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The UGREEN NAS – 1 Month Later (Should You Back it or Bail on it)

Should You Back or Bail on the UGREEN NASync Kickstarter Campaign?

With the UGREEN NAS campaign drawing close to an end, I think a lot of users are wondering where exactly the UGREEN NAS system is at? So, SO many reviews online (more on how/why later), but it’s been a month – has the system got better, got worse? Do the comments in those reviews still hold water? I wanted to assemble a few of the earliest and more balanced reviewers I could find who have shared their thoughts on the UGREEN NAS online and chat to them a month later to get their further input on it. I assembled panel, consisting of Me (Robbie from NASCompares) ,Lauri from Tech Notice, Frank from WunderTech and Logan from TwoGuyzTech — to come back to the system and brand, to help users decide whether they should get off the fence and back it, keep continuing to back this Kickstarter Campaign, or ‘get off’ the hype train now before its too late. These three YouTube reviewers and myself were among the first to receive and review the NASync series more than a month ago. Although their reviews are now live, UGREEN have continued to roll out updates to the system software, posted comments and updates on their crowdfunding campaign and outlined a lot of their proposed plans for these new systems. How much of that is going to be present in the finished product, how much is long-term roadmap stuff and how much is just hot air, is up for debate.

I wanted to talk with these three reviewers 1 month later to discuss where they are at with the UGREEN NAS device they were sent, have things improved and their thoughts on what this means for the NAS market. The Kickstarter has been notably successful, raising nearly 5 million pounds with more than 12,000 backers, necessitating a critical and informed analysis for those considering investment. As good as all that sounds, a lot of users who backed this project a month ago at launch might be having cold feet and want to know where the product is ‘at’ now, as updates by UGREEN during the fundraising period have been a little sparse (though responding to commentors has been better). Likewise, there are going to be more cautious users who are still on the fence and just want to know where the NASync series is at ‘at the 11th hour’ before they choose to back this. So, here is the results of that discussion. Thanks again to Lauri, Frank and Logan for their time. None of us have been paid/sponsored by UGREEN for this content or our reviews, these are our own opinions (the good and the bad!).


In a Rush? Here is the TL:DR on The UGREEN NAS 1 Month On

Logan @TwoGuyzTech – Logan, who provided the inaugural review of the DXP 4800 Plus model, begins by praising UGREEN’s capabilities in hardware manufacturing. He describes the unit as robust, featuring an impressive CPU setup with a unique configuration that lends itself well to demanding tasks. Despite this, Logan highlights significant discrepancies between the marketed and actual features—particularly the absence of Thunderbolt 4 support, despite promotional materials suggesting otherwise. This, he argues, could mislead potential buyers about the product’s capabilities. Expanding on hardware limitations, Logan critiques the system’s scalability and expansion potential. Unlike competitors like Synology, which allow for easy scalability through expansion units, UGREEN’s system lacks similar functionalities. This could deter users whose storage needs might grow. Moreover, the absence of a PCIe slot for adding extra network interfaces is seen as a missed opportunity to enhance the system’s connectivity and performance capabilities, potentially limiting its appeal to more advanced users.

Frank @Wundertech – Frank shifts the focus to the software side of the NAS. He appreciates UGREEN’s strategic decision to concentrate on core functionalities, which simplifies the user interface and system maintenance. This approach, according to Frank, allows for a more stable foundational system that can be incrementally improved through updates. However, he identifies critical deficiencies in the backup functionalities that are vital for NAS systems. Initially, the device was limited to basic R-Sync and proprietary UGREEN device backups, which he found inadequate. During his testing, Frank encountered significant issues with the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, a standard service for file sharing over a network. He discovered that upon attempting to access the NAS via SMB, he had unrestricted access to all directories without needing authentication—a severe security flaw. This issue indicates that the NAS system might not enforce proper user authentication, potentially exposing sensitive data. Despite updates attempting to address these concerns, the initial oversight raises questions about the rigor of UGREEN’s software testing and security protocols.

Lauri @TheTechNotice – Lauri offers a broader critique of the tech industry’s trend towards launching unpolished products with the intent to issue fixes post-launch. He expresses his frustration with the UGREEN system, which was marketed as ready-to-use yet exhibited numerous software glitches and usability issues upon receipt. Basic functionalities like software updates and file access were problematic, echoing a “release now, fix later” approach that he finds unacceptable. Lauri also faced SMB-related challenges, albeit different from Frank’s. His attempts to connect to the NAS via SMB were thwarted by the system’s inability to map network drives or properly save SMB settings, suggesting deeper issues with the software’s network handling capabilities. These experiences highlight inconsistencies in the product’s performance, further complicating the potential user’s decision-making process.

Marketing Strategies, Consumer Impact and Conclusion – The panel extensively discusses UGREEN’s marketing strategy, noting the company’s decision to flood the market with review units. This approach, while ensuring widespread visibility, may dilute the impact of individual reviews and obscure critical feedback due to the sheer volume of content available. Such a strategy can mask the product’s deficiencies, making it difficult for potential buyers to gauge the system’s reliability and performance accurately. Concluding the discussion, the panel agrees that while UGREEN’s NAS hardware is commendably robust and well-designed, the software side lags in maturity and reliability. They stress the importance for potential backers to understand the ongoing development of the software, especially given the critical SMB issues and general lack of software polish at launch.

What did Lauri from TheTechNotice Think of the UGREEN NAS Range 1 Month on, How the Brand Approached the Market and His Experience with the Device?

Lauri from Tech Notice offers a unique perspective by critiquing not just the Ugreen NAS SYNC series but also the broader tech industry’s trend toward releasing products that are not fully vetted or complete. He starts his discussion by expressing a general dissatisfaction with the practice of launching products that are ostensibly unfinished, with the intention of resolving issues through later updates. This approach, he argues, places undue burden on consumers who expect a finished, fully functional product upon purchase. Lauri’s frustration is rooted in his personal experiences with the Ugreen NAS, which was marketed as ready-to-use but exhibited several software glitches and usability issues right out of the box. He details problems such as difficulties with software updates and accessing files—basic functionalities that were inconsistent or non-functional upon initial use. Such issues underscore a “release now, fix later” philosophy that he finds unacceptable, especially when consumers are not adequately forewarned about the state of the product.

