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Assigning proxy settings in Windows automatically with a PAC File

Par : Thomas Joos
25 mars 2024 à 14:01
Proxy server settings can be automatically deployed to clients using the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD). This protocol utilizes a Proxy Auto Config file (PAC), which can be provided via IIS. A Group Policy setting instructs web browsers on how to find the PAC file.

Install WireGuard VPN on OPNsense Firewall

Par : Thomas Joos
29 février 2024 à 13:54
If you are using an OPNsense firewall, you can configure WireGuard as a VPN server instead of OpenVPN. There are clients available for all major operating systems. Additionally, it is very fast and lightweight. You can easily install it as an OPNsense extension and configure it through the web console.

Analyzing Windows Event Logs with Security Onion

Par : Thomas Joos
13 février 2024 à 11:49
Security Onion is an open-source platform for threat hunting, security monitoring, and log management. It aggregates free tools such as Kibana, Elastic Fleet, InfluxDB, CyberChef, and Suricata. The solution provides access to these tools via a web console. I'll demonstrate how it can be used for analyzing Windows logs.