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Android va simplifier la configuration de votre smartphone, le transfert de données accélère

Android, le système d’exploitation mobile de Google, pourrait bientôt se doter de nouvelles fonctionnalités assez pratiques. L’une d'entre elles devrait accélérer le transfert de fichiers vers un nouveau téléphone, tandis que l’autre pourrait rendre la restauration de données bien plus accessible.

L’article Android va simplifier la configuration de votre smartphone, le transfert de données accélère est apparu en premier sur Tom’s Hardware.



Authenticator Pro – Le 2FA libre sous Android

Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, je vous recommande vivement d’activer la double authentification sur tous vos comptes en ligne. C’est hyper important !

Alors évidemment, pour cela vous aurez besoin d’une application 2FA et j’en ai déjà recommandé beaucoup comme Authy, 2FAS, Google Authenticator, celle de Lastpass et j’en passe. Et aujourd’hui, je vous en fait découvrir une nouvelle qui s’appelle très sérieusement Authenticator Pro (mais ça n’a rien à voir avec l’app de Google).

Authenticator Pro est donc une appli de 2FA qui fonctionne sous Android et supporte les algorithmes de hachage SHA1, SHA256 et SHA512, ainsi que les protocoles TOTP (basé sur le temps) et HOTP (basé sur un compteur). Elle gère également les codes Mobile-Otp, Steam et Yandex.

En plus d’être compatible avec la plupart des services et providers, Authenticator Pro vous permet également de sauvegarder vos données de manière sécurisée grâce à un bon chiffrement et les restaurer facilement en cas de changement de téléphone. Comme ça, pas de panique si votre cher smartphone vous laisse tomber.

Y’a un mode sombre pour ceux qui sont de la night et vous pourrez même organiser tous vos codes dans des catégories comme un bon maniaque du rangement. Vous l’aurez compris, Authenticator Pro fonctionne offline et surtout respecte votre vie privée. Niveau permissions, comme je sais que ça vous tient à cœur, sachez le, elle est plutôt du genre discrète : une seule autorisation requise pour fonctionner, c’est tout ! Cela concerne l’accès à la caméra pour flasher les QR codes des comptes à ajouter.

Et pour les plus geeks d’entre vous, l’app est compatible avec Wear OS. Comme ça vous pourrez valider vos connexions directement depuis votre poignet, tel un agent secret.

Il ne vous reste plus qu’à foncer sur F-Droid, le PlayStore ou IzzyDroid pour l’installer.

Allez, c’est parti, vous n’avez plus d’excuses pour ne pas sécuriser vos compte en ligne !

Une faille rend caduque la sécurité entre apps sur des milliards de smartphone Android

Le système d’exploitation mobile Android est victime d’une nouvelle faille de sécurité. Appelée Dirty Stream, celle-ci permet à un pirate d’avoir accès à des informations confidentielles mais aussi de prendre le contrôle de certaines applications.

L’article Une faille rend caduque la sécurité entre apps sur des milliards de smartphone Android est apparu en premier sur Tom’s Hardware.



Bitwarden Authenticator, une nouvelle application MFA open source pour Android et iOS

Bitwarden Authenticator, c'est le nom de la nouvelle application mobile lancée par Bitwarden ! Son objectif : générer des codes TOTP utilisables dans le cadre de l'authentification multifacteurs (MFA).

Bitwarden, éditeur du célèbre gestionnaire de mots de passe du même nom, a lancé une nouvelle application pour Android et iOS. Cette application sert à générer des mots de passe à usage unique basé sur le temps, c'est-à-dire des codes TOTP (Time-based one-time password), pour les comptes enregistrés dans l'application. Il peut s'agir d'un compte de n'importe quel service ou site web à condition que celui-ci propose l'authentification multifacteurs basée sur cette méthode très répandue.

Dans le gestionnaire de mots de passe Bitwarden, il y a déjà une fonctionnalité pour générer des codes TOTP, mais elle est réservée aux utilisateurs payants. D'ailleurs, cette fonctionnalité sera maintenue : "L'Authenticator intégré restera disponible avec les abonnements payants.", peut-on lire sur le site de Bitwarden.

A contrario, l'application Bitwarden Authenticator est gratuite pour tous les utilisateurs, y compris ceux qui n'utilisent pas Bitwarden. Elle vient s'ajouter à la longue liste des applications de gestion de comptes telles que Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, FreeOTP ou encore Authy.

Pour ajouter un compte à l'application Bitwarden Authenticator, l'utilisateur n'a qu'une chose à faire : scanner le QR code généré par le service ou le site web.