Expanding on his critique, Lauri discusses his specific encounters with the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol within the Ugreen system. Unlike Frank’s experience where access was too permissive, Lauri faced the opposite problem: an inability to effectively map network drives or adjust SMB settings. This inconsistency in SMB protocol handling between units further illustrates the lack of uniformity and reliability in Ugreen’s software development, complicating the user experience and diminishing the product’s reliability. Moreover, Lauri notes the NAS’s aesthetic and physical design, acknowledging that while the hardware appears polished and well-designed, the software does not match this quality. This disparity leads to a jarring contrast between the product’s promising physical presentation and its underwhelming functional performance. He points out that such discrepancies can lead to consumer distrust, as the sleek design sets expectations that the software functionality currently does not meet.

Throughout his review, Lauri also touches upon the responsiveness of the company to feedback. While he notes some improvements following user complaints and updates, he emphasizes that the fundamental approach of rushing products to market remains a significant concern. This strategy, prevalent in the tech industry, often results in products that require considerable post-market modification to reach the standard expected by consumers at launch. Lauri’s assessment provides a critical analysis of the Ugreen NAS SYNC series, particularly highlighting the problematic industry trend of premature product releases. His insights stress the importance of aligning product functionality with consumer expectations and market standards. Lauri’s critique serves as a call to action for tech companies to prioritize thorough testing and development before launch, ensuring that products meet all advertised functionalities and security standards to foster trust and satisfaction among users.

You Can find out more about Lauri HERE on his YouTube Channel

How Did Frank from WunderTech Find his time with the UGREEN NAS System? Did He Encounter Problems and Would He Recommend it?

Frank from WunderTech begins his discussion by highlighting the strategic focus Ugreen has adopted in the development of their NAS SYNC series software. He appreciates the company’s deliberate choice to concentrate on refining core features instead of overloading the system with an extensive array of applications. This approach, he argues, facilitates a more stable base system that is easier for users to manage and for developers to troubleshoot and improve over time. It also aligns well with Ugreen’s apparent goal of making the NAS user-friendly and reliable in performing fundamental tasks. However, Frank identifies critical deficiencies in the system’s software, especially concerning its backup functionalities—an essential component for NAS systems. Initially, the device was constrained to basic R-Sync and backups to another proprietary Ugreen device. Such limitations significantly reduce the utility and appeal of the NAS for users who need versatile and robust backup solutions, which are critical for data integrity and disaster recovery. Frank notes that while subsequent software updates have introduced additional features like Docker, which broadens the system’s capabilities and appeal, the core issue with limited backup options remains a significant concern.

During his evaluation, Frank encountered severe issues with the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, a standard service in NAS systems for sharing files over networks. He was startled to find that upon attempting to access the NAS via SMB, he had unrestricted access to all directories without needing any form of user authentication. This discovery points to a severe security oversight, exposing sensitive data to potential unauthorized access. Such a fundamental flaw in access control is troubling and raises questions about the robustness of Ugreen’s software security measures. Frank further discusses the implications of these security issues, emphasizing the risk they pose not only to data confidentiality but also to the overall trust in Ugreen’s product. He suggests that while the hardware may be solid, the software’s inability to ensure basic security protocols could deter potential users who prioritize data security. This aspect is crucial for businesses and individual users who rely on NAS systems to store sensitive or critical information.

Moreover, Frank appreciates the incremental software updates that Ugreen has been rolling out, which demonstrate the company’s commitment to addressing feedback and improving the product. He highlights a particular update that resolved some of the earlier problems with the backup options, albeit still not to the extent that he considers fully satisfactory. The addition of features like Docker is viewed positively as it indicates Ugreen’s responsiveness to user needs and their willingness to expand the system’s functionality over time. Frank’s analysis provides a detailed critique of the Ugreen NAS SYNC series from a software perspective. He credits the company for its focused and strategic approach to software development but underscores significant areas of concern, particularly around security and backup functionalities. His insights suggest that while the hardware may be competitive, the software requires substantial improvements to meet industry standards and user expectations, particularly in areas crucial for data security and flexibility in data management.

You Can find out more about Frank HERE on his YouTube Channel

What did Logan from TwoGuyzTech Think of the UGREEN NAS and where it is at 1 Month Later?

Logan from TwoGuyzTech, who provided the inaugural review of the DXP 4800 Plus model, begins his feedback by praising the robustness and overall hardware quality of Ugreen’s NAS system. He emphasizes the powerful CPU configuration, which features a single performance core along with four efficiency cores. This setup is particularly notable as it is uncommon in NAS systems within the same price bracket, offering potentially higher processing speeds and better handling of multiple tasks simultaneously. Despite the strong hardware foundation, Logan points out significant discrepancies between Ugreen’s marketing materials and the actual product features—specifically, the absence of Thunderbolt 4 support on half of the range, yet it was very prominent in the advertising (as was the 10GbE connectivity). This issue is not just a minor oversight; it’s a major deviation from what was advertised in terms of what some less knowledgable users would expect to receive, which could mislead potential buyers about the product’s capabilities. Logan stresses that such discrepancies could erode trust and satisfaction among consumers, who may feel they are not getting the full value as promised.

Further expanding on the product’s hardware, Logan notes that while the NAS performs well in its current state, the lack of scalability is a critical downside. He compares the Ugreen NAS SYNC series unfavorably with competitors like Synology, which offers easy scalability through additional expansion units. This limitation in Ugreen’s design means that users with increasing data storage needs would find the product less useful over time as their requirements grow. Logan also criticizes the absence of a PCIe slot, which would allow users to add additional network interfaces or other expansions. This feature is typically valued by advanced users who may need more customization or additional bandwidth for data-intensive tasks. The lack of such a feature further narrows the potential user base of the product, making it less appealing to a segment of the market that could benefit from greater connectivity options.

Addressing another aspect of hardware capability, Logan discusses the system’s input/output options. While he acknowledges that the NAS provides adequate I/O ports that should meet the needs of most users, he points out that the implementation of these ports could have been optimized better to enhance performance further. This feedback suggests a missed opportunity to maximize the hardware’s potential, which could have differentiated the Ugreen NAS SYNC series more clearly from its competitors. Logan’s detailed review provides a nuanced perspective on the Ugreen NAS SYNC series. While he commends the robust hardware and CPU design, he is critical of the marketing misrepresentations and the system’s limitations in scalability and expansion. His feedback underscores the importance of aligning marketing messages with actual product capabilities and designing with future scalability in mind to meet the evolving needs of users.

