très attendue : les CSS Grid Layout.

Pour rappel, Penpot est un outil libre et open source de conception d’interfaces pour applications web et mobiles. Intuitif et puissant, il permet de créer rapidement des prototypes et maquettes interactives, tout en générant le code CSS correspondant, prêt à être intégré dans vos projets.

Si les Flex Layout permettaient déjà de créer des designs responsives en adaptant les éléments à la taille de l’écran, les CSS Grid Layout vont encore plus loin en offrant un contrôle total sur le positionnement et le dimensionnement des composants. Concrètement, les CSS Grid Layout vous permettent de définir une grille sur laquelle placer vos éléments. Vous pouvez spécifier le nombre de lignes et de colonnes, leur taille, les gouttières entre elles. Chaque élément peut alors occuper une ou plusieurs cases de cette grille, s’étendre sur plusieurs lignes ou colonnes.

Cette approche offre une grande flexibilité pour créer des mises en page complexes et adaptatives. Vous pouvez par exemple concevoir facilement une page avec un header sur toute la largeur, une sidebar sur la gauche, un contenu principal au centre et un footer en bas, le tout en quelques clics et sans une ligne de CSS.

Autre atout des CSS Grid Layout : la possibilité de nommer chaque zone de votre grille. Fini les .col-md-4 ou .row-2 peu parlants, vous pouvez utiliser des noms comme « header », « main-content » ou « sidebar » pour structurer votre design de façon sémantique.

Pour vous aider à prendre en main cette fonctionnalité, je vous ai préparé une nouvelle vidéo tuto dédiée aux CSS Grid Layout. Je vous y montre comment créer vos premières grilles, les configurer, placer vos éléments et profiter de la puissance des CSS Grid Layout dans vos conceptions. Même si vous n’êtes pas familier avec le CSS Grid, vous verrez que Penpot rend son utilisation très intuitive.

Découvrez la vidéo ici ! Et pour vous inscrire sur Penpot, c’est par ici !

StickerBaker – Créez des stickers IA personnalisés en quelques clics

Par : Korben
2 avril 2024 à 09:00

Vous aimez créer des stickers pour épater vos amis sur les réseaux sociaux ? Mais vous en avez marre de passer des heures sur Photoshop pour un résultat pas toujours au top ? J’ai ce qu’il vous faut !

Le site web StickerBaker est une vraie petite pépite pour générer des stickers personnalisés en quelques clics grâce à l’intelligence artificielle.

Concrètement, vous uploadez une photo de votre trombine, vous entrez une petite description façon prompt et bim, l’IA vous génère un sticker sur-mesure avec un rendu digne des plus grands graphistes. Pas besoin d’être un crack en dessin ou en retouche d’image, StickerBaker s’occupe de tout !

Mais alors StickerBaker, ça peut servir à quoi concrètement ? Et bien comme je le disais, créer des stickers complètement barrés à partir de vos photos pour amuser la galerie et mettre l’ambiance dans la conversation WhatsApp du jeudi soir ! Mais ça peut aussi permettre à des artistes, graphistes ou même des marques de prototyper rapidement des designs de stickers avant une prod plus poussée. Plutôt que de partir d’une feuille blanche, autant utiliser l’IA pour générer des premiers jets et itérer à partir de là. Ça peut faire gagner un temps fou.

Sous le capot, le site utilise le modèle Albedo XL et des techniques de machine learning comme les LoRA (Learning Rate Adaptation) pour comprendre votre prompt et générer un visuel qui déchire. Les plus geeks d’entre vous apprécieront les performances de l’engin : un sticker généré en 10 secondes max grâce aux cartes graphiques Nvidia A40. Ça envoie du lourd !

Et le must du must, c’est que StickerBaker est un projet open source, le code est dispo sur GitHub. Ça veut dire que la communauté peut mettre la main à la pâte pour améliorer l’outil. Vous pouvez par exemple bidouiller le code pour modifier les styles de stickers générés. Un vrai bonheur pour les devs qui veulent comprendre comment ça marche derrière.

Autre bon point, vos photos sont supprimées direct après le traitement. Pas de stockage chelou des données ou d’utilisations douteuses derrière, StickerBaker est clean de ce côté là. C’est toujours appréciable de nos jours.

Après, faut pas se leurrer, on est encore loin d’une app grand public. L’interface est rudimentaire et il faut un minimum biberonné à l’anglais et à l’univers des IA générative pour pas être largué. Mais c’est un premier pas encourageant vers la démocratisation de ces technologies.

Au final, StickerBaker c’est une chouette démo techno qui montre tout le potentiel de l’IA générative appliquée au domaine des stickers et du graphisme. Le projet n’en est qu’à ses débuts mais mérite clairement d’être suivi de près. Ça pourrait bien révolutionner notre manière de créer des visuels à l’avenir, qui sait ? En tout cas, moi j’ai hâte de voir les prochaines évolutions de ce genre d’outils !

Merci à Lorenper pour l’info.

Build Your Own NAS vs Turnkey NAS – Which Should You Buy in 2024?

Par : Rob Andrews
16 février 2024 à 15:00

DIY NAS vs Turnkey NAS: Which is Best for You?

Today, we’re going to try and quickly and (bluntly) answer a key question in the world of network-attached storage: should you build your own NAS (DIY) or opt for a turnkey solution in 2024? This topic has been hotly debated in our recent video, “Build Your Own NAS vs Turnkey NAS – Which Should You Buy in 2024?”, and we’re here to delve deeper into this discussion with a comprehensive analysis.

Note – We delve into this debate, analyzing the pros and cons of each approach. Watch our detailed discussion here.

In a rush? Let’s Cut to the chase!

If you’re in a rush and simply want to know about the best CPU and motherboard combo to build your best DIY NAS system, below, you can find direct links to each of these bundles that can be purchased predominantly on AliExpress, but some of these options are also available on retailers such as Amazon and Newegg. If you were going to shop at these retailers anyway, why not use the links below as it will ensure that we act as comparers could earn a small fee from these shops. It allows us to keep doing what we do.

Here are ALL the Motherboard+CPU Combos that we cover in this article:

  • (The Best) i3-N305 M-ITX BoardCheck AliExpress ($289-349 with Memory) HERE and Amazon HERE
  • (x4 m.2 @ Gen 4×4) The Minisforum AR900i CPU + M-ITX Motherboard Combo ($399) Amazon HERE
  • (Best for PLEX) Erying 13th Gen i9 Combo 14C / 20T $459  HERE
  • (Gen 5 M-ITX) MINISFORUM BD770i ITX Motherboard $489 (AliExpress) HERE and $399 (Amazon) HERE
  • (Plex Alternative #1) Erying 12th Gen I9 Combo 14C / 20T $389 HERE
  • (ECC M-ITX Combo) CWWK 8-Bay / 9-Bay Board AMD-7735HS/7840HS/8845HS/7940HS $489 (AliExpress) HERE
  • (Plex Alternative #2) Erying 11th Gen i7 8C / 16T = $262  HERE
  • (Best Storage) X99 Motherboard + 32GB RAM = $158 HERE or E5-2680 V.4 CPU + 32GB RAM = $176  HERE
  • (Best Value) Intel N6005 + Motherboard = $229 HERE
  • (Best Value EXTRA) Intel N6005 + Motherboard + 8GB RAM + 128GB SSD = $275 HERE
  • AMAZON – Intel N6005 + Motherboard = $169 HERE

Cost Considerations

DIY NAS: The primary allure of constructing a DIY NAS system lies in its potential for cost savings. By selecting and purchasing individual components, enthusiasts can often build a system that outperforms entry-level commercial NAS units at a similar or lower price point. For example, by choosing a budget-friendly CPU that still meets performance requirements, such as an AMD Ryzen 3 or an Intel Pentium processor, and pairing it with affordable but reliable storage drives, users can significantly reduce costs. However, the economical aspect extends beyond initial setup; a DIY NAS’s running costs, including power consumption and potential upgrades, need careful consideration. While the hardware might be less expensive initially, software choices (free vs. paid NAS operating systems) and the potential need for future hardware upgrades to meet evolving storage demands can add to the total cost of ownership.