La feuille de route de Bitwarden Authenticator

Pour le moment, l'application, bien que stable, n'en est qu'à la phase 1 de son lancement. Cela signifie que cette première version est limitée en termes de fonctionnalités, et notamment vis-à-vis des applications concurrentes.

Comme le montre l'image ci-dessous, correspondante à la feuille de route de Bitwarden Authenticator, d'autres fonctionnalités seront ajoutées par la suite. Il y aura notamment la possibilité de synchroniser ses comptes Bitwarden Authenticator sur les serveurs de Bitwarden, et les retrouver dans son coffre-fort de mots de passe. Il est également prévu l'ajout d'un mode de restauration et la prise en charge du 2FA par notifications ("Push-based 2FA").

Source : Bitwarden

Bitwarden Authenticator : une application open source

Sachez que ces applications sont open source, donc leur code source sont disponibles sur GitHub (Android - iOS). Enfin, voici les liens pour télécharger cette application :

Qu'en pensez-vous ?


The post Bitwarden Authenticator, une nouvelle application MFA open source pour Android et iOS first appeared on IT-Connect.

Faille Android – L’attaque Dirty Stream met en danger vos apps

Mauvaise nouvelle, Microsoft vient de mettre en lumière une faille bien vicieuse qui se planque dans un paquet d’applications Android… enfin, quand je dis un paquet, je parle quand même de plus de 4 milliards d’installations concernées.

Cette saleté, baptisée « Dirty Stream« , permet à une app malveillante d’écrire tranquillou dans le répertoire d’une autre app et d’exécuter du code comme bon lui semble.

Mais comment c’est possible ce bazar ?

Eh bien figurez-vous que sous Android, les apps peuvent partager des données entre elles grâce à un système de « fournisseur de contenu ». Jusque là, tout va bien, sauf que certains petits malins ont trouvé le moyen de contourner les contrôles de sécurité en utilisant des « intents personnalisés » mal ficelées.

En clair, une app malveillante envoie un fichier avec un nom ou un chemin trafiqué à une app légitime qui, sans méfiance, l’exécute ou le stocke gentiment dans l’un de ses dossiers critiques. Et paf, l’attaquant peut alors faire mumuse avec les données de l’app cible, voler des infos sensibles comme les identifiants SMB et FTP stockés dans le fichier, ou carrément prendre le contrôle de l’app. Bref, c’est le boxon.

Et le pire, c’est que ce genre de boulettes est monnaie courante. Les chercheurs de Microsoft ont épinglé plusieurs apps populaires, comme le gestionnaire de fichiers de Xiaomi (1 milliard d’installations, tout de même) qui utilise un chemin spécifique /files/lib pour sauvegarder les fichiers, ce qui peut être détourné par un attaquant. Autant dire que ça fait un sacré paquet de téléphones exposés.

Heureusement, après avoir prévenu Google et les éditeurs concernés, des correctifs ont été déployés en vitesse. Mais ça la fout mal surtout quand on sait que selon l’équipe de recherche sur la sécurité des applications Android de Google, 20% des apps Android seraient vulnérables à ce type d’attaque. Ouch !

Alors, que faire pour se protéger ?

Et bien commencez par mettre à jour vos apps via le Google Play Store, à vérifier les permissions des app installées et surtout évitez d’installer des appli louches surtout si ça vient d’un store alternatif ou un APK tombé du camion. Et si vous êtes dev Android, il va falloir blinder vos apps en suivant ces bonnes pratiques :

  • Ignorer le nom retourné par le fournisseur de fichiers distant lors de la mise en cache du contenu reçu
  • Utiliser des noms générés aléatoirement ou assainir le nom de fichier avant d’écrire un fichier en cache
  • Vérifier que le fichier en cache se trouve dans un répertoire dédié avant d’effectuer une opération d’écriture
  • Utiliser File.getCanonicalPath et valider le préfixe de la valeur retournée pour s’assurer que le fichier est au bon endroit

Voilà, vous savez tout pour ne pas vous faire dirty streamer dans les grandes largeurs !


Android ou iOS, qui est le plus bavard ?

Aujourd’hui, on va causer d’un sujet qui tient à cœur de tout le monde : la sécurité et la confidentialité de nos smartphones ! Ernestas Naprys, un journaliste de Cybernews, s’est amusé à comparer les systèmes Android et iOS pour voir lequel était le plus sûr et le résultat ne manque pas de piquant !

Avant de rentrer dans le vif du sujet, petit rappel quand même : nos téléphones ne font pas que nous tenir compagnie la nuit dans le lit… non, non.. ils en profitent aussi pour fureter à gauche et à droite, accédant à nos données et discutant avec des serveurs du monde entier, parfois même jusqu’en Russie !

Bref, notre Sherlock a installé le top 100 des applis iOS et Android sur des téléphones remis à zéro, les a lancé et laissé comater tranquillos pendant 5 jours.