You Can find out more about Logan HERE on his YouTube Channel

How UGREEN have Approached Marketing and Launching the NASync Series – Good or Bad?

The UGREEN NAS SYNC series marketing strategy reflects a robust and aggressive approach aimed at capturing market attention quickly and broadly. UGREEN’s decision to distribute a large number of review units (possibly in the hundreds in just a matter of weeks) prior to the completion of its Kickstarter campaign ensured that the product received widespread visibility across various media platforms. This saturation strategy is not uncommon in the tech industry but stands out due to the volume of units distributed and the breadth of coverage sought. From a marketing perspective, this approach can significantly amplify product awareness and generate buzz, creating a groundswell of potential customer interest and engagement early in the product lifecycle – choosing to spend their ‘marketing budget’ on sending products to small-niche reviewers and influences, rather than traditional online marketing and targeting bigger platforms. However, this aggressive marketing strategy also raises several concerns. One major issue discussed by the panel is the potential dilution of individual reviews’ impact. With so many reviews available, it becomes challenging for consumers to find consistent information and form a clear opinion about the product’s quality and reliability. This could inadvertently mask critical feedback that might be crucial for potential users making informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, by flooding the market with review units, UGREEN risks creating a perception that might not fully align with the user experience, particularly if the product under-delivers compared to what is seen in widespread positive reviews.

Moreover, there was always an inherent risk in UGREEN’s approach regarding consumer trust. If the product failed to meet the expectations set by its aggressive marketing, it could lead to customer dissatisfaction and damage the brand’s reputation in the long run if a LARGE number of reviewers had encountered persistent issues and that would have been heavility publized in turn. Therefore we have to give them some credit for the courage of their convictions to trust that their product would not ‘hang itself’ in the court of public opinion, when sent at such high volume in a comparatively unfinished state. This is especially pertinent given the software issues highlighted during the panel discussion. The strategy of relying heavily on post-launch updates to address fundamental flaws—flaws that are sometimes glossed over due to the sheer volume of initial positive reviews—could backfire, leading to frustrated users who feel misled by the reviews they consulted before purchasing. While UGREEN’s marketing strategy for the NAS SYNC series has virtues in terms of reach and visibility, it also poses significant risks that hinge on the company’s ability to deliver a product that truly matches the expectations set forth in its widespread marketing campaign. The approach requires a delicate balance between aggressive marketing and product quality assurance to maintain and grow consumer trust. This all brings into question once again, why a brand this large has opted for crowdfunding through Kickstarter – as it is fairly clear that this is a product that is either (in terms of hardware) finished and in production already, or at the very least is more than ready for ‘pre order’ if it had been on sale at your local eShop. The marketing and ‘user interest’ benefits of Kickstarter are useful, but the ‘indie’ and ‘small business’ focus of crowdfunding continues to diminish!

Should You Back the UGREEN NAS Kickstarter? Or Should You Back Out Now?

Based on the detailed discussions from Frank, Lauri, Robbie, and Logan, the consensus on whether to recommend the UGREEN NAS SYNC series appears to be mixed and highly dependent on the specific needs and technical tolerance of potential users. Frank acknowledges the solid hardware and appreciates the strategic focus on core functionalities, which simplifies the user experience and system management. However, he is significantly concerned about the software’s maturity, particularly around security flaws with the SMB protocol and limited backup functionalities. Frank might recommend the NAS to tech-savvy users who are comfortable handling and potentially resolving these issues themselves, particularly those interested in leveraging the strong hardware by installing a third-party OS or those looking for a budget-friendly NAS solution that could improve over time with software updates.

Lauri, on the other hand, expresses strong reservations due to the “release now, fix later” philosophy he perceives in the tech industry, which he finds particularly evident in the UGREEN product. His experience with software glitches and poor user interface could deter him from recommending the NAS to users who expect a seamless, out-of-the-box experience. Lauri might only recommend this product to users who are enthusiasts or hobbyists who enjoy troubleshooting and have the patience to wait for potential fixes and updates that could eventually realize the hardware’s full potential.

Logan is broadly more positive about the system and, if the case of using a 3rd party OS (one you get over the installation hurdles) recommends the system. But still thinks that UGREEN could stand to be a little more clear in how the product is being presented, As a pre-built NAS product, especially at the crowdfunding price point, it’s hard to argue with. However, if/when the system crosses into traditional retail (with a loftier RRP), the virtues of the system’s value may well diminish and hopefully, UGREEN will maintain enthusiasm in the product range and software to roll in a phase 2, phase 3 and eventually an established product that can sand up next to the market leaders.

I (Robbie) acknowledge the potential of the hardware but am cautious about the software issues that have been repeatedly highlighted. I would certainly recommend the NAS to a niche market of users who value hardware specifications and cost-effectiveness over immediate, robust software functionality (the growing ‘middle’ between turnkey NAS and DiY Server Build Home-Labbers). These users would likely be those who are not dependent on advanced features or who have the technical ability to manage and mitigate the system’s current shortcomings. My recommendation would likely come with the caveat that buyers keep their expectations in check regarding the software and stay informed about ongoing updates and community feedback. Ultimately, while the UGREEN NAS SYNC series shows promise due to its robust hardware and competitive pricing, the recommendations from the panel are guarded and tailored to specific types of users. Potential buyers should weigh these considerations carefully against their personal or organizational needs and technical capabilities before making a decision.