A Great example is HERE, the ERYING i9 Motherboard on Aliexpress – £387 for the Motherboard, an Intel 12th Gen i9 CPU pre-fitted and 16GB of DIMM Memory (Click to see on AliExpress)

Turnkey NAS: In contrast, turnkey NAS systems, such as those offered by Synology or QNAP, come with a higher upfront cost. This price not only encompasses well-integrated hardware and software but also the convenience of professional support and warranty services. The premium paid for a turnkey solution is often justified by the inclusion of proprietary software features, such as advanced backup solutions, multimedia streaming capabilities, and user-friendly security enhancements. For instance, Synology’s DiskStation Manager (DSM) offers a suite of applications for data management and security that can appeal to users looking for an out-of-the-box solution. Additionally, the long-term value of customer support and firmware updates that keep the system secure and functional over time cannot be understated.

Skill and Time Investment

DIY NAS: Building a NAS requires a notable investment of time and technical skill. The process involves selecting compatible components, assembling the hardware, and installing and configuring the operating system. For tech enthusiasts, this project offers an opportunity to learn and customize every aspect of their system, from the network settings to data management and security protocols. The DIY path can be particularly rewarding for those who enjoy troubleshooting and optimizing their setups. For example, choosing the right RAID configuration for your needs—be it RAID 1 for redundancy or RAID 5 for a balance of redundancy and storage efficiency—requires understanding the implications of each choice on performance and data safety.

Method Turn-Key NAS (Synology/QNAP/etc) Build Your Own / DiY NAS
‘Out the Box’ Setup time

(i.e when it’s 100% setup complete and ready for day-to-day use)

20-30 Minutes for Build & Initialization

10mins to 12 Hours for RAID Synchronization (ZFS = Minutes, not hours)

60-120 Minutes for Build & Initialization

10mins to 12 Hours for RAID Synchronization (ZFS = Minutes, not hours)

I.T / Tech Skill Level Requirements

(Out of /10)

Synology = 2/10

QNAP 5/10

Asustor / Terramaster = 4/10

TrueNAS Core = 9/10

TrueNAS Scale = 7/10

UnRAID = 6 / 10

Monthly Maintenance

(Checking update, stability, logs, etc)

10-15 Minutes 20-30 Minutes
Expandability and Migration

(i.e Long term lifespan in Hardware)

Limited to 1st Party hardware and system limitations (i.e Synolgoy DS923+ supports 1x 5-bay expansion, nothing else. Also, Synology NAS HDD/SSDs can ONLY be used in a Synology NAS)

More Expansions on QNAP, via USB or SAS Expansion Cards

No hardware limitations (beyond actual 3rd party hardware compatibility)

Can migrate to new hardware easily and with limitless scalability (i.e, 1-1000 HDDs)

UnRAID much, MUCH more expandable than TrueNAS currently.

Warranty and Repairs

(Options if the event of Issues and/or System Failure)

2/3/5 Year Hardware Warranty, 1 Party (Brand)

Effective Lifetime Support and Warranty Included

Multiple Hardware Warranty to manage (Mobo, CPU, PSU, etc)

Community led Support (Forums, Reddit, etc)

Paid Support via TrueNAS/UnRAID Official Platforms)

Turnkey NAS: For those seeking a straightforward, time-saving option, turnkey NAS units are the clear choice. Brands like Synology and QNAP offer systems that are virtually plug-and-play, requiring minimal setup beyond initial configuration. This convenience is especially appealing in professional environments where time equals money. The user-friendly interfaces of turnkey NAS systems are designed with the non-technical user in mind, making tasks like creating user accounts, setting up file sharing, and managing backups as simple as a few clicks. This ease of use extends to maintenance and troubleshooting, which are often supported by extensive documentation and customer support services.

Flexibility and Freedom

DIY NAS: The most significant advantage of a DIY NAS is the unparalleled flexibility it offers. Users can handpick components to meet their specific performance, storage, and budgetary needs, creating a system that can grow and change with their requirements. For example, someone prioritizing media streaming might choose a CPU with strong transcoding capabilities, while another user might focus on maximizing storage capacity with a larger number of drive bays. This customizability extends to software, with a variety of free and open-source NAS operating systems available, such as FreeNAS (now TrueNAS CORE) or OpenMediaVault, which offer powerful features and plugins for a personalized setup.

Turnkey NAS: Turnkey solutions prioritize simplicity and reliability over customization. While these systems may offer less flexibility in terms of hardware and software modification, they are optimized for ease of use and stability. The integrated nature of hardware and software in turnkey NAS units ensures compatibility and performance, which is particularly beneficial for users who value a system that “just works.” However, some turnkey solutions still offer a degree of customization through modular designs that allow for easy hard drive swaps or expansions, as well as software ecosystems that support a range of applications and services.

Middle Ground Solutions

For individuals torn between the customization of DIY and the simplicity of turnkey solutions, there are products that blend these approaches. The Lincstation N1, ZimaCube, and Aoostar R1 represent a middle ground, offering pre-assembled hardware

Pre-built NAS Solutions with NO OS? Perfect Middle Ground?

For individuals torn between the customization of DIY and the simplicity of turnkey solutions, there are products that blend these approaches. The Lincstation N1, ZimaCube, and Aoostar R1 represent a middle ground, offering pre-assembled hardware with some level of customization still available. This section will delve deeper into these options and also introduce the concept of pre-built NAS solutions that come without an operating system, a category that bridges the gap between fully DIY projects and complete turnkey solutions. Pre-built NAS solutions without a pre-installed operating system offer a unique advantage. They eliminate the need for the user to source and assemble hardware components, a task that can be daunting for those without technical expertise. Yet, they still provide the flexibility to choose and install an OS that best fits the user’s needs, such as TrueNAS, OpenMediaVault, or even a customized Linux distribution. This approach allows users to benefit from the hardware reliability of a pre-built system while enjoying the software customization typically associated with a DIY NAS. For instance, TerraMaster and some lesser-known brands offer NAS units that come without proprietary software, enabling users to install third-party or open-source NAS software of their choice.

