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Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered

Par : Bill Toulas
9 juin 2024 à 16:22
A group of Israeli researchers explored the security of the Visual Studio Code marketplace and managed to "infect" over 100 organizations by trojanizing a copy of the popular 'Dracula Official theme to include risky code. Further research into the VSCode Marketplace found thousands of extensions with millions of installs. [...]

Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered

Par : Bill Toulas
9 juin 2024 à 16:22
A group of Israeli researchers explored the security of the Visual Studio Code marketplace and managed to "infect" over 100 organizations by trojanizing a copy of the popular 'Dracula Official theme to include risky code. Further research into the VSCode Marketplace found thousands of extensions with millions of installs. [...]