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Test du SSD Synology SAT5220

Depuis plusieurs mois, Synology propose ses propres SSD, disponibles en différentes versions (NVMe et SATA) et capacités. Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons de (re)découvrir le SSD SATA SAT5220, que nous testons dans sa version de 1920 Go. Quels sont ses avantages par rapport à d’autres SSD ? Quelles performances pouvez-vous espérer ? Quel est son coût ? Nous allons tenter de répondre à ces questions. Test Synology SAT5220 Le Synology SAT5220 est un SSD de niveau entreprise. Il n’a pas pour objectif d’être acheté et utilisé par des particuliers, bien que rien ne les empêche de s’en procurer un. On a […]
Lire la suite : Test du SSD Synology SAT5220

Synology AI Admin Console – What it IS and What it ISN’T!

Synology and AI Admin Console – What Exactly Is Synology Doing with AI?

Synology is gearing up to introduce its AI Admin Console, a feature designed to integrate advanced AI capabilities into its suite of applications. This new tool, slated for release with DSM 7.2.2 later in 2024, will allow users to connect to AI models from leading providers such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft Azure AI, and Google’s Gemini. The aim is to enhance functionalities within the Synology Office and Collaboration Suite, including applications like Synology Drive, MailPlus, Calendar, and more. Not to be confused with the AI recognition services included with Synology Photos for face/object recognition or the human/vehicle recognition featured in Surveillance Station, the AI Admin Console focuses on Language Learning Models (LLMs). These models specialize in text analysis and generation, offering services that range from OCR to more complex tasks like image generation and contextual text creation.

Security Concerns and Safeguards About AI and Your Data

Before we dive into how Synology will be integrating AI language learning models into your NAS, it is worth highlighting that they are not simply handing the keys over to some shadowy AI operation and hoping for the best. They are setting up a lot of safeguards and user controls to ensure that you can limit the AI service’s access and utility as needed. The first point to mention is that Synology is not selecting the AI platform/service for you—you will need to submit the API keys and unique user credentials that you already have from services like Google Gemini, Azure AI, or ChatGPT. This way, you can ensure that you are only using the AI LLM that you trust and have successfully engaged with in the past.

Next, the service is completely optional. The Synology AI Admin Console is off/disabled by default, and access/control can be restricted to authorized users. When used, the level of access that the AI LLM has to your system data (and the access your registered NAS users have to it) is fully controllable. So, just because it is ‘on’ and you have connected your AI service of choice, it does not mean that all your users can use it or that it has unfettered access to all your directories and databases on a whim.

Lastly, Synology is in the process of adding de-identifier configuration options into the Synology AI Admin Console. These will allow you to ensure that the AI service does not use or publish information that conforms to a predefined format (e.g., credit card numbers, passport numbers, driving licenses, etc.). The same goes for if you want to grant it access to information in your calendar and Synology Chat services, but not your email database. This can all be adjusted to your needs.

Given the increasing demand for AI tools and services, it makes sense that Synology has integrated these new service functions. At launch, it is planned to include integration with Synology Chat, Synology Mail, and other tools in the Synology Office Collaboration suite.

Demonstration and Integration

Synology showcased the AI Admin Console at the Synology Solution Exhibition during Computex 2024 in Taipei. The demonstration highlighted how the console integrates with Synology’s suite of productivity apps, providing advanced AI functionalities such as text summarization, content generation, and data clarification. Synology’s AI tools are designed to support various business and personal needs, with the ability to process and analyze data created within the Synology ecosystem. This includes applications like Synology Drive, which acts as a personal cloud, and Synology Office, which can handle complex tasks such as Excel calculations and presentation generation through AI.

What AI Services in Your Synology NAS Are and What They Are Not?

As mentioned earlier, the use of an AI service controlled in the Synology AI Admin Console is almost exclusively text-based (at least at launch). This can be largely broken down into three main categories:

  1. Summarizing existing text to simplify it
  2. Creating contextual text related to a defined source
  3. Checking, confirming, and clarifying source text for accuracy

If you have ever used a popular AI engine, you will know that they tend to provide a broad range of services. However, the bulk of the services intended for the initial launch of AI service support in DSM will mainly focus on these three categories. In the context of the Synology collaboration suite, they would be:

  • Summarizing a large email thread into its salient points
  • Preparing a suitable response, based on the thread, that can be adjusted for tone
  • Paraphrasing and/or adapting existing text into a completely new version

The extent to which a person could use an AI service to manage, file, or configure their existing database, at least at the time of writing, is hard to confirm, as this would require giving a third-party AI quite a large amount of access to your database.

Practical Applications and User Control

Synology’s approach to AI integration emphasizes user control and data privacy. Users will need to supply their own API keys for AI services, ensuring that they retain control over which AI models are used and how their data is processed. The AI Admin Console will be disabled by default and can be customized to restrict access, allowing users to dictate the level of interaction AI services have with their data. In addition to enhancing productivity tools like Synology Office for tasks such as Excel calculations and presentation creation, the AI Admin Console will also offer functionalities like converting audio files to text and scanning documents. These capabilities are designed to streamline workflow and improve efficiency while maintaining strict data privacy measures. By embedding AI tools into its suite of applications, Synology is positioning itself at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence into personal and business environments. The Synology AI Admin Console represents a significant step towards offering more sophisticated and customizable AI solutions within its ecosystem.

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This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's content. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Visit the NASCompares Deal Finder to find the best place to buy this device in your region, based on Service, Support and Reputation - Just Search for your NAS Drive in the Box Below

Need Advice on Data Storage from an Expert?

Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
If you like this service, please consider supporting us. We use affiliate links on the blog allowing NAScompares information and advice service to be free of charge to you.Anything you purchase on the day you click on our links will generate a small commission which isused to run the website. Here is a link for Amazon and B&H.You can also get me a ☕ Ko-fi or old school Paypal. Thanks!To find out more about how to support this advice service check HEREIf you need to fix or configure a NAS, check Fiver Have you thought about helping others with your knowledge? Find Instructions Here  
Or support us by using our affiliate links on Amazon UK and Amazon US
Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Edito du 19 juin 2024

Bonjour à tous, J’espère que vous allez bien. Pour ma part, tout va pour le mieux… malgré la météo maussade et les élections. Promis, je n’en dirai pas plus. Comme à l’accoutumée, je vous propose de vous donner quelques nouvelles à travers cet édito. L’actualité autour des NAS n’est pas très excitante ces derniers mois. Malgré le Computex de début juin, il n’y a pas eu d’effet « Wahou ». Asustor a annoncé de nouveaux modèles qui sont des évolutions de modèles existants (lire l’article) et une mise à jour de son logiciel interne ADM 5.0 (sans détail). QNAP a annoncé plusieurs […]
Lire la suite : Edito du 19 juin 2024

Test du GEEKOM A8 mini : le mini PC AMD taillé pour l’IA ?

Introduction et présentation du Geekom A8 mini Les mini PCs gagnent de plus en plus de terrain et deviennent de plus en plus polyvalent. Le Geekom A8 mini est le nouveau mini PC avec un CPU Ryzen à rejoindre le catalogue de Geekom. Il est alimenté par les CPU Hawk Point de chez AMD. Doté d’un NPU, ces processeurs devraient être compatibles avec le futur Copilot+ de Microsoft et d’ autres applications intégrant de l’intelligence artificielle. Le Geekom A8 mini est disponible en deux versions. Pour ce modèle, vous avez 2 choix :  AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS et un SSD de […]
Lire la suite : Test du GEEKOM A8 mini : le mini PC AMD taillé pour l’IA ?

What is HexOS? A Truly User-Friendly TrueNAS Scale NAS Based Option?

HexOS – Trying to Make NAS and BYO NAS More User-Friendly

Most people under the age of 60 have a decent level of computer experience – that’s pretty much a stone-cold fact, thanks to the growing dependence of society on digital devices. Break that down a little further and chances are that most people under the age of 50 use a fairly powerful piece of computer equipment daily, and further still you will probably find that plenty of people in their 40s and younger are ‘the IT guy’ in their family or social circle. Yet, when it comes to that most niche’st of the Niche areas of technology ‘Data Storage and Networking’, the average user’s level of experience and know-how massively declines! I have said before on the YouTube channel before, but if people that like ”I.T’ are the ones who got bullied at school – the ones who like ‘networking and storage’ were the ones the bullied BULLIED! Sure, you know how to set up an Amazon FireTV, plug in a printer and even install windows – but can you open up ports on a router, configure a firewall, or arrange the right cache and redundancy on your server???

It’s a really complex area of the tech industry and although so, SO many other areas of the tech software (and hardware) experience have been blissfully simplified and streamlined, network attached storage (NAS) is an area that is still yet to see the same level of ‘idiot proofing’. To date, the NAS software industry has a lot of ‘potential’ NAS OS’ to choose from in your server, but the bulk of them are either hardware-locked (Synology DSM, QNAP QTS/QuTS, etc), have a steep learning curve (TrueNAS) or straddle somewhere between easier than the latter, but still harder than the former (UnRAID, CasaOS, OMV). Now THIS is where HexOS comes in – created by two former UnRAID/Lime Technology staffers (Jonathan Panozzo and Eric Schultz, under the new company Eshtek Inc.), this has been a NAS software that has been discussed over on LTT and Reddit for the better part of a year, and we have bee following here on our video and megathread on NASCompares HERE.

In brief, it is reported to be a truly user-friendly and beginner-friendly alternative to the existing range of NAS software OS and appliances currently offered to NAS users who want to repurpose old unused tech as a server, or want to build their own from the ground up. With a beta version proposed for later in 2024 and details about the software being gradually dropped, let’s discuss what HexOS is, why the buzz, what we know, what we don’t and (hopefully) help you decide whether it’s worth holding out for this software for your long term simplified storage needs.

Why is there such a buzz about HexOS?

Although the desire for a very user-friendly alternative to the existing range of NAS software in the market has always been very high (and we will dig into that more later on), it has be be highlighted that they are NOT the first company to try and challenge the current range of NAS appliances on the market. There are already largely open source offerings from brands such as IceWhale with their CasaOS/ZimaOS software, then you have OpenMediaVault which scales things up somewhat, then you have the current industry-recommended but paid ‘easy mode’ UnRAID. In short – it could be argued that HexOS is not the first to try this? So why the buzz? Well, many would point at the sizable investment of $250,000 made by a huge industry personality Linus, of LinusTechTips. In isolation, not an enormous figure in the running costs and salaries of multiple Devs on an annual paycheck, and almost certainly multiple equity/loan sums have been made by investors outside of this, but nonetheless this made waves. Linus’ has been one of many voices in the creative sphere that has commented on the high learning curve that is baked into the bulk of existing NAS software offerings right now – leading to (at best) inconvenient ongoing support of novice users over time, and (at worst) users setting their primary storage backup system in a poor way that is inefficient, riddled in attack vectors and is unfit for purpose. It is worth making clear that this is NOT a LTT/Linus-owned or developed NAS software platform, he is serving as an angel investor (and almost certainly in an additional advisory capacity). From there things have slowly snowballs, as small pieces of information about the software, rumours about the state of the development, the shape it will take and the building blocks fo the platform have emerged. Alot of software (not just NAS software of course) will launch and then have to fight the constant balance of stability vs customization vs security vs support – and more often than not, these can be what kills a platform in the first 18 months. Factor in that this is a platform that is intended to be feature-rich (1 click apps, ZFS base, VMs and Container ready, performance targetted. etc) AND user-friendly, this is a big, big wall to climb! So, let’s discuss what we know about HexOS so far.

What do we know about HexOS So Far?