Comparing these pre-built, software-less NAS solutions to full DIY or complete turnkey solutions from Synology or QNAP reveals distinct pros and cons. On the one hand, they reduce the complexity and time required for a DIY build, since the hardware comes pre-assembled and tested for compatibility and performance. This can be a significant advantage for users who are confident in their ability to manage software but hesitant about building hardware from scratch. On the other hand, these solutions lack the out-of-the-box readiness of turnkey products, requiring users to invest time in selecting, installing, and configuring an operating system and any additional software. The primary advantage of these middle-ground NAS solutions is their potential for customization without the need to commit to the full DIY process. Users can tailor the system’s software to their precise requirements, optimizing for performance, security, or specific functionalities, while avoiding the potential pitfalls of hardware compatibility issues. However, this approach comes with its own set of challenges, including the need for a certain level of technical expertise to select and install the NAS operating system and manage system configuration and maintenance. Unlike turnkey solutions, which offer comprehensive customer support and software updates, users of pre-built NAS systems without pre-installed software must rely on community support or their own skills to troubleshoot issues and update software.

Pre-built NAS solutions without included software present an appealing option for those who seek a balance between customization and convenience. They offer a foundation that saves users from the complexities of hardware assembly, while still providing the freedom to choose and install preferred software, a feature that attracts users who desire a personalized setup but are not ready to embark on a full DIY project. This middle ground offers a compromise that can satisfy a broad range of needs, bridging the gap between the simplicity and support of turnkey solutions and the customization and learning opportunities of a DIY approach.

Conclusion – Which Should You Choose? DiY or Turnkey?

The decision between DIY and turnkey NAS solutions ultimately depends on your personal preferences, technical skills, and specific needs. If you’re a tech enthusiast with a penchant for customization, a DIY NAS offers an engaging project with flexibility and cost benefits. However, if convenience, support, and ease of use are your priorities, a turnkey NAS is the way to go. As you weigh your options, consider products that offer a middle ground, like the Lincstation N1, ZimaCube, or Aoostar R1. These solutions can provide a balance between customization and convenience, fitting the needs of a wider range of users. Remember, whether you build or buy, your NAS is a crucial part of your digital life. Choose the path that aligns with your skills, budget, and expectations for the best possible experience. Once again, the decision hinges on your preferences, skills, and needs. Tech enthusiasts might lean towards a DIY NAS for its flexibility, while those seeking convenience might prefer turnkey solutions. Consider middle-ground products for a balanced approach.

Best CPU+ Motherboard for a Premium Feature but Low Power Consumption NAS – The i3-N305 M-ITX Board

Spec Highlights – i3-N305, 4x Intel i226-V 2.5G Nics, 2x M.2 NVMe. 6x SATA, 1*DDR5 SODIMM, HDMI2.0 + DP – $289 on AliExpress

Currently, the “build your own” favorite across many forums, the new Intel N305 processor, an 8-core, eight-thread i3 processor, comes pre-installed on a Mini-ITX board. It not only provides a remarkably low 7-watt TDP when needed but also offers significant scalability in terms of both clock speed and power efficiency. The $289 N305 version of the CPU and Motherboard combo presents a practical and economical choice for commercial use (making it the perfect upgrade/alternative to the Topton N6005 / N5105 that was so popular last year for first time NAS DiY’ers). It is equipped with the Intel® Core™ i3-N305 Processor, which is a part of the Alder Lake-N series. This processor boasts eight cores and eight threads, with a max turbo frequency of 3.80 GHz, offering ample computing power for everyday tasks and certain commercial applications. The processor is fabricated using Intel 7 lithography technology, which is indicative of its advanced and efficient design.

Memory support on this combination is versatile, with the motherboard supporting a SO-DIMM DDR5 memory slot, compatible with frequencies of 4800/5200/5600MHz. Although the processor supports a maximum memory size of 16 GB, which is a consideration to keep in mind, the motherboard can handle up to 32 GB, potentially allowing for future upgrades if the board’s capacity is indeed supported by later CPU models or firmware updates.

The integrated graphics, Intel® UHD Graphics with 32 Execution Units, can dynamically operate at up to 1.25 GHz and support 4K content at 60Hz, making it suitable for high-definition displays and basic graphical tasks. Here’s the specification of the $289 N305 version of the CPU+Motherboard combo:

Specification Detail
Model Number NAS-N100-N305
Processor Brand Intel
Processor Models Intel® Alder Lake-N i3-N305 (up to 3.8 GHz)
Type MINI PC / PC Stick
Origin Mainland China
Brand Name YSJMNPC
Use Commercial
Memory – Support notebook DDR5 technology
– 1 SO-DIMM DDR5 slot
– Compatible with 4800/5200/5600MHz
– Max capacity: 32GB
Storage – 6 x SATA3.0 6Gb/s interface
– 2 x M.2 NVMe 2280
Graphics Card Integrated Card (depending on processor model)
Network Card 4 x Intel i226-V 2.5G RJ45 network port
I/O Panel – 2 x USB 2.0
– 1 x USB 3.0
– 1 x Type-C (2.0 rate)
– 1 x HDMI
– 1 x DP
– 4 x RJ45 2.5G network port
– 1 x AUDIO 3.5mm interface
Motherboard Features – Matte black PCB
– Moisture-free fiber 8-layer circuit
– Full protection (USB, audio, network)
TDP 9-15W
Structure MINI-ITX (17.0cm x 17.0cm)
Capacitor Design All solid capacitor
Expansion Slots 1 PCIe x1 (shared with 2nd M.2)
Onboard Interface – F_PANEL pin
– TPM pin (compatible with ASUS TPM module)
– USB2.0 pin
– CPU_FAN 4-pin (temperature control)
– SYS_FAN 4-pin (temperature control)
– 24+4 ATX power interface
Cooling – Compatible with 115X radiators
– Silent temperature-controlled radiator
– Support for two high-performance radiators

In terms of connectivity, the combo is well-equipped with a variety of interfaces, including multiple USB ports with different standards, HDMI 2.1, and DisplayPort 1.4 for video output, and an Intel i226-V 2.5G RJ45 network port for fast wired internet connections.

The inclusion of PCIe lanes and M.2 slots provides additional expansion capabilities, allowing for further customization and the addition of peripherals or storage solutions. The motherboard’s MINI-ITX form factor makes it a compact solution that can fit into small cases, suitable for workspaces with limited room. EASILY the easiest choice of all the NAS Mobo+CPU options on this list, as one of the newest, lowest in price – yet impressively powerful, despite its lower TDP.

Where to Buy the i3-N305 CPU + M-ITX Motherboard Combo:
  • Check AliExpress ($289-349 with Memory) HERE
  • Check Amazon HERE


Best 5 Bay NAS Build for Under/Around £250

This is often seen as the budget build for your Jonsbo N2 system. The list below provides a reasonably powerful Plex media server, the ability to run a compact and capable UnRAID server, a few robust container applications, and even lets you set up a combined NAS server and prosumer router using proxmox and pfSense, alongside your chosen open-source NAS software.

