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Hier — 26 juin 2024The Hacker News

New MOVEit Transfer Vulnerability Under Active Exploitation - Patch ASAP!

A newly disclosed critical security flaw impacting Progress Software MOVEit Transfer is already seeing exploitation attempts in the wild shortly after details of the bug were publicly disclosed. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-5806 (CVSS score: 9.1), concerns an authentication bypass that impacts the following versions - From 2023.0.0 before 2023.0.11 From 2023.1.0 before 2023.1.6, and&

Chinese and N. Korean Hackers Target Global Infrastructure with Ransomware

Threat actors with suspected ties to China and North Korea have been linked to ransomware and data encryption attacks targeting government and critical infrastructure sectors across the world between 2021 and 2023. While one cluster of activity has been associated with the ChamelGang (aka CamoFei), the second cluster overlaps with activity previously attributed to Chinese and North Korean

Practical Guidance For Securing Your Software Supply Chain

The heightened regulatory and legal pressure on software-producing organizations to secure their supply chains and ensure the integrity of their software should come as no surprise. In the last several years, the software supply chain has become an increasingly attractive target for attackers who see opportunities to force-multiply their attacks by orders of magnitude. For example, look no

Apple Patches AirPods Bluetooth Vulnerability That Could Allow Eavesdropping

Apple has released a firmware update for AirPods that could allow a malicious actor to gain access to the headphones in an unauthorized manner. Tracked as CVE-2024-27867, the authentication issue affects AirPods (2nd generation and later), AirPods Pro (all models), AirPods Max, Powerbeats Pro, and Beats Fit Pro. "When your headphones are seeking a connection request to one of your previously

New Credit Card Skimmer Targets WordPress, Magento, and OpenCart Sites

Multiple content management system (CMS) platforms like WordPress, Magento, and OpenCart have been targeted by a new credit card web skimmer called Caesar Cipher Skimmer. A web skimmer refers to malware that is injected into e-commerce sites with the goal of stealing financial and payment information.  According to Sucuri, the latest campaign entails making malicious modifications to the

New Medusa Android Trojan Targets Banking Users Across 7 Countries

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an updated version of an Android banking trojan called Medusa that has been used to target users in Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the U.K., and the U.S. The new fraud campaigns, observed in May 2024 and active since July 2023, manifested through five different botnets operated by various affiliates, cybersecurity firm Cleafy said in an analysis

Over 110,000 Websites Affected by Hijacked Polyfill Supply Chain Attack

Google has taken steps to block ads for e-commerce sites that use the service after a Chinese company acquired the domain and modified the JavaScript library ("polyfill.js") to redirect users to malicious and scam sites. More than 110,000 sites that embed the library are impacted by the supply chain attack, Sansec said in a Tuesday report. Polyfill is a popular library that

À partir d’avant-hierThe Hacker News

New Attack Technique Exploits Microsoft Management Console Files

Threat actors are exploiting a novel attack technique in the wild that leverages specially crafted management saved console (MSC) files to gain full code execution using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and evade security defenses. Elastic Security Labs has codenamed the approach GrimResource after identifying an artifact ("sccm-updater.msc") that was uploaded to the VirusTotal malware

New Cyberthreat 'Boolka' Deploying BMANAGER Trojan via SQLi Attacks

A previously undocumented threat actor dubbed Boolka has been observed compromising websites with malicious scripts to deliver a modular trojan codenamed BMANAGER. "The threat actor behind this campaign has been carrying out opportunistic SQL injection attacks against websites in various countries since at least 2022," Group-IB researchers Rustam Mirkasymov and Martijn van den Berk said in a

How to Cut Costs with a Browser Security Platform

Browser security is becoming increasingly popular, as organizations understand the need to protect at the point of risk - the browser. Network and endpoint solutions are limited in their ability to protect from web-borne threats like phishing websites or malicious browser extensions. They also do not protect from internal data exfiltration, like employees pasting sensitive data to ChatGPT. As it

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Released from U.K. Prison, Heads to Australia

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed in the U.K. and has departed the country after serving more than five years in a maximum security prison at Belmarsh for what was described by the U.S. government as the "largest compromises of classified information" in its history. Capping off a 14-year legal saga, Assange, 52, pleaded guilty to one criminal count of conspiring to obtain and

4 FIN9-linked Vietnamese Hackers Indicted in $71M U.S. Cybercrime Spree

Four Vietnamese nationals with ties to the FIN9 cybercrime group have been indicted in the U.S. for their involvement in a series of computer intrusions that caused over $71 million in losses to companies. The defendants, Ta Van Tai (aka Quynh Hoa and Bich Thuy), Nguyen Viet Quoc (aka Tien Nguyen), Nguyen Trang Xuyen, and Nguyen Van Truong (aka Chung Nguyen), have been accused of conducting

Multiple WordPress Plugins Compromised: Hackers Create Rogue Admin Accounts

Multiple WordPress plugins have been backdoored to inject malicious code that makes it possible to create rogue administrator accounts with the aim of performing arbitrary actions. "The injected malware attempts to create a new administrative user account and then sends those details back to the attacker-controlled server," Wordfence security researcher Chloe Chamberland said in a Monday alert.

Google Introduces Project Naptime for AI-Powered Vulnerability Research

Google has developed a new framework called Project Naptime that it says enables a large language model (LLM) to carry out vulnerability research with an aim to improve automated discovery approaches. "The Naptime architecture is centered around the interaction between an AI agent and a target codebase," Google Project Zero researchers Sergei Glazunov and Mark Brand said. "The agent is provided

Critical RCE Vulnerability Discovered in Ollama AI Infrastructure Tool

Cybersecurity researchers have detailed a now-patched security flaw affecting the Ollama open-source artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure platform that could be exploited to achieve remote code execution. Tracked as CVE-2024-37032, the vulnerability has been codenamed Probllama by cloud security firm Wiz. Following responsible disclosure on May 5, 2024, the issue was addressed in version

Ease the Burden with AI-Driven Threat Intelligence Reporting

Learn about critical threats that can impact your organization and the bad actors behind them from Cybersixgill’s threat experts. Each story shines a light on underground activities, the threat actors involved, and why you should care, along with what you can do to mitigate risk.  Cybersecurity professionals are facing unprecedented challenges as they strive to manage increasing workloads

RedJuliett Cyber Espionage Campaign Hits 75 Taiwanese Organizations

A likely China-linked state-sponsored threat actor has been linked to a cyber espionage campaign targeting government, academic, technology, and diplomatic organizations in Taiwan between November 2023 and April 2024. Recorded Future's Insikt Group is tracking the activity under the name RedJuliett, describing it as a cluster that operates from Fuzhou, China, to support Beijing's intelligence

Multiple Threat Actors Deploying Open-Source Rafel RAT to Target Android Devices

Multiple threat actors, including cyber espionage groups, are employing an open-source Android remote administration tool called Rafel RAT to meet their operational objectives by masquerading it as Instagram, WhatsApp, and various e-commerce and antivirus apps. "It provides malicious actors with a powerful toolkit for remote administration and control, enabling a range of malicious activities

ExCobalt Cyber Gang Targets Russian Sectors with New GoRed Backdoor

Russian organizations have been targeted by a cybercrime gang called ExCobalt using a previously unknown Golang-based backdoor known as GoRed. "ExCobalt focuses on cyber espionage and includes several members active since at least 2016 and presumably once part of the notorious Cobalt Gang," Positive Technologies researchers Vladislav Lunin and Alexander Badayev said in a technical report
