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Audit and disable NTLMv1

Like many legacy protocols, NTLM (NT LAN Manager) is now deemed insecure, yet disabling it entirely would likely lead to considerable disruptions. Nonetheless, disabling NTLM 1.0 significantly improves security. However, it is crucial to verify any dependencies beforehand.

Docker Desktop for Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2)

Docker Desktop provides a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for developing, building, testing, and running containerized applications on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Docker Desktop 4.30 introduces an experimental phase to simplify the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) configuration by reducing the previously required two Docker Desktop WSL distributions (docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data) into one, aiming to improve startup time and simplify the codebase.

Remove store apps from a Windows image

In professional environments, most store apps delivered with Windows are of little value, prompting admins to remove them from the image before deployment. However, you should avoid indiscriminately deleting them, as some system-relevant apps may be among them. PowerShell can be used to remove the crapware selectively.

Generalize and capture a custom Windows 11 image

Many admins prefer to use a customized image rather than Microsoft's standard image for deploying Windows 11. This involves creating a reference installation of the OS tailored to their specific needs. After generalizing it with Sysprep, the image is written to a WIM archive using DISM or PowerShell.

Partition Windows drive in WinPE using PowerShell

An essential step towards automating the Windows setup process is replacing the system drive's interactive partitioning with a script. Microsoft's examples for this purpose rely on batch files and Diskpart. However, installing PowerShell in Windows PE allows for a much more elegant solution.

New mitigations for CVE-2023-24932 (BlackLotus) in the April update, not yet enabled by default

The remediation of CVE-2023-24932, discovered in May 2023, is taking longer than Microsoft's initial timeline. This flaw allows attackers to bypass Secure Boot and disable security features like BitLocker. The April 2024 update introduces a new fix that admins should thoroughly test because it has significant ramifications and will be automatically activated in October.

Improve Windows performance with Microsoft PC Manager

Microsoft PC Manager is a new Microsoft tool that helps improve Windows performance with features such as disk cleanup and startup program management. Additionally, it integrates with Microsoft Defender to provide security insights, ensuring that users have a comprehensive tool for both system optimization and protection.

iVentoy: PXE server for Windows 11 deployment

iVentory allows for easy Windows 11 deployment using a PXE server. The solution includes a DHCP server, provides image management, including automation through answer files, and can be managed via a web console. It's free for private and 49 USD per server for commercial use.