Jonsbo N2 + TopTon Intel n5105 Celeron / Pentium n6005 Build (+$35)
  • Jonsbo N2 Case £74.04 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • Topton N5105 + 128GB NVMe + 4GB RAM £193.48 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • SATA 6 Connector £4.19 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • 400W SFX PSU £24.36 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE

£264.64 (128GB M.2 NVMe + 4GB RAM + 400W PSU)

(Optional/Swap) If you want to save some money:

  • Topton N5105 (NO EXTRAS) £159.82 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • Cheaper 250W SFX PSU £13.15 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • (needed for cheaper PSU) SATA to Molex Adapter £0.78 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE

£247.47 (no M.2 NVMe and Cheap PSU)

Note, you need an SSD for TrueNAS OS (USB for UnRAID)

(Component Prices and eShops – 9 Images):

This build, just a bit over 250 pounds, offers a well-built base system, 4 GB of memory to start, and an included gen 3 NVMe SSD for your boot drive. Additionally, it has four individual 2.5G Ethernet ports that can either be solely dedicated to your NAS or divided between your chosen NAS OS and router OS. If you’re on a tight budget or wish to save for storage media later, consider downsizing the PSU to a more economical 250-watt PSU and buying the memory separately. These minor tweaks might save you as much as 40 to 45 pounds, depending on the adjustments you decide on.


  • Exceptionally affordable
  • Simple build as many components arrive pre-attached
  • Low power consumption
  • Several avenues for cost-saving
  • Components aren’t overcrowded, reducing heat concerns
  • Compatible with virtually every NAS OS available
  • Flexibility for dual OS to cover both NAS storage and prosumer router needs


  • Underpowered for TrueNAS’s full feature set
  • Limited PCI lanes
  • Reduced M.2 NVMe support compared to other builds on this list
  • Not suited for extensive use or demanding business apps

Best Jonsbo N3 Build for Under £500

At this price point, things get serious! Even if you exclude storage media costs and focus on the NAS hardware itself, $500 is substantial for DIY enthusiasts, especially when considering the time spent building the device and buying components from various brands. But if you’re willing to spend up to $500 on your custom-built NAS system with the Jonsbo N3 case, you’ll find a decent amount of flexibility. The subsequent build balances both internal and external performance against your budget. Moreover, the configuration below is priced around $450, allowing you some leeway in either saving extra cash, adding storage, or upgrading existing components (e.g., memory or network ports).

Jonsbo N3 + Intel Core i5 12th Gen + 16GB RAM + 10GbE Build

  • Jonsbo N3 Case £94.25 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • 2x SATA 6 Connector £4.19 (note only need 8x, but cheaper to buy 2×6) – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • 400W SFX PSU £24.36 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • B660M ITX Motherboard £235.79 + Intel Core i5 12490F CPU + 16GB RAM – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • ARGB CPU Radiator Fan (LGA1700) £13.38 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • (better option for CPU Fan) Noctua NH-L9x65 CPU Cooler £49 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • X540-T2 Intel Chipset PCIe x8 Dual Copper RJ45 10Gbps £39.34 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • Tbkoly Controller Card Motherboard Expansion Card 1 To 5 Port SATA £20.45 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • (Optional) 2x M.2 NVMe PCIe 4 X 8 Card GLOTRENDS Dual M.2 PCIe 4.0 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE

Total $410.65 (i5 CPU + 16GB RAM + 2x10GbE + 400W PSU + Case + Cables)
Note, you need an SSD for TrueNAS OS (USB for UnRAID)

(Component Prices and eShops – 8 Images):

This design of this build is significantly more future-proof than its predecessor, but it comes with increased power consumption. The build takes advantage of newer generation PCIe lanes, boasts more cores than the previous design, and confidently supports adding top-tier NVMe SSDs to your storage system in the future. It’s essential to note that this build requires a more hands-on approach. The base network port will need an added network adapter card to expand ports or boost existing port bandwidth to 10G. Finding off-the-shelf motherboards in mITX form with numerous Ethernet and SATA ports that also support modern Intel Core processors can be challenging. Because this design demands an Intel i5 12th gen CPU, the motherboard only features four SATA connectors. The Jonsbo N3 case accommodates up to six SATA drives, so to maximize this on this motherboard, you’ll need a PCIe SATA card with two additional SATA ports. Another option is to buy a different motherboard that supports more SATA connectors but sacrifices network speed, CPU support, or other features.


  • Lots of power for Plex and virtual machine use
  • Full support for all major NAS software platforms
  • Great for a medium or growing Plex media server
  • Support for 2x NVMe SSDs for cache, Plex metadata, and even a separate SSD volume
  • Option to upgrade to 10Gbe networking, depending on your future needs
  • Lots of room for RAM upgrades


  • High power consumption and increased heat concerns
  • Requires an additional PCIe card to maximize SATA drives
  • Limited PCIe expansion due to the inclusion of a PCIe x1 and PCIe x4 slot
  • Reduced options for processor upgrades, given the choice of the motherboard

Best Power User NAS Build for £750-1000

For those who want to build a NAS that rivals even the best off-the-shelf models available today, the following $1000 build offers some incredible performance. With this budget, you can get a truly formidable Plex media server, a robust virtual machine host, and even full surveillance with support for over 40 cameras (assuming you’re using an appropriate NAS software platform). The Jonsbo N3 NAS build is a powerhouse, providing enough capability for nearly any home or small business task.

Jonsbo N3 + Gen4/5 MoBo + Intel Core i5 12th Gen with Int Gfx + 32GB RAM + 10GbE Build

  • Jonsbo N3 Case £94.25 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • 2X SATA 6 Connector £4.19 (note only need 8x, but cheaper to buy 2×6) – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • 600W SFX PSU £43.78 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • Asrock Z690M-ITX/AX gEN 4/5 Motherboard £171.20 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • Intel Core i5-12600K 12th Gen £239 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • Re: CPU, features: 1 x 2.5 Gigabit LAN
    802.11ax Wi-Fi 6E Module
    1 x PCIe Gen5x16 Slot*
    4 x SATA3 6.0 Gb/s Connectors
    1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_1, Key M), supports type 2280
    PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode*
    • 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_2, Key M), supports type 2280
    SATA3 6.0 Gb/s & PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) modes*
    * Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks
    * Supports ASRock U.2 Kit
  • Corsair VENGEANCE LPX DDR4 RAM 32GB (2x16GB) £59.99 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • ARGB CPU Radiator Fan (LGA1700) £13.38 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • (better option for CPU Fan) Noctua NH-L9x65 CPU Cooler £49 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • X540-T2 Intel Chipset PCIe x8 Dual Copper RJ45 10Gbps £39.34 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • Tbkoly Controller Card Motherboard Expansion Card 1 To 5 Port SATA £20.45 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE
  • (Optional) 2x M.2 NVMe PCIe 4 X 8 Card GLOTRENDS Dual M.2 PCIe 4.0 – Check Amazon HERECheck AliExpress HERE

Total £586.63 (Amazon) + £144.76 (Aliexpress)
Note, you need an SSD for TrueNAS OS (USB for UnRAID)

(Component Prices and eShops – 9 Images):

At the core of this design is the Intel i7 12th gen CPU, boasting six cores and twelve threads. Complementing this, the motherboard has full support for up to 128GB DDR4 memory (with prices still fluctuating for such large kits). But even with 32GB or 64GB kits being relatively affordable, it provides an excellent base for this system. For networking, the base board has two 2.5GbE ports, with the option to upgrade to 10Gbe using a suitable PCIe network card. However, similar to the $500 build, you’ll need to make some compromises if you want to maximize SATA drive connectivity due to the limited SATA ports on the motherboard.