L’objectif ? Tracer chaque petite connexion sortante pour voir à qui elle cause en douce.

Résultat des courses : L’iPhone se révèle être un sacré bavard, engrangeant 3308 requêtes par jour en moyenne, contre 2323 pour son rival Android. Mais attention, le diable se cache dans les détails ! Si iOS papote plus, il le fait principalement avec ses potes de chez Apple (60% du trafic quand même). Android, lui, est beaucoup plus partageur et distribue ses requêtes à tout va, surtout via des applis tierces.

Autre fait marquant, quand il s’agit de taper la discute avec des serveurs situés en Russie ou en Chine, Android est un vrai moulin à paroles ! Là où l’iPhone n’envoie qu’un petit coucou quotidien en terre de Poutine, le robot vert se fend d’un joyeux « Priviet ! » pas moins de 39 fois en 3 jours. Et côté Chine, c’est la même : Android ça y va tranquille tandis qu’iOS lui fait l’impasse complète et n’envoie rien vers l’Empire du Milieu.

Côté applis douteuses niveau confidentialité, là encore, c’est pas la même sauce ! Facebook ? 200 requêtes par jour sur Android, seulement 20 sur iOS. TikTok ? 800 check quotidiens pour le Android, 36 en tout sur 5 jours pour la pomme.

Alors, comment expliquer cet écart de comportement entre les deux systèmes ?

Notre expert avance 2 hypothèses :

Tout d’abord un App Store mieux tenu, avec moins d’applis potentiellement malveillantes ou intrusives, mais également une politique bien plus stricte d’Apple envers les développeurs qui voudraient mettre leur nez dans nos petites affaires.

Bon mais qu’est-ce qu’on fait nous du coup ?

Et bah comme d’hab’, le mieux c’est d’avoir le moins d’applis possibles, et de privilégier celles qui ont pignon sur rue. Évitez de synchroniser tous vos comptes et toutes vos données dans tous les sens, et pensez à faire un petit coup de ménage de temps en temps dans vos applis. Moins y a de bordel, mieux c’est.

Autre chose : privilégiez le bon vieux navigateur web plutôt que les mini-browsers intégrés dans les applis, qui sont de vraies passoires. Voici un petit tuto pour voir par vous-même à qui causent vos applis :

  1. Allez sur le site depuis votre navigateur web.
  2. Copiez le lien et collez-le dans une de vos applis qui utilise un navigateur intégré (comme Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, etc).
  3. Ouvrez ce lien depuis l’appli sélectionnée.
  4. Vous devriez voir s’afficher la liste des commandes JavaScript injectées par l’appli sur la page web ! 😱

Bon courage !

Rabbit R1 – Le super gadget IA trop hype n’est en fait qu’une app Android

Rabbit R1, le joujou IA dont tout le monde parle depuis des mois, avait créé un sacré buzz à son annonce. On nous promettait une révolution, un assistant personnel intelligent toujours à portée de main pour répondre à nos questions, identifier des objets, jouer votre musique préférée ou commander un Uber. Bref, l’accessoire indispensable pour notre vie connectée qui remplacerait ce foutu smartphone.

Sauf que… en fait non.

Les premiers tests sont tombés et le verdict est sans appel, exactement comme je l’avais prédit sur Twitter y’a quelques semaines : le Rabbit R1 est un bide intersidéral. Sous ses airs de gadget futuriste, il s’agit en réalité d’un appareil fonctionnant sous une version modifiée d’Android, le tout dans une coque en plastique.

Et ses fonctionnalités révolutionnaires ?

Et bien c’est juste une application préinstallée…

Je déconne pas. Toute la magie s’envole d’un coup. Fini le rêve du compagnon IA révolutionnaire, on se retrouve juste avec une merde de plus en plastique qui recycle des technologies existantes et bridées. Mais le pire, c’est que cette fameuse app Android, il est possible de l’installer sur un smartphone Android. C’est ce qu’on réussi à faire les journalistes d’Android Authority sur un bon gros Pixel 6a. Et ça fonctionne plutôt bien même si l’affichage est tout petit vu que c’est prévu pour l’écran rikiki du R1. Mais on peut discuter avec l’assistant, lui poser des questions et obtenir des réponses exactement comme si on avait un Rabbit R1 dans les mains !

Alors bien sûr des trucs comme la prise de photos ou la reconnaissance d’images ne fonctionnent pas car il manque les autorisations système et l’intégration matérielle dont bénéficie l’app sur le vrai appareil mais y’a l’essentiel, à avoir l’IA conversationnelle !

