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Create an S3 bucket in AWS with OpenTofu

14 mai 2024 à 17:02
OpenTofu, a Terraform fork, is an open-source infrastructure as code software solution that allows you to define and manage the complete infrastructure lifecycle using the HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). In this post, I'll walk you through the steps to create an S3 bucket in AWS using OpenTofu.

OpenTofu example (Terraform fork): Create an EC2 instance in AWS

15 avril 2024 à 10:30
HashiCorp changed Terraform's license from open source to Business-Source License (BSL). Soon after, the open-source fork OpenTofu became available. OpenTofu is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and manage your infrastructure in configuration files. In this post, I demonstrate with a practical example how to create an EC2 instance in AWS with OpenTofu.

Gather system information with Ansible Facts

22 mars 2024 à 13:37
Ansible Facts are essential system information gathered from remote hosts during playbook execution. This information is crucial for making informed decisions before executing any actions. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to use Ansible Facts to retrieve system information and make deployment decisions using the when conditional statement.

Ansible conditionals and loops

11 mars 2024 à 10:24
An Ansible loop allows you to repeat a task or a set of tasks multiple times with different values, reducing code duplication and making playbooks more concise and maintainable. Instead of writing the same task multiple times with slight variations, you can use loops to iterate over a list of items and perform the task(s) accordingly. A conditional controls the flow of tasks based on specific conditions or criteria within playbooks. Sometimes, you must install software only on specific operating systems or if certain dependencies are met. Conditionals allow you to control the execution of tasks based on these conditions, ensuring your playbooks adapt to different environments and avoid unnecessary actions. In this tutorial, I will provide simple examples of using loops and conditionals in Ansible.

A simple Ansible roles example

26 février 2024 à 14:08
If you want to deploy a web server like Apache or Nginx with Ansible, you can create a playbook outlining the installation and configuration steps. This approach works well for a single web server but can become repetitive and time-consuming if you need to deploy many servers. To streamline the process, you can use Ansible roles to avoid duplicating tasks and make deployment more efficient. To introduce the concept, this post provides a simple example of using Ansible roles.