HexOS was informally (kind of) revealed on the LTT WAN Show on June 15th 2024 and alongside production screenshots (unconfirmed to what level these were in-development software screenshots or created-vector images), they discussed some features, structure and project goals – whilst also making it clear that details surrounding funding, support and more are still very much ‘in progress’ and ‘TBC’. Below is everything we leant from that video, combined with everything we know about the software from details uncovered in development over the year:

  • HexOS will be running on/on-top of TrueNAS Scale (the Linux version of TrueNAS), labelled ‘Powered by TrueNAS Scale’, Still awaiting confirmation as to whether this is a simplified TrueNAS splinter/branch or something more involved
  • The Software is designed to be focused on being as user-friendly as possible and designed for x86 systems, not locked to hardware
  • Despite user-friendly focus, promises performance and stability
  • Includes storage recommendations, which can be actioned or ignored
  • Applications are 1-click installs, awaiting confirmation is these are pre-made containerized)
  • Remote Access to your home server, i.e “Remote Access from Anywhere” in the primary reveal
  • A Beta of the HexOS NAS software targetted for Q3 2024 (July-Sept)
  • Will feature Container and Virtual Machine Support (judging from the initial images) and mentions “Wizard Driven virtual desktops – details TBC)
  • Discussion of 3rd party cloud synchronization, but primarily designed for local access

That’s really it. As mentioned, on an earlier video back in April 2023, we summarized all the information that had been floating around about this software, which included in the references made on the WAN show, forum posts and references to Jon and Eric from the UnRAID community. You can watch that video HERE.

What we DO NOT Know about HexOS Right Now?

Realistically, we know very little about HexOS and that is kind of unusual for software that is reported to arrive as a Beta within the next 3.5 months. No doubt, we will be seeing deep dives into this software on the official LTT/LMG-partnered outlets soon enough. But right now, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. With numerous understandable sceptical users online thinking of this software as ‘Diet TrueNAS’ or TrueNAS Scale Zero’, but then again – would that be such a bad thing if it was? TrueNAS has been somewhat forced in recent years to make itself easier to work with (both from an end user and development stance), which was one of the core reasons for TrueNAS Scale’s development! But HexOS is not the only NAS Software in the market that is making promises of a simplified user experience for you and your data – so what about the things we still want to know? Here are just a few:

  • No formal discussion yet regarding security and encryption, remote access services being 1st party/3rd party (Tailscale, etc)
  • Hardware Specifications (minimum or recommended). To fully use the feature set of TrueNAS, 8-16GB tends to be the entry (as that becomes the ‘dedup’ and L cache minimum with powerful systems
  • Storage immutability? WORM Support etc
  • No confirmation at this time if HexOS runs on a dedicated OS-SSD internally, within the storage array (i.e as found on Synology DSM and QNAP QTS/QuTS, via an eMMC bootloader), or whether it will be injected into memory, as observed in UnRAID
  • No details regarding the price and support model. Current h-w free NAS OS in the market tend to be either completely free (but with paid/community support) like TrueNAS, monthly/annual/lifetime subscription (but with a 30 day trial) like UnRAID, or completely free with some components behind a paywall.
  • Much like above, support is yet to be confirmed – no word on whether HexOS will ‘Staff Up’ at launch or rely heavily on community support.

  • The extent to how much of the ZFS feature set will be rolled into the backend/foreground control of HexOS (snapshots, intelligent cache, jail separation on the apps, etc)
  • No confirmation on how permission/Access Control will be managed, especially during 3rd party App installation (Plex, Home automation control, surveillance, etc) – this is a massive hurdle for many NAS software to balance storage access and ideal restrictions in a user-friendly fashion
  • No word on whether it will use fixed-folder indexing (i.e generally simplified and more resource-economical NAS software tends to fix the directories of particular media to optimize performance, photos in a /photo directory, etc) and how this will be actioned when installing further applications and easy use UAC

And these are just scratching the surface!

What Are the Challenges that HexOS for NAS will face?

Trying to manage the balancing act of providing a fully featured private server software that can run on any custom x86 hardware configuration, making it highly secure AND keeping it easy to use.. well… MANY have tried. There have been varying levels of success before now. Such as:

Synology DSM and QNAP QuTS/QTS – Highly featured, Client tool rich and easy GUI NAS Software platforms. However, BOTH (along with Terramaster TOS and Asustor ADM) are locked to the hardware from their respective brands are not available for individual purchase.

UnRAID – Still by a good margin, the most user-friendly and capable NAS software in the market – but still has hurdles for the newbie and less tech-interested (storage manager – party disk selection, cache disk in/out of a UnRAID pool or newly supported ZFS pool)

Laticeworks / Amber Cloud – very user-friendly, structured to be comparable to 3rd party cloud ease-of-us, but as a network drive (with remote access). It has continued to see regular updates since it’s first reveal back in 2020, and even incorporates router management too. However, much like Synology/QNAP etc, is hardware locked

ZimaOS / Casa OS – Simple, TECHNICALLY not hardware locked, but not feature-rich yet (they only JUST added RAID in Jan) and the bulk of the features are via 3rd party containerized apps

WD NAS OS – The dumpster fire that is WD NAS OS – Started very well in the late 2000’s and 2010, starting easy with cloud setup, but ended up reaching a point in its UI that was too complex for the movies and too limited for the networking veterans – the GUI by WD OS 6 was tough to read and unintuitive as all hell! Indeed, that simplicity and automated cloud-relay access authentication by default (with SMB and ‘local’ accessible off by default) ended up being the reason that literally thousands of users could not access their systems when Western Digital corporate-level systems were compromised and isolation actions were needed (see video below):

The above are just a few examples. Add Open Media Vault (OMV), Proxmox if you want to focus on VMs, and more – and slowly you see that there is not actually a complete ‘novice level’ NAS software in the market. Now, the CLOSEST I have seen in 2024 is Synology and their BeeStation/BSM series, which takes ALOT of the fundamentals of DSM (BTRFS support, File/Folder browser access, multi-tier backups, SMB protocol, snapshots, very user-friendly client applications, etc) and then repackages them into a genuinely 5-click single screen NAS setup – with everything presented in a remarkably user-friendly fashion (see video below of Synology DSM vs Synology BSM). The issue? Well aside from it STILL being hardware locked, it lacks ALL of the premium prosumer/business tools for containers, VMs, OS level backups, powerful multimedia streaming playback, etc)

Likewise, there is the newly revealed Synology Active Protect platform – with its huge emphasis on Business backups, immutability, cloud VM-to-bare-metal deployment failover, significant versioning protocols, multisite deduplication and 10-minute deployment! But again, hardware locked, but also after 1 year, has subscription model costs to factor in. Learn more below:

Ultimately, it is still very much ‘early days’ for this NAS software and although it looks like the structure is sorted and presumably the logic in the backend has been laid out, as I cannot imagine a $250,000 investment being made on a blueprint on a napkin, nor can I imagine TrueNAS (the organization) allowing their OS being commercially forked in this fashion without heavy proof of concept and execution. There is also the question of how two ex UnRAID / Lime Technology team members end up splintering off into a TrueNAS-powered NAS OS that likely draws comparison at best and competition at worse with their former employers. I think we can all agree that the NAS industry is long overdue and open for the truly and completely tech-knowledge-free solution that has existed in DAS (Direct Attached Storage) for decades and is profited by on cloud platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. I am looking forward to seeing how this all plays out, how much of this promised utopia of simplicity can be maintained and how other players in the market respond to this. Whether we are looking at “TrueNAS Lite” and it fills that void, or it ends up initiating the existing NAS OS status quo to spare a thought for the ‘hassle-free’ UX, it is going to be fun to watch play out!

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This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's content. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Visit the NASCompares Deal Finder to find the best place to buy this device in your region, based on Service, Support and Reputation - Just Search for your NAS Drive in the Box Below

Need Advice on Data Storage from an Expert?

Finally, for free advice about your setup, just leave a message in the comments below here at and we will get back to you. Need Help? Where possible (and where appropriate) please provide as much information about your requirements, as then I can arrange the best answer and solution to your needs. Do not worry about your e-mail address being required, it will NOT be used in a mailing list and will NOT be used in any way other than to respond to your enquiry. [contact-form-7] TRY CHAT Terms and Conditions
If you like this service, please consider supporting us. We use affiliate links on the blog allowing NAScompares information and advice service to be free of charge to you.Anything you purchase on the day you click on our links will generate a small commission which isused to run the website. Here is a link for Amazon and B&H.You can also get me a ☕ Ko-fi or old school Paypal. Thanks!To find out more about how to support this advice service check HEREIf you need to fix or configure a NAS, check Fiver Have you thought about helping others with your knowledge? Find Instructions Here  
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Alternatively, why not ask me on the ASK NASCompares forum, by clicking the button below. This is a community hub that serves as a place that I can answer your question, chew the fat, share new release information and even get corrections posted. I will always get around to answering ALL queries, but as a one-man operation, I cannot promise speed! So by sharing your query in the ASK NASCompares section below, you can get a better range of solutions and suggestions, alongside my own.



Asustor ADM 4.3.1 débarque, quelles sont les nouveautés ?

Asustor ADM 4.3.1Asustor vient d’annoncer l’arrivée de la nouvelle version de son logiciel interne, ADM 4.3.1. Il s’agit d’une version mineure qui arrive deux mois après ADM 4.3.0. Cependant, comme vous allez le constater, elle ne manque pas d’intérêt. ADM 4.3.1 Lors du Computex (début juin), Asustor a officiellement annoncé l’arrivée d’ADM 5.0, notamment sur ses nouveaux modèles. Malheureusement, nous n’en savons pas plus au moment où nous rédigeons ces lignes. Toutefois, le fabricant nous revient avec une nouvelle mouture de son logiciel interne : ADM 4.3.1. Regardons de plus près le journal des modifications : Web Center et Reverse Proxy prennent […]
Lire la suite : Asustor ADM 4.3.1 débarque, quelles sont les nouveautés ?

AIFFRO K100 SSD NAS Review – Pocket Sized NVMe NAS?

AIFFRO K100 SSD NAS Review – N100 Powered Flash NAS for Your Pocket?

AND ANOTHER SSD NAS has arrived on the market, this time from AIFFRO with their K100 4-Bay NVMe micro/pocket server. Nowadays, it seems like every brand and it’s subsidiary want to get in on ALL SSD NAS systems! The decreasing cost of SSDs, combined with the rising efficiency of server CPUs have all added up to a lot of brands appearing on the scene out of the East to introduce their new NAS system for Flash storage. Add to this the fact that many of them do not need to include an operating system, thanks to the rising use of the likes of UnRAID and TrueNAS, which means that they can be incredibly competitive with their pricing! But the last 12 months have been a massive spike in the development of NAS systems that have their hardware/brand routes in mini PC development. But where is the line? What sets a NAS system apart from a mini PC? Just the storage? The AIFFRO K100 blurs the lines considerably with it’s N100 CPU architecture, 4x 2280 M,2 SSD slots and 2.5GbE connectivity, arriving at $320. So, let’s review this new micro NAS, see how/if it differentiates itself well enough from a cheap mini PC and hopefully help you decide if the K100 deserves your data!

Where to Buy?

