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LM Studio: Run a local AI on your desktop or server

Par : Evi Vanoost
30 janvier 2024 à 12:11
LM Studio is a free tool that allows you to run an AI on your desktop using locally installed open-source Large Language Models (LLMs). It features a browser to search and download LLMs from Hugging Face, an in-app Chat UI, and a runtime for a local server compatible with the OpenAI API. You can use this server to set up a development environment before deploying a more extensive LLM system or even run your ChatGPT clone without sharing your corporate data with third parties.

Tuning Ceph performance

Par : Evi Vanoost
2 février 2024 à 10:08
Tuning Ceph performance is crucial to ensure that your Ceph storage cluster operates efficiently and meets the specific requirements of your workload. As Ceph installations, both in software and hardware, are upgraded or as your workload changes, the default tunables that were optimal at one time may now be obsolete or counterproductive.

ShellGPT: An AI assistant for the command line

Par : Evi Vanoost
15 mars 2024 à 10:30
ShellGPT is an AI tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux that integrates OpenAI's GPT with standard command-line interfaces such as PowerShell, CMD, Bash, and Zsh. The AI integrated into your shell can generate shell commands and code snippets directly from the command line. In this guide, I'll walk you through installing ShellGPT, explain how you can use the tool with a local installation of LM Studio, and give examples of how to use ShellGPT.

Enable Windows Remote Management (WinRM) for Ansible

Par : Evi Vanoost
19 mars 2024 à 13:03
By default, Ansible uses SSH on Linux machines. Although Windows supports an OpenSSH server, this method is not entirely functional with orchestration tools like Ansible. To enable remote command execution, Ansible uses Windows Remote Management (WinRM) on Windows.

Critical alert: SSH and XZ vulnerability (CVE-2024-3094) – Testing and remediation

Par : Evi Vanoost
1 avril 2024 à 13:24
A severe vulnerability (CVE-2024-3094) has been discovered in XZ Utils (5.6.0 or 5.6.1), a commonly used compression format. The vulnerability allows attackers to gain root access through SSH. XZ Utils is used in many Linux distributions; it is also available for Windows and has been incorporated into many other programs. Attackers can install programs, manipulate data, or create new accounts with full root privileges. While there are no reports of exploits in the wild, the potential impact is profound, and most Linux distributions have issued warnings. In this post, you will learn how to determine if your systems are affected and what to do if they are.