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Remove store apps from a Windows image

In professional environments, most store apps delivered with Windows are of little value, prompting admins to remove them from the image before deployment. However, you should avoid indiscriminately deleting them, as some system-relevant apps may be among them. PowerShell can be used to remove the crapware selectively.

Generalize and capture a custom Windows 11 image

Many admins prefer to use a customized image rather than Microsoft's standard image for deploying Windows 11. This involves creating a reference installation of the OS tailored to their specific needs. After generalizing it with Sysprep, the image is written to a WIM archive using DISM or PowerShell.

Lens 2024: Redesigned GUI for Kubernetes

Lens is an open-source desktop application aimed at managing Kubernetes clusters. It offers a graphical user interface as an alternative to working directly with the Kubernetes command-line interface (kubectl). Lens includes features for monitoring cluster resources, viewing logs, and accessing a built-in terminal. The new Lens 2024 Early Access version introduces a completely redesigned user interface with a more streamlined and intuitive layout, tabbed navigation, and a unified navigator for managing all clusters and resources.

Partition Windows drive in WinPE using PowerShell

An essential step towards automating the Windows setup process is replacing the system drive's interactive partitioning with a script. Microsoft's examples for this purpose rely on batch files and Diskpart. However, installing PowerShell in Windows PE allows for a much more elegant solution.

Using Power Automate with the PowerApps V2 Trigger

PowerApps is a low-code platform from Microsoft that enables businesses and individuals to quickly build custom applications for web and mobile, connecting to various data sources without extensive coding experience. I'm new to PowerApps and initially relied on guides on the internet to build my first app. The app was simple: collect user input and send it to Power Automate for processing. However, online guides can sometimes be outdated, and I ran into trouble with a deprecated Power Automate trigger called 'Ask in PowerApps.' The recommended solution is to use the newer PowerApps V2 trigger; this guide will show you how.

Encrypt and decrypt with Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault allows you to encrypt sensitive data such as passwords, keys, and other secrets rather than storing them as plaintext in your playbooks or roles. In this tutorial, I will explain how to use Ansible Vault to encrypt and decrypt data during playbook runtime.

iVentoy: PXE server for Windows 11 deployment

iVentory allows for easy Windows 11 deployment using a PXE server. The solution includes a DHCP server, provides image management, including automation through answer files, and can be managed via a web console. It's free for private and 49 USD per server for commercial use.

Gather system information with Ansible Facts

Ansible Facts are essential system information gathered from remote hosts during playbook execution. This information is crucial for making informed decisions before executing any actions. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to use Ansible Facts to retrieve system information and make deployment decisions using the when conditional statement.

Ansible conditionals and loops

An Ansible loop allows you to repeat a task or a set of tasks multiple times with different values, reducing code duplication and making playbooks more concise and maintainable. Instead of writing the same task multiple times with slight variations, you can use loops to iterate over a list of items and perform the task(s) accordingly. A conditional controls the flow of tasks based on specific conditions or criteria within playbooks. Sometimes, you must install software only on specific operating systems or if certain dependencies are met. Conditionals allow you to control the execution of tasks based on these conditions, ensuring your playbooks adapt to different environments and avoid unnecessary actions. In this tutorial, I will provide simple examples of using loops and conditionals in Ansible.

A simple Ansible roles example

If you want to deploy a web server like Apache or Nginx with Ansible, you can create a playbook outlining the installation and configuration steps. This approach works well for a single web server but can become repetitive and time-consuming if you need to deploy many servers. To streamline the process, you can use Ansible roles to avoid duplicating tasks and make deployment more efficient. To introduce the concept, this post provides a simple example of using Ansible roles.