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Russian Power Companies, IT Firms, and Govt Agencies Hit by Decoy Dog Trojan

Russian organizations are at the receiving end of cyber attacks that have been found to deliver a Windows version of a malware called Decoy Dog. Cybersecurity company Positive Technologies is tracking the activity cluster under the name Operation Lahat, attributing it to an advanced persistent threat (APT) group called HellHounds. "The Hellhounds group compromises organizations they select and

Telerik Report Server Flaw Could Let Attackers Create Rogue Admin Accounts

Progress Software has rolled out updates to address a critical security flaw impacting the Telerik Report Server that could be potentially exploited by a remote attacker to bypass authentication and create rogue administrator users. The issue, tracked as CVE-2024-4358, carries a CVSS score of 9.8 out of a maximum of 10.0. "In Progress Telerik Report Server, version 2024 Q1 ( or

L’hôtellerie prise pour cible par de nouvelles campagnes de mails frauduleux

Kaspersky a découvert un nouveau stratagème frauduleux visant des gérants et du personnel du secteur de l’hôtellerie, les cybercriminels cherchant ainsi à voler des identifiants et à infecter les ordinateurs concernés avec des logiciels malveillants. Dans les mails frauduleux relevés par Kaspersky, les arnaqueurs se font passer pour d’anciens ou de potentiels clients, exploitant l’importance […]

The post L’hôtellerie prise pour cible par de nouvelles campagnes de mails frauduleux first appeared on UnderNews.

The Next Generation of RBI (Remote Browser Isolation)

The landscape of browser security has undergone significant changes over the past decade. While Browser Isolation was once considered the gold standard for protecting against browser exploits and malware downloads, it has become increasingly inadequate and insecure in today's SaaS-centric world. The limitations of Browser Isolation, such as degraded browser performance and inability to tackle

Hackers Use MS Excel Macro to Launch Multi-Stage Malware Attack in Ukraine

A new sophisticated cyber attack has been observed targeting endpoints geolocated to Ukraine with an aim to deploy Cobalt Strike and seize control of the compromised hosts. The attack chain, per Fortinet FortiGuard Labs, involves a Microsoft Excel file that carries an embedded VBA macro to initiate the infection, "The attacker uses a multi-stage malware strategy to deliver the notorious 'Cobalt

Snowflake Warns: Targeted Credential Theft Campaign Hits Cloud Customers

Cloud computing and analytics company Snowflake said a "limited number" of its customers have been singled out as part of a targeted campaign. "We have not identified evidence suggesting this activity was caused by a vulnerability, misconfiguration, or breach of Snowflake’s platform," the company said in a joint statement along with CrowdStrike and Google-owned Mandiant. "We have not identified

Meilleur Antivirus pour Mac 2024 : Lequel choisir ?

Le Mac a une image d’ordinateur à l’abri des virus. Et cette image est en partie fondée. Si les logiciels malveillants ont connu une explosion au début des années 2000, sur Windows, c’est notamment à cause de l’omniprésence de ce dernier. La part de marché de Windows est rapidement devenue massive alors que le Mac […]

The post Meilleur Antivirus pour Mac 2024 : Lequel choisir ? first appeared on UnderNews.

Attaques DDoS : l’Europe sous une pression de plus en plus accrue

Depuis 2019, seule la région EMEA a connu une augmentation continue des attaques DDoS, dépassant aujourd’hui la menace constatée en l’Amérique du Nord. Rapport Akamai – Akamai Technologies, Inc., l’entreprise du cloud qui soutient et protège la vie en ligne, a publié aujourd’hui un nouveau rapport sur l’État  d’Internet, révélant que les attaques DDoS augmentent […]

The post Attaques DDoS : l’Europe sous une pression de plus en plus accrue first appeared on UnderNews.

DarkGate Malware Replaces AutoIt with AutoHotkey in Latest Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks involving the DarkGate malware-as-a-service (MaaS) operation have shifted away from AutoIt scripts to an AutoHotkey mechanism to deliver the last stages, underscoring continued efforts on the part of the threat actors to continuously stay ahead of the detection curve. The updates have been observed in version 6 of DarkGate released in March 2024 by its developer RastaFarEye, who

OpenText Cybersecurity dévoile son rapport 2024 sur les menaces émergentes et la résilience cybernétique

L’année 2024 apporte de nouveaux défis pour les entreprises de toutes tailles et les cybermenaces ne cessent d’évoluer. En 2023 OpenText Cybersecurity a observé 824 000 tentatives d’attaques dont 76 % sur des ordinateurs à usage professionnel. Le dernier rapport Threat Report 2024 d’OpenText Cybersecurity met en lumière les principales préoccupations et les recommandations essentielles […]

The post OpenText Cybersecurity dévoile son rapport 2024 sur les menaces émergentes et la résilience cybernétique first appeared on UnderNews.