  • Check Amazon for the Aiffro K100 NAS HERE
  • Similar 4-Bay NVMe NAS on AliExpress ($155)CWWK x86 P5 NAS
Component Details
Model K100
Dimensions 117x112x34mm
Material Aluminum alloy
CPU Intel N100, 4 cores, 4 threads, 6MB cache, peak clock speed of 3.40GHz
Video Engine Processor Intel UHD Graphics 12th
Memory LPDDR5 8GB 4800MHz (4x2GB LPDDR4 4800MHz Micron MT62F1G32D2DS)
Storage 4 x SSD (2280 M.2 PCIe Gen3x4, downgraded to 3×2)
I/O Ports 2 x USB 2.0, 2 x TYPE-C USB3.2 Gen2 Data Only 10G, 1 x TYPE-C DC, 1 x 2.5G RJ45 Realtek RTL8125, 1 x HDMI 1.4
Ethernet Realtek RTL8125, 10/100/1000/2500 Mbps Ethernet
LED 1 x POWER LED (Power On: Green+Red, working: Green)
Adapter Automatic Voltage adjustment between 100 and 240V AC, 50/60Hz, 65Watts PD (20V/3.25A), 1.5 meters long Type-C cable
Support System CentOS/Euler/Ubuntu/Win11/FreeNAS/TrueNAS
Accessory VESA Mount (optional)

AIFFRO K100 SSD NAS Review – Quick Conclusion

The K100 4-Bay NVMe SSD NAS is arguably quite an average NAS system, but it stands out by being one of the very few compact NAS systems that arrives at under $300 with dedicated  m.2 NVMe support. There is no avoiding that very little has been done to separate it from being just a Mini PC that happens to have 4 storage slots – but at the same time, with complete NAS OS freedom, lower power consumption with USB power, good sustained performance internally (though peak performance is weak) and being genuinely pocket-sized, make this system an interesting NAS for those looking at a truly portable NAS. The single 2.5G slot is a pain though (i.e no failover and 250-279MB speed limit externally) and the fixed 8GB memory feels restrictive for TrueNAS users (let’s not even bring up ECC…), but as a first NAS from this brand on the market, it still brings competitive hardware pricing to the table. They just need to make more of a concerted effort to truly make this into a NAS system in the conventional sense. Definitely a brand to keep an eye on, but this is a system for hobbyists and homelabber’s who want something more capable than a raspberry Pi, but not for mission-critical data.

PRICE - 7/10
VALUE - 7/10

👍🏻Insanely Compact
👍🏻4 M.2 2280 SSDs at this scale are incredibly impressive
👍🏻USB-C Power is oddly rare these days!
👍🏻The N100 CPU is tremendously energy efficient
👍🏻Low noise levels
👍🏻Plenty of passive cooling
👍🏻Pre-populated storage options
👍🏻Complete NAS OS\' freedom
👍🏻Very affordable at $320 for a NVMe Flash 4x Bay system
👎🏻N100 has it\'s limitations in scalability
👎🏻A single LAN Port is a PAIN
👎🏻Fixed 8GB memory, and no ECC (not a big surprise)
👎🏻Similar architecture NAS available for less in the market (example, the CWWK x86 P5 at $155, same CPU and 4 Bays)

Where to Buy a Product
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AIFFRO K100 SSD NAS Review – Design

The K100 arrives in a predictably small, Mini PC-esque form. Given the scale of modern m.2 NVMe drives, even at the largest capacity, this system does not really need to be particularly large when focusing on this media. There is, of course, the balance between keeping things quiet and compact versus keeping things cool and smoothly running, but there are a decent number of design choices here that balance this point quite well.

The enclosure is metal on all sides. The base has ventilation holes on three of the four sides. The system features only a single internal active cooling fan that we will touch on later on, but it is all very discreet and the silver metallic finish is a nice touch.

Measuring at just a little under 12 cm by 11 cm by 4 cm, this is a tremendously small-scale NAS system that, thanks to its use of USB power delivery, means it is going to be extraordinarily low impact on your hardware environment when deploying. Likewise, weighing in at around half a kilo, it is going to be pretty easy to mount this device anywhere. The front of the system is quite nondescript and only features a single power button and no further connectivity. Given the preponderance of USB connections that we will touch on later, it would have been nice to have one of these ports front-mounted for convenient local backups or storage injection as needed.

The base of the system is a plastic panel with rubber feet that can be removed via four screws to access the internal storage bays. Overall, the design is very understated and, despite the more modest N100 architecture, the K100 still manages to be impressively small-scale.

The K100 feels very well-built and impressively put together. There is no avoiding that this chassis does look like a slightly modified Mini PC enclosure, but that is not necessarily a bad thing for those that want a service system that focuses exclusively on m.2 SSD storage. Let’s discuss the external connectivity of this device.

More so than the scale of this system, the ports and connectivity of the K100 bring back that slightly icky feeling that this is just a mini PC pretending to be a NAS. It’s not that the connections are bad, it’s just that in one very specific area an obvious feature of modern NAS is absent. But before we get to that, let’s keep things positive. The rear of the system is actually pretty densely packed with connections, and interestingly, the system even runs on a standard USB type-C power connection. You will need to deliver slightly more than your average USB-connected port, but I was able to run this system pretty well with my Sharky external battery pack and even a standard 36 W USB phone charger kept this system running. Obviously, it is recommended that you use the included PSU to run this system, but having USB type-C power certainly adds an element of flexibility once again to the deployment of this system.

Additionally, there are further USB type-C and USB type-A ports, with the former providing you with 10 GB performance with externally connected storage drives and the latter being a useful means to set up your KVM for direct access on this system with your visual output. Again, USB type-C is surprisingly rare on modern NAS devices and in this compact frame makes a lot of sense.

There are also dual HDMI outputs, which of course are going to be heavily dependent on the NAS operating system you use, but it’s still a useful thing to have here and they do output 4K at 60 frames per second. Alongside multimedia, these ports can also be used in conjunction with accessing the BIOS of the system easily to install the third-party NAS software that you want to use. So far I have tested TrueNAS Core and Unraid on this device, and both ran fine.

However, now it’s time to get a little down in the dumps and talk about the network connectivity on the K100. Despite the fact that this system supports four m.2 NVMe SSDs inside, and even arrives with a reasonably powerful, yet efficient N100 CPU, the K100 arrives with a single 2.5 GB Ethernet port. That means that all data transmissions outside of this device are going to be bottlenecked to around 250 to 270 MB per second. Although the tiniest bit of me wants to give them the benefit of the doubt and at least highlight that it is not standard boring 1GBE, there is no avoiding that alongside this port, ensuring a huge bottleneck of the performance that this system could reach, the lack of any option towards failover, link aggregation, and easy SMB multi-channel for Windows users is simply going to be impossible here.

Clearly, they have opted to prioritize m.2 NVMe storage inside this system, even going as far as to ensure that each slot has 2000 MB per second bandwidth afforded to it for those SSDs (more on that later), but a single Ethernet port of this calibre is just not going to be enough for most users who are choosing to invest a few extra dollars in SSD media over that of hard drives. Hell, even if this system was running on traditional 3.5-inch hard drives in SATA and not m.2 NVMe drives, it would still massively oversaturate a single 2.5 G NIC.

Now, it isn’t quite the end of the road in terms of network connectivity. There isn’t any kind of PCIe upgradeability present here, nor is there any external PCIe support via something like OCuLink, but depending on the NAS operating system you choose to use, there is perhaps the option to take advantage of USB to network adapters. In 2024, there are plenty of $15-20 USB to 2.5 G network adapters on the market, and even a few $60 5GBE USB adapters supported here. This does mean that you will have to spend a little more, and that you stand to lose more of those 10G USB ports, but at the very least you can still potentially add further network adapters to this system. It’s just a damn shame that you have to spend extra to do it and potentially lose out on some of your expandability.

Overall the network connectivity on this device is….fine, I guess. It certainly is not going to blow you away and it is all pretty much standard. I expect this kind of thing at this price point. Anyway, the obvious bottleneck that these ports and connections are going to serve to the potential RAID performance of those internal drives is going to be a bitter pill to swallow for some users and possibly may serve as a deal-breaker for them to look elsewhere for a NAS. But how does all of this external hardware impact or profit by the internal hardware? Let’s open this up and discuss what’s inside the K100 NAS.

Internal hardware

The base panel of the system is removed by finding four screws located under each of the rubber feet on the base of the system. Doing so exposes an internal metal dissipation plate that lives just above each of the individual m.2 slots, serving as additional heat dissipation for the SSDs during peak use in order to prevent throttling due to high temperatures.

Removing this further panel with four more screws reveals all four of the internal m.2 NVMe slots. Each one is 2280 in length, and if you purchased a device pre-populated, Bay one will be already occupied with a relatively little-known SSD branded drive. Additionally, my review unit arrived with Windows 11 pre-installed on this drive. I’m not too sure if this is what every user who purchases the K100 will receive, or this is something that perhaps a previous reviewer added during their evaluation, but I think the majority of users are probably going to wipe this drive very early in favor of more NAS-focused software shortly after.

It’s also worth highlighting that when I dug into the BIOS of this system, I was able to find out that although the hardware architecture for each of these slots is PCIe Gen 3*4, each slot has been downgraded to times 2 speed. This is something that was added to minimize SSD temperature during operation. This still means that each SSD inside, if you use Gen. 3*4 SSDs, will still be afforded somewhere in the region of 2,000 MB per second bandwidth each.

The N100 CPU that we’ll talk about in a moment is not the most powerful processor on the market, trying instead to find a better balance between performance and power consumption efficiency, so even though each of these SSDs has been afforded 2,000 MB per second of bandwidth, I very much doubt that we’re going to see this system break any records in terms of performance.

Removing this panel then exposes the internal CPU and memory configuration of the K100. This processor arrives with its own small laptop-style cooling fan and, despite its small stature, has become remarkably popular in consumer-grade NAS devices in recent years. The Intel N100 is a quad-core x86 CPU that, although has a very low base clock speed, can be boosted impressively all the way up to 3.4 GHz when needed.

With a TDP-reported power rating of just 6 W and even arriving with a moderate level of integrated graphics, there is a lot to like about this CPU choice.

I have already tested numerous systems with this processor from CWWK, Topton, and Aooster, and on every occasion, this processor architecture did not disappoint in things like 4K Plex media server, container deployment, speedy backups, and multi-user/multi-application simultaneous usage. However, on the subject of memory, things differ ever so slightly with this modest CPU also diminishing the scope for memory allocation + features.

The K100 arrives with 8GB of DDR5 memory at 4800 MHz. For a base level amount of memory on any affordable NAS system, this isn’t too bad. It’s only when you move beyond this that things become problematic. For a start, this memory is provided via four times 2GB pre-soldered memory flash cells attached to the internal PCB. There is no means to upgrade the base of your memory beyond this and therefore running services such as TrueNAS are going to be a little bit more stringent when it comes to the beefier ZFS and inline services that it includes. Additionally, this processor does not support ECC memory and therefore there will be some experienced flash server users who are going to feel less secure in this faster storage media being supported by non-ECC memory – fearing occasional data inconsistencies occurring over time.

Realistically, adding the necessary architecture to equip this system with ECC RAM would have meant changing the CPU for something a little bit more expensive and swapping out the available memory for more expensive ECC modules, so I completely understand why they opted for keeping things more simple and affordable on this smaller system for that target audience seeking entry-level SSD NAS. Nevertheless, the more modest foundations of this system are definitely going to impact overall performance. Some users are obviously going to highlight that performance was already somewhat limited by that 2.5 GBE solo port, but this CPU and memory architecture is definitely going to impact internal performance too. That is possible from those four M.2 SSDs.

AIFFRO K100 SSD NAS Review – Software and Performance

As this system runs on the fantastically modest yet capable Intel N100 (x86 Architecture, 4 Core, 4 thread, 3.6Ghz peak when needed, int.GFX), as well as running on M.2 NVMe SSD Storage, it was always going to be interesting to see what the system power consumption was going to be. When the system was at idle (i.e on, but M.2s not being accessed for 15 mins, system in a ready state, but not processing), the K100 was erring around the 10W mark – perfectly acceptable.

At peak, with all 4 SSDs being accessed and the CPU at 40-50% use, the K100 increased its power consumption up to 16W and eventually peaked at 18W (when the CPU use and SSD use was 75% and above). Again, very respectable numbers for a 4 bay NVMe SSD Flash NAS system.

Next, we can discuss noise. Many new/old NAS users (DiY or turnkey) are moving towards SSD use in their systems primarily for decreased operational noise (and, of course, the massive speed and latency benefits). Now, upon initial boot up, the AIFFRO K100’s fan spun up to maximum speed for 15 seconds, then spun down to a much quieter idle. Initially the K100 (running UnRAID on this occasion) was around the 21-23dB mark in terms of noise, but that was when the SSDs were not mounted in the storage manager. As soon as they were mounted and even vague access was made to them, the fan spun up some more (almost preemptively preparing for heat) and the system sat at around 25-27dB noise levels. Again, not to bad, and the noise would definitely be lost in a broader office ambient environment.

