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Docker Desktop for Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2)

Docker Desktop provides a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for developing, building, testing, and running containerized applications on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Docker Desktop 4.30 introduces an experimental phase to simplify the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) configuration by reducing the previously required two Docker Desktop WSL distributions (docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data) into one, aiming to improve startup time and simplify the codebase.

Containerize any app with Docker Init

Docker Desktop 4.18 introduced Docker Init, a helpful command to streamline the initial setup process of containerizing your applications. It lets you generate the necessary Docker assets by simply answering a few questions, saving you precious time and effort.

New features in Proxmox 8.2

Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) 8.2 includes new functionalities such as an automated installation tool for more straightforward setup on bare-metal servers, a migration wizard for VMware ESXi virtual machines, and a switch to an nftables-based firewall for enhanced security. It also introduces LXC device passthrough for containerized workloads and advanced backup settings to optimize resource utilization during backups. These updates are part of a broader release that updates core technologies and system components.

New features in Podman 5.0

In a previous post, I covered Podman Desktop, an alternative to Docker Desktop. Today, I will look into Podman 5.0, the latest iteration of Red Hat's free open-source container engine. The new release brings significant enhancements, including revamped container engine code for Windows and macOS, native Apple Hypervisor support, and streamlined image building for Podman farms. Let's explore the new Podman 5.0 features and improvements.

Podman Desktop, an alternative to Docker Desktop

Containers have revolutionized how we develop and deploy applications. However, managing them on your desktop can be a hassle. Podman Desktop is a free and open-source tool that lets you manage containers and Pods using a graphical user interface. In this post, you will learn how to get started with Podman Desktop.

New features in Docker Desktop 4.28

Docker Desktop is designed for developers working on macOS and Windows. It offers a user-friendly interface for running Docker containers. It uses a lightweight virtual machine (VM) with a Linux kernel in the background so that you can run Linux containers on non-Linux systems. Docker Desktop does a great job hiding all the aspects of the VM under the hood so that Docker containers appear to be running natively on your host computer. Docker Desktop received an update a few days ago, and in this post, we will discuss what's new in Docker Desktop 4.28.

Convert certificate format with OpenSSL

OpenSSL is an open-source library and a command-line tool that helps admins and developers perform various cryptographic tasks, such as generating key pairs, certificate signing requests (CSR), verifying certificates, encrypting and decrypting data, identifying certificate information, verifying file integrity and much more. In this post, you will learn how to convert TLS certificates into different formats with OpenSSL.