Pros Cons
Robust Hardware Software Maturity
– The DXP 4800 Plus model features a powerful CPU setup with a single performance core and four efficiency cores, suitable for demanding tasks. – The software has been criticized for being immature, with ongoing updates needed to address fundamental functionality and stability issues.
– Solid build quality and design that is recognized for its robustness, which adds to the reliability of the physical unit. – Initial releases lacked comprehensive features, especially in backup functionalities which were limited to basic R-Sync and proprietary backups.
Scalability and Performance Marketing vs Reality
– The hardware itself is recognized for high performance, which could be suitable for users with extensive data processing needs. – Despite promotional materials suggesting advanced features like Thunderbolt 4 support, the actual product lacks these capabilities, leading to potential customer dissatisfaction and trust issues.
Focused Software Development Security Concerns
– The strategy to concentrate on core functionalities rather than an abundance of features can lead to a more stable system that is easier to manage and troubleshoot. – Significant security flaws were discovered, especially with the SMB protocol where authentication issues could expose sensitive data to unauthorized access.
Market Visibility Expansion Limitations
– Extensive distribution of review units ensured widespread visibility and coverage, potentially increasing consumer awareness and interest. – Compared to competitors like Synology, the UGREEN NAS system lacks easy scalability options such as expansion units, which limits the system’s long-term usability for growing storage needs.
Competitive Pricing Inconsistent User Experience
– The UGREEN NAS offers a better value for its price point, especially when compared to the more expensive models from established brands like Synology and QNAP, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers. – Users, including tech reviewers, reported inconsistent experiences, particularly with software updates and SMB settings, which could deter potential users from adopting the system.
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UGREEN continues to push forward with its NASync series of NAS devices and although the range is pretty broad, the device in the lineup that business/professional users are looking at as an affordable alternative to Synology and QNAP is the big 8-Bay model – The UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NAS. Pretty much the ‘top end’ model of the series, this is an 8 SATA and 2 Gen 4 M.2 NVMe SSD System, rolling out the gate with dual 10GbE connectivity, Thunderbolt 4 ports, a PCIe upgrade slot, an i5 10 Core Processor and up to 64GB of DDR5 memory. It’s ALOT. First arriving at $899 for early backers, now at $974, this system is a huge saving when compared with the $1899 Synology DS1823xs+ and $2000-3500 QNAP TVS-h874 series. But what is the catch? What compromises have UGREEN made? Ultimately, does the UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NAS deserve your money and your data? Let’s discuss it in today’s review.

Other UGREEN NAS Reviews:




Important – The UGREEN DXP8800 Plus NAS is still in the mid stages of crowdfunding. The unit provided for review by UGREEN might not represent the finished product if/when crowdfunding is concluded and eventual fulfillment begins. UGREEN is an already long-established and trusted brand, but nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that this is still a product that is initially being made available via crowdfunding and therefore an element of additional care is always advised, compared with a comparable product purchased via traditional retail outlets.

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Quick Conclusion

Much like the rest of the NASync series, the UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS 8-Bay NAS is incredibly good value in terms of hardware and, if you are looking for the very best desktop NAS hardware for the price point available in the market – the DXP8800 PLUS is truly unbeatable in its specifications, build quality and overall physical presentation. Even going full ‘DiY’ and trying to build a system of this calibre yourself (case, cables, i5 embedded mobo, 2 port 10GbE card, 2 NVMe, 8 SATA, case, cooling, etc), you would struggle to beat the sub $999 of this system by a meaningful margin. Add to this the fact that UGREEN have now softened their stance on 3rd party NAS OS’ on their NAS devices having no aggressive impact on your 3-year hardware warranty has won a lot more users over, as the DXP8800 PLUS becomes the perfect TrueNAS or UnRAID NAS for users who don’t want the hassle of building from scratch, chasing multiple warranty’s and silicon paste under the fingernails! Genuinely, it is impossible to fault the DXP8800 PLUS on a hardware level (it’s not even that noisy, compared to other 8-Bay NAS in the market at least).

When it comes to software and performance, however, things are a little more complicated. The UGREEN NAS software (UGOS) is still very much in beta, and it feels likes it. The system (at time of writing) has still yet to complete initial crowdfunding and development of the software is still on-going (so we are still judging a software OS that hasn’t finished). But nevertheless, the absence of services such as 2 factor authentication, WORM, a comprehensive security monitor, volume encryption, a virtual machine hypervisor, broader 3rd party cloud sync and backup tools, etc – the absence of these (as well as inconsistencies in the software and performance, that arguably are possibly related to it’s beta status) lead to it being hard to recommend the DXP8800 PLUS on a software level. However, this system will not see physical fulfilment to backers till at least June/July at the very earliest, which is still a decent amount of time to polish the software and roll out beta’s of individual services that are promised on the UGREEN roadmap. Perhaps you are looking at the DXP8800 PLUS series for TrueNAS/UnRAID/OMV etc, or simply to set it up for local SMB storage for your backups and then use the docker app to run Plex. For those users, the DXP8800 is an absolute bargain. Just remember that we are still talking about Kickstarter and crowdfunding (still an odd move by such a big brand) and therefore this needs to be treated as such, not comparable to traditional retail! Overall, I am hugely impressed and look forward to seeing where this system, UGOS and UGREEN go in the exciting world of NAS in the next year or two. The DXP8800 PLUS is a BEAST of a NAS in terms of hardware, but the software is still WiP.

HARDWARE - 10/10
PRICE - 10/10
VALUE - 9/10

👍🏻PCIe Expandability
👍🏻8 HDDs + 2x Gen 4 M.2 in 1 box under $999
👍🏻Good Balanced CPU choice
👍🏻10GbE Dual Ports!
👍🏻An SD Card Slot (wierdly rare!)
👍🏻10/10 Build Quality
👍🏻Great Scalability
👍🏻Fantastic Mobile Application (even vs Synology and QNAP etc)
👍🏻Desktop/Browser GUI shows promise
👍🏻Established Brand entering the NAS Market
👍🏻Not too noisy (comparatively)
👍🏻Very Appealing retail package+accessories
👎🏻10GbE Performance was less than expected
👎🏻Crowdfunding choice is confusing
👎🏻Software (still in Beta) is still far from ready 18/4/24

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Presentation

You really do have to hand it to UGREEN. The presentation of the DXP8800 Plus is genuinely top-tier. This brand’s experience in computer accessories has clearly influenced the presentation of their NAS system, opting for glossy retail packaging that boldly showcases the system’s capabilities over a standard dull brown box.

Inside the shiny box is a well-organized shipping container, with the system secured by rigid foam and an accessory kit containing everything needed to get started. As previously mentioned, retail packaging and device protection during transit are often overlooked by brands, risking damage. Despite being largely unpopulated, except for an internal 2280 SSD for the OS, minimizing the risk of damage, the extra effort on protection is appreciated.

The DXP8800 Plus includes nearly everything needed for setup, aside from hard drives. Given the early stage of the system’s crowdfunding campaign, additional storage options may later become available.

The included kit, while basic, ensures users new to hosting their own servers have everything required.

It’s the attention to detail that impresses – from M.2 NVMe heat pads of notable quality and thickness for thermal dissipation, to the included Cat 7 network cables with high-quality gold/copper ends, differentiating them from standard cables.

Even the instruction manual, a rarity as most NAS brands now direct users online, stands out with its glossy presentation and offers more than basic setup guidance.