Heavy access however was a different story! Despite these M.2 NVMe drive being Gen 3×2 speed, the system still spun the fan up quickly to maximum and the K100 was hitting 36-38db. Upon the completion of ‘heavy access’, the system took almost 10 mins to naturally reduce it’s fan RPM and lower it’s ambient noise. It’s still a very quiet NAS, but the fan cooling seemed to be remarkably sensitive for an N100 NAS of this scale, especially when you factor in the pre-installed internal dissipation plate and padding on the drives.

Next, we need to discuss internal performance, and unfortunately, this is where we see the shortcomings of the N100 processor when dealing with flash NVMe storage hit a hurdle or two! If people are thinking about an NVMe SSD NAS system, they are already thinking about performance in the gigabytes, not the megabytes. Unfortunately, as each M.2 NVMe is 3×2, you already have a 2000MB/s bandwidth limit on each drive already. Then it became clear in testing that these 4 M.2 are seemingly sharing some internal PCIe paths and the N100 just didn’t have the umpf to keep things moving, as initial SSD Read testing (repeated 1GB file creation) sat around the 580-600MB/s mark. When we have seen similarly powered NVMe systems to this from established NAS brands (the QNAP TBS-464 or Asustor Flashstor 6, which both ran on an Intel N5105 Celeron), we have regularly seen these SSDs only hit around 750MB/s each – so I never expected the K100 to fully saturate PCIe 3×2 – but these numbers below are only a pinch above that of SATA SSD.

On a positive note, the write performance was at least largely equal to that of Read (at 590-600MB/s), which further indicated that there was an bottleneck happening internally. I would add that this performance WAS sustained in both Read and Write – which at least would mean that operations on the K100 would be very smooth and responsive. Just that the peak performance of the M.2 NVMes inside is going to be somewhat limited.

Then, the final blow! Copying data from one M.2 NVMe SSD to another clearly indicated that bottleneck, with the average 1GB file creation speed (looped) at 270-290MB/s on average – so, effectively half of what we have seen and therefore the paths were being fought over across the SSDs and sharing out the 600MB/s or so we have seen till now.

I think, at a hardware production level, there would have been an argument to play with PCIe bifurcation here and limit these M.2 NVMes to 3×1, and use some of that extra afforded resources to introduce more bays and/or improvements in the K100 NICs. Sadly, whether this was a hardware limitation, or simply that this would deviate further from the mini PC architecture (and therefore cost more in development and production), its not present here. The K100 performance feels very average, but I have to give it credit for being solid sustained performance, as well as low power consumption and largely low system noise for the majority of the testing.

AIFFRO K100 SSD NAS Review – Conclusion and Verdict

The K100 4-Bay NVMe SSD NAS is arguably quite an average NAS system, but it stands out by being one of the very few compact NAS systems that arrives at under $300 with dedicated  m.2 NVMe support. There is no avoiding that very little has been done to separate it from being just a Mini PC that happens to have 4 storage slots – but at the same time, with complete NAS OS freedom, lower power consumption with USB power, good sustained performance internally (though peak performance is weak) and being genuinely pocket-sized, make this system an interesting NAS for those looking at a truly portable NAS. The single 2.5G slot is a pain though (i.e no failover and 250-279MB speed limit externally) and the fixed 8GB memory feels restrictive for TrueNAS users (let’s not even bring up ECC…), but as a first NAS from this brand on the market, it still brings competitive hardware pricing to the table. They just need to make more of a concerted effort to truly make this into a NAS system in the conventional sense. Definitely a brand to keep an eye on, but this is a system for hobbyists and homelabber’s who want something more capable than a raspberry Pi, but not for mission-critical data.

PROS of the K100 Flash NAS CONs of the K100 Flash NAS
  • Insanely Compact
  • 4 M.2 2280 SSDs at this scale are incredibly impressive
  • USB-C Power is oddly rare these days!
  • The N100 CPU is tremendously energy efficient
  • Low noise levels
  • Plenty of passive cooling
  • Pre-populated storage options
  • Complete NAS OS’ freedom
  • Very affordable at $320 for a NVMe Flash 4x Bay system
  • N100 has it’s limitations in scalability
  • A single LAN Port is a PAIN
  • Fixed 8GB memory, and no ECC (not a big surprise)
  • Similar architecture NAS available for less in the market (example, the CWWK x86 P5 at $155, same CPU and 4 Bays)

Where to Buy?

  • Check Amazon for the Aiffro K100 NAS HERE
  • Similar 4-Bay NVMe NAS on AliExpress ($155)CWWK x86 P5 NAS

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Cost Effective QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X Desktop 10GbE and ECC Memory Ready NAS Revealed

QNAP Reveal a New (and frankly incredible) ARM NAS Series – The TS-x32X NAS Range

At the recent Computex 2024 event, QNAP introduced two new NAS models, the TS-632X and TS-432X, which are poised to be valuable additions to their network storage offerings. These devices are specifically designed to cater to small to medium-sized businesses and tech-savvy users who need reliable and efficient data management solutions. Both models are powered by the Annapurna Labs AL524, a quad-core 2.0GHz ARM processor known for its energy efficiency and capability to handle multitasking workloads. Despite being based on ARM architecture, which typically doesn’t match the performance of Intel or AMD x86 processors, these NAS devices promise satisfactory performance for their target applications. This positioning highlights QNAP’s ongoing commitment to providing practical, affordable solutions that meet the diverse needs of modern data storage environments.

What are the Hardware Specifications of the QNAP TS-432x and TS-632x NAS?

The TS-632X, with its 6-bay configuration, offers dual 10GbE SFP+ ports, providing significant bandwidth for data-intensive tasks. This makes it suitable for high-speed network environments where rapid data transmission and backup are crucial. The inclusion of two 10GbE ports enables efficient data handling and minimizes latency in data-heavy operations. Meanwhile, the TS-432X, featuring a 4-bay setup, includes a single 10GbE SFP+ port, which, although less than the TS-632X, still offers substantial improvement over traditional 1GbE connections. For those who need to connect to conventional Ethernet networks, affordable SFP+ to RJ45 copper adapters are available, allowing these NAS systems to integrate seamlessly into existing infrastructures. However, it’s important to note that while these devices boast high-speed connectivity, the actual data transfer rates will likely be lower due to the inherent limitations of ARM processors compared to more powerful x86 processors from Intel and AMD.

Feature TS-432X


Model TS-432X-4G TS-632X-4G
CPU Annapurna Labs, an Amazon company Alpine AL524, 4-core, 2.0GHz Annapurna Labs, an Amazon company Alpine AL524, 4-core, 2.0GHz
CPU Architecture 64-bit ARM 64-bit ARM
Encryption Engine Supports AES 256-bit encryption Supports AES 256-bit encryption
System Memory 4 GB SODIMM DDR4 (1 x 4 GB) 4 GB SODIMM DDR4 (1 x 4 GB)
Maximum Memory 16 GB (1 x 16 GB) 16 GB (1 x 16 GB)
Memory Slot 1 x SODIMM DDR4 1 x SODIMM DDR4
Support ECC Memory Yes Yes
Drive Bay 4 x 3.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s, 3Gb/s 6 x 3.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s, 3Gb/s
2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Ports 2 (2.5G/1G/100M) 2 (2.5G/1G/100M)
10 Gigabit Ethernet Ports 1 x 10GbE SFP+ 2 x 10GbE SFP+
PCIe Slot 1 x PCIe Gen 3 x4 1 x PCIe Gen 3 x4
PCIe Slot Dimensions 190 x 68.9 x 18.76 mm 190 x 68.9 x 18.76 mm
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Ports 2 2
Dimensions (HxWxD) 226.5 x 170 x 165 mm 226.5 x 235 x 165 mm
Weight (Net) 1.99 kg 2.5 kg
Weight (Gross) 4.8 kg 4.96 kg
Power Supply Unit 90W adapter (12VDC), 100-240VAC 120W adapter (12VDC), 100-240VAC
Fan 1 x 120mm, 12VDC 2 x 90mm, 12VDC
Software Features AI photo management, container applications, centralized backup and snapshot protection, surveillance AI photo management, container applications, centralized backup and snapshot protection, surveillance
Connections 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports
Faster USB Transfer Two USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports with One Touch Copy support Two USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) ports with One Touch Copy support
Centralized Backup Easily back up different types of data and endpoints and create snapshots regularly to prevent ransomware threats Easily back up different types of data and endpoints and create snapshots regularly to prevent ransomware threats
10GbE Connectivity High-speed single-port 10GbE SFP+ connectivity High-speed dual-port 10GbE SFP+ connectivity
PCIe Expandability Install PCIe expansion card for 2.5/5/10GbE or M.2 SSD slots Install PCIe expansion card for 2.5/5/10GbE or M.2 SSD slots
Performance Quad-core for multitasking, low power consumption Quad-core for multitasking, low power consumption

A standout feature of both the TS-632X and TS-432X is their support for ECC (Error-Correcting Code) memory, which is a rare offering in ARM-based NAS systems, particularly at an accessible price point. By default, these NAS units are equipped with non-ECC memory, but they allow users the option to upgrade to ECC memory. ECC memory is crucial for preventing data corruption by detecting and correcting errors, making it a valuable addition for users who prioritize data integrity and reliability. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses and advanced users who require stable and accurate data storage solutions, providing an added layer of security typically reserved for more expensive, enterprise-grade systems. However, users should note that the out-of-the-box memory is non-ECC, and an upgrade will be necessary to take full advantage of ECC’s capabilities.

The expandability of the TS-632X and TS-432X is another notable aspect, particularly with the inclusion of a PCIe Gen 3 x4 slot. This slot enables users to install various expansion cards to enhance the NAS’s capabilities, such as additional network cards to increase connectivity options or M.2 SSD slots to boost storage performance. This PCIe slot provides a degree of scalability and customization, allowing these NAS systems to grow and adapt to changing business needs. Additionally, users can expand storage externally using QNAP’s TR and TL series expansion units via USB, further increasing the capacity and versatility of these NAS devices. This capability allows for significant expansion without requiring a complete overhaul of the storage infrastructure, making it a flexible and cost-effective solution for growing data storage requirements.

The TS-632X delivers impressive data transfer capabilities, with read speeds up to 2251 MB/s and write speeds up to 1082 MB/s when utilizing dual 10GbE connections under optimal conditions. The TS-432X, on the other hand, provides read speeds up to 1181 MB/s and write speeds up to 887 MB/s through its single 10GbE port. These figures reflect robust performance for ARM-based devices, but it’s important to recognize that actual speeds in everyday use may be lower due to the limitations of the ARM CPU. ARM processors, while efficient and cost-effective, generally do not perform as well in high-intensity data operations compared to their x86 counterparts. This factor should be considered by users looking for the highest possible data transfer speeds, as these systems may not match the throughput of more powerful, x86-based NAS devices.

A notable feature of these NAS systems is their scalability. Both the TS-632X and TS-432X support flexible storage configurations, allowing users to start with a minimal setup of one or two drives and add more drives as needed. This makes it possible to expand the storage capacity over time without significant upfront investment. Furthermore, the systems run on QNAP’s QTS operating system, which is based on the EXT4 file system rather than the more advanced QuTS ZFS platform. This choice is likely due to hardware limitations, as ZFS typically requires more robust hardware resources to run effectively. While QTS provides a user-friendly interface and sufficient functionality for most users, those looking for advanced features like deduplication and enhanced data integrity checks offered by ZFS will need to consider other options.

Both the TS-632X and TS-432X are slated for release in Q3 2024, with pricing expected to be consistent with QNAP’s previous ARM-powered 10GbE systems. This positions them competitively in the market, offering high-speed connectivity and robust data management features at a reasonable cost. As such, they are well-suited for users who need efficient and scalable storage solutions without incurring the higher costs associated with more powerful x86-based NAS systems. This upcoming release reflects QNAP’s strategy of providing accessible and flexible storage solutions that cater to a wide range of users, from small businesses to tech enthusiasts.