Cela veut dire que ce gadget vendu 200 balles n’était en fait qu’une surcouche logicielle, un simple lanceur Android customisé. Pas besoin d’appareil dédié, un APK aurait suffit… et vendre à ce prix un produit qui tient en grande partie sur une app, c’est quand même gonflé surtout que l’autonomie est ridicule et qu’il faut un forfait data en plus !

La douille.

Bref, si vous attendiez le Rabbit R1 comme le messie, contentez-vous d’installer l’app ChatGPT, vous aurez une expérience similaire pour 0€.

Allez, bisous mes lapins de 3 semaines 🐰

Android 15 : forcer le mode sombre sur les apps rebelles sera bien plus facile

Android 15 devrait démocratiser une option auparavant réservée au mode développeur de l’OS : le forçage du mode sombre. Celui-ci permet d’activer ledit mode sur l’ensemble des applications même s'il n’est pas entièrement supporté.

L’article Android 15 : forcer le mode sombre sur les apps rebelles sera bien plus facile est apparu en premier sur Tom’s Hardware.



Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS – Which 2-Bay is Best?

Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS – Which Should You Buy

Buying your first network-attached storage device can be really intimidating! If you have spent the better part of a decade storing your personal or business data on public cloud services or in a drawer full of USB drives, but have now taken the grown-up decision to go ahead and migrate over to your own private network-attached storage (NAS). You might have done this for reasons of cost, centralization or perhaps for security, whatever the reason for your data migration, there is simply no denying that the world of NAS can be a fraction complex and confusing early doors. Like any kind of modern computer appliance, you want to make sure you buy right the first time and when it comes to choosing between two of the latest generations of Synology NAS devices, these two incredibly similar two-bay devices might be two of the most different solutions I have ever compared. The Synology DS224+ is a home and small business-focused compact NAS designed to leverage an affordable price point between reasonable hardware and reasonable software and abilities. The slightly older Synology DS723+, on the other hand, has much of a high and even in some places entry enterprise-level focus about its architecture and is needless to say the more expensive of the two. Nevertheless, both of these Synology NAS devices can be picked up for around $350 to $450 (without drives), the contrast between their pricing, are actually very different beasts. Therefore, for users that don’t quite know their AMD embedded from their Celeron integrated processors, or who aren’t sure of the benefits that ECC can bring, today I want to compare the Synology DS224+ and Synology DS723+ and help you decide which one best deserves your data!

Just before we get into the meat and potatoes of this comparison, it is worth highlighting that regardless of whether you buy the Synology DS723+ or DS224+, you are guaranteed to get a system that can perform all of the following:

  • Both units feature x86 processors, which allow a wide degree of app/services to run well and are a good price vs hardware balance
  • Both the DS723+ and DS224+ are constructed of plastic desktop compact chassis, thereby reducing power consumption, noise and heat generated
  • Both can Stream 1080p HD or 4K media, with superior performance natively and mid-range performance in Plex
  • Both the Synology DS723+ and DS224+ NAS support AI-supported photo and ‘thing’ recognition supported to a very high degree from the free branded software included
  • For Business users who currently enjoy the use of Google Workspace or Office 365, both of these NAS provide excellent means to backup your mass cloud accounts (as well as natively sync, dupe and configure rules on the fly)
  • Both the DS224+ NAS and DS723+ NAS support snapshots, for more incremental and version protecting failsafe in efforts to protect you from Malware and Ransomware attacks, by allowing multi-versioning storage history to browse through and restore
  • Both units are DLNA certified so can be accessed, browsed and played from by popular DLNA devices, such as Amazon Firestick, Alexa, Google Home Chromecast, Apple TV, Bose, Sonos, iPads, etc, as well as connectivity between these platforms with IFTTT
  • Both are multi-bay, RAID enabled devices NAS devices that support JBOD, RAID 0 and RAID 1 (as well as Synology Hybrid RAID too for their Plus series range), though it is worth highlighting the DS723+ is the only one that supports an expansion and therefore also can support RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10 and SHR-2 (more on that later)
  • Both devices run on their own proprietary operating system that can be accessed remotely or locally. These include regular updates to the firmware, security patches, applications and more. Ranging from multimedia, home and multi-tiered backup applications, to more business end tools such as Surveillance software, Virtual Machine deployment and business-class backup and synchronization tools.
  • Both the DS224+ and DS723+ use and can be accessed equally by a multitude of mobile applications such as DS File, DS Video, DS Photo, DSCam and DS Music that are created by and constantly improved by Synology.
  • Both NAS are completely compatible with Windows, Android and Mac systems, as well as acting as a bring between software platforms to share and distribute files for migration and file sync]
  • Both units can be used as a mail and/or business servers, providing excellent 3rd party CRM and first-party CMS systems, as well as the fantastic Synology collaboration Suite of applications Chat, Drive, Mail, Calendar, Office and Active Backup Suite
  • Both systems will support DSM 7.1 or DSM 7.2 out the box, as well as support software updates (security and feature) for many years moving forward
  • Both systems support the Synology Surveillance Station applications, support numerous cameras and arrive with 2 camera licenses with your purchase

But you didn’t come to this comparison page to find out what they had in common, you wanted to know what makes them different and which one best suits your needs, so let’s crack on with this comparison.


Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS – Price and Value

Now, for those of you that are keeping a very close eye on the budget, it will already be clear to you that the Synology DS224+ is the lower-priced NAS of the two, by quite a considerable margin! Arriving, depending on where you are in the world, for around $330 to $360, it will immediately look more appealing to those on a tight budget when compared against the $450 to $499 of the DS723+. And that is before you’ve gone ahead and purchased any storage media too, so that’s saving of $100 to $150 could go a long way to further bolstering your network-attached storage setup. So, if the most important thing to you right now is remaining within a tight budget, then it might be worth seeing to read the rest of this article as when comparing DS224+ and DS723+, we have to look considerably more at the subject of value, not price. Price. Both of these devices arrive with the same software, Synology DSM 7.2, as well as both systems being two drive NAS solutions that support nearly identical ranges of storage media too, but more on that later. In terms of physical size, the range of components, they are pretty darn similar at a casual glance. However, it is in terms of the individual hardware components and scalability where the Synology DS723+ shows its worth, which we will cover shortly in the hardware section. But at least in terms of numerical value, the Synology DS224+ carries the lead. However, the reality isn’t quite that simple.

This is because the Synology DS723+ was released more than half a year earlier than the DS224+ and because of its wider availability and longer presence in the market, it has been featured in numerous special offers throughout that time. We saw this near $500 NAS on a few considerably impressive special offers throughout Amazon Prime day and other smaller eShop-specific events. So, yes, the DS224+ is the lower-priced NAS of the two, but do make a point of checking your local online retailer to see if the DS723+ is on special offer right now!

Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS – Hardware and Connections

The hardware architecture of the DS224+ and DS723+ clearly have two very different target audiences in mind. The DS224+ has more of a home and multimedia feel about it, while the DS723+ feels substantially more like a business solution. This is reflected in numerous areas such as the distinct differences in CPU, memory specifications, and potential for growth. Even if you were to take into account the affordability of the DS224+, it has to be said that in the majority of hardware available, the DS723+ is significantly more powerful and scalable in practically every way. Here is a brief summary of the key hardware highlights of either system, side-by-side:

Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS Hardware Comparison
Synology NAS
Amazon Price: $349


Processor model Intel Celeron J4125 (2019 Gen) AMD Ryzen R1600 (2020 Gen)
processor architecture 64-bit 64-bit
processor clock 4-core 2.0 (base frequency) / 2.7 (burst frequency) GHz 2-core 2.6 (base frequency) / 3.1 (max overclock) GHz
Integrated Graphics Yes (250-750Mhz) No
Hardware encryption engine (AES-NI) Yes Yes
system memory 2 GB DDR4 non-ECC 2 GB DDR4 ECC
Pre-installed memory modules Yes 2GB (2GB x 1) via SODIMM
Total number of memory slots 1 2
Maximum memory capacity 6 GB (2 GB + 4 GB) 32GB (16GB x 2)
The maximum number of disk slots for an expansion unit N/A 7 (DX517 x 1)
M.2 drive bay N/A 2 (NVMe, PCIe 3×1)
Compatible Disk Type
  • 3.5″ SATA HDD
  • 2.5″ SATA SSD
  • 3.5″ SATA HDD
  • 2.5″ SATA SSD
  • M.2 2280 NVMe SSD
Disk hot-plug support* Yes Yes

So first and foremost, we need to discuss the main differences between the CPUs available here. The Intel Celeron found inside the DS224+ is a four-core, four-thread processor with a clock speed of 2.0 GHz that can be burst to 2.7 GHz when needed. However, despite the age of this CPU, which was released towards the end of 2019, it is the integrated graphics of this processor that gives it a slight edge for some users in terms of NAS deployment- especially those looking at multimedia use for their system. For users that are looking at the manipulation of graphical data, or more commonly are using the NAS as a multimedia server and wish to convert dense multimedia into something more manageable locally (for example, converting a dense 4K file into a much smaller and portable version to watch on the phone whilst commuting to work, on the fly), integrated graphics allow the NAS to perform this task with much lower overall resource consumption.