One thing I wanted to note (especially after reviewing the DXP4800 PLUS and DXP480T NAS systems previously) is that the DXP880 8-Bay NAS arrives with 3 years of warranty, when the bulk other devices in the series arrive with 2-Years. It’s a small but significant difference, as most users who are looking at 8-Bays of storage tend to be doing so for business-related use – so that extra year will certainly be noted and appreciated!

However, the choice of a 3rd party CWT internal power supply (PSU), though expected at this scale, given UGREEN’s reputation for high-quality power adapters and cables. While not a deal-breaker, it’s curious to see a non-UGREEN PSU used, especially when the DXP480t model reviewed elsewhere came with a branded UGREEN PSU. This inconsistency in their approach to PSUs is puzzling.

Overall, the presentation of the DXP8800 Plus from UGREEN, a newcomer to the NAS market intending to launch via Kickstarter, is exceptionally well done. Despite some accessory quality inconsistencies, the overall package is commendable for a pre-release sample. Now, let’s proceed to discuss the system’s design.

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Design

At first glance, the DXP 8800 Plus appears to be a fairly standard 8 NAS enclosure, and you might be forgiven for thinking it’s just reiterating the typical case design prevalent among numerous companies. However, there’s more to its design and efficiency than meets the eye. For starters, the external enclosure is entirely metal, enhancing heat dissipation directly from the base panel housing the M.2 modules. Additionally, UGREEN has infused the design with their unique stylistic choices, evident in the presentation of individual bays and the arrangement and accessibility of various ports and connections.

The inclusion of small design flourishes, like the rear removable mesh metallic fan panel that magnetically attaches to the casing, is particularly appreciated. While such a feature is familiar to prosumer PC cases, it’s surprisingly rare in NAS designs – puzzling, given NAS systems’ continuous operation and higher likelihood of accumulating dust and debris. Despite being a relatively minor detail, this fan cover’s presence in UGREEN’s first product impresses me aesthetically and functionally.

The internal fans are two low noise standard 92mm PC fans, that can be fully controlled in their RPM by the system software manually, or left to automatically adapt to the system’s needs.

Handling individual storage bays, however, presents a mixed reaction. The bold numeric design distinguishes it aesthetically from other NAS brands that often opt for bland, nondescript bays. The tool-less, click-and-load trays that forego the need for a screwdriver for drive installation and the inclusion of individual locking mechanisms (with keys) are commendable features.

Yet, these trays feel somewhat flimsy compared to the more robust trays found in desktop solutions from Synology and QNAP. While they secure the hard drives and align with the internal enclosure runners, the internal locking mechanism doesn’t inspire confidence in its security. The trays’ perceived cheap production quality slightly detracts from the overall positive aesthetic. Despite this, the system supports the latest 22TB hard drives (testing of 24TB Seagate Ironwolf Pro HDDs in progress), which means daily interaction with these trays will be minimal.

The main storage area features a pre-constructed PCB with eight integrated SATA and power connectors. The system documentation indicates that SAS drives are unsupported, a non-issue for this system’s scale and price point.

Upon removing the base’s metallic panel, the two M.2 NVMe SSD bays and upgradable DDR5 SODIMM ports are revealed. Space constraints make heat sink installation challenging, but UGREEN has anticipated this with the inclusion of thick heat pads in the accessory kit, facilitating heat dissipation through the external casing.

UGREEN’s entry into 24/7 service storage with the DXP 8800 Plus is noteworthy, especially for a brand new to this sector. Their effort to differentiate through design and functionality is largely successful, although the storage trays’ quality could be improved. Overall, the system’s design is a strong point, and I look forward to discussing ports and connectivity next.

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Power Consumption

The DXP8800 PLUS is a beefy system and although I was expecting the system to be a little greedy on the power consumption anyway, it was still arguably a pinch higher than I expected. Initially, UGREEN stated that the power consumption of the 2 and 4 bay systems would be (for general system load):

  • DXP2800: Standby 16.77W (2*4TB HDD + 1*256GB SSD) / DXP2800: Standby 26.92W (2*8TB HDD + 1*256GB SSD)
  • DXP4800: Standby 29.279W (2*4TB HDD + 1*256GB SSD) / DXP4800 Plus: Standby 30.608W (4*4TB HDD + 1*256GB SSD)
  • DXP4800 Plus: Standby 51.437W (4*8TB HDD + 1*256GB SSD)

Now, let’s put those numbers into perspective. Below is the power consumption of the DXP8800 PLUS NAS, populated with 4x Toshiba MG 8TB Enterprise HDDs, 4x Kingston DC600M SATA 480GB SSDs and 2x Kingston KC3000 NVMes, in both Idle and Active:

Based on the figures that UGREEN provided for the DXP4800 PLUS, the DXP8800PLUS was using twice the power. On the face of it, this seems reasonable (the latter system IS twice the scale in almost every way – also using a 10 Core i5 vs a 5 Core Pentium). Nevertheless, this is quite a hungry system and users looking at an 8-Bay 10G system like this, when moving away from more modest 2/4-Bay systems should be aware!

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Noise Levels

next up, the noise levels (always tough to show in a written article!). If you want to HEAR the noise levels of the UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NAS, then you can head HERE to this specific section of the DXP8800 PLUS YouTube Review. Otherwise, for the reported dBa levels of the system in standby and active, use the videos below:


Active Use, Fans on ‘FULL’:

REALLY surprised at the noise level. Given the largely metal construction of the system, I expected it to hit the early 40’s in dBa, at the very least. But it was surprisingly low ambient volume (relative to other 8-Bay NAS of course). Then there is the fact that I used a combination of smaller 8TB HDDs and SSDs, which did reduce noise levels somewhat. If I had been using more aggressive 12-14TB HDDs, then the operational noise of these more industrial built drives would have been much different  – but then we would be measuring HDD noise and not system noise.

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Ports and Connections

One of the earliest things to notice about the connectivity on offer on the DXP 8800 Plus NAS is that this system brings back support for SD cards. This may seem almost insane to the average photo and video editor, but SD card readers on NAS devices have been largely absent for almost a decade, despite enormous protestations from photo and video editors for years.

Therefore, it’s kind of impressive that UGREEN has opted to provide an SD card slot and a front-mounted USB Type-A 10Gbs connection, AND 2x Thunderbolt 4 USB-C conenctions on the DXP8800 Plus when practically every other brand in the NAS industry does not. It’s going to be a tremendously convenient feature for those wanting to ingest media directly into the system via numerous storage methods and camera systems, making it that much more convenient than many others in the market.