Essentially the QNAP TS-632X and TS-432X are being presented as practical and scalable solutions for those seeking reliable network storage with high-speed connectivity, but on a tighter budget! While they offer some advanced features such as ECC memory support and PCIe expandability, their performance is inherently limited by the ARM architecture. These NAS systems are suitable for users who need moderate performance and scalability at an affordable price point. As with any technology decision, potential users should consider their specific needs and performance expectations to determine if these models are the right fit for their requirements. QNAP’s new offerings at Computex 2024 underscore the company’s commitment to providing versatile, user-friendly storage solutions that balance cost and functionality.

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Guide pour bien choisir son NAS (été 2024)

Vous envisagez d’investir dans un NAS, mais vous hésitez face aux nombreux modèles disponibles ? Notre guide complet des meilleurs NAS 2024 est fait pour vous aider. Découvrez les modèles les plus performants, fiables et adaptés à vos besoins. Que vous soyez un particulier à la recherche d’un espace de stockage sécurisé ou une entreprise ayant besoin de solutions robustes, ce comparatif vous donnera les clés pour faire le bon choix. Retrouvez les fabricants les plus réputés du marché : Synology, QNAP, Asustor, TerraMaster, WD… Comparatif NAS (mi 2024) Pour trouver le NAS parfait, il est important de prendre en […]
Lire la suite : Guide pour bien choisir son NAS (été 2024)

The New Synology GS (GridStation) Series – What Is It?

What is the Synology GS Series? And Who Is It For?

Synology has been in the market for almost 25 years now, and during that time, they have rolled out numerous large-capacity solutions. However, the GS series is the brand’s most significant move thus far towards true data center-class scale storage. Last year saw the release of the HD6500 60-bay solution, and the previous year, they introduced their SA and UC3200 active-active solutions. This year, the GS Series and the GS6200 are their latest efforts to provide enormously accessible, expandable, and reliable enterprise storage.

The TL;DR About the GS (GridStation) Series, the GS6200 and the NS4825 Switch

Synology GS Series Overview

General Information:

  • Product Line: GS Series
  • Type: Scale-out data storage and management platform
  • Key Features:
    • Highly efficient and scalable architecture
    • Supports up to 96 nodes per cluster
    • Raw storage capacities of up to 20 PB
    • Supports up to 150,000 concurrent connections for Synology Drive and Office


  • Operational Continuity: Non-disruptive operations and data integrity
  • Ease of Management: Simple and transformative management for businesses and large organizations
  • Platform Compatibility: Compatible with almost all known platforms today
  • Scalability: Suitable for mid to large enterprises with virtually any need


  • Collaboration suite: Drive, spreadsheets, documents, and presentations benefit from the GS series

Synology GS6200 Specifications

Key Features:

  • Management System: Powered by GSM (GridStation Manager)
  • Scalability: 3 to 96 nodes per cluster
  • Storage Capacity: Up to 20 PB of raw capacity per cluster


  • High Connection Performance: Supports up to 150,000 simultaneous users
  • Supported Protocols: SMB, NFS, S3

Operating System:

  • Design: Ensures operational continuity and data preservation
  • Interface: Simple and user-friendly management interface

Advantages and Practical Applications

  • Expandability: Easily expandable without losing performance
  • Cost Efficiency: Optimizes resource usage and reduces maintenance costs
  • Applications: Suitable for various sectors including business, education, and medical industries

NS4825 Network Switch

Key Features:

  • Preconfigured for GS6200: Supports up to 24 connected GS6200 nodes/systems
  • Connectivity: Connects to up to 3 other NS4825 switches for managing a 96-node cluster via 100GbE connections
  • Potential Capacity: Manages over 5 PB of storage per switch


Up until this point, the majority of Synology rackmount systems were designed to be used primarily as single-unit solutions, and most of them have been expandable. This means that these larger and more powerful server solutions can have additional storage bolted on via large expansion units, allowing businesses to increase their shared storage over time. This kind of scale-out storage is very effective for adding more storage to an existing solution, but not for creating large, privately managed storage areas (also known as nodes) that form one larger storage pool (known as a cluster). These solutions have a failure point in the main server that, if impacted, cannot rely on the connected expansion systems to pick up the slack or fluidly handle active connections, identities, or access. This is where the GS Series comes in.

The GS Series is a high-capacity and high-performance rackmount server (the GS6200) that provides a similar experience to other high-powered, large-scale Synology solutions. However, the GS Series is designed to be deployed alongside other GS6200 units—up to 96 units, to be exact! Although this might appear comparable to the existing NAS + expansions model in their portfolio, in the GS Series, each system is a fully-featured server solution that can run independently or in unison (the preferred and recommended method) with the rest of the GS systems in its cluster. Each system features its unit number on a digital display on the front panel. Each GS6200 is a 12-bay unit that can support Synology 20TB media, meaning each system can potentially support up to 240TB of storage capacity. Add that up across 96 individual GS6200 nodes, and you have well over 20 petabytes of storage to work with (more like 23+ PB).

This is a considerable amount of system and storage management across the entire cluster. To address this, Synology is also rolling out an enterprise switch exclusive to this service, which can also be integrated into your existing enterprise switch (Cisco, etc.). Synology does not seem to have plans to broaden their range to include network switches, but I can see the logic of rolling out their own in the GS6200 series. Unlike a traditional expansion cluster (i.e., NAS + SAS-connected expansions), there is a lot more traffic management required, and this switch will do more than just exchange packets; it will also manage and control the cluster in a considerably more native Synology way than using a third-party switch for the cluster would.

The Synology GS Series represents the company’s latest advancement in enterprise storage, designed to meet the needs of large-scale data management. With the ability to integrate up to 96 nodes per cluster and provide over 20 petabytes of raw storage capacity, the GS6200 offers a solution for organizations with extensive data storage requirements. This system is aimed at businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies that need a scalable and efficient method for handling significant amounts of data. Each GS6200 unit is capable of supporting high concurrent connections, up to 150,000 users simultaneously, making it suitable for environments with a large number of users accessing data concurrently. The system supports various protocols including SMB, NFS, and S3, which allows for flexible integration with existing IT infrastructure. This flexibility ensures that organizations can maintain their current systems while scaling their storage capabilities as needed.

The GS Series is equipped with a new operating system designed to ensure operational continuity and data integrity, even during maintenance or upgrades. The management interface is user-friendly, facilitating straightforward monitoring and management of the cluster. This design aims to minimize the complexity involved in managing large storage environments, making it easier for IT administrators to maintain system performance and reliability. To support the GS6200 cluster, Synology has introduced the NS4825 enterprise switch. This switch is designed to handle data traffic efficiently and integrate with the GS6200 systems. The NS4825 is intended to offer a more cohesive management experience than third-party switches, streamlining the scaling and maintenance of the storage cluster. This addition emphasizes Synology’s approach to providing an integrated solution for enterprise data management.

The GS Series, currently just the GS6200 and NS4825, aims to provide a comprehensive and scalable solution for organizations looking to expand their data storage capabilities. The system is designed to be flexible, reliable, and straightforward to manage, positioning it as a practical choice for entities requiring substantial data management infrastructure. We will be covering more of what came out of the Synology Solutions Exhibition 2024 later this week.

Alternatively, you can watch the full summary below from our YouTube Channel HERE:


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New QNAP USB4-to-10G Adapters (ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF)

The QNAP USB4 to 10GbE Adapter (ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: QNAP has always been the hardware innovator in the world of NAS. They introduced Thunderbolt NAS, combination 10GbE+M.2 NVMe cards, USB DAS connected NAS (51A series), and more. However, their latest network upgrade product that is in the works, if it does what they say it will, might well be one of the most universally popular yet! The QNAP USB4 to 10GbE Adapter is a USB4 Type-C connected adapter that allows you to connect to a 10GbE network over copper (10GBASE-T RJ45) or SFP+. So, why is this a big deal? What problems does this solve? And does either of the ONA-LIC10G1T and/or ONA-LIC10G1SF Deserve a place on your next IT shopping trip? Let’s discuss.

Why is the QNAP USB4 to 10G Adapter a Big Deal?

It’s a good question! Up until now, if you wanted to add connectivity to your NAS or your client OS machine (Windows, Mac, etc.), you really only had two options. 1) Buy a 10GbE network upgrade PCIe card and install it in an available PCIe slot of your machine—which a lot of devices do not actually have! Or 2) Buy a Thunderbolt to 10GbE adapter to add this connection—but this requires you to actually have a physical Thunderbolt USB-C port in the first place! So, there is a lot of room for a user to not be able to access 10GbE. However, numerous NAS devices and client machines in the last year or two have been arriving with USB4 ports (especially now that Thunderbolt 4 and USB4 are effectively merged in most modern cases).

This means that this device will make it significantly easier for a user to add 10GbE to their system. It is still yet to be confirmed if the backward compatibility/auto-negotiation of USB4 down to USB 3.2 will still be supported and mean that this adapter can be used in older systems—but never say never. It will definitely heavily rely on the USB4 PCIe bridge that is featured inside the adapter.

The QNAP USB4 10G Adapter Hardware

As mentioned, the QNAP ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF USB4 to 10GbE Adapter arrives in versions that support copper 10G and SFP 10G. The internal hardware will likely remain largely the same between them, but it’s good that they have provided both physical forms. The system is fanless, and its entire casing acts as a form of heat dissipation when in operation. Additionally, the system is completely bus-powered (i.e., no additional cables) as USB4 provides more than enough power to keep the adapter running. Indeed, USB4 can provide an impressive 40Gb/s bandwidth, so there is more than enough to support a single 10GbE network adapter. In fact, given that abundance of bandwidth, it would not surprise me if QNAP ends up limiting the USB4 to 20Gb/s to keep it running at a lower temperature.

QNAP states that the adapter is planned to support use on both QNAP NAS systems and on Windows/Mac/Linux systems. However, whether you can attach multiple units to a QNAP NAS is yet to be confirmed.

The Future of this Product Series: 25GbE?

As mentioned earlier, USB4 provides a huge amount of bandwidth at 40Gb/s, and the single 10GbE on this new adapter is only using 25% of that bandwidth potential. So, what’s next? If QNAP has solved the internal USB4 to network controller (presumably with ASMedia or Realtek—TBC), then that leaves tremendous room to expand this series. I spoke with several people at the QNAP Computex stand about this device and was informed that development of a dual-port 10GbE and even a 25GbE FC version is being worked on, but do not expect those in 2024. It makes a lot of sense, as the USB4-10GbE unit at the show was working (on rotational performance tests), so the logic is there; it’s just making sure it is stable and that the bandwidth is effectively utilized.

Release and Pricing for the QNAP ONA-LIC10G1T and ONA-LIC10G1SF ?

Although the SFP+ and RJ45 versions of the USB4 adapter were running at the show and were definitely real, when I asked about pricing and a release date, QNAP was very hard to pin down. In fact, aside from “later in 2024,” they would not confirm. I can’t really blame them. This is a very unique piece of kit at the moment, and I cannot imagine development was cheap. Add that exclusivity to the fact that the ASMedia/Realtek chip inside is likely very ‘current,’ which means that this will almost certainly be a $150+ adapter at the very least! Chances are that QNAP will need more time to gauge interest in the device before nailing down the details further. I’ll most certainly be keeping an eye on this one!