  • Extremely powerful for almost any task you throw at it
  • Full support for major NAS software platforms and high-end features
  • Outstanding Plex media server performance
  • Abundant RAM support
  • Flexibility in networking, from 2.5Gbe up to 10Gbe


  • High power consumption
  • Likely overkill for casual or home users
  • Requires additional PCIe card to maximize SATA drives
  • Significant heat production, making adequate cooling essential
  • Expensive



Building a Jonsbo N2 NAS system is an exciting project, allowing you to tailor the system to your specific needs and budget. Whether you’re aiming for a budget-friendly media server or a high-powered machine for intensive tasks, the Jonsbo N2 case provides a solid foundation. Always remember that while building the hardware is crucial, choosing the right software and ensuring that it runs seamlessly is just as important. As the NAS market evolves, DIY solutions like the Jonsbo N2 builds will only become more prevalent, offering enthusiasts and professionals alike more flexibility and options. Happy building!

Jonsbo N2 NAS Build with TopTon Board Build (Complete Guide) – UnRAID/TrueNAS (click below)

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Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



New Powerful Terramaster F4-424 Pro, F4-424 and F2-424 NAS Revealed

Par : Rob Andrews
29 décembre 2023 à 18:00

Terramaster F4-424 Pro, F4-424 and F2-424 NAS for 2024

TerraMaster, arguably the value/affordable tier of the private NAS market, have revealed three new solutions that form the beginning of their 2024 series of devices – the Terramaster F4-424 Pro, F4-424 and F2-424 NAS. Arriving before their main competitors Synology, QNAP and Asustor, these new solutions are arriving with a more recent Intel N95 and N300 CPU series and will be available in 2-Bay and 4-Bay configurations.

Terramaster F4-424 Pro, F4-424 and F2-424 NAS – Hardware Specifications

At the core of the F2-424 and F4-424 models is the Intel Celeron N95 processor, a choice that balances power and efficiency. The F4-424 PRO, on the other hand, steps up the performance with the Intel Core i3 N300 processor, catering to more demanding tasks. Memory-wise, the F2-424 and F4-424 are equipped with 8 GB of DDR5 non-ECC SODIMM, while the F4-424 PRO doubles this capacity to 16 GB, enhancing its multitasking capabilities. Storage options vary across the models, with the F2-424 featuring two disk slots, suitable for personal or small office setups, and the F4-424 and F4-424 PRO offering four disk slots, providing more flexibility and capacity for intensive data storage needs.Here is a comparison table for the TerraMaster F2-424, F4-424, and F4-424 PRO NAS devices with the correct CPU specifications:

Feature/Specification TerraMaster F2-424 TerraMaster F4-424 TerraMaster F4-424 PRO
Processor Model Intel® Celeron N95 Intel® Celeron N95 Intel® Core™ i3 N300
Processor Architecture X.86 64-bit X.86 64-bit X.86 64-bit
Processor Frequency Max burst up to 3.4 GHz Max burst up to 3.4 GHz Max Turbo Frequency 3.80 GHz
Total Cores 4 4 8
Total Threads 4 4 8
System Memory 8 GB DDR5 non-ECC SODIMM 8 GB DDR5 non-ECC SODIMM 16 GB (Max, dependent on memory type)
Memory Slot Number 1 (DDR5 SODIMM) 1 (DDR5 SODIMM) 1
Maximum Supported Memory 32 GB DDR5 non-ECC SODIMM 32 GB DDR5 non-ECC SODIMM 16 GB
Disk Slot Number 2 4 4
Compatible Drive Types 3.5″ SATA HDD, 2.5″ SATA HDD/SSD 3.5″ SATA HDD, 2.5″ SATA HDD/SSD 3.5″ SATA HDD, 2.5″ SATA HDD/SSD
Maximum Internal Raw Storage Capacity 44 TB (22 TB x2) 88 TB (22 TB x4) 88 TB (22 TB x4)
Drive Hot Swap Yes Yes Yes
External Ports 2 RJ-45 2.5GbE, 2 USB3.1, HDMI 2 RJ-45 2.5GbE, 2 USB3.1, HDMI 2 RJ-45 2.5GbE, 2 USB3.1, HDMI
Dimensions (HWD) 222 x 119 x 154 mm 222 x 179 x 154 mm 222 x 179 x 154 mm
Weight 2.2 kg 3.4 kg 3.4 kg
System Fan 80 x 80 x 25 mm 80 x 80 x 25 mm 120 x 120 x 25 mm
Noise Level 19.0 dB(A) 19.0 dB(A) 21.0 dB(A)
Power Supply 40 W 40 W 90 W
Power Consumption 22.0 W (active), 11.0 W (hibernation) 22.0 W (active), 11.0 W (hibernation) 33.0 W (active), 13.0 W (hibernation)
Operating Temperature 0°C to 40°C 0°C to 40°C 0°C to 40°C
Supported OS Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Mac, Linux
Supported Browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge
Supported Mobile OS iOS14.0+, Android 10.0+ iOS14.0+, Android 10.0+ iOS14.0+, Android 10.0+
Networking TCP/IP, IPv4/IPv6, Link Aggregation, DLNA, VPN, DDNS TCP/IP, IPv4/IPv6, Link Aggregation, DLNA, VPN, DDNS TCP/IP, IPv4/IPv6, Link Aggregation, DLNA, VPN, DDNS
Security Features Firewall, AES Encryption, RSA 2048 Firewall, AES Encryption, RSA 2048 Firewall, AES Encryption, RSA 2048
Price (Approximate) $379 $499 $699

This table provides a detailed comparison across key features and specifications for these TerraMaster NAS models. A common thread among these TerraMaster NAS units is their robust build and reliable performance. Each model supports both 3.5″ SATA HDDs and 2.5″ SATA SSDs, ensuring versatility in storage media choices. Networking is a strong suit, with all models featuring 2.5GbE network jacks for faster data transfer speeds, and HDMI ports for direct video output. Compatibility with various operating systems including Windows, Mac, and Linux, alongside comprehensive security features like firewall protection and AES encryption, underscores their flexibility and security focus.

When assessing these models for purchase, potential buyers should consider their specific needs. The number of disk slots is a critical factor, with the F2-424’s two slots being ideal for less demanding storage requirements, while the four slots in the F4-424 and F4-424 PRO are better suited for larger storage pools and more intensive applications. The F4-424 PRO, with its superior Intel Core i3 N300 processor and expanded memory, is particularly geared towards business environments that require higher processing power and greater multitasking abilities.