The front-mounted Thunderbolt 4 USB-C ports can only be used with the UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS as the ‘host’ and connected devices as ‘clients’. In ‘normal speak’, that means that these ports can only be used for accessories (storage etc) that are managed by the NAS. That means that currently you cannot use the Thunderbolt 3/4 USB-C port on your PC or Mac to connect with the NAS for a ‘Thunderbolt NAS’ connection, much as you would find from several QNAP Thunderbolt NAS (Guide on this HERE) devices.

Flipping the device around, we see that the system has even more USB ports that can be utilized by the system in a host-client relationship. That means that the UGREEN NAS system will act as the host device for connected storage drives and supported peripherals. Unfortunately, this does mean that you cannot directly connect to this device using those USB ports, and the USB 2.0 connections are pretty much exclusively designed for connecting printers and office peripherals, uninterruptible power supplies, or keyboard/mouse in KVM setups alongside the visual output.

The visual output of this system is a 4K 60 frames per second HDMI 2.0 connection (8K output is possible if you scale the memory up). The software for the UGREEN NAS system is still in beta, and currently, the HDMI output is limited to command line access.

Currently, there is no graphical user interface afforded to the HDMI output, such as you would find on a QNAP or Asustor NAS system, but as this is a relatively niche feature for many, I’m not going to give them too much of a hard time over this.

Although the lack of the Thunderbolt direct connectivity will be a blow for some, the majority of users will be much ,much more impressed with the network connectivity of the DXP8800 PLUS. The system arrives with two 10GbE network ports (which is exceptional at the under $999 price tag, at least during crowdfunding).

Just to put this into perspective, the Synology DS1823xs+ is an 8 Bay NAS that has 1x 10GbE connection (and 2x 1GbE) with a 4 Core / 8 Thread AMD Emb.CPU and arrives at $1800 without TAX. Likewise, the QNAP TVS-h874T4 arrives with several versions with 10GbE and/or Thunderbolt 4 connectivity (with Intel i3/i5/i7/i9 CPUs) and that system starts at around $1999 and can reach as high as $3999). We need to factor in that the DXP8800 Plus is a crowdfunding product (so therefore hardly comparable to traditional retail as a regular over the counter purchase), but whether you purchase it at the $974 crowdfunding or intended $1499 RRP (Realistically, I imagine it will sit at around $1299-1399 at full retail) – this is a HUGE saving on hardware and for a 10GbE ready system, exceedingly hard to beat. Remember though, HAVING 2x 10GbE is not the same as being able to fully USE 20GbE – that depends on so many factors (Shared internal PCI lanes and PCIe switches, SATA and NVMe controllers internally, as well as the actual media you choose to use to try and saturate the connection.

Nevertheless, this DXP8800 PLUS arriving with the two 10GBASE-T (Copper) connections with Aquantia controllers internally to manage it, is very appealing. But it does not stop there. The DXP8800 PLUS is one of a small % of the NASYnc series to feature a PCIe upgrade slot too. It’s a half-height slot and x4 speed (so largely going to be used for NIC upgrades), but nevertheless worked a treat.

I installed a simple, budget 2x 10GbE Intel X540 adapter from Aliexpress (found HERE) and it was immediately visible and usable in the UGREEN NAS Software:

Overall, in terms of ports and connectivity, I’m really happy with everything I found on the DXP8800 Plus, and the increased scalability in terms of improving upon the network connectivity down the line, as well as the price point of the base level of network connectivity, combined with a decent degree of functionality and modern storage expandability to boot. The lack of Thunderbolt direct connectivity is a shame, but this is already something of a rarity in the market anyway (QNAP dominate this and despite the likes of QSAN and Promise trying to emulate this previously, they have hit walls) and UGREEN do state they are investigating this at development. Overall, I am really happy with the hardware thus far. Let’s dig a little deeper.

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Internal Hardware

As mentioned earlier, it’s surprisingly confident of UGREEN to launch so many different NAS devices simultaneously for their first foray into network-attached storage. Not only have they provided several different storage scales and architectures, but they are also supporting three different internal hardware CPUs in terms of CPU. The scale in terms of price and capabilities of each system varies.

The DXP8800 Plus arrived with an  Intel i5 10-core processor (2p + 8e), integrated graphics, 20 PCIe lanes, and a maximum 55W TDP. Despite its compact SOC form, this 12th generation Intel i5 processor offers substantial power, benchmarking well against the N100 and Pentium 8505 models in other UGreen NAS models. Testing this processor, especially in this early crowdfunding prototype, presents challenges. Though UGREEN have softened their position on 3rd party OS support (and it’s impact on your hardware warranty if you pursue this), it is still not the intended USE CASE of what UGREEN state this system is to be deployed in (to verify their claims on it’s performance). See video below for more information on this:

Consequently, we’re limited in our ability to benchmark using third-party OSs or reference previous benchmarks for similar architectures. The UGreen NAS’s operating system, still in beta, requires further optimization to fully showcase what the hardware can achieve.

This processor is well-equipped with sufficient PCIe lanes to manage the 8 SATA drives and 2x M.2 NVMe SSDs, offering respectable speeds through SSH (at least on slot #1 – more on that later). The main concern with this processor selection is the lack of ECC memory support, crucial for high-speed flash systems to minimize bit errors during intensive operations.

Although SOC processors that support ECC are rare, especially from Intel, using one for this system and potentially for the DXP8800 Plus could significantly impact the price and development timeline. Nevertheless, this CPU is arguably the best choice for such a compact system in 2024, balancing power efficiency, heat management, and performance capabilities.

Arriving with integrated graphics, supporting up to 64 gigabytes of memory (arriving with 8GB of DDR5 SODIMM and two slots), there is a lot to like here. It is especially surprising when you realize that the brand already provides closely priced N100 and Pentium models next to this device in UGREEN’s NAS portfolio. This processor performs exceedingly well with Plex Media Server and, thanks to those 20 lanes, also means there’s a decent spread of available hardware architecture across the whole device.