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pCloud : l’alternative européenne de stockage en ligne

Dans le monde numérique actuel, le stockage en ligne est devenu une nécessité. Parmi les solutions populaires, Dropbox a longtemps dominé le marché. Cependant, pour ceux qui cherchent une alternative européenne, pCloud se distingue par ses nombreuses caractéristiques avantageuses et sa conformité aux lois de confidentialité européennes. Ses offres « à vie » sont très populaires… Stocker ses données en Europe Vous le savez, la confidentialité des données est un sujet important. Il est essentiel de choisir un service de stockage en ligne conforme aux lois de protection des données en vigueur. pCloud, basé en Suisse avec des serveurs au Luxembourg, garantit […]
Lire la suite : pCloud : l’alternative européenne de stockage en ligne

The Asustor Flashstor Gen2 – Performance and PCI Lanes

The Flashstor Gen 2 NVMe NAS – Update on Performance, PCIe Lanes, Release, and More

In the two months or so since Asustor first announced the release of the new entry into their Flash NAS series, the Flashstor Gen 2, it has caused quite a buzz! This new 12x M.2 NVMe slot desktop NAS system effectively super-sizes everything we saw in the Gen 1 model but also adds dual 10GbE and ECC memory. Fast forward to now, and we got to spend some more time with the device at the Asustor stand at Computex 2024 (as well as the similarly profiled Lockerstor Gen 3) to learn more about what it can do, what it cannot do, and to explore more of its hardware profile.

Flashstor Gen 2 10GbE Performance

Asustor demoed the Flashstor and Lockerstor systems, connected to a Windows 11 PC over 2x 10GbE, using SMB Multichannel, and transferred 120GB of data. Both systems were able to fully saturate the dual 10GbE connection and, after accounting for the drag factors associated with this network protocol, achieved 1.8GB/s with sustained performance throughout.

Needless to say, this is still less than the total performance possible with the SSDs inside the Flashstor Gen 2, but it is a positive sign moving forward.

The PCIe Lanes of the M.2 inside the Flashstor Gen 2

This aspect was somewhat of a mixed bag when looking more closely at the architecture of the Flashstor Gen 2, as many people (myself included) were unsure how exactly Asustor would allocate lanes and speed across the 12x M.2 slots inside the system. The answer is… quite messily! We have to be fair here; the Flashstor Gen 2 is still a NAS that is mid-development and subject to change. However, the units on show at the event had the following breakdown of PCIe lanes/speeds detailed on its PCB and confirmed by the team:

How the 12x M.2 NVMe slots are broken down:

– Gen 4×4 = 1 Slot

– Gen 4×1 = 4 Slots

– Gen 4×2 = 3 Slots

– Gen 3×4 = 1 Slot

– Gen 3×2 = 1 Slot

– Gen 3×1 = 2 Slot

This is an unusually mixed arrangement inside a single device. Although there is a lot more performance bandwidth here compared to the 12x Gen 3×1 in the Flashstor Gen 1, there are questions about the system’s performance when creating RAID pools on the M.2 in the Gen 2 that span drives of different speeds. The reality is that most pool configurations, such as a RAID 5 or RAID 0 of drives, will have their performance capped per drive to the speed of the slowest drive in the array. For example, 12 drives in the Gen 4 and Gen 3 slots will be reduced from 2000MB/s per lane to 1000MB/s max; the same goes for x4 slots, x2 slots, and x1 slots.

At least they are trying their best to use up as much of the bandwidth as possible from that Ryzen CPU, but it is still an undeniably bizarre arrangement of slots inside a single NAS system.

PC Gaming and the Flashstor Gen 2 System

The last demo at the stand related to the Flashstor was the system connected to a modern PC system to show how the 2x 10G connections combined with the high performance and low latency of the M.2 SSDs in the Flashstor and Lockerstor. This was done by running the latest version of Cyberpunk 2077 from the NAS systems. The game was running from the gaming machine with its own GPU, etc., but the game’s data files from launch (Steam, Epic, etc.) were all running from the NAS.

There was no drop in frame rate, no poor texture pop-in, no unexpected load screens as you transitioned through the world, and no examples of poor texture swapping. Indeed, the game played like it was stored on the PC’s own storage—but it wasn’t; it was managing the game data from the Flashstor Gen 2’s storage. This was achieved using an iSCSI LUN created in the Asustor ADM Storage Manager and then mounted on the PC via the built-in Windows iSCSI initiator.

(Here is a clip from the video where the tests were shown):

Running games from a NAS system is not new, but as more games are being developed with M.2 NVMe SSD storage in mind, they are also getting bigger and bigger (notwithstanding ‘Game as a Service’ titles that will grow constantly over the years). If you have years and years of titles in your Steam library and are concerned they might one day be taken offline, you will need some serious storage to ensure you have it all! With the performance benefits of accessing multiple M.2 SSDs in a RAID configuration and the expanded storage potential of these systems compared with the limited number of M.2 slots in ma00ny systems, you can definitely see why there is a growing appeal for games to be played off a NAS.

The Flashstor is still a fair way from full release—even the name ‘Gen 2’ seems to be a matter still under debate. Last month, I recorded a User Q&A with a brand representative that covered all the questions users had about the Flashstor Gen 2 and Lockerstor Gen 3. You can watch the whole thing below in the video (chapters on the bar at the bottom)

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Synology DSM 7.2 avec NordVPN et ProtonVPN

Un membre du forum des NAS n’arrive pas à faire fonctionner son NAS Synology avec un fichier de configuration OpenVPN de NordVPN. Il n’existe apparemment pas de tutoriel récent sur le sujet. Je vous propose de découvrir comment faire, en quelques étapes avec NordVPN et ProtonVPN. Synology et OpenVPN Depuis plusieurs années, Synology propose sur ses NAS la possibilité de se connecter à un serveur VPN. Cela peut être très utile aux entreprises, mais aussi pour les particuliers qui souhaitent que leur NAS ne soit pas directement accessible sur Internet. Quelle que soit la raison, je vous propose de configurer […]
Lire la suite : Synology DSM 7.2 avec NordVPN et ProtonVPN

QNAP QTS 5.2 arrive en RC

QNAP vient de mettre en ligne la version Release Candidate de son logiciel interne QTS 5.2. Cette nouvelle version intègre de nombreuses améliorations, mais aussi de nouveaux outils. QNAP QTS 5.2 RC QNAP a été plutôt rapide sur la phase bêta. Il n’y aura eu qu’une seule version avant le passage en RC (Release Candidate). Pour rappel, une version RC est (normalement) la dernière version avant la mise à disposition de tous de la version finale. À noter que QNAP a précédemment sorti 3 RC avant la version finale. QNAP annonce : « QTS 5.2.0 apporte de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités importantes […]
Lire la suite : QNAP QTS 5.2 arrive en RC

Jonsbo N5 NAS Case Revealed

Jonsbo Reveals New N5 NAS Case at Computex 2024

Jonsbo, a well-known manufacturer of PC cases and cooling solutions, unveiled its new N5 NAS case at the Computex 2024 event. The announcement took place at the company’s stand, where the latest addition to their product line was showcased to attendees.

The Jonsbo N5 NAS case is designed to cater to users who require extensive storage options. It supports a combination of 2.5″ SSDs and 3.5″ HDDs, allowing for up to 12 drives in various configurations. The drive bay can hold 2.5″ SSD x2 / 3.5″ HDD x12 or 2.5″ SSD x4 / 3.5″ HDD x12, providing flexibility depending on the user’s storage needs.

In terms of dimensions, the N5 measures 355mm in width, 403mm in depth, and 350mm in height. This size accommodates a range of motherboard form factors, including ITX, M-ATX, ATX, and E-ATX, making it a versatile option for various build requirements.

The case features extensive cooling options with vent panels on all sides to ensure adequate airflow. The design includes support for SFX power supplies, with the exact size to be confirmed. This is aimed at maintaining efficient power management within a compact form factor.

For users with high-performance components, the N5 supports video cards up to 350mm in length and CPU coolers up to 160mm in height. This ensures compatibility with a wide range of graphics cards and cooling solutions available in the market.

The front I/O port configuration includes a Type-C port and a USB 3.0 port, along with support for audio and mic input. This setup aims to provide easy access to frequently used ports and connectivity options.

Material-wise, the N5 is constructed with a 2.0mm aluminum alloy external cover and a 1.0mm steel internal structure. This combination of materials offers durability while maintaining a sleek and modern aesthetic.

One of the notable features of the N5 is its wooden removable (mesh vented) HDD bay cover panel. This not only adds to the visual appeal of the case but also enhances ventilation for the drives.

The case also includes 12 LEDs, adding a lighting element that can be customized according to the user’s preference. The LEDs are strategically placed to highlight the internal components without being overly intrusive. Another nice touch (and a criticism leveled at the N4 previously for skipping over a little, is that all 12 SATA connections directly go into combined SATA power+data ports on their own backplanes! 

When compared to the Jonsbo N2, N3, and N4, the N5 offers the highest number of drive bays and expansion slots. The N2 supports up to 5 HDDs, the N3 up to 8 HDDs, and the N4 up to 6 HDDs, making the N5 a superior choice for users with extensive storage needs.

Attribute Jonsbo N2 Jonsbo N3 Jonsbo N4 Jonsbo N5
Model N2 Black N3 Black N4 Black N5
Dimensions 222.5mm(W) * 222.5mm(D) * 224mm(H) 233mm(W) * 262mm(D) * 298mm(H) 286mm(W) * 300mm(D) * 228mm(H) 355mm(W) * 403mm(D) * 350mm(H)
Material 2.0mm Aluminum alloy; 1mm Steel 2.0mm Aluminum alloy; 1mm Steel 0.7mm Steel + Wood 2.0mm Aluminum alloy; 1mm Steel
Drive Bay 2.5″ SSD1 / 3.5″ HDD5 2.5″ SSD1 / 3.5″ HDD8 2.5″ SSD2 / 3.5″ HDD6 2.5″ SSD2 / 3.5″ HDD12 or 2.5″ SSD4 / 3.5″ HDD12
Motherboard Compatibility ITX ITX ITX / M-ATX ITX / M-ATX / ATX / E-ATX
PCI Expansion Slot 1 x Low profile single slot 2 4 8
Front I/O Port 1*USB3.0 / USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C / Audio+Mic 1*USB3.0 / USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C / Audio+Mic Type-C1 / USB3.01 Type-C1 / USB3.01
PSU Support SFX ≤ 150mm SFX ≤ 105mm SFX ≤ 125mm SFX (TBC size)
Max. CPU Cooler Height ≤ 65mm ≤ 130mm ≤ 70mm 160mm
Max. Display Card Length ≤ 197mm (Low profile) ≤ 250mm ≤ 230mm 325-350mm
Cooling System 12015mm fan*1 (built-in) 10025mm2 (optional), 8025mm2 (optional) 120mm*1 (built-in) Vent Panels on all sides
Weight Net 2.9kg Net 3.9kg 3.75kg Weight not specified

The N5 also surpasses the other models in terms of PCI expansion slots, offering 8 compared to the N2’s single slot, the N3’s 2 slots, and the N4’s 4 slots. This makes it a more suitable option for users requiring additional expansion capabilities.

Overall, the Jonsbo N5 stands out with its higher capacity and versatile design, offering more extensive support for components and storage compared to the N2, N3, and N4 models. This makes it a strong contender for users looking to build a high-performance NAS system.

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QNAP @ Computex 2024 – Everything They Showed

What Has QNAP Planned for 2024 and 2025?

QNAP unveiled a variety of new hardware and software solutions at Computex 2024, designed to cater to both personal and business users. Among the highlights is a USB-to-10GbE connectivity adapter, which promises to bring high-speed network capabilities to devices that previously required PCIe cards. Additionally, they will showcase a USB4 expansion box, providing users with more storage capacity and faster data transfer speeds. The line-up also includes a new 1U expandable rackmount, which offers flexible storage options in a compact form factor, ideal for businesses looking to optimize their server space. QNAP is also introducing an advanced 4/6 Bay NAS series, designed to meet the growing data storage and management needs of small to medium-sized businesses. In terms of connectivity, there are significant improvements in thunderbolt support in the form of SMB Multichannel being added to TB connectivity, ensuring faster and more reliable connections for users who need high-performance data transfer. These new products and innovations, scheduled for release in 2024 and 2025, demonstrate QNAP’s commitment to enhancing their storage solutions and keeping pace with the evolving demands of their users. Here is everything they showed off.

