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Tool Overload: Why MSPs Are Still Drowning with Countless Cybersecurity Tools in 2024

Highlights Complex Tool Landscape: Explore the wide array of cybersecurity tools used by MSPs, highlighting the common challenge of managing multiple systems that may overlap in functionality but lack integration.Top Cybersecurity Challenges: Discuss the main challenges MSPs face, including integration issues, limited visibility across systems, and the high cost and complexity of maintaining

Chinese Cyber Espionage Targets Telecom Operators in Asia Since 2021

Cyber espionage groups associated with China have been linked to a long-running campaign that has infiltrated several telecom operators located in a single Asian country at least since 2021. "The attackers placed backdoors on the networks of targeted companies and also attempted to steal credentials," the Symantec Threat Hunter Team, part of Broadcom, said in a report shared with The Hacker News

New Rust-based Fickle Malware Uses PowerShell for UAC Bypass and Data Exfiltration

A new Rust-based information stealer malware called Fickle Stealer has been observed being delivered via multiple attack chains with the goal of harvesting sensitive information from compromised hosts. Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said it's aware of four different distribution methods -- namely VBA dropper, VBA downloader, link downloader, and executable downloader -- with some of them using a

Experts Uncover New Evasive SquidLoader Malware Targeting Chinese Organizations

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new evasive malware loader named SquidLoader that spreads via phishing campaigns targeting Chinese organizations. AT&T LevelBlue Labs, which first observed the malware in late April 2024, said it incorporates features that are designed to thwart static and dynamic analysis and ultimately evade detection. Attack chains leverage phishing emails that

Kraken Crypto Exchange Hit by $3 Million Theft Exploiting Zero-Day Flaw

Crypto exchange Kraken revealed that an unnamed security researcher exploited an "extremely critical" zero-day flaw in its platform to steal $3 million in digital assets and refused to return them. Details of the incident were shared by Kraken's Chief Security Officer, Nick Percoco, on X (formerly Twitter), stating it received a Bug Bounty program alert from the researcher about a bug that "

UNC3886 Uses Fortinet, VMware 0-Days and Stealth Tactics in Long-Term Spying

The China-nexus cyber espionage actor linked to the zero-day exploitation of security flaws in Fortinet, Ivanti, and VMware devices has been observed utilizing multiple persistence mechanisms in order to maintain unfettered access to compromised environments. "Persistence mechanisms encompassed network devices, hypervisors, and virtual machines, ensuring alternative channels remain available

New Case Study: Unmanaged GTM Tags Become a Security Nightmare

Are your tags really safe with Google Tag Manager? If you've been thinking that using GTM means that your tracking tags and pixels are safely managed, then it might be time to think again. In this article we look at how a big-ticket seller that does business on every continent came unstuck when it forgot that you can’t afford to allow tags to go unmanaged or become misconfigured.  Read the

New Threat Actor 'Void Arachne' Targets Chinese Users with Malicious VPN Installers

Chinese-speaking users are the target of a never-before-seen threat activity cluster codenamed Void Arachne that employs malicious Windows Installer (MSI) files for virtual private networks (VPNs) to deliver a command-and-control (C&C) framework called Winos 4.0. "The campaign also promotes compromised MSI files embedded with nudifiers and deepfake pornography-generating software, as well as

Warning: Markopolo's Scam Targeting Crypto Users via Fake Meeting Software

A threat actor who goes by alias markopolo has been identified as behind a large-scale cross-platform scam that targets digital currency users on social media with information stealer malware and carries out cryptocurrency theft. The attack chains involve the use of a purported virtual meeting software named Vortax (and 23 other apps) that are used as a conduit to deliver Rhadamanthys, StealC,

Il suffit d’une minute pour craquer un mot de passe

Une étude réalisée par les experts de Kaspersky révèle que près de la moitié des mots de passe peuvent être devinés par les cybercriminels en moins d’une minute. Les conclusions du rapport, passant au crible 193 millions de mots de passe mis à disposition sur le Dark Web, piratés par des infostealers, par force brute, […]

The post Il suffit d’une minute pour craquer un mot de passe first appeared on UnderNews.

Ces 3 arnaques en ligne peuvent transformer vos vacances d’été en cauchemar [Sponso]

Cet article a été réalisé en collaboration avec Bitdefender

L'adage est connu : ni les escrocs ni les hackers ne prennent de congés. L’été, ils redoublent même d’efforts et d’imagination pour dérober votre argent ou vos données. Voici donc quelques astuces pour réserver ses vacances en toute sécurité et partir l’esprit serein.

Cet article a été réalisé en collaboration avec Bitdefender

Il s’agit d’un contenu créé par des rédacteurs indépendants au sein de l’entité Humanoid xp. L’équipe éditoriale de Numerama n’a pas participé à sa création. Nous nous engageons auprès de nos lecteurs pour que ces contenus soient intéressants, qualitatifs et correspondent à leurs intérêts.

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Mailcow Mail Server Flaws Expose Servers to Remote Code Execution

Two security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the Mailcow open-source mail server suite that could be exploited by malicious actors to achieve arbitrary code execution on susceptible instances. Both shortcomings impact all versions of the software prior to version 2024-04, which was released on April 4, 2024. The issues were responsibly disclosed by SonarSource on March 22, 2024. The flaws

Signal Foundation Warns Against EU's Plan to Scan Private Messages for CSAM

A controversial proposal put forth by the European Union to scan users' private messages for detection of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) poses severe risks to end-to-end encryption (E2EE), warned Meredith Whittaker, president of the Signal Foundation, which maintains the privacy-focused messaging service of the same name. "Mandating mass scanning of private communications fundamentally