But do keep in mind that this system does not support ECC memory. Indeed, none of the UGREEN systems support ECC memory, and although they make a point of highlighting the on-die checks associated with DDR5, most experienced storage enthusiasts tend to prefer traditional ECC memory support. Nevertheless, 8GB is a good amount of memory to start with, and it’s great to know that you are not locked in with presoldered and fixed memory on the board, which is a move often used by more economical brands to save some money and dedicate lanes more efficiently. The layout of the internal architecture is still yet to be confirmed at the time of writing this review, but digging a little into the backend via SSH revealed that each of the M.2 NVMe slots on the base of this system are Gen 4 x 4.

However, further digging into the 2nd M.2 slot showed that it has been downgraded the 8GT/s x2 :

Not entirely sure what to make of this, as this IS a prototype review unit. But it does seemingly though a little initial shade on the whole ‘two Gen 4×4 slots’. I will need to investigate this further with the brand and when I get a further update on this, I will let you know by updating the article here. Meanwhile, the OS SSD bay that hosts the UGOS NAS software arrives on that Phison E13 Gen 3 SSD, that is downgraded the Gen 3×1 (SO, SUB 1,000MB/s performance – which is fine for the Operating System SSD, but does mean that data passing through it (or at least managed to a large degree) might be potentially bottlenecked.

So, how this all separates out on the system chipset and whether these are being delivered into PCIe switches to spread the architecture out for the rest of the system storage, double network connectivity, and dedicating lanes to all those available connections, is definitely an area that leaves pause for thought.

(image below from other UGREEN NAS Systems)

Which I had difficulty identifying, but I suspect is a Marvell AQtion Aquantia AQC113/AQC114/AQC114CS/AQC115Cs, comprising (from official pages) a high-performance,Scalable mGig, Ethernet MAC+PHY Controllers designed to support the following network rates: 10GBASE-T/5GBASET/ 2.5GBASE-T/1000BASET/100BASE-TX/10BASE-Te. When equipped with a PCI Express Gen 4 x4, this family of Scalable mGig Ethernet MAC+PHY Controllers easily handle the 10 GbE line-rate performance. The AQC113, AQC114, AQC114CS, AQC115C device family combines a mGig Ethernet MAC Controller with a full-reach, low-power, highperformance, multi-gigabit, single-port Gen 4 Ethernet Alaska PHY transceiver into a single, monolithic device that is designed using the latest 14nm, multi-gate, FinFET process technology.

(image below from other UGREEN NAS Systems)

The USB controller/manager appears to be an ASM1543, (from the ASmedia pages) a one Four to two differential channels mux switch with integrated Type-C Configuration Channel Logic Circuitry, using for USB3.1 type-C mux and CC detection application. The signal performance of mux switch is up to 10Gbps SuperSpeedPlus USB bus with low insertion loss and return loss, and it also supports USB plug orientation, configurable as DFP role or UFP role through the setting of strapping pins, and implementing the strapping for the setting/detection of Type-C current mode, following USB3.1 Revision 1.0 and USB Type-C Connector and Cable Revision 1.3 standard specification.

(image below from other UGREEN NAS Systems)

Next, we find a Richtek RT3624BE, (from the manf pages) a synchronous buck controller which supports 2 output rails and can fully meet Intel IMVP9.1 requirements. The RT3624BE adopts G-NAVPTM (Green Native AVP) which is Richtek’s proprietary topology derived from finite DC gain of EA amplifier with current mode control, making it easy to set the droop to meet all Intel CPU requirements of AVP (Adaptive Voltage Positioning). Based on the G-NAVPTM topology, the RT3624BE features a new generation of quick response mechanism (Adaptive Quick Response, AQR) to optimize AVP performance during load transient and reduce output capacitors. The RT3624BE integrates a high accuracy ADC for platform and function settings, such as ICCMAX, switching frequency, over-current threshold or AQR trigger level.

(image below from other UGREEN NAS Systems)

In terms of the SATA storage management, I found a ASMedia ASM116 SATA host controller(AHCI). (TBC) Which is upstream PCIe Gen3 x2 and downstream eight SATA Gen3 ports. It’s a low latency, low cost and low power AHCI controller. With four SATA ports and cascaded port multipliers, ASM1164 can enable users to build up various high speed IO systems, including server, high capacity system storage or surveillance platforms.

(image below from other UGREEN NAS Systems)

Earlier in March when I was testing the (late alpha, early Beta) version of the NAS software, system and services, the performance numbers I got were not hugely encouraging internally. However, there have been numerous improvements on the system software and I am pleased to confirm that the M.2 NVMe slot 1 was indeed 4×4 bandwidth and that some brief 1GB transfer/creation testing showed some early 5.5GB/s benchmarks on the Gen 4×4 SSD I has inside the system.

Now we cannot rule out the impact of caching internally and these tests are NOT reflective of everyday (i.e non synthetic) use, but it was definitely an encouraging sign. However, when I tried to repeatedly move 1GB of data between each of the NM,2 NVMe, the performance would drop down to 1.1-1.5Gb/s, which further suggested some lane sharing and a possible bottleneck by a controller and/or that downgrade perhaps. Again, this is a beta software/system and UGREEN repeated that this system is still undergoing optimization.

External performance over 10GbE was also an area that I really, REALLY hope this is sees significant optimization. I was hitting a bottleneck of around 650-700MB/s on upload and download (on a 10Gbe / 1,000MB/s connection). The performance numbers below were over 10GbE (with the MTU set at 1500 – As the software is currently not allowing me to scale it to 9000 MTU/Jumbo frames). Below is the tests for 4x 8TB Toshiba HDDs in RAID 5, 4x Kingston DC600M SATA SSDs in RAID 0 and 1x Kingston KC3000 Gen4 NVMe SSD.I then went ahead and conducted a windows 10GbE transfer to the RAID 5 array:

Further testing confirmed performance dips when transferring data between SSDs, indicating a shared pathway. Despite this being a pre-release sample, and acknowledging potential future optimizations, the observed SSD performance, though still faster than many market alternatives, fell comparatively short of expectations given the hardware capabilities (though still higher than the majority of M.2 SSD performance offered by other brands providing HDD SATA + M.2 solutions right now).

The UGREEN NAS’s software, still in beta, promises further insights into the brand’s direction with their NAS solution and its accompanying software and services, warranting a closer examination as development progresses.

UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS NASync Review – Software

At the time of writing, the UGREEN NAS software is still in beta, with the mobile application is live now. Reviewing the software included with the DXP8800 Plus—as a final product—feels somewhat premature. The NASsync software beta reveals many baseline functions and long-term plans, detailed in the video below in our initial overview and first impressions of the UGREEN NAS software:

You can read the MASSIVE Software review (covering the Desktop and Mobile experience) HERE on the NASCompares Review Article.