Thanks to it having a more specialized tool to get this job done. The embedded Ryzen R1600 processor on the other hand, lacks the integrated graphics and is a dual-core processor instead of a quad-core. However, it substantially makes up for this by being a much more powerful dual-core processor, with four threads that allow the system to assign system resources in a similar way to that of having multiple cores. Equally, the clock speed is noticeably higher here with the DS723+ CPU having a 2.6 GHz base power that can be burst when needed to 3.1 GHz. It is true that in cases of graphical manipulation or multimedia conversion, the AMD CPU here will be far less efficient and capable. However, in practically every other way, it is superior to that of the J4125 inside the DS224+. And if you are more concerned with traditional file transfer speeds internally and externally, the DS723+ will comfortably be the better-performing NAS.

The CPU choices in the DS224+ and DS723+ also result in very different memory architectures in each device, which will undoubtedly result in different scalability in the long term. The DS224+ arrives with 2GB of memory, soldered to the main controller board, which can be further expanded via an available SODIMM memory slot to 6 GB total. This may be a little disheartening when you find out that the CPU here is actually capable of supporting 8 GB maximum memory. However, due to that initial 2GB memory being fixed internally, you cannot officially exceed 6 GB physically. This shortfall is considerably magnified when you bring into comparison the DS723’s memory structure. It arrives with 2GB of DDR4 memory which can be expanded to a whopping 32 GB total across two available SODIMM slots. Additionally, the system arrives with error-correcting code (ECC) memory, which ensures that data that passes through the memory during write operations will have its integrity checked by a separate module on the memory of the system. If any irregularities or inconsistencies are spotted, that data will be repaired. This goes a long way to reassure any doubts around the integrity of long-term archival data and susceptibility to things like bit rot. This is one of the main reasons why the DS723+ is considered much more of a business solution overall.

Much like the memory choices by Synology in these two NAS devices, the ports and connections of them both are similar, but one is definitely more scalable than the other. Both systems arrive with standard gigabit ethernet connectivity, with two available ports that each will provide up to a maximum 109 megabytes per second. Both systems also arrive with USB 3 connectivity, but it is only 5GB gen 1 USB, and the more expensive DS723+ only has a single port when the DS220 Plus has two, which really surprised me. However, it is from here onward that the DS723 massively upscales things.

Model ID Synology DS224+ Synology DS723+
Synology NAS
RJ-45 1GbE LAN port* 2 (Supports Link Aggregation / Failover) 2 (Supports Link Aggregation / Failover)
USB 3.2 Gen 1 port* 2 1
eSATA port 0 1
USB Copy Yes (inc. Physical Button) Yes
PCIe expansion N/A 1 x Gen3 x2 LAN card slot
Size (HXWXD) 165 mm x 108 mm x 232.2 mm 166mm x 106mm x 223mm
weight 1.30 kg 1.51 kg
system fan 92 mm x 92 mm x 1 pcs 92 mm x 92 mm x 1 pcs
fan mode
  • full speed mode
  • low temperature mode
  • silent mode
  • full speed mode
  • low temperature mode
  • silent mode
Front panel LED indicators with adjustable brightness Yes Yes
Noise value* 22dB(A) 20.7 dB(A)
wake on lan Yes Yes
Power Supply / Transformer 60W 65W
AC input voltage 100V to 240V AC 100V to 240V AC
current frequency 50/60 Hz, single frequency 50/60 Hz, single frequency
Power consumption 14.69 W (access)
4.41 W (disk hibernation)
21.07 W (access)
8.62 W (disk hibernation)

For a start, the DS723+ features an eSATA external port that is used to connect the official Synology 5-bay expansion device, the DX517. This means that while the DS220 Plus has a maximum long-term capacity of two SATA drives, the DS723+ allows you to expand your storage down the line by an additional five SATA bays. This can be done gradually and this storage can either mirror the original NAS or extend the storage pool across both devices.

Scalability and expandability do not stop there though, with the DS723+ also having the option to add a network adapter upgrade module (the E10G22-T1-MINI) to increase your network bandwidth to 10GbE. This is going to be incredibly useful for users who plan on taking advantage of SSDs or plan on having a much busier network environment between the NAS and multiple users and tasks at any given time.