The QNAP TS-765eU Massive Flexible 1U Rackmount NAS

The QNAP TS-765eU is a compact yet powerful 1U short depth rackmount NAS designed to meet the demanding needs of modern businesses. Equipped with an Intel Atom x7405C quad-core processor, this NAS delivers impressive performance with a clock speed of up to 3.46GHz. This powerful processor ensures smooth operation for various applications, from data storage and management to virtualization tasks. The TS-765eU also supports up to 16GB of DDR5 SODIMM memory with in-band ECC, providing reliable error detection and correction during data transmission, which enhances system stability and data integrity.

One of the standout features of the TS-765eU is its flexible storage options. It comes with four 3.5″ SATA bays and three E1.S/M.2 PCIe slots, allowing users to customize their storage setup according to their needs. The included M.2 adapter supports M.2 2280 PCIe SSDs, offering high-speed storage solutions for applications requiring fast data access. This adaptability makes the TS-765eU suitable for various storage configurations, from large-capacity drives for data archiving to high-speed SSDs for performance-intensive tasks.

Connectivity is another strong suit of the TS-765eU. It features built-in dual 2.5GbE RJ45 ports, providing high-speed network connectivity out of the box. For users requiring even faster network speeds, the NAS supports expansion to 10GBASE-T through its E1.S PCIe slots using the optional OXG-ES10G1T network adapter.

This flexibility ensures that the TS-765eU can adapt to different networking environments and future-proof the network infrastructure as demands grow. Overall, the TS-765eU combines powerful performance, flexible storage options, and scalable connectivity, making it a versatile solution for businesses looking to optimize their network-attached storage capabilities.

The QNAP USB 4 JBOD Expansion Box and Rackmount

The QNAP JBOD USB4 Expansion Box, available in models TL-D810TC4 and TL-R1210TC4-RP, is designed to enhance storage capabilities for NAS systems. With its high-capacity 8 or 12-bay configurations, this enclosure supports hot-swappable SATA hard drives, making it an ideal solution for expanding storage without downtime. The inclusion of a USB 4 port (40Gbps) ensures high-speed data transfers, significantly outperforming traditional USB 3.2 Gen 2 interfaces. This speed advantage is crucial for businesses and users handling large files, reducing transfer times and improving overall workflow efficiency.

In addition to its robust storage capabilities, the QNAP JBOD USB4 Expansion Box features intelligent fan control to protect your hardware. The system automatically adjusts fan speeds based on temperature readings to extend the lifespan of your hard drives, with an option for manual control for customized settings.

This enclosure also offers easy physical data migration, allowing users to effortlessly move the JBOD to different locations and connect it to a NAS system. The plug-and-play functionality ensures seamless and quick data migration, enhancing flexibility and convenience in managing expanding storage needs.

QNAP USB 4 to 10GbE and 25GbE Adapters

The QNAP QNA USB 4 Type C Network Adapter series is an advanced solution designed to provide high-speed network connectivity for both Mac and Windows computers. Leveraging the power of USB 4, these adapters enable users to achieve 10GbE or 25GbE network speeds, making them ideal for applications requiring fast data transfers and low latency. This series includes five distinct models: the ONA-LIC10G1T, which offers a single 10GBASE-T connection; the ONA-UC10G1SF, which provides a single 10GbE SFP+ connection; the ONA-UC10G2T, featuring dual 10GBASE-T connections; the ONA-UC10G2SF, offering dual 10GbE SFP+ connections; and the ONA-UC25G2SF, which supports dual 25GbE SFP28 connections. Each model is designed to cater to specific networking needs, ensuring versatility and high performance.

One of the most notable aspects of the QNA USB 4 Type C Network Adapter series is its status as the first USB4 to 10/25GbE adapter on the market. Traditionally, achieving these high-speed connections required the use of PCIe cards, which often limited flexibility and portability. By bringing these capabilities to a compact, USB4-enabled device, QNAP has significantly simplified the process of upgrading network speeds, allowing users to easily integrate these adapters into their existing setups without the need for internal hardware modifications.

The fanless design of these adapters reduces noise and enhances heat dissipation through exterior groove slots on the casing, ensuring efficient operation even under heavy load. The lightweight and portable nature of the adapters, coupled with the included USB 4 C to C cable, makes them easy to set up and use on the go. It is important to note that these adapters are not backward compatible with USB 3, so users must ensure their systems have USB 4 ports.

The ONA-UC25G2SF model (STILL VERY WIP) includes two USB 4 Type C ports, one for power delivery (requiring a minimum of 27W) and one for data transfer, although a power adapter is not included. These features demonstrate QNAP’s commitment to providing flexible, high-performance networking solutions that meet the demands of modern computing environments.

QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS Devices

The QNAP TS-432X and TS-632X NAS devices are designed for small to medium-sized businesses requiring robust and high-speed storage solutions. Powered by a quad-core 2.0GHz AnnapurnaLabs AL-524 processor, these NAS devices ensure powerful performance for various tasks. The TS-432X features four drive bays, while the TS-632X offers six, providing ample storage capacity. Both models support expandable memory up to 16GB RAM, catering to the data backup, recovery, and virtualized storage needs of SMBs. The built-in 10GbE SFP+ and 2.5GbE RJ45 ports deliver exceptional network connectivity, making these devices ideal for environments demanding high-speed data transfers.

In addition to their impressive hardware specifications, the TS-432X and TS-632X are equipped with one PCIe Gen3 x4 slot, allowing for various expansion options, including network cards and M.2 cards. The pre-installed 4GB NON ECC memory can be upgraded via a DDR4 SODIMM slot, with ECC support available for enhanced reliability.

These features, combined with the versatile connectivity options and powerful processor, make the TS-432X and TS-632X excellent choices for SMBs looking to optimize their storage infrastructure and ensure efficient data management.

USB and m.2 AI Accelerator Cards for QTS Services

(Pictures Added Soon)

The QNAP QAI-M100 and QAI-U100 AI accelerators provide an affordable way to enhance image recognition capabilities on QNAP NAS devices. Featuring AI accelerator modules with 3 TOPS (Trillion Operations Per Second), these models offer USB 3.2 Gen 1 or M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 2 x1 interfaces, compatible with QTS 5.2.x and QuTS hero h5.2.x. These accelerators are designed to support lightweight QNAP AI applications, including QNAP AI Core for face and object recognition. The implementation of the QAI-M100 significantly boosts AI recognition performance, tripling the speed of tasks such as facial feature extraction on devices like the TS-464 with an Intel Celeron N5095 processor. This advancement ensures faster and more efficient processing of AI-related tasks, making it an essential upgrade for users looking to leverage AI technology on their NAS systems.

New Affordable External Network Focused Gen4 Flash NAS – The TS-h1277AFX

(Pictures Added Soon)

The QNAP TS-H1277AFX Desktop NAS is a powerful and cost-effective solution designed for high-performance storage needs. This tower NAS features 12 SATA SSD bays, making it an all-flash system ideal for environments that demand fast and reliable data access. Powered by an AMD Ryzen 7000 series processor, the TS-H1277AFX can support up to 192GB of DDR5 memory, ensuring it can handle intensive tasks and large workloads with ease. The AMD Ryzen processor offers up to 8 cores and 16 threads, with burst speeds up to 5.36GHz, providing exceptional processing power for various applications.

One of the standout features of the TS-H1277AFX is its efficient data reduction technology. The system employs inline data deduplication, which is block-based and operates before data is written to storage. This technology significantly optimizes storage usage by reducing the amount of data that needs to be stored, effectively decreasing storage capacity requirements. This makes the TS-H1277AFX not only powerful but also highly efficient in managing data, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to maximize their storage investments.

In addition to its impressive storage and processing capabilities, the TS-H1277AFX is equipped with robust connectivity options. It includes two 2.5GbE RJ45 ports and two 10GBASE-T ports, allowing for accelerated file access and sharing across networks. The NAS also features three PCIe Gen 4 slots, providing the flexibility to install additional network cards, graphics cards, or other PCIe expansion cards to enhance system functionality and application performance. With its combination of powerful hardware, efficient data management, and versatile connectivity, the TS-H1277AFX is well-suited for office environments that require high-speed, reliable storage solutions.

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Computex 2024 : Synology dévoile de nouveaux produits et services

En marge du Computex 2024, Synology lançait Synology Solution Exhibition 2024 à Taipei. Le fabricant a annoncé l’arrivée de plusieurs nouveaux produits, visant à répondre aux besoins croissants des entreprises en matière de gestion et de protection des données. Étonnamment, Synology n’a pas communiqué sur les futures versions de DSM au-delà de DSM 7.2 : DSM 7.3 ou DSM 8.0. Série GS et DP Synology a fourni peu d’information sur cette nouvelle gamme : GS. On sait que la série GS (et notamment le GS6200) proposera une plateforme de gestion et de stockage des données hautement évolutive, capable de supporter […]
Lire la suite : Computex 2024 : Synology dévoile de nouveaux produits et services

The Synology ActiveProtect – DEDICATED BACKUPS

Synology Launches a New Backup-Focused Server Solution – ActiveProtect and the DP Series

What is ActiveProtect and Why is Synology choosing 2024 to launch a completely new kind of solution into their portfolio? It’s a valid Q! I think it would be fair to say that Synology has been re-calibrating a lot of its solutions in the last few years, in an effort to aim a lot of its solutions towards business and enterprise users. This is not a bad idea! With pretty much all the big cloud players increasing their subscription costs at the business/enterprise level, as well as failing to improve their services accordingly (and don’t even get me started on download costs at scale!), ALOT of businesses have been looking at the current market offerings for in-house data storage solutions and Synology is looking remarkably well placed. Arriving at a lower cost compared with the hyper-scale and big unified storage players (Dell, Netapp, etc), yet being more user-friendly, providing a wide-ranging portfolio of tailored solutions and typically requiring less sys-admin in-house management by comparison!

However, despite Synology being the most acclaimed software solution in the NAS server market, I would still hesitate to call DSM truly ‘out the box’ and ‘idiot proof’. And THIS is what has clearly motivated Synology to develop the ActiveProtect platform and DP series of devices. Rather than the open use solutions in the Diskstation and Rackstation series with DSM, the DP series arrives with just 1 application/service – ActiveProtect, a development splinter of numerous applications and services that are currently available in DSM, but via a single portal. Promising genuinely fast 10-minute setup out the box, these solutions arrive pre-populated, pre-configured and actively ready to become the target storage for your multi platforms backups. Today I want to discuss this new series, what it IS, what it ISN’T and just who exactly ActiveProtect is aimed at.

What is Synology ActiveProtect?

The Synology ActiveProtect platform is a centralized portal for managing the entirety of your business backup services. Accessible locally over the network or remotely, ActiveProtect strips back a lot of the choices, services and customization that is available in DSM and it’s applications, instead streamlining the whole thing to just 1 service – BACKUPS! This might sounds a little basic/old-skool on the face of it, but there are plenty of businesses that desire a ‘shut up and do your job’ backup solution that balances stability, security, access and recovery. ActiveProteect is clearly targetted towards users that:

  • Just want a secure backup target for their variety of machines (bare metal and virtual)
  • Not interested in learning the complexities of network and data services
  • Want easy, yet secure access to 1 user-friendly interface that allows them to see the status of their backup routines at once

ActiveProtect merges many, many of the services of the popular Synology Active Backup Suite services, as well as many modular services that form the backend of the Synology platform, into one premier backup portal. supported services are pretty huge, with all the standard client platforms currently in the market supported (with the exception of mobile).

The ActiveProtect portal allows for a complete overview of all of these backups, providing their individual status and processes at a single glance.

Individual client machine backups can have their backup services immutable stored on the targetted DP system. This ensures that backup images where lost of egregious changes cannot be tolerated are protected from everything from accidental deletion and overwrite, to ransomware and indirect modification.

When this immutable backup rule is applied, it can be adjusted later down the line if needed. Meaning that if a select backup state of a client system needs to be kept, yet later backups are less mission-critical (creating an unchangeable and undeletable primary restore point), this can be easily arranged.