Alternatively, you can watch the video version of the UGREEN UGOS NAS Software Beta Review in the video below:

The TL;DR on the UGREEN NAS software (UPDATED)

it’s on track to become a smooth and user-friendly experience, comparable to giants like Synology and QNAP, especially in terms of the web browser experience. Unlike opting for the complexity of TrueNAS or the streamlined, container-focused UI of UnRAID, the UGREEN NAS software is more akin to Synology DSM. The foundation is clearly laid out for expansion in terms of features and tools for the user’s disposal. However, there are notable absences of baseline applications such as container or virtual machine support, and a multi-tiered backup solution within the web GUI (though the UGREEN NAS mobile and desktop clients are in development, expected to preview in March). Basic services for file management, shares, user account control, and an app center—soon to be linked to a repository—are all user-friendly but present some inconsistencies, likely due to its beta status and ongoing development. The physical product may be closer to final development, but the software needs more time for optimization. SMB services were less consistent than desired, and settings changes sometimes didn’t save or recall correctly. This is common for beta software finding its footing, yet it’s important to note that the hardware feels more refined than the software at this stage, months before user delivery. In brief:

What I liked:

  • Intuitive UI with services located logically and responsive controls.
  • The mobile application for iOS and Android is one of the best I have ever used in NAS!
  • Baseline services such as network interface management, user account control, firewall handling, and SSH interface control are all present.
  • A clearly defined app center awaiting connection to an online repository.
  • Helpful tips and guidance are available on most pages, aiding new users.
  • Support for modern services like SMB3 multi-channel and domain services in the beta.
  • Clear account and resource management accessible from the desktop, likely appealing to most users.
  • The inclusion of a remote access relay service and UGREEN account creation from day one, simplifying remote access for new users with built-in firewall and domain tools.
  • UPDATE 5/4/24 – The HDMI output is now full controllable via the mobile application and is intiuative
  • UPDATE 5/4/24 – A Docker application has now been added with access to numerous repository options!
  • UPDATE 5/4/24 – SSH is now disabled by default

What I disliked:

  • Absence of two-factor authentication in the software.
  • Lack of virtualization applications at this stage.
  • Sporadic SMB performance.
  • The Security Advisor tool is only suitable for Antivirus and Anti-Maleware protection, not to scan the system for security weaknesses and advisory actions
  • The HDMI output cannot be used by the desktop/browser user to the same extent as the mobile application + cannot be used by container tools (Plex, Home Automation, etc)
  • In-progress language integration, leading to occasional default displays in Chinese or error messages in Chinese despite English settings.

Improvements needed:

  • Expansion of app integration and desktop client tools for easier system-client bridging.
  • Introduction of a default application for device discovery on the local network, a basic service offered by many NAS brands.
  • More information on UGREEN account and remote access security.

Acknowledging this is a beta, it’s fair to reserve full judgment until the software fully rolls out. As it stands, this beta is promising yet lacks some established NAS software fundamentals. Hopefully, we’ll see significant advancements as the release approaches.

UGREEN DXP8800 Plus NAS Storage Review – Verdict and Conclusion

Much like the rest of the NASync series, the UGREEN DXP8800 PLUS 8-Bay NAS is incredibly good value in terms of hardware and, if you are looking for the very best desktop NAS hardware for the price point available in the market – the DXP8800 PLUS is truly unbeatable in its specifications, build quality and overall physical presentation. Even going full ‘DiY’ and trying to build a system of this calibre yourself (case, cables, i5 embedded mobo, 2 port 10GbE card, 2 NVMe, 8 SATA, case, cooling, etc), you would struggle to beat the sub $999 of this system by a meaningful margin. Add to this the fact that UGREEN have now softened their stance on 3rd party NAS OS’ on their NAS devices having no aggressive impact on your 3-year hardware warranty has won a lot more users over, as the DXP8800 PLUS becomes the perfect TrueNAS or UnRAID NAS for users who don’t want the hassle of building from scratch, chasing multiple warranty’s and silicon paste under the fingernails! Genuinely, it is impossible to fault the DXP8800 PLUS on a hardware level (it’s not even that noisy, compared to other 8-Bay NAS in the market at least).

When it comes to software and performance, however, things are a little more complicated. The UGREEN NAS software (UGOS) is still very much in beta, and it feels likes it. The system (at time of writing) has still yet to complete initial crowdfunding and development of the software is still on-going (so we are still judging a software OS that hasn’t finished). But nevertheless, the absence of services such as 2 factor authentication, WORM, a comprehensive security monitor, volume encryption, a virtual machine hypervisor, broader 3rd party cloud sync and backup tools, etc – the absence of these (as well as inconsistencies in the software and performance, that arguably are possibly related to it’s beta status) lead to it being hard to recommend the DXP8800 PLUS on a software level. However, this system will not see physical fulfilment to backers till at least June/July at the very earliest, which is still a decent amount of time to polish the software and roll out beta’s of individual services that are promised on the UGREEN roadmap. Perhaps you are looking at the DXP8800 PLUS series for TrueNAS/UnRAID/OMV etc, or simply to set it up for local SMB storage for your backups and then use the docker app to run Plex. For those users, the DXP8800 is an absolute bargain. Just remember that we are still talking about Kickstarter and crowdfunding (still an odd move by such a big brand) and therefore this needs to be treated as such, not comparable to traditional retail! Overall, I am hugely impressed and look forward to seeing where this system, UGOS and UGREEN go in the exciting world of NAS in the next year or two. The DXP8800 PLUS is a BEAST of a NAS in terms of hardware, but the software is still WiP.

PCIe Expandability
8 HDDs + 2x Gen 4 M.2 in 1 box under $999
Good Balanced CPU choice
10GbE Dual Ports!
An SD Card Slot (wierdly rare!)
10/10 Build Quality
Great Scalability
Fantastic Mobile Application (even vs Synology and QNAP etc)
Desktop/Browser GUI shows promise
Established Brand entering the NAS Market
Not too noisy (comparatively)
Very Appealing retail package+accessories
10GbE Performance was less than expected
Crowdfunding choice is confusing
Software (still in Beta) is still far from ready 18/4/24

Click the Link Below to find out more about the UGREEN NASync NAS Series on the brand’s official Site:

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