Terramaster F4-424 Pro, F4-424 and F2-424 NAS – CPU Differences

The choice of CPU significantly influences the performance of these NAS units. The Intel Celeron N95, powering the F2-424 and F4-424, is a quad-core processor with a maximum turbo frequency of 3.4 GHz and a 6 MB cache, capable of efficiently handling everyday storage tasks. It supports both DDR4 and DDR5 memory types, up to a speed of 4800 MHz, and can manage 4K graphics output at 60Hz, making it suitable for media-heavy applications. The Intel Core i3 N300 in the F4-424 PRO is an 8-core powerhouse, offering a higher turbo frequency of 3.8 GHz, which translates into faster processing and more efficient handling of data-intensive tasks. This processor also supports the same memory types and speeds as the N95 but stands out with enhanced graphics capabilities, owing to a greater number of execution units and a higher maximum dynamic frequency.

Specification Intel N95 CPU (F2-424 / F4-442) Intel N300 CPU (F4-424 PRO)
Product Collection Intel® Processor N-series Intel® Core™ i3 Processor N-series
Code Name Products formerly Alder Lake-N Products formerly Alder Lake-N
Vertical Segment Mobile Mobile
Processor Number N95 i3-N300
Lithography Intel 7 Intel 7
Total Cores 4 8
Total Threads 4 8
Max Turbo Frequency 3.40 GHz 3.80 GHz
Cache 6 MB 6 MB Intel® Smart Cache
TDP 15 W 7 W
Max Memory Size 16 GB (dependent on memory type) 16 GB (dependent on memory type)
Memory Types DDR4 3200 MT/s, DDR5 4800 MT/s, LPDDR5 4800 MT/s DDR4 3200 MT/s, DDR5 4800 MT/s, LPDDR5 4800 MT/s
Max Memory Channels 1 1
ECC Memory Supported No No
GPU Name Intel® UHD Graphics Intel® UHD Graphics
Max Dynamic Frequency 1.20 GHz 1.25 GHz
Graphics Output eDP 1.4b, DP 1.4, HDMI 2.1, MIPI-DSI 1.3 eDP 1.4b, DP 1.4, HDMI 2.1, MIPI-DSI 1.3
Execution Units 16 32
4K Support Yes, at 60Hz Yes, at 60Hz
Max Resolution (HDMI) 4096 x 2160@60Hz 4096 x 2160@60Hz
DirectX Support* 12.1 12.1
OpenGL Support* 4.6 4.6
OpenCL Support* 3.0 3.0
# of Displays Supported 3 3
PCI Express Lanes 9 Gen 3 9 Gen 3
USB Revision 2.0/3.2 2.0/3.2
Instruction Set 64-bit 64-bit
Advanced Technologies Includes Intel® Gaussian & Neural Accelerator 3.0, Intel® Image Processing Unit 6.0, Intel® Speed Shift Technology, Intel® Virtualization Technology, etc. Includes Intel® Gaussian & Neural Accelerator 3.0, Intel® Image Processing Unit 6.0, Intel® Speed Shift Technology, Intel® Virtualization Technology, etc.

Delving deeper into the usability aspects, all three models boast a user-friendly interface, making them accessible even to NAS novices. Their compatibility with various RAID configurations offers flexibility in data management and redundancy, crucial for data integrity and security. The inclusion of HDMI ports opens up possibilities for direct media playback, a feature that is particularly beneficial in home entertainment setups or digital signage applications. The TerraMaster NAS units also excel in connectivity options, with multiple USB and Ethernet ports providing the versatility needed in modern connected environments. This connectivity, coupled with their compact and sleek design, makes these NAS devices a fit for various settings, from home offices to more formal business environments.

Terramaster F4-424 Pro, F4-424 and F2-424 NAS – Should You Buy?

The TerraMaster’s F2-424, F4-424, and F4-424 PRO NAS units cater to a wide range of storage needs. The F2-424 and F4-424, with the Intel Celeron N95, are excellent choices for general home use and small offices, offering reliable performance for standard storage and media tasks. The F4-424 PRO, powered by the Intel Core i3 N300, is a step up, designed to meet the demands of business environments and power users who require enhanced processing power and expanded memory. This range from TerraMaster highlights a commitment to providing versatile, scalable storage solutions across different user needs and budget ranges, making them a noteworthy option in the NAS market.

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Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
If you like this service, please consider supporting us. We use affiliate links on the blog allowing NAScompares information and advice service to be free of charge to you.Anything you purchase on the day you click on our links will generate a small commission which isused to run the website. Here is a link for Amazon and B&H.You can also get me a ☕ Ko-fi or old school Paypal. Thanks!To find out more about how to support this advice service check HEREIf you need to fix or configure a NAS, check Fiver Have you thought about helping others with your knowledge? Find Instructions Here  
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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Design Node 304 NAS Case – Which DiY NAS Case Should You Buy?

Par : Rob Andrews
4 décembre 2023 à 18:00

Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case Comparison

If you’ve been in the market to buy yourself a desktop NAS enclosure on your road towards building the perfect private cloud that is completely under your control, then there is a pretty good chance that you have looked at the Jonsbo N2 case and the Fractal Node 304 NAS enclosure. These are 2 DIY NAS cases that have been released around a decade apart, yet they are both among the most popular and most recommended desktop cases in the market. It’s surprising how 10 years can pass, yet these two server cases still hold prominence. This prominence leaves you with the ultimate question: which one is best suited to your rather compact private server needs? That is what we’re covering in today’s article. We are going to compare these cases, their strengths and weaknesses, and hopefully, by the end of it, you’ll know which one is going to proudly house your future data storage cloud.

Jonsbo N2

Fractal Node 304

Amazon Check $149 (Check Amazon HERE) $89 (Check Amazon HERE)
AliExpress Check $76 (Check Aliexpress HERE) $109 (Check Aliexpress HERE)
Storage Potential – Supports 5 traditional HDDs and 1 SATA SSD. – Can accommodate 6 drives with more flexibility.
– Modern ejectable storage bays. – Older design, non-ejectable drive caddies.
CPU & Mobo Support – Limited CPU cooler height up to 65mm. – Ample space for CPU coolers up to 160mm.
– More compact design for motherboard support. – Horizontal motherboard placement at base.
PCIe Upgrades – Supports only specific dimensions for PCIe cards. – Highly flexible, supporting most PCIe cards.
– Limited to half-height, 3/4 length cards. – Space and design born from the GPU boom era.
Ventilation – Single fan behind storage bays. – Enhanced ventilation with multiple fan setups.

Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case – Specifications Compared

Before we go any further, it’s worth quickly comparing the specifications of these two cases. As mentioned earlier, private NAS server components have been in development from hundreds of brands across thousands of products for many years now, and it can be easy to accidentally choose an incompatible piece of hardware. Therefore, I recommend you take the time to quickly check the specifications below, just to double-check that the Jonsbo N2 and Fractal Node 304 are definitely going to be compatible with your CPU, motherboard, or PSU of choice.