Likewise, you can manage multiple DP ActiveProtect ready systems via this single portal, allowing you to monitor their individual status, adding further nodes to this backup cluster when needed. Individual ActiveProtect client scheduled backups can be amended and/or redirected as needed.

Individually ActiveProtect-enabled client machines (virtual and bare-metal) can have a specific tailored backup protection plan applied. Beyond the immutable backup choices, there are very easy to manage retention policies (i.e how many backups are kept in history and eventually overwritten), as well as familiar scheduling options, actions in the event of a backup issue, inconsistency checks, backup destinations and more.

It is still unlear the maximum number of backup operations that can be managed by a single DP system, but I imagine they scale in conjunction with each system in the initial physical/bare-metal systems accordingly.

When creating ActiveProtect backups for your 3rd party VM services (eg VMware and HyperV), there are tailored options for connecting these to the DP System you want to host your backups on. These options include all the same choices as a bare-metal/physical client machine, but also provide a couple of extra useful options available during restoration.

Say, for example, you have a VM image backup of your VMware virtual machine and you need to restore it because you need to restore something, or because the remote hosted VM is no longer accessible. What are your options?

Well, ActiveProtect not only allows you to browse the history of your individual backups (more eon that in a bit), but it allows your to choose which platform you wish to use for restoration – with the option of using the system sown internally ‘quick deployment’ virtual machine hypervisor to deploy the VM locally on the system – this is MUCH faster than attempting to reinstate an internet service based VM and especially useful if you reasons for reinstating a backup of the VM were access related in the first place!

This ultimately means that your VM images are more just backups, but also serve as a means to reinstate access to a virtual machine client that was previously internet-only accessible. I very much doubt this is a service that is afforded to all client backups, but I can imagine that (much like the VM failover services of Active Backup), the linux based or windows OS level backups can/will be supported too for this service. Likewise, options like these allow you to TEST the strength and smoothness of client system recovery without waiting for disaster to strike, using the VM deployment as a means to test backups when needed.

Continuing with the subject of restoration, depending on the OS/platform of the backup client device, ActiveProtect also allows for individual File/Folder level access of backups and restoration of individual data pieces. This is going to be enormously useful to users that do not have the time or desire to perform an entire OS-level restoration, but instead want a specific file to a previous version and/or reinstate a file deleted in error.

An interesting additional feature of Virtual machine backups in ActiveProtect is the ability to create overarching backup rules that allow the system to act in the event of rule conflicts between backups, giving priroties as needed. You would need to be running quite a densely packed VM backup client – but one could argue that kid of scale is exactly the user that is looking at the likes of the DP7400 (with its 12x20TB of storage in RAID 6+HS).

Active Protect also provides scheduled and customizable options to apply Air Gap rules, to minimize access to the system outside of preset times and methods. Air-gapping is a data protection feature used to isolate and detach target storage from insecure networks, production environments, and host platforms. Air-gapped spaces are “blocked” by default and are inaccessible to applications, databases, users, and workloads on the fly. Air-gapped data storage only becomes accessible when the scheduled rules set for the air-gap are not in effect. In the case of ActiveProtect, you have a choice of three options. Two Physical Air Gap choices which can be applied to the connections or the entire system. These work by physically isolating/disconnecting the DP system from the network, ie deny all connection access and deactivated network interfaces (NICs) or powering the device off/on to a schedule.  Alternatively, you have the option to use Logical Air Gaps, which does not disable the NICs or power the system off/on, but blocks/denies any in coming data transmission. All this adds up to to even further protective measures that ensure your widespread client backup operations can be actioned at the most appropriate times, yet your backup systems will not be in an active/accessible state the rest of the time.

Next, I want to discuss some of the smaller (but nonetheless important) backend features of Active Protect that focus on data integrity, capacity management and scalability. Backups that are sent to the DP series of devices with ActiveProtect have integrity checks at multiple points, starting with ECC memory as standard, then aided by checksums conducted via BTRFS (a file system already supported on practically ALL Synology NAS systems) to avoid data corruption during writes, as well as the integrity of the backup image being verified upon completion of the backup at the destination DP system. As previously mentioned, the VM deployment feature then allows for virtual hosting of a backup image (very client OS-dependent I’m sure) if you need to periodically check/prepare the robustness of your backup restoration plans.

Another backend system process in ActiveProtect that will become increasingly more useful as the scale of your operation grows is how deduplication is managed by ‘AP’ on one or more DP systems that have been deployed. DeDuplication is a long established space-saving measure that keeps track of multiple client backups and, in the event the same data is found in multiple locations (eg operating system files and company files that tend to be the same across multiple client systems), the ActiveProtect service will only store 1 copy, but keep track of all the clients that need it. Deduplication is not new, so why the big deal?

Well, this Deduplication logic extends to multiple DP NAS nodes that form a larger cluster, allowing duplicated files on multiple backup systems to be further recognized on a larger destination backup. Example:

  • A company has 5x offices globally, each has 5x team members and each location has a DP3400 NAS, backing up 5x Windows 11 systems (among other things)
  • Each individual DP340 system saves space with deduplication on all the identical data that lives in each client backup. That is 25 Windows machines with deduplication in palce
  • All x5 DP3400 are backed up remotely (on a system image backup level) to a larger DP7400 rackmount system in a remote location.
  • The deduplication of the DP7400 ActiveProtect service, seeing that there is data that is the same on all 5 DP340 backup images, then actions that data reduction even further.

This is further improved and hastened by the fact that deduplication of data is conducted at the source site – which results in faster-completed backups and less bandwidth/system resource consumption too.

This means that even a single DP system running ActiveProtect has everything small business might need to conduct multi-client backups with ease.

But moreover, allows for future scalability of this operation as the business grows. So a company does not need to action a complete company-wide backup strategy if their budget and/or requirements for the system are not big enough – further spreading the cost of the operation over time considerably (ie you only buy and extend the scale of the solution when you need to).

One question I do have though is where client file/folder backups are in this software platform? I can appreciate that ActiveProtect brings pretty much all of the functionality of Active Backup Suite to an app that is effectively it’s own OS, as well as using some of the security, safety and integrity protection that are found in other areas of DSM in too. But, what about Synology Drive client functionality? Although a lot of businesses buy a Synology NAS for Active Backup, many of them also do so for Synology drive and its native file/folder access to their client devices, file streaming/pinning/versioning and cross-platform/site synchronization. As beneficial as ActiveProtect is as a dedicated widespread backup platform, I think users might be missing out on the Synology drive client functionality. I hope, when we have our chance to look closer at the ActiveProtect client app, that we find some of the features of Synology Drive integrated to some extent. There are already mentioned of the file/folder restoration of your ActiveProtect backups, so there is clearly a logical path where they could integrate the feature set of Synology Drive into AP.

Synology Drive Style Functionality?

All in all, the ActiveProtect platform (As long as it does not feature any native subscription services of course) is an exceptionally well-provisioned backup solution, and serves as a great expansion of the features set and capabilities of Synology Active Backup. 80% of these are of course available to a traditional Synology DSM NAS user with a comparable Diskstation/Rackstation system, but for those not looking to lose time to the hurdles of setup and just want simple, powerful and capable backups – ActiveProtect seemingly delivered this in spades. There is most certainly going to be a few business users who will not feature a DP solution in their main office, especially if they already have a DSM-ready NAS in place (more on that later), but as an offsite backup, THEN they will be interested! But what about the DP Series of server backup devices themselves? What do you get for your money?

What are the Synology DP Series of Devices?

NOTE – Further information on the specifications of the launch DP Series devices is still ‘pending’. This section will be updated further, as soon as I know more.

Here are the specifications we know so far:



Client Backup Scale 83.5TB
Available Storage 140TB why steal this?
Drives 10x 20TB**
Redundancy RAID 6 + Hotspre
SSD Cache x 3840GB (SAT5200)
Bays 12-Bay Rackmount why steal this?
Processor AMD EPYC 7272 12 Core
RAM 64GB DDR4 ECC why steal this?
Notes 2x SATA bays occupied with 2.5″ SSDs for caching

Only the DP7400 system seemingly confirmed it’s network connectivity, arriving with a dedicated management port and two 10G-BASET ports (and room to expand with further cards, I imagine). I am not a big fan of how the storage and caching has been approached on the DP7400. I completely understand that at this scale, this system needs ALOT of redundancy and recovery, so having both RAID 6 and a hot spare in place makes a lot of sense – especially when this system might well be the offsite backup for multiple DP/ActiveProtect systems in a larger business. However, only having 10 drives in a 12 bay, because you need two drives to be used for SATA SSDs for cache, instead of providing an NVMe Cache PCIe card in the available slot (and giving the user 2 more SATA/SAS bays of storage) would make so much more sense in the long term! Aside from SATA 4TBs costing less than an NVMe alternative + card cost, I cannot see any other reason to kit the DP7400 in this profile.

The naming conventions for the DP series of devices also elude to further releases in the ActiveProtect series of devices. Alongside the Entry level desktop and Enterprise core tiers discussed, there is an additional ‘Enterprise Edge’ product tier. There is also an additional (slightly muddled) system scale classification that is broken into the number of bays and CPU tier that highlight system hardware scales that feature the V1000 AMD embedded Ryzen processors (likely the V1500B and V1780B) and an older D-1541 Xeon processor. The last detail of not is an ‘F’ classification that indicates Flash tiers of DP devices. Synology already has a long-established Flashstation range, so we can expect the DP ‘F’ class devices to be similar profiles to the FS2500, FS3410, FS3600 and/or FS6400.


DP Product Level Bay / CPU Level Generation Reserved Drive Type
3 Tower / Entry 2 = 2 bays why steal this? 1,2,3,… Reserved N/A = HDD / Hybrid
5 Enterprise Edge why steal this? 3 = 4 bays F = All flash
7 Enterprise Core 2 = V1000 why steal this?
3 = D-1541
4 = EPYC why steal this? why steal this? why steal this?

The hardware is certainly not going to blow anyone away, in so far as it is not a big change from existing RS/SA Systems – and it is not supposed to! If I was being cynical, I would say that Synology is still trying to eak out as much as they can from their existing hardware portfolio and not introduce anything too exciting/expensive into their DP NAS series. But realistically, the above choices of these systems are hardware that the brand is very experienced with AND the DP devices resources are running ActiveProtect exclusively, so that means that they will likely run that software considerably better/broader (as in # of active clients) better than the same hardware running DSM, with a handful of apps (Active Backup, Drive, VMM, Hyper Backup, etc). My only other question is going to be the cross over between systems running DSM and the ones running ActiveProtect. Businesses are definitely going to like the idea of a system that is primed and targetted towards protected backups – but they will also lose out on Surveillance Station, Synology Drive, Mail, Chat etc – all of which are also great business on site data management tools in their own right. I cannot imagine Active Protect will release as a standalone DSM app (unless Synology Active Backup rebrands to it), so it leads to the end user having to either buy two parallel systems (one with DSM and the other with ActiveProtect, hoping they can also sync) or have to miss out. Larger-scale business and enterprise won’t mind this more modular approach (having dedicated system processes towards different systems), but this becomes less clear at the smaller business level.

When Will the Synology DP ActiveProtect Series Be Released and How Much Will it Cost?

Pricing and availability will likely be detailed further at Synology’s open-day solutions event in Taipei, taking place during the Computex 2024 event. Expect Launch to be vaguely ‘later in 2024’, but pricing is going to be a little tougher to predict. I still maintain that this range needs more storage SKUs in place if they plan on launching it pre-populated exclusively. But that also affects the pricing, in particular, solutions with the SSD cache in place (and don’t even get me started on the DP7400 and its 10x Synology HAT5310 20TBs (HAT5310-20T). I will update this article as and when I know more about the pricing and launch. What do you think of the Synology ActiveProtect DP series of devices? On the whole, I think I like them, I just want to see further integration into DSM services and existing Synology NAS ecosystems.

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