And it doesn’t stop there! The Synology DS723+ also features two SSD bays on its base for installing M.2 2280 SSD modules, which can be used for caching or as raw storage pools, depending on which drive you use (more on that later). This is a feature that, although growing more common across Synology’s NAS portfolio, it is still unavailable on the new DS224+ and, alongside the lack of storage expansion support, severely limits the storage potential long term on the more affordable NAS.

 inally, we need to discuss storage media compatibility, as this has grown to be another thing that has changed the way in which a user can populate their NAS quite a lot in recent years. On the list of storage media that they are prepared to verify as compatible with their systems. Although technically, one could say that any SATA media drive would be compatible with a SATA NAS, there are still a few incredibly isolated examples of compatibility, durability and stability. Synology requires that all drives need to be officially checked and verified before they’re prepared to add them to their list in order to truly guarantee that a user will get the promised Synology experience from their hardware with that media. As questionable as this might sound, the result is that the list of compatible storage media for both of these devices, despite their incredible similarities, is actually pretty darn different. Take a closer look at the slideshow below of compatible HDDs from WD and Seagate on these two NAS systems (from 21st July 2023) and see if you can spot an odd inconsistency:

In the case of the DS224+, we see a smaller pool of supported storage media, as well as a lower list of larger capacity drives being featured also. The DS723+, on the other hand, seemingly has a larger pool of more high capacity drives added and available to it, as well as a larger range of Synology’s own drives available for use with that system that includes the higher end options in the HAT5300 range. Synology has clearly prioritized higher-end drives for more advanced Synology systems, but for those that like to use their system clearly and rigidly within the defined parameters of a brand to maintain their warranty/guarantee, this is going to be a little disheartening to see the smaller pool of verified compatible storage media on the more affordable NAS solution. This is something that may well change over time as more drives are added to verified compatibility lists, but Synology has not exactly been putting their foot on the gas here. Given how close these two systems have been released side by side and the large disparity between their compatibility lists, I can’t see a huge amount of change happening anytime soon. It is absolutely no surprise that the more expensive Synology NAS has a better degree of hardware options in the long term. Though, it should be highlighted that a lot of the real benefits available in the DS723 are optional extras, long-term scalability and upgrades that are not necessarily available in the default model. It could be very easily argued that you are paying for entry to then pay extra for delivering upgrades, SSD upgrades, storage scalability, and increasing your memory years from now. Nevertheless, the fact that the baseline memory is ECC and the AMD CPU is indeed more powerful in most ways, does make up some of that additional cost and ultimately mean that in terms of hardware and connectivity, the DS723+ is the better of the two.

Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS – Software and Services

At the risk of being incredibly repetitious, both of these devices are remarkably similar in what they can do in Synology’s premium DSM software platform, but the scalability and scope provided by the DS723+ inevitably leads to that more expensive system, ultimately giving you just more resources with which DSM can utilize. In terms of the actual range of applications, services supported on either system and scope for use right out of the box, both the DS224+ and DS723+ have got more than enough to run every single available app and tool available in DSM 7.2. Despite their rather modest scale, both systems can run multiple virtual machines, host a fantastically capable surveillance solution with numerous cameras, both can provide an excellent Plex media server experience (with a slight edge to the DS224+ in terms of conversions and transcoding when needed), and in terms of backups, both systems support the full range of services from Hyper Backup and Active Backup Suite. If you are a small business or just a small group of users who are going to be interacting with either of these NAS units fairly regularly, you’re going to have a largely identical experience in either one of these two systems using the baseline default hardware. However, things will change as soon as you start moving into larger simultaneous access, more high-volume application exchanges between the system and client hardware, and the scope of each one of those individual processes growing over time. In terms of the escalation of accessing the services of DSM and long-term future-proofing of a system running at top speed, despite growing requirements and demands of the system, the DS723+ comfortably wins.