Specification/Feature Jonsbo N2

Fractal Node 304

Dimensions 222.5mm(W) x 222.5mm(D) x 224mm(H) 250mm (W) x 210mm (H) x 374mm (D)
Material External: 2.0mm Aluminum alloy; Internal: 1mm Steel Not specified
HDD/SSD Positions 1 x 2.5″ SSD, 5 x 3.5″ HDD 6 (3.5″ / 2.5″)
Motherboard Compatibility ITX Mini ITX, Mini DTX
PCI Expansion Slots 1 x Low profile single slot 2
Front Ports 1 x USB 3.0 / USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C, Audio+Mic (Combined) 2x USB 3.0, 1x 3.5 mm audio in, 1x 3.5mm audio out, Power button with LED, HDD LED
PSU Compatibility SFX (≤150mm) ATX (up to 160 mm in length)
Max. CPU Cooler Height ≤65mm 165mm
GPU Max Length ≤197mm (Low profile) 310mm (restrictions apply)
Cooling System 1 x 12015mm fan (built-in) Front: 2x 92mm, Rear: 1x 140mm
Weight 2.9kg 4.9kg
Warranty Not specified 2 Years

Even a casual glance at the specifications side by side will give you a decent understanding of the slightly different target audience that these two systems have in mind. The Jonsbo N2 appears to be a more compact solution, while the Fractal Node 304 definitely seems bulkier of the two. With that said, let’s move on to our first section: design.

Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case – Design

One of the clearest and most obvious distinctions between the N2 and the Node 304 is the sheer physical size difference. Even though both of these systems offer a somewhat similar level of hardware support and internal cavities for different utilities, there’s a significant distinction between them in terms of physical space.

A large part of this difference stems from how each system is oriented in terms of its intended use. The Fractal Node 304 is much more focused on storage than on other cloud server applications. This orientation allows the system to be considerably more compact, emphasizing ventilation, with the storage cavity occupying roughly 30 to 40% of the entire enclosure’s physical space.

The Fractal Node 304, on the other hand, strikes a balance between storage, utilities, and support for numerous PCI upgrades in the future. Although both systems support only M-ITX motherboards, the Node 304 provides significantly more space for all internal components.

Both chassis predominantly feature a metal-based material design, with a smattering of plastic around the edges and front panel. They are available in both black and white color options, and neither have immediately visible LED indicators. The front panel of the Fractal Node 304 exhibits a brushed steel effect, with ventilation primarily around the edges rather than the front. The N2, however, boasts more ventilation around its front panel’s lower half, an aspect we’ll delve into shortly.

A notable distinction lies in their USB connectivity. The Fractal Node 304 offers two USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gb/s Type A connections, whereas the newer N2 provides a mix of USB Type A and Type C, alongside 10 gigabit USB 3.2 Gen 2 connections. It’s essential to ensure that your ITX motherboard has the appropriate front panel connectors (or you have an adapter card). This difference is one of the subtle quality-of-life enhancements resulting from the N2’s more recent release.

A decade ago, the Fractal Node case was a standout. Most DIY NAS cases back then were either slightly tweaked standard PC towers or bulky, outdated modded shuttle cases. These didn’t quite match the style of turnkey NAS solutions from brands like Synology or QNAP. Fast forward to 2023, and there’s a plethora of stylish and contemporary NAS enclosures for DIY enthusiasts. This change in landscape explains the surge in popularity for cases like the Jonsbo N2, known for their robust construction and tailored design for private server use. Aesthetically, I have a preference for the Jonsbo N2 due to its compact nature. But how does this more discreet and compact design fare? Up next, we’ll explore the ventilation and cooling aspects of these two NAS enclosures.

Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case – Ventilation and Cooling

To say that these two devices have approached the subject of ventilation in entirely different manners would be a significant understatement! This discrepancy is particularly striking given the vast differences in size between the two units. Even with a cursory look, it’s evident that the older Fractal Node 304 has superior ventilation.

The newer Jonsbo N2, with its more compact design, arguably offers a streamlined ventilation approach due to the significant space occupied by the 3.5″ bays. In the N2, most ventilation can be channeled along a singular path. As long as there are ample spaces between components, the fans can efficiently direct airflow through these cavities, exiting through passive ventilation outlets. Specifically, the N2 offers ventilation on both sides, across the top (directly above the motherboard and CPU fan), and at the rear where a large 120mm fan is positioned behind the storage drives.

In contrast, the Fractal Node 304 adopts a more expansive approach. While its front remains flat without any storage, ventilation surrounds its edges, complemented by a mesh vent at the top. Inside, two 92mm fans draw air in, channeling it towards an even more massive 140mm fan at the rear. These silent-design fans, despite numbering three, collaboratively minimize operational noise, a fact attested by multiple reviews over the years. Moreover, given the Node 304’s capacity to accommodate a wider range of internal components, additional passive ventilation and mesh panels are present on both sides, plus a removable mesh vent panel beneath the motherboard. With support for larger PCIe cards and power supplies, the Node 304’s side ventilation panels are also more expansive and include dust-capturing vents.

It’s reasonably expected for the larger case to have more ventilation and space for extra fans. Yet, considering both these systems support MITx motherboards and have a slight difference in SATA drive count, the stark difference in ventilation, especially given a similar price point, is surprising. In some places, the more extensive and better-ventilated Node 304 even offers more value for money. Furthermore, given the N2’s tightly packed hardware, one may wonder if its single fan and current ventilation strategy would suffice for more demanding builds. While the Jonsbo is undoubtedly a feast for the eyes and likely benefits from subsequent years of NAS case R&D, the Fractal Node remains the frontrunner in terms of superior ventilation and active cooling capabilities.

Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case – Storage Potential

Assessing the storage potential of both the N2 and Node 304 requires considering multiple aspects, such as the inherent storage capabilities and the potential for expansion. Both systems offer roughly similar SATA storage capacities, with each claiming support for six drives. In the N2’s case, this translates to five traditional hard drives and one SATA SSD drive. When incorporating the potential of upgradable PCIe cards (a topic we will delve into in more detail later), the Node 304 clearly allows users to attach a greater number of m.2 SSD drives via compatible expansion cards.

That said, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the decade-old Fractal Node 304 employs a somewhat outdated and intricate method for its SATA storage bays. Modern NAS cases generally favor hot-swappable storage bays and trays. These enhance the user experience by permitting the addition of new drives during an existing drive failure without powering down the system. This convenience leads to shorter RAID rebuilds and resync durations and demands less maintenance. This feature is especially valuable for premium business servers that cannot afford extended downtimes or for larger RAID configurations. The latter group avoids powering down and restarting existing storage pools, lest another faulty drive activates. Despite the Node 304’s enduring appeal since its launch, its design—featuring protruding drive caddies and requiring individual cable connections to motherboards or PCIe cards—feels dated. Consequently, the now-standard ejectable storage bays on the N2 appear far more attractive.

The N2 boasts somewhat unconventional yet user-friendly rubber-handled storage drive bays. Additionally, its internal backplane has all five combined SATA and power connectors directly soldered and aligned with the corresponding drive slots. Users will still need to connect each of these SATA drives to the motherboard via angled SATA cables through a dedicated space in the side of the enclosure. However, this configuration results in a much smoother drive installation process, which has been the preferred approach in most NAS server designs over the years.