Synology NAS Synology DS224+ Synology DS723+
Maximum single volume capacity* 108TB 108TB
Maximum number of storage spaces 64 64
M.2 SSD volume support* Yes Yes
SSD Read/Write Cache (White Paper) Yes Yes
Support RAID disk array type Synology Hybrid RAID
Synology Hybrid RAID
RAID 5 (with expansion unit)
RAID 6 (with expansion unit)
RAID 10 (with expansion unit)
Maximum simultaneous SMB/AFP/FTP connections 500 500
Maximum number of simultaneous SMB/AFP/FTP connections (with extended memory) 1500 2000
Windows Access Control List (ACL) Integration Yes Yes
NFS Kerberos authentication Yes Yes
Maximum number of local user accounts 2048 2048
Maximum number of local groups 256 256
Maximum number of shared folders 256 512
Maximum Shared Folder Sync Tasks 8 8
VMware vSphere with VAAI N/A Yes
Windows Server 2022 N/A Yes
Citrix Ready N/A Yes
OpenStack N/A Yes
Media Server Yes Yes
DLNA compatible Yes Yes
Synology Photos Yes Yes
face recognition Yes Yes
Snapshot Replication Yes Yes
The maximum number of snapshots supported by a single shared folder 1024 1024
Maximum number of system snapshots 65536 65536
Surveillance Station Yes Yes
The maximum number of cameras supported (camera authorization is required) 25 (including 2 sets of free licenses 40 (including 2 sets of free licenses)
Frames per second (FPS) (H.264) 750 FPS @ 720p (1280×720)
750 FPS @ 1080p (1920×1080)
350 FPS @ 3M (2048×1536)
275 FPS @ 5M (2591×1944)
170 FPS @ 4K (3840×2160)
1200 FPS @ 720p (1280×720)
800 FPS @ 1080p (1920×1080)
350 FPS @ 3M (2048×1536)
280 FPS @ 5M (2591×1944)
170 FPS @ 4K (3840×2160)
Frames per second (FPS) (H.265) 750 FPS @ 720p (1280×720)
750 FPS @ 1080p (1920×1080)
600 FPS @ 3M (2048×1536)
475 FPS @ 5M (2591×1944)
200 FPS @ 4K (3840×2160)
1200 FPS @ 720p (1280×720)
1200 FPS @ 1080p (1920×1080)
600 FPS @ 3M (2048×1536)
480 FPS @ 5M (2591×1944)
200 FPS @ 4K (3840×2160)
Synology Drive Yes Yes
Recommended number of clients that can sync simultaneously 350 (the number of devices that can be connected at the same time when the recommended number of stored files is reached) 350 (the number of devices that can be connected at the same time when the recommended number of stored files is reached)
Recommended number of files to store 5,000,000 (Applicable to files indexed or belonging to Synology Drive , files accessed through other protocols, please refer to the file service in the above field) 5,000,000 (Applicable to files indexed or belonging to Synology Drive , files accessed through other protocols, please refer to the file service in the above field)
Synology Office Yes Yes
Maximum number of users 1200 1200
Video Station Yes Yes
Virtual Machine Manager Yes Yes
Recommended number of virtual machines 2 (see more) 4 (see more)
Recommended number of Virtual DSMs (licensing required) 2 (including 1 set of free licenses) 4 (including 1 set of free licenses)
VPN Server Yes Yes
Maximum number of connections 40 40
Synology High Availability Yes Yes
log center Yes Yes
Number of logs received per second 800 800
Backup folders and packages Yes Yes
backup the whole system Yes Yes
Remark Full system backup requires DSM 7.2 or later. Full system backup requires DSM 7.2 or later.
Maximum number of Hybrid Share folders 10 10

Notwithstanding that the system has a much higher clock speed CPU that, despite only being a dual-core processor, features a four thread architecture with DSM, allowing a lot of the spreading of resources normally associated with cores to be made available with vCPU allocation (containers, virtual machines and just natively). Then there is the scope for the larger overall capacity available to be upgraded towards in terms of memory, with the rather modest 6GB of memory on the DS224+ looking quite underwhelming when compared against the whopping 32 GB maximum memory that is scalable on the DS723+. That ultimately adds up to the more expensive NAS system having a better opportunity to grow alongside a more demanding data storage network of connected devices and users over time. And we haven’t even touched on the performance benefit in DSM and all of the first and third party applications when we factor in support of SSDs for caching or storage pools in the DS723+, both of which are going to allow much better, long-term utilization and overall, a much smoother experience for a considerably longer amount of time than that of the DS224+. Ultimately, if you think your utilization of the NAS is going to grow steadily and increasingly over time, the DS723+ is the better choice here in terms of software, in and out of DSM.

Synology DS224+ vs DS723+ NAS – Conclusion and Verdict

Unsurprisingly, what we have here is an old-fashioned case of getting what you pay for. The DS224+ is a very solid, and reliable NAS solution and is definitely more than capable of running the bulk of modern NAS hardware needs, also, remaining pretty flexible in the resources available to it on day one to get the job done. Equally, for home users and particularly those seeking a more flexible approach to multimedia, the DS224+ does bring a decent amount of bang for buck when you compare it against the bulk of other Synology solutions in the brand’s portfolio. But it just pales in comparison to the sheer scope of scalability, upgrade options and flexibility long-term that the DS723+ provides. And regardless of whether you’re a business user or a home user that may perhaps be looking to do something more aggressive with their storage down the line, the DS723+ justifies a lot of the extra expense, simply by weight of it having that ECC memory, SSD NVMe storage options, expandability, 10G as an optional extra and the scale of how far you can upgrade the memory. As mentioned earlier, we have to at least acknowledge that a lot of these advantages that the DS723+ presents compared with the DS224+ are ones that you will only really take advantage of if you spend a little bit more money, but having the option for that scalability down the line for many users is going to be worth the investment on day one. Side by side, in most cases, the DS723+ will comfortably outperform the DS224+ even in the default model, so you still aren’t losing out just because you’re paying extra for upgrade options you may not use later down the line.

Synology NAS
Amazon Price: $349


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