Over the decade since the Fractal Node 304’s introduction, enthusiasts have created numerous modifications and 3D printed plans for improved storage brackets for this case. Some have even designed third-party SATA backplanes tailored for those protruding drive caddies, simplifying the task of connecting multiple drives. Nevertheless, in its original form, the Node 304’s drive bays come across as remarkably archaic, especially when juxtaposed with the direct-injection storage ease offered by the N2.

Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case – CPU and Mobo Support

Both the Jonsbo N2 and Fractal Node 304 NAS enclosures cater to DIY builders and are compatible with MRTX and DTX motherboards. The larger Node 804 accommodates m-ITX, attracting numerous users. However, MITx technology has witnessed significant advancements over recent years. Today, you can easily find ITX motherboards that support the most current Intel Core and IMD processors. This progress effectively negates any past limitations these compact motherboards may have posed. Within the context of the N2 and Node 304, the motherboard placement varies considerably.

The Fractal Node 304 positions the motherboard horizontally at the base of the case, complemented by the aforementioned ventilation panel underneath. Conversely, the N2 places the motherboard closer to the case’s top, yet it still maintains horizontal alignment. While both designs allow for the attachment of a PCIe card without necessitating a riser or sister board, the varied placements result in considerable differences in CPU cooler support. CPU fans, heat sinks, or coolers—regardless of terminology—are indispensable for 24/7 server operation. The more robust your CPU, the more substantial and sophisticated your cooling solution must be. If your system involves a moderate setup, like a top-tier Celeron or Pentium, the issue is less pressing. Many motherboards in this category come with an attached micro CPU fan or are compatible with horizontally-positioned CPU fans that are around an inch in height. However, advanced processors require more intricate coolers with integrated fans, copper piping, and a design that sits slightly above the motherboard to ensure optimal airflow.

Unfortunately, the Jonsbo N2 has a height restriction for CPU coolers at 65mm. Though coolers fitting this specification for contemporary processors do exist, they often carry a premium price due to their incorporation of more copper piping and multiple smaller fans. Moreover, a cooler’s efficacy increases when aligned with the case’s passive/active ventilation—a feature the N2 somewhat lacks. The N2’s singular fan is situated behind the storage bays, and there isn’t a dedicated fan space for the motherboard and CPU. In contrast, the Jonsbo N3 case can accommodate two 80mm fans, while the N2 lacks the space or the necessary mounting brackets.

On the other hand, the Node 304 not only includes two 92mm fans and a larger 140mm rear-mounted fan but also accommodates CPU coolers with a height of up to 160mm. Owing to the motherboard’s base-level positioning within the chassis, even after installing larger PCIe cards and hard drives, there remains ample space for the market’s most substantial CPU coolers—ideal for high-performance server configurations.

In summary, regarding motherboard and CPU installation, the Fractal Node 304 offers notably more space and cooling versatility than the N2, notwithstanding the decade gap in their respective release dates. Up next, we’ll explore PCIe installation, highlighting another key distinction between the two models.

Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case – PCIe Upgrades

Long-term scalability and upgrades of your NAS server aren’t considerations exclusive to businesses. Even the most casual enthusiast should factor in potential future changes. Whether you’re contemplating upgrading your local area network, enhancing your private server with lightning-fast m.2 SSD storage, or even venturing into adding a graphics card down the line, PCIe upgrade slots on your chosen NAS server will undoubtedly be a critical aspect, whether on day one or day 1,000. Choosing the appropriate NAS case, ensuring it allows you to effectively scale via PCIe expansions, is a foundational decision. It’s a choice that, years down the line, you’ll either commend or regret. The N2 seems to offer fewer considerations for PCIe upgrades, which is surprising given the decade difference in release dates compared to the Fractal Node 304.

The Fractal Node 304 can accommodate virtually any PCIe card, regardless of its height, length, or depth. Designed during the peak of GPU cryptocurrency mining, the Node 304 mitigates the single PCIe slot limitation inherent in M-ITX motherboards by providing ample space for almost any card—eliminating the need for a riser or expander card. This flexibility is not just due to its generous physical dimensions but also its thoughtful design: the side housing the PCIe slots boasts a large, ventilated, mesh-protected panel, which significantly boosts active airflow.

In contrast, the Jonsbo N2, while able to house a single PCIe card, imposes far more restrictions on card dimensions. Practically speaking, the N2 confines users to half-height, 3/4 length, and single-depth cards (owing to the lower cavity at the case’s top). Consequently, a majority of graphics cards are incompatible. Additionally, while single and dual-port cards will fit, quad-port cards—typically full-height—are incompatible. Another potential hurdle is the single card depth, which, though seldom an issue for network expansion cards, might become problematic for aggressive m.2 storage expander cards that come equipped with sizable heat dissipation panels.

For many, these limitations might not deter them from selecting the Jonsbo N2, which remains an excellent choice for a DIY NAS enclosure. However, it’s undeniable that the seasoned Fractal Node 304 provides more space and versatility for expansions.

Conclusion: Jonsbo N2 vs Fractal Node 304 NAS Case

After a detailed analysis of the Jonsbo N2 and the Fractal Node 304 NAS cases, it becomes clear that each offers unique advantages tailored to specific user needs. For the modern enthusiast or DIY builder who values sleek design and appreciates newer features like direct-injected storage bays, the Jonsbo N2 is a fantastic choice. Its design, though limiting in some aspects like PCIe upgrades, still offers sufficient versatility for those who don’t require expansive graphics or connectivity solutions. It’s well-suited for users who desire a NAS for standard use without aggressive expansion plans.

On the other hand, the Fractal Node 304, with its decade-old legacy, stands out for users prioritizing versatility and upgradability. Despite its older design, it offers more room for CPU coolers, greater flexibility in PCIe card selection, and superior ventilation—making it ideal for power users and those looking to build more aggressive server setups. Moreover, businesses and hobbyists inclined towards regular expansions will find the Node 304’s forward-thinking design a significant boon. Ultimately, choosing between the two boils down to individual requirements. The N2 serves as a modern, efficient solution for standard builds, while the Node 304 caters to those seeking maximum flexibility and growth potential.

Jonsbo N2

Fractal Node 304

Amazon Check $149 (Check Amazon HERE) $89 (Check Amazon HERE)
AliExpress Check $76 (Check Aliexpress HERE) $109 (Check Aliexpress HERE)
Storage Potential – Supports 5 traditional HDDs and 1 SATA SSD. – Can accommodate 6 drives with more flexibility.
– Modern ejectable storage bays. – Older design, non-ejectable drive caddies.
CPU & Mobo Support – Limited CPU cooler height up to 65mm. – Ample space for CPU coolers up to 160mm.
– More compact design for motherboard support. – Horizontal motherboard placement at base.
PCIe Upgrades – Supports only specific dimensions for PCIe cards. – Highly flexible, supporting most PCIe cards.
– Limited to half-height, 3/4 length cards. – Space and design born from the GPU boom era.
Ventilation – Single fan behind storage bays. – Enhanced ventilation with multiple fan setups.

This table succinctly encapsulates the strengths and weaknesses of both NAS cases, aiding potential buyers in making an informed decision based on their